Obama's Philosophy

That is Obama's problem. No incentive for businesses. His way will not bring in more business big or small.
He does not seem to understand that to many regulations and larger taxes drives businesses away. California has never gotten this either.
Giving incentives, brings in more revenue, more companies, more workers more taxes.
We have a serious problem with out politicians, when they do this and it brings in more money then they have to spend it instead of paying off the debts and keeping reserves for disaster's or emergency's.
Our politicians seem to have a big problem with America having a surplus.
He said he wants to live a society that is fair, and you take issue with that?

Would you prefer to live in a society that is unfair?

I live in reality... life isn't always fair.

The fact that this man is so arrogant that he thinks he can mandate what he believes to be fair through confiscatory policy is appalling and frankly, downright scary.
My basic problem with Obama's philosophy is that he focuses on soaking the rich rather than making sure the money the gov't gets now is wisely spent. He wants more and more money from those who have earned it so he can disperse it to those who have not. Does this not disincentivize both ends of the spectrum? Why should a low income person work harder or take a risk when their standard of living is okay as it is? Why should a foreign investor start a business here instead of somewhere else that is more tax and regulation friendly? It's like he's so focused on doing what's "fair" that he discounts the realities of the situation.

If I thought additional tax dollars would be well spent, and that the situation with the poor and lower income families might improve, I could see the increase. But that ain't the case, we're wasting money right nd left on duplicative programs that are either ineffective or fraudulaent. We have seenthat throwing money at a problem does not guarantee a solution, look at the tax dollars we waste on education. Education spending has tripled in the last 30 years, yet our kids are not any smarter or competitive against the rest of the world. I think Obama needs to stop worrying about the rich guys and focus more on doing more with the revenues he's getting now. Now that would be a plan to get re-elected.

How are the rich being soaked when they are claiming a larger percentage of wealth than they had 10 years ago?

I would like to get soaked like that

Then why don't you? What's stopping you?

Oh.. that's right....
My basic problem with Obama's philosophy is that he focuses on soaking the rich rather than making sure the money the gov't gets now is wisely spent. He wants more and more money from those who have earned it so he can disperse it to those who have not. Does this not disincentivize both ends of the spectrum? Why should a low income person work harder or take a risk when their standard of living is okay as it is? Why should a foreign investor start a business here instead of somewhere else that is more tax and regulation friendly? It's like he's so focused on doing what's "fair" that he discounts the realities of the situation.

If I thought additional tax dollars would be well spent, and that the situation with the poor and lower income families might improve, I could see the increase. But that ain't the case, we're wasting money right nd left on duplicative programs that are either ineffective or fraudulaent. We have seenthat throwing money at a problem does not guarantee a solution, look at the tax dollars we waste on education. Education spending has tripled in the last 30 years, yet our kids are not any smarter or competitive against the rest of the world. I think Obama needs to stop worrying about the rich guys and focus more on doing more with the revenues he's getting now. Now that would be a plan to get re-elected.

How are the rich being soaked when they are claiming a larger percentage of wealth than they had 10 years ago?

I would like to get soaked like that

Let's see, Obama wants to raise the top tax rate to 40%, right? Then there's the increase in Medicare tax, up to 3.8%, and the Pease provisions to cap deductions and exemptions, a couple of percent there, and the state and local tax increases in most places, around about 6% give or take. I heard that Obama also wants to increase the ceiling for SS taxes, up from $106,800, and means testing the benefits. Could be another 5-6% increase there, so now you're looking at 55-60% tax rate. That's how the rich are getting soaked by Obama.
He said he wants to live a society that is fair, and you take issue with that?

Would you prefer to live in a society that is unfair?

I live in reality... life isn't always fair.
Indeed, life is not always fair.

Of course, some would support making it more fair when possible, and some would support not doing so.

The fact that this man is so arrogant that he thinks he can mandate what he believes to be fair through confiscatory policy is appalling and frankly, downright scary.

He never said anything about mandating what he thinks is fair.
we all heard him on the campaign trail He wants to re distribute the wealth in this country,plain and simple.
I don't think this man understands reality at all.
I listened to him on his first campaign trail last week and he said that he wants to live in a society that is fair.
We will never have a society that is fair. Not as long as there is greed and evil in this world.
When he said this, it told me that he has book intelligence but no common sense.
Why would any American want to re elect this man who's ideology doesn't work in the real world?
His philosophy will never work and it will turn us into a 3rd world nation. :evil:

I was always suspicios of that...........the reality thing. But even those who want to give him that much benefit of the doubt have to marvel...........

This asshole is out there today talking about "Alternative Energy"!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


This is a whole new level of fcukkedupedness. People are paying $4.50 at the pump and not for a single moment is this asshole thinking about an executive order to drill our asses off from sea to shining sea!!!?????????????????????

Of course not..........that would send the speculators on a fire sale binge and oil prices would plummet overnight.

