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Obama's Legacy: richest got richer and poorest got poorer faster than under Bush/Republicans

As I said in another thread...............everything going on today, are OBAMA POLICIES.


Because when Obama got elected, Democrats controlled ALL the levers of power, Presidency, House, and Senate. It is how we got the ACA. They could have done ANYTHING they wanted, change tax rates, absolutely ANYTHING, short of messing with entitlements. Obama could have passed IMMIGRATION reform, closed GITMO, whatever he/you/Democrats desired. He did NOT!

Therefore, these policies that you seem to dislike, are now OBAMA POLICIES because he allowed them to stay in force when he could have done whatever he and the Democrats wanted.

What are the outside Republicans saying running for President? (paraphrasing) On the 1st day, we will revoke ANY executive order put in by Obama. We will REPEAL the ACA. All of the regulations put in will be SUSPENDED until Congress gives them a thumbs up, or down!

You see lefties, that is HOW you do it. Don't blame us because Barry (AKA, the messiah, praise be his name) liked the rates he seen, or was to lazy (shocking, lazy?!?!?! Oh yes, probably out playing golf) to do anything about it. And so.........it is no longer BUSH, REAGAN, or BUSH 1, it is all Obama because he FAILED to do anything when he could have virtually done ANYTHING he wanted.

Trust us when we say, that if a Conservative is elected in 16, they will not do the same thing. Obuma policies and regulations will be removed, almost instantly-) And oh yes, they CAN be. Why? Because MOST of them were not created laws, they were created from EXECUTIVE orders, and un-elected officials in control of departments.

If a conservative is elected, you will find that the inbred Washington levers are going to be dismantled, so that when you do win again, which your surely will, the apparatus you will be in control of will be much, much, smaller, and once the states get some of their power back, you libs will NEVER get it back in Washington again.

You are wrong because the Dems didn't have a 60 to 40 filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Plus The Blue Dogs from red states might just as well be Republicans on many issues. You don't know how the Federal Government works.
As I said in another thread...............everything going on today, are OBAMA POLICIES.


Because when Obama got elected, Democrats controlled ALL the levers of power, Presidency, House, and Senate. It is how we got the ACA. They could have done ANYTHING they wanted, change tax rates, absolutely ANYTHING, short of messing with entitlements. Obama could have passed IMMIGRATION reform, closed GITMO, whatever he/you/Democrats desired. He did NOT!

Therefore, these policies that you seem to dislike, are now OBAMA POLICIES because he allowed them to stay in force when he could have done whatever he and the Democrats wanted.

What are the outside Republicans saying running for President? (paraphrasing) On the 1st day, we will revoke ANY executive order put in by Obama. We will REPEAL the ACA. All of the regulations put in will be SUSPENDED until Congress gives them a thumbs up, or down!

You see lefties, that is HOW you do it. Don't blame us because Barry (AKA, the messiah, praise be his name) liked the rates he seen, or was to lazy (shocking, lazy?!?!?! Oh yes, probably out playing golf) to do anything about it. And so.........it is no longer BUSH, REAGAN, or BUSH 1, it is all Obama because he FAILED to do anything when he could have virtually done ANYTHING he wanted.

Trust us when we say, that if a Conservative is elected in 16, they will not do the same thing. Obuma policies and regulations will be removed, almost instantly-) And oh yes, they CAN be. Why? Because MOST of them were not created laws, they were created from EXECUTIVE orders, and un-elected officials in control of departments.

If a conservative is elected, you will find that the inbred Washington levers are going to be dismantled, so that when you do win again, which your surely will, the apparatus you will be in control of will be much, much, smaller, and once the states get some of their power back, you libs will NEVER get it back in Washington again.

You are wrong because the Dems didn't have a 60 to 40 filibuster proof majority in the Senate. Plus The Blue Dogs from red states might just as well be Republicans on many issues. You don't know how the Federal Government works.

You are the fool, because explain to the nice people here what Harry Reid did to get the ACA passed? (hint:how did he cut out the new senator from voting?) Also, explain to the nice people what the "nuclear option" was. I am sure you know.

Also, tell all of these nice people how many DEMOCRATIC senators voted against the ACA? How many voted against ANY legislation Obama has brought forth? How many voted against the Iran deal?

