Obama's Recent Gloating.Yet,He Never Gave Us Any Economic Statistics To Back Up His Bragging.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:huh1: :laugh2: :puhleeze: And all of us were saying things like, Yah Right. He Must Be Joking, Is He Serious? etc.
If any politician is going to give a speech about his/her accomplishments regarding how well their local/national economy was under their regime, you may want to show us the statistics!
List of things Obama forgot to bring up.
1} GDP
2} National Debt VS Deficit
3} Money Borrowed to Create Jobs
4} Amount Of Businesses That Had To Shut Down From 2009 - 2015/16
5} How Many People Had To File For Unemployment
6} Misery Index
7} A Time When There Were More Jobs Than People Looking
8} Amount Of Billions That Were Flushed Down The Toilet In Green
Energy Investments.
Are there any others we can add to the list?
Barack Obama is like a seagull. He flies in, makes a lot of noise, shits everywhere, then leaves with your sandwich.
He took over during the largest, deepest, broadest and most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression.

I'm not his biggest fan, but the grade I'd give him on the economy is "NA", since this was going to take a long time to work through.
He took over during the largest, deepest, broadest and most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression.

I'm not his biggest fan, but the grade I'd give him on the economy is "NA", since this was going to take a long time to work through.

And his first major legislative priority after taking over the "largest, deepest, broadest and most complicated financial disaster since the Great Depression wasn't creating jobs...it was attempting to pass government run healthcare? The Obama Administration took advantage of Democratic majorities in Congress brought about because the main stream media blamed Republicans for the financial disaster and the people were naïve enough to buy that narrative...and used those majorities not to fix the financial disaster but to push a progressive agenda that very few of those voters wanted! In the words of Rahm Emanuel..."Don't let a crisis go to waste!"

Be honest, Mac...you don't get an "NA" grade when you didn't do any of the work that the teacher assigned. You get an F.

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