This fraud WANTS the economy to tank people..........make no mistake. Its a win-win for him.

Makes me wonder.............:up: just how many tens of millins of fcukking suckers we have out there these days?? :2up:
The president said he would prefer to live a fair society. It's amazing that the rightwing has become so tied up in its own rhetoric that it would argue against striving towards a more fair society in order to preserve a less fair one.

Actually he said "I want to live in a society that's fair,". If you're going to defend his sentiment, at least be honest.

Do you want to live in a society that is unfair?

As I said before "fair" is subjective. Is it fair to take hard earned money from one group while another group pays in nothing? And then to top it all off to demand even more money from the very people that are already paying 70 percent of federal income taxes.

That's what Obama wants to do. So tell me. What's fair about that?

Now you're just making shit up.

Life is unfair, there is nothing government could possibly do to change that. Stop living in a fantasy world!

What am I making up? The fact that Obama wants to tax the rich even more?

Or that the top 10 percent of income earners pay 70+ percent of federal taxes?

Or that about half of Americans pays no income tax?

Just exactly what was made up?
My basic problem with Obama's philosophy is that he focuses on soaking the rich rather than making sure the money the gov't gets now is wisely spent. He wants more and more money from those who have earned it so he can disperse it to those who have not. Does this not disincentivize both ends of the spectrum? Why should a low income person work harder or take a risk when their standard of living is okay as it is? Why should a foreign investor start a business here instead of somewhere else that is more tax and regulation friendly? It's like he's so focused on doing what's "fair" that he discounts the realities of the situation.

If I thought additional tax dollars would be well spent, and that the situation with the poor and lower income families might improve, I could see the increase. But that ain't the case, we're wasting money right nd left on duplicative programs that are either ineffective or fraudulaent. We have seenthat throwing money at a problem does not guarantee a solution, look at the tax dollars we waste on education. Education spending has tripled in the last 30 years, yet our kids are not any smarter or competitive against the rest of the world. I think Obama needs to stop worrying about the rich guys and focus more on doing more with the revenues he's getting now. Now that would be a plan to get re-elected.

How are the rich being soaked when they are claiming a larger percentage of wealth than they had 10 years ago?

I would like to get soaked like that

You can. There is nothing stopping you from creating as much wealth as you want.
He said he wants to live a society that is fair, and you take issue with that?

Would you prefer to live in a society that is unfair?

I live in reality... life isn't always fair.
Indeed, life is not always fair.

Of course, some would support making it more fair when possible, and some would support not doing so.

The fact that this man is so arrogant that he thinks he can mandate what he believes to be fair through confiscatory policy is appalling and frankly, downright scary.

He never said anything about mandating what he thinks is fair.

Again, how is taking someones hard earned money and giving it to those unable or unwilling to do for themselves fair?
Fair?? WOW what a bunch of hooey folks.

Whats fair about having your hard earned money transfered to someone who didn't earn it?? I call that thievery plain and simple.

I remeber OL'BO and Joe the Plumber. Spread the wealth??

Thats his ideology in a nutshell.

Fair? Depends on who you aske. The givers or the takers.
My basic problem with Obama's philosophy is that he focuses on soaking the rich rather than making sure the money the gov't gets now is wisely spent. He wants more and more money from those who have earned it so he can disperse it to those who have not. Does this not disincentivize both ends of the spectrum? Why should a low income person work harder or take a risk when their standard of living is okay as it is? Why should a foreign investor start a business here instead of somewhere else that is more tax and regulation friendly? It's like he's so focused on doing what's "fair" that he discounts the realities of the situation.

If I thought additional tax dollars would be well spent, and that the situation with the poor and lower income families might improve, I could see the increase. But that ain't the case, we're wasting money right nd left on duplicative programs that are either ineffective or fraudulaent. We have seenthat throwing money at a problem does not guarantee a solution, look at the tax dollars we waste on education. Education spending has tripled in the last 30 years, yet our kids are not any smarter or competitive against the rest of the world. I think Obama needs to stop worrying about the rich guys and focus more on doing more with the revenues he's getting now. Now that would be a plan to get re-elected.

How are the rich being soaked when they are claiming a larger percentage of wealth than they had 10 years ago?

I would like to get soaked like that

You can. There is nothing stopping you from creating as much wealth as you want.

So it is clear that the current taxation rate is not a burden as they are able to accumultate more wealth.

Meanwhile, working Americans are struggling
I don't think this man understands reality at all.
I listened to him on his first campaign trail last week and he said that he wants to live in a society that is fair.
We will never have a society that is fair. Not as long as there is greed and evil in this world.
When he said this, it told me that he has book intelligence but no common sense.
Why would any American want to re elect this man who's ideology doesn't work in the real world?
His philosophy will never work and it will turn us into a 3rd world nation. :evil:

So your complaint is tht Obama wants society to be fair!?!


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