Do you know that Barry has only VETOED 4 bills? Why sounds to me like he is getting everything he wants on his desk, and absolutely NOTHING he does not want to show up there too, lol.

Would you like me to post legislation that was passed when the Democrats controlled all 3? How many do you think were defeated, and defeated by repubs and dems combined? I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st 2 do not count, lol.

My summation was 100% correct. This whole thing is on Obama, totally Obama and the Dems, and all your wriggling around like a tadpole isn't going to get him/them, off the proverbial hook-)
Budget deficits have declined thanks to a Republican led Congress:

View attachment 54432

Congress are those nice people that spend our money and create laws. Presidents preside.

Clinton's success hinged on the tech bubble which much like the housing bubble, eventually burst at the end of his second term. Clinton also heeded the advice of Newt Gingrich and lowered the capital gains taxes which is when the economy took off.

Republicans want to spend more on military and give tax breaks to the richest. That will never lower deficits.

So when was the last time Republicans gave a tax break to the richest?

Republicans dropped it from 70% to 50% in 1981
Then from 50% to 30% in 1987

40% drop in six years

Okay, so the last time they dropped the tax rate for the wealthy was nearly 30 years ago. So what's with all this stuff that the Republicans are constantly giving the wealthy tax breaks?

They have been getting that tax break every year for the last 30 years

All in the name of trickle down prosperity. Give the "job creators" more money and wealth and prosperity will trickle down for all. For some reason, they just kept the money....who could have expected that?

So you would rather have no jobs?

Unfortunately many still have not learned that unskilled labor is just about worthless in our modern economy. True, years ago before robotics and automation were economical and practical, people did make more money because you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

However if you do work for a company that makes all these insane profits that you speak of, then the solution is simple: invest in your own company. That's right, be more than just a worker, be a part-owner as well. Make those insane profits right along with your employer.

I love solving these simple problems.
imawhosure 12792719
This whole thing is on Obama, totally Obama and the Dems ...

What whole thing is on Obama? Of course the ACA is on Obama. It's good for the country. Of course getting unemployment below 6% twice as fast as Romney needed to do it is on Obama.

Remember this?

Romney Said It Would Take Him 4 Years for 6% Unemployment, Took Obama Only 2 Years

You should appreciate that Obama has had six years of positive job growth and we didn't have to two extra years for a Republican President to get unemployment back to pre-Bush recession levels.

That's on Obama and that's just fine.


if we've had so much "positive job growth" why are there 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps going into obama's EIGHTH YEAR then there were when Bush left office leftard???
if we've had so much "positive job growth" why are there 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps going into obama's EIGHTH YEAR then there were when Bush left office leftard???

What's with the "if". Do you not accept that reality? The economic crisis did not end just because Bush wrecked the economy and left office.

What you don't know is how many would be on food stamps if McCain:palin had won. We know by what Romney said about unemployment it would be worse if he and Ryan were elected.
if we've had so much "positive job growth" why are there 13 MILLION MORE on food stamps going into obama's EIGHTH YEAR then there were when Bush left office leftard???

What's with the "if". Do you not accept that reality? The economic crisis did not end just because Bush wrecked the economy and left office.

What you don't know is how many would be on food stamps if McCain:palin had won. We know by what Romney said about unemployment it would be worse if he and Ryan were elected.

The end of Commie Care would have inspired businesses to hire alone. That would have been a huge burden off the shoulders of our job creators and new businesses.
The end of Commie Care would have inspired businesses to hire alone. That would have been a huge burden off the shoulders of our job creators and new businesses.

That is just unsubstantiated partisan speculation. It's too early to have accurate data on the overall direct effect of the ACA on hiring and wage growth. Here is some hard data that we do have however:

Suppressed wages & growth of fed debt started decades before Obama

Pres. Reagan - cut income tax & raised Social Security tax 1981-88:

* Fed debt increased 161%

* Non-Social Security revenue increased 38%

* Social Security revenue increased 83%

* Middle-class & low income SS tax became a larger share of fed budget

* America became a debtor nation for the 1st time

Pres. GW Bush - 1st pres. to cut income tax in time of active war & borrowed money to do it 2001-2008:

