Obama's mentor

You completely ignored the part where I said your post was bullshit. Nice try at deflection, but you've been outed, son. :lol:

Your dear leader taught Alinski, so it isn't BS.

Another one! Another USMB nutbag who bought the chain mail. It's a parade of stupid.

Didn't say anything about the OP, just the FACT that the mulatto messiah was his disciple and taught his tactics, you can't dispute that. The hildabeast is also a great fan, that, can't be disputed either.
what I posted was a summary. Here are the details.

Summary of Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'

Don't see what you posted in that cite. Did you even bother to read it?

:cuckoo: your lack of reading comprehension is noted. The OP is a summary of the principles from his book and teachings.

Lying sack of shit. The OP is in no way related to anything in his book or his "teachings". You are simply trying to lie to people who are MUCH smarter than you. Like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. You ought to be so ashamed that you leave and never return.
Your dear leader taught Alinski, so it isn't BS.

Another one! Another USMB nutbag who bought the chain mail. It's a parade of stupid.

Didn't say anything about the OP, just the FACT that the mulatto messiah was his disciple and taught his tactics, you can't dispute that. The hildabeast is also a great fan, that, can't be disputed either.

You are avoiding the thread topic. Why not call out Red for being a gullible idiot and then for being a liar?

Messiah? Disciple?

Try harder.
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How many guns has Obama taken away from you red-blooded patriotic Bible-thumpers?

Also, fuck your God.

What the PNAC wrote in their Sept. 2000 manifesto, Rebuilding America's Defenses, sounds a lot more like what has been happening in America since 9/11 than anything written by Saul Alinsky.

I thought being high was suppose to mellow people out. If so then you must be some really angry liberal when not stoned.

supposed to

What do you think of the OP? Any thoughts?
Don't see what you posted in that cite. Did you even bother to read it?

:cuckoo: your lack of reading comprehension is noted. The OP is a summary of the principles from his book and teachings.

No it isn't. You're just lying about it and are in too deep to admit it.

The principles are his. I gave you a second source. Ignore it if you choose. I really don't care. Or if you would like to educate yourself, do a google search on 'rules for radicals'.
Another one! Another USMB nutbag who bought the chain mail. It's a parade of stupid.

Didn't say anything about the OP, just the FACT that the mulatto messiah was his disciple and taught his tactics, you can't dispute that. The hildabeast is also a great fan, that, can't be disputed either.

You are avoiding the thread topic. Why not call out Red for being a gullible idiot and then for being a liar?

Messiah? Disciple?

Try harder.

Deflection noted.
In what way is forcing people to buy private health insurance "socialism"? Please explain.

Also, "redistribution of income":
Some 95% of 2009-2012 Income Gains Went to Wealthiest 1% - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Nothing private about it when the government dictates what the product must contain.

No, really. Explain what you think "socialism" means.

Rich people are richer now under Obama than they were under Bush. Was Bush a Socialist, too?
:cuckoo: your lack of reading comprehension is noted. The OP is a summary of the principles from his book and teachings.

No it isn't. You're just lying about it and are in too deep to admit it.

The principles are his. I gave you a second source. Ignore it if you choose. I really don't care. Or if you would like to educate yourself, do a google search on 'rules for radicals'.

No. You are wrong and you are lying. You are a gullible liar.

try to stay on topic. No one on the right is defending going into Iraq as we did. We just expect you to tell the truth about why that stupid mistake was made. Hint-------Bush did not do it alone, he did not lie, both Clintons said exactly the same things, so did Kerry and Gore. They were all wrong.

But this is about Obama, his mentor that he mentions in his books, and what they both believe in.

If you share those beliefs, fine, but have the guts to admit it.

try to stay on topic. No one on the right is defending going into Iraq as we did. We just expect you to tell the truth about why that stupid mistake was made. Hint-------Bush did not do it alone, he did not lie, both Clintons said exactly the same things, so did Kerry and Gore. They were all wrong.

But this is about Obama, his mentor that he mentions in his books, and what they both believe in.

If you share those beliefs, fine, but have the guts to admit it.

Which beliefs? The 8 lies in your OP or the common sense methods for motivating people to change shit that Alinsky actually wrote?

You gullible, lying shit.
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In what way is forcing people to buy private health insurance "socialism"? Please explain.

Also, "redistribution of income":
Some 95% of 2009-2012 Income Gains Went to Wealthiest 1% - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Nothing private about it when the government dictates what the product must contain.

No, really. Explain what you think "socialism" means.

Rich people are richer now under Obama than they were under Bush. Was Bush a Socialist, too?

I didn't say any thing about socialism, I just said it's not private when government dictates the terms of the contract, that actually leans more fascist.
The far right follows its own Saul, even Rush Limbaugh.

who exactly makes up the 'far right' ? Give us a list of names and explain what makes them 'far right'.

are the following far right concepts

constitutional government
states rights
individual rights
low taxes
sane fiscal policy
sane foreign policy
job creation

now, which are far right and why.

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