Obama's mentor

No one is trying to set up a theocracy that is a lie. No one's rights before anyone else, you lie. YOUR president is the one who can't work with anyone and I can't think of one thing he didn't get, except his open borders BS, what you said is a lie.

Lying is what Jake does. He does whether he is posting as jake or rightwinger.

I had him (them) on ignore for a while, may put them back.

Are you sure he is also rightwinger? If not then that is one cruel thing to say about RW. One thing is, if he is rightwinger, he is not trying to pretend to be anything other than a left winger, barring the name of course.

I strongly suspect it. the same writing style, the same rhetoric, and notice that they are never on at the same time.
Lying is what Jake does. He does whether he is posting as jake or rightwinger.

I had him (them) on ignore for a while, may put them back.

Are you sure he is also rightwinger? If not then that is one cruel thing to say about RW. One thing is, if he is rightwinger, he is not trying to pretend to be anything other than a left winger, barring the name of course.

I strongly suspect it. the same writing style, the same rhetoric, and notice that they are never on at the same time.

Could be I suppose but Jakethefake has so many posts per day I don't know when he might have time to be both. And, although I disagree with RW 90 percent of the time he doesn't irritate me like Jakethefake.
Are you sure he is also rightwinger? If not then that is one cruel thing to say about RW. One thing is, if he is rightwinger, he is not trying to pretend to be anything other than a left winger, barring the name of course.

I strongly suspect it. the same writing style, the same rhetoric, and notice that they are never on at the same time.

Could be I suppose but Jakethefake has so many posts per day I don't know when he might have time to be both. And, although I disagree with RW 90 percent of the time he doesn't irritate me like Jakethefake.

funny that neither identity has jumped in to defend himself. :eusa_whistle:
Also, fucking moron, rules #2 and #8 are entirely opposed to each other.

you will have to take that up with Asslinsky.

why do you hate the United States of America ? why are you contributing towards it's destruction? why do you even live here in the greatest country that hard fighting, GOD loving patriots created.

you welfare qweens [sic] never had it so good and yet you want to destroy that goodness. :up:
Thats what you libs don't get. We think for ourselves, we do not have some organization in the sky that tells us what to believe and what to say. Heritage has its opinions, some are good, some are not.

You, however, live and breath only what you are told by huffpuff, kos, and the obama machine.

So you do agree that the Genesis for the Individual Mandate did come from a conservative "think tank" , right? :)

Thanks for the laugh! You truly don't know what you are talking about. Unlike you and other dolts like you, I am truly a Free Thinker and will examine many different sources from different political persuasions, instead of being a jerk off like you who will cite something that YOU have yet to prove that Alinksky has said verbatim.

How come you haven't responded to Lonelaughter's request for verification and citation? Your favorite way of running from a debate is that lame "reading comprehension" allegation that you like to make.

You show me where I have EVER cited something from Huffington Post, Daily Kos, or the so-called Obama machine and claimed it was gospel. I'll be waiting. I'm sure that your lame retort will involve some bullshit about "reading comprehension". :lol:

I don't respond to LL, I put him/her/it on ignore weeks ago. I gave you citiations and taught you how to find more. If you want me to be your mentor, you will have to pay me. My fee is $300/hour.

What citations did you give besides a "summary" written by a biased source?

LOL, no thanks!
You completely ignored the part where I said your post was bullshit. Nice try at deflection, but you've been outed, son. :lol:

If you consider facts to be bullshit----------------

But the OP is accurate, it is happening as we speak. and you are too fricken dumb to realize it, son.

The OP is INACCURATE because Alinsky never said the things you attributed to him. Your responses are just more deflection. Take it like a man and admit you've been duped.

you say that but you offer no proof of your claim, put up or shut the fuck up :lmao:
Snopes??????????? are you fricken kidding? Might as well ask Soros. :D

What page in the book are those 8 rules from? Gullible fuck.

here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

There are stupid people...who would believe that those 8 "rules" in the OP came from Alinsky. Think Mud.

There are absolutely dishonest people who would say such a thing simply to flame or troll. Maybe OK Texas and Freewill.

Then there is you. You are so stupid that you believe it at first .......and you are so dishonest that you will say it even when you know it isn't true. Who are so stupid that you think others will believe the retarded lies that you come up with. That is Red and you in this thread.

Gullible, stupid and dishonest.
Snopes??????????? are you fricken kidding? Might as well ask Soros. :D

What page in the book are those 8 rules from? Gullible fuck.

here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

Thanks for posting the text, do you have a problem with this excerpt below?

"I am not concerned if this faith in people is regarded as a
prime truth and therefore a contradiction of what I have already written, for
life is a story of contradictions. Believing in people, the radical has the job
of organizing them so that they will have the power and opportunity to best

* Some say it's no coincidence that the question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up
the hard soil of old beliefs and preparing for the new growth.

Rules for Radicals 12

meet each unforeseeable future crisis as they move ahead in their eternal
search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep
concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values
propounded by
Judaeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition.
Democracy is not an end but the best means toward achieving these
This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. "
As a matter of fact; now that Wildman posted a link to the text of the book, why don't you all demonstrate to us what specific statements in the book you have a problem with. :)
If you consider facts to be bullshit----------------

But the OP is accurate, it is happening as we speak. and you are too fricken dumb to realize it, son.