* Fed debt increased 73%

* Non-Social Security revenue increased 25%

* Social Security revenue increased 30%

* Deficit (from +128,236 to -458.555) increased 457%

From 1979-2007 (Reagan & GW. Bush) after-tax household income changed per Cong. Budget Office:

* Top 1% income increased from 8% to 17%

* Top 20% income increased from 43% to 53%

* Middle 60% income down 2-3%

* Lowest 20% income down from 7% to 5%

Fed debt & revenue data from fed budget historical tables

Tax data from CBO

Percentages rounded

Global Turmoil Saps U.S. Job Growth

This WSJ report last month blamed global turmoil on weak job growth in manufacturing. It's not known at this time that the rate of recovery is impacted by the ACA. You have jumped to an early conclusion that is anecdotal at best from people inclined to oppose President Obama about anything. That's not science.
Why you equate wars with tax cuts is beyond me. They were two separate issues. We had this attack on our country and an economy that was going into the tank. Bush addressed those situations separately and not together as you think.

This is an excellent report published in real time as Bush43 contemplated starting a major war in Iraq in July 2002 when the economy was in a post 9/11 recession.

There is a connection between the war in Iraq and the economy that you should quit denying exists.

Profound Effect on U.S. Economy Is Seen From a War Against Iraq
Published: July 30, 2002

Profound Effect on U.S. Economy Is Seen From a War Against Iraq

Some excerpts:

. WASHINGTON, July 29— An American attack on Iraq could profoundly affect the American economy, because the United States would have to pay most of the cost and bear the brunt of any oil price shock or other market disruptions, government officials, diplomats and economists say.

We know that an oil price spike contributed to recession after the first gulf war:

. Eleven years ago, the Persian Gulf war, fought to roll back Iraq's invasion of Kuwait, cost the United States and its allies $60 billion and helped set off an economic recession caused in part by a spike in oil prices.

There is a link between starting a costly war and the economy and deficits.

If consumer and investor confidence remains fragile, military action could have substantial psychological effects on the financial markets, retail spending, business investment, travel and other key elements of the economy, officials and experts said.

If oil supplies are disrupted, as they were during the 1991 gulf war, and prices rise sharply, the economic effects would be felt in the United States and around the world.

Bush was oblivious about the economic impact of what he was scheming to do in Iraq:

''When weapons start going off in the Middle East, markets generally go down, gold prices go up, and oil prices shoot to the moon,'' he added, ''and I expect that this is the short-run pattern that we can reasonably anticipate.''

Bush increased the cost of oil $5 to $10 a barrel while scheming to start major war by rapidly adding to the SDP.

Last Nov. 13, a month after the United States began bombing Afghanistan to dislodge the Taliban and Al Qaeda, the president's advisers debated whether Iraq should be the focus of phase two of the campaign against terrorism. Mr. Bush directed Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham to add more than 100 million barrels to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

Since Jan. 1, oil shipments into the reserve have reached record levels, about 150,000 barrels a day. One oil strategist in London noted that United States government acquisitions for the reserve were accounting for more than half of the growth in demand for oil this year.

A rapid ten dollar increase in the cost of oil has a detrimental effect on the world economy but Bush was secretly obsessed with removing SH from power whether there ultimately was a reason to do it or not.

There was no reason to do it in July 2002 as proven by the fact that Bush went to the UN and agreed to let them handle the threat and leave SH in power if he let the inspectors back in - so it was obvious to anyone with a functioning mind that Iraq was even less a threat in March 2003 with 200 UN inspectors on the ground and troops and ships poised to attack if SH did anything to defy UN Res 1441.

No Ray, the Iraq invasion and its quagmire and tax cuts and the Great Bush Recession of 2007-2009 are separate but intrinsically related issues. And you are miserably wrong to suggest there is no relationship.
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Republicans want to spend more on military and give tax breaks to the richest. That will never lower deficits.

So when was the last time Republicans gave a tax break to the richest?

Republicans dropped it from 70% to 50% in 1981
Then from 50% to 30% in 1987

40% drop in six years

Okay, so the last time they dropped the tax rate for the wealthy was nearly 30 years ago. So what's with all this stuff that the Republicans are constantly giving the wealthy tax breaks?

They have been getting that tax break every year for the last 30 years

All in the name of trickle down prosperity. Give the "job creators" more money and wealth and prosperity will trickle down for all. For some reason, they just kept the money....who could have expected that?

So you would rather have no jobs?

Unfortunately many still have not learned that unskilled labor is just about worthless in our modern economy. True, years ago before robotics and automation were economical and practical, people did make more money because you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

However if you do work for a company that makes all these insane profits that you speak of, then the solution is simple: invest in your own company. That's right, be more than just a worker, be a part-owner as well. Make those insane profits right along with your employer.

I love solving these simple problems.

Once again you argue on the extremes. How do we get from paying higher wages to there being no jobs?
Then you move to another extreme assuming all workers are unskilled. It is not just unskilled workers who have seen their wages frozen, in runs right up the ladder

Employees have invested in their companies. When the Great Bush Recession hit, millions were fired. Those who remained were told, times are tough, you had better pick up the slack or you will be gone too
Once the economy recovered, the executives reaped the benefit while workers were expected to retain the same conditions
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So when was the last time Republicans gave a tax break to the richest?

Republicans dropped it from 70% to 50% in 1981
Then from 50% to 30% in 1987

40% drop in six years

Okay, so the last time they dropped the tax rate for the wealthy was nearly 30 years ago. So what's with all this stuff that the Republicans are constantly giving the wealthy tax breaks?

They have been getting that tax break every year for the last 30 years

All in the name of trickle down prosperity. Give the "job creators" more money and wealth and prosperity will trickle down for all. For some reason, they just kept the money....who could have expected that?

So you would rather have no jobs?

Unfortunately many still have not learned that unskilled labor is just about worthless in our modern economy. True, years ago before robotics and automation were economical and practical, people did make more money because you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

However if you do work for a company that makes all these insane profits that you speak of, then the solution is simple: invest in your own company. That's right, be more than just a worker, be a part-owner as well. Make those insane profits right along with your employer.

I love solving these simple problems.

Once again you argue on the extremes. How do we get from paying higher wages to their being no jobs?
Then you move to another extreme assuming all workers are unskilled. It is not just unskilled workers who have seen their wages frozen, in runs right up the ladder

Employees have invested in their companies. When the Great Bush Recession hit, millions were fired. Those who remained were told, times are tough, you had better pick up the slack or you will be gone too
Once the economy recovered, the executives reaped the benefit while workers were expected to retain the same conditions

Repubs use the extreme scare tactics. Oh course nothing supports their claims.
Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Mostly it is the blame of the job creators. They are the ones we have entrusted the economy. They are the ones who make the decisions on wages and benefits

Seems they have not been doing a very good job.....why does our government keep rewarding them with record low tax rates?
Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Mostly it is the blame of the job creators. They are the ones we have entrusted the economy. They are the ones who make the decisions on wages and benefits

Seems they have not been doing a very good job.....why does our government keep rewarding them with record low tax rates?

Most of them have been deciding to send jobs to other countries or import workers from other countries.
Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Mostly it is the blame of the job creators. They are the ones we have entrusted the economy. They are the ones who make the decisions on wages and benefits

Seems they have not been doing a very good job.....why does our government keep rewarding them with record low tax rates?
Can't seem to find politicians brave enough to end the capital gains distinction whenever firms list unfilled job openings for more than a quarter.
Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Mostly it is the blame of the job creators. They are the ones we have entrusted the economy. They are the ones who make the decisions on wages and benefits

Seems they have not been doing a very good job.....why does our government keep rewarding them with record low tax rates?

Most of them have been deciding to send jobs to other countries or import workers from other countries.

That is why I support tax breaks for job creators

Expand, hire people over the year and you get a nice tax break
Fire people, send jobs overseas and you pay more in taxes

Let those who are slashing jobs pay for the tax breaks for those who are hiring
Why are the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer?

Mostly it is the blame of the job creators. They are the ones we have entrusted the economy. They are the ones who make the decisions on wages and benefits

Seems they have not been doing a very good job.....why does our government keep rewarding them with record low tax rates?

Most of them have been deciding to send jobs to other countries or import workers from other countries.