The OP is INACCURATE because Alinsky never said the things you attributed to him. Your responses are just more deflection. Take it like a man and admit you've been duped.

you say that but you offer no proof of your claim, put up or shut the fuck up :lmao:

How do you prove a negative? That just shows how ignorant your position is. Those that put forth the affirmative need to provide the proof. The cite given showed nothing of the sort. If Alinsky actually said the things claimed, the OP should be able to cite chapter and verse. If not, then the op is either a liar or a dupe, take your pick. If anyone's laughing it's AT YOU.
What page in the book are those 8 rules from? Gullible fuck.

here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

Thanks for posting the text, do you have a problem with this excerpt below?

"I am not concerned if this faith in people is regarded as a
prime truth and therefore a contradiction of what I have already written, for
life is a story of contradictions. Believing in people, the radical has the job
of organizing them so that they will have the power and opportunity to best

* Some say it's no coincidence that the question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up
the hard soil of old beliefs and preparing for the new growth.

Rules for Radicals 12

meet each unforeseeable future crisis as they move ahead in their eternal
search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep
concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values
propounded by
Judaeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition.
Democracy is not an end but the best means toward achieving these
This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. "

his values were not the values of the constitution. His interpretation of rights differed significantly from the rights as defined in the bill of rights. Bill Ayers lived the life and had the values that Alinsky promoted.

Spin all you like and misinterpret all you like, Obama and Ayers have followed Alinsky to the letter, and the country is being destroyed as a result of it.
What page in the book are those 8 rules from? Gullible fuck.

here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

Thanks for posting the text, do you have a problem with this excerpt below?

"I am not concerned if this faith in people is regarded as a
prime truth and therefore a contradiction of what I have already written, for
life is a story of contradictions. Believing in people, the radical has the job
of organizing them so that they will have the power and opportunity to best

* Some say it's no coincidence that the question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up
the hard soil of old beliefs and preparing for the new growth.

Rules for Radicals 12

meet each unforeseeable future crisis as they move ahead in their eternal
search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep
concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values
propounded by
Judaeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition.
Democracy is not an end but the best means toward achieving these
This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. "

Thats funny, you picked out a couple of sentences and posted them without the context. How about reading the entire piece? If you do, it is very clear that the OP is an accurate summation of Alinsky's rules for radical change.

It also shows a very clear connection to what is being done in this country today.

Ignore this reality at your peril. when the czars take power, you will be as miserable as everyone else.

Ignorance will bring down this nation if we let it. WAKE UP
Saul Alinsky hated the Middle Class; but, he needed to get the Middle Class to get behind him to achieve his means. When you seek to achieve your goals by any means necessary including; lying, deception, and manipulation, is it possible even have a tolerance for God?
here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

Thanks for posting the text, do you have a problem with this excerpt below?

"I am not concerned if this faith in people is regarded as a
prime truth and therefore a contradiction of what I have already written, for
life is a story of contradictions. Believing in people, the radical has the job
of organizing them so that they will have the power and opportunity to best

* Some say it's no coincidence that the question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up
the hard soil of old beliefs and preparing for the new growth.

Rules for Radicals 12

meet each unforeseeable future crisis as they move ahead in their eternal
search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep
concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values
propounded by
Judaeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition.
Democracy is not an end but the best means toward achieving these
This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. "

his values were not the values of the constitution. His interpretation of rights differed significantly from the rights as defined in the bill of rights. Bill Ayers lived the life and had the values that Alinsky promoted.

Spin all you like and misinterpret all you like, Obama and Ayers have followed Alinsky to the letter, and the country is being destroyed as a result of it.

If that's so, why did he quote the Founding Fathers?

Really? How so? Care to provide any examples?

I'm not spinning anything, I'd like to see an example of what you claim that I am "misinterpreting".
here is the fucking link, look it up yourself

Full text of "Rules for Radicals"

Thanks for posting the text, do you have a problem with this excerpt below?

"I am not concerned if this faith in people is regarded as a
prime truth and therefore a contradiction of what I have already written, for
life is a story of contradictions. Believing in people, the radical has the job
of organizing them so that they will have the power and opportunity to best

* Some say it's no coincidence that the question mark is an inverted plow, breaking up
the hard soil of old beliefs and preparing for the new growth.

Rules for Radicals 12

meet each unforeseeable future crisis as they move ahead in their eternal
search for those values of equality, justice, freedom, peace, a deep
concern for the preciousness of human life, and all those rights and values
propounded by
Judaeo-Christianity and the democratic political tradition.
Democracy is not an end but the best means toward achieving these
This is my credo for which I live and, if need be, die. "

Thats funny, you picked out a couple of sentences and posted them without the context. How about reading the entire piece? If you do, it is very clear that the OP is an accurate summation of Alinsky's rules for radical change.

It also shows a very clear connection to what is being done in this country today.

Ignore this reality at your peril. when the czars take power, you will be as miserable as everyone else.

Ignorance will bring down this nation if we let it. WAKE UP

That's funny that you would say that to me when you did even LESS in your OP. :lol:


I would like to see you back your "summation" up with excerpts from the book that Wildman posted a link to for the text of the book.

Show me in the book where he allegedly advocates an oligarchy, that would be a good start.
Lest we forget another of the kenyan's good buddies...​


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