That is why I support tax breaks for job creators

Expand, hire people over the year and you get a nice tax break
Fire people, send jobs overseas and you pay more in taxes

Let those who are slashing jobs pay for the tax breaks for those who are hiring

You hear that from me? I'm all for completely changing corp tax code and base on employment. Hire lots, pay well, give good benefits and 0 taxes. Don't dont do those things and pay. If a company is providing for employees no need to collect taxes from them. Lost revenue will be made up in higher income taxes and less welfare. Plus it would be good spark to economy.
So when was the last time Republicans gave a tax break to the richest?

Republicans dropped it from 70% to 50% in 1981
Then from 50% to 30% in 1987

40% drop in six years

Okay, so the last time they dropped the tax rate for the wealthy was nearly 30 years ago. So what's with all this stuff that the Republicans are constantly giving the wealthy tax breaks?

They have been getting that tax break every year for the last 30 years

All in the name of trickle down prosperity. Give the "job creators" more money and wealth and prosperity will trickle down for all. For some reason, they just kept the money....who could have expected that?

So you would rather have no jobs?

Unfortunately many still have not learned that unskilled labor is just about worthless in our modern economy. True, years ago before robotics and automation were economical and practical, people did make more money because you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

However if you do work for a company that makes all these insane profits that you speak of, then the solution is simple: invest in your own company. That's right, be more than just a worker, be a part-owner as well. Make those insane profits right along with your employer.

I love solving these simple problems.

Once again you argue on the extremes. How do we get from paying higher wages to there being no jobs?
Then you move to another extreme assuming all workers are unskilled. It is not just unskilled workers who have seen their wages frozen, in runs right up the ladder

Employees have invested in their companies. When the Great Bush Recession hit, millions were fired. Those who remained were told, times are tough, you had better pick up the slack or you will be gone too
Once the economy recovered, the executives reaped the benefit while workers were expected to retain the same conditions

First off you're assuming the economy recovered, it did not.

Secondly, I never said all workers are unskilled. But the common complaint by you on the left are those poor Walmart workers, and I was just pointing out those jobs don't pay anything because those jobs are not skills.

What I meant by "investing in your company" is to buy stock in it. If what you say is true, and there are companies paying lower wages and making these mega-profits you speak of, then it will be reflected in the company earnings. Buy their stock and make those mega-profits as well.

Republicans dropped it from 70% to 50% in 1981
Then from 50% to 30% in 1987

40% drop in six years

Okay, so the last time they dropped the tax rate for the wealthy was nearly 30 years ago. So what's with all this stuff that the Republicans are constantly giving the wealthy tax breaks?

They have been getting that tax break every year for the last 30 years

All in the name of trickle down prosperity. Give the "job creators" more money and wealth and prosperity will trickle down for all. For some reason, they just kept the money....who could have expected that?

So you would rather have no jobs?

Unfortunately many still have not learned that unskilled labor is just about worthless in our modern economy. True, years ago before robotics and automation were economical and practical, people did make more money because you are only worth as much as the next person willing to do the same job.

However if you do work for a company that makes all these insane profits that you speak of, then the solution is simple: invest in your own company. That's right, be more than just a worker, be a part-owner as well. Make those insane profits right along with your employer.

I love solving these simple problems.

Once again you argue on the extremes. How do we get from paying higher wages to there being no jobs?
Then you move to another extreme assuming all workers are unskilled. It is not just unskilled workers who have seen their wages frozen, in runs right up the ladder

Employees have invested in their companies. When the Great Bush Recession hit, millions were fired. Those who remained were told, times are tough, you had better pick up the slack or you will be gone too
Once the economy recovered, the executives reaped the benefit while workers were expected to retain the same conditions

First off you're assuming the economy recovered, it did not.

Secondly, I never said all workers are unskilled. But the common complaint by you on the left are those poor Walmart workers, and I was just pointing out those jobs don't pay anything because those jobs are not skills.

What I meant by "investing in your company" is to buy stock in it. If what you say is true, and there are companies paying lower wages and making these mega-profits you speak of, then it will be reflected in the company earnings. Buy their stock and make those mega-profits as well.
Minimum wage workers are just the tip of the iceberg but it is one the only wage the government has control of
It is all salaries and benefits that have not kept up wth the trillions in profits being made......for that I blame the job creators
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