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Obama's Record As Nobel Peace Prize Winner....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Countries bombed by the U.S. under the Obama administration








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[URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fhereticdhammasangha.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F09%2Fobama-kill-list-peace-prize-nobel.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsilkroadsandsiamesesmiles.com%2Ftag%2Fbarack-obama%2F&docid=ZpGl1erYj92nQM&tbnid=cJcHoVthCJklzM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwicAShPME8..i&w=217&h=232&bih=895&biw=1307&q=OBAMA%20NOBEL%20PEACE%20PRIZE%20regret%20MEME&ved=0ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwicAShPME8&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpics.me.me%2Fbarack-obama-the-1st-nobel-peace-prize-winner-to-bomb-13847855.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fme.me%2Fi%2Fbarack-obama-the-1st-nobel-peace-prize-winner-to-bomb-9162410&docid=ixpxJiDfqulxCM&tbnid=foO5vKiMpk3I_M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwhFKAcwBw..i&w=500&h=300&bih=895&biw=1307&q=OBAMA%20NOBEL%20PEACE%20PRIZE%20regret%20MEME&ved=0ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwhFKAcwBw&iact=mrc&uact=8'][URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fhereticdhammasangha.files.wordpress.com%2F2014%2F09%2Fobama-kill-list-peace-prize-nobel.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fsilkroadsandsiamesesmiles.com%2Ftag%2Fbarack-obama%2F&docid=ZpGl1erYj92nQM&tbnid=cJcHoVthCJklzM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwicAShPME8..i&w=217&h=232&bih=895&biw=1307&q=OBAMA%20NOBEL%20PEACE%20PRIZE%20regret%20MEME&ved=0ahUKEwjAmOHQvevgAhVidt8KHZtVB0oQMwicAShPME8&iact=mrc&uact=8'] [/URL]

of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completly taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completly taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.

No. It was all about Obama being half black
So you have a problem with the president bombing countries that harbored terrorists who sole aim was to kill American women and children everywhere in the world huh?
The jealousy, it burns.

Whether Obama deserved it or not and I'd argue he didn't. He also didn't campaign for it and his supporters aren't the ones bent out of shape with envy because their guy didn't win it and never will.
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completely taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.

No. It was all about Obama being half black

lol.... right. then why not give it to some african leader or the governor of jamaica? after all with all that ganja smoking--- they are all about peace.
So you have a problem with the president bombing countries that harbored terrorists who sole aim was to kill American women and children everywhere in the world huh?

I missed him whining about the 100 million in missiles we wasted making an airfield unusable for a day.
The jealousy, it burns.

Whether Obama deserved it or not and I'd argue he didn't. He also didn't campaign for it and his supporters aren't the ones bent out of shape with envy because their guy didn't win it and never will.

You’d argue he didn’t?? Lmao there’s no argument, he didn’t. And you have no clue as to what is on the the mind of Trump supporters. I for one have no interest in my president getting that meaningless recognition that is given to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like obam
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completely taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.

No. It was all about Obama being half black

lol.... right. then why not give it to some african leader or the governor of jamaica? after all with all that ganja smoking--- they are all about peace.

Dude won the noble prize for being the first half black president. Why can’t you be honest about it?
Dude won the noble prize for being the first half black president. Why can’t you be honest about it?

The other black man who was expected to win the peace prize that year, you know for actually spending decades promoting peace, he was pissed when they gifted it to Obama who had yet to do anything to earn it.
The jealousy, it burns.

Whether Obama deserved it or not and I'd argue he didn't. He also didn't campaign for it and his supporters aren't the ones bent out of shape with envy because their guy didn't win it and never will.

You’d argue he didn’t?? Lmao there’s no argument, he didn’t. And you have no clue as to what is on the the mind of Trump supporters. I for one have no interest in my president getting that meaningless recognition that is given to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like obam

How can anyone take you seriously when you call Obama a terrorist sympathizer? And yes, I can read the minds of Trump supporters, you guys can't help but show your colors. Of course you idiots are butt hurt about the Nobel Peace prize, it's the reason this thread exists. :113:
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completely taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.

No. It was all about Obama being half black

lol.... right. then why not give it to some african leader or the governor of jamaica? after all with all that ganja smoking--- they are all about peace.

Dude won the noble prize for being the first half black president. Why can’t you be honest about it?

why can't you?
Dude won the noble prize for being the first half black president. Why can’t you be honest about it?

The other black man who was expected to win the peace prize that year, you know for actually spending decades promoting peace, he was pissed when they gifted it to Obama who had yet to do anything to earn it.

as well he should have. but obama wasn't gonna turn it down & not get that cash for charity. holy crap, you are such a baby.

waa waa fucking waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completly taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.
They got suckered in to his BS, just like snowflakes did.

If anything, Barry was given the award for POTENTIAL, hoping they could manipulate Obama with the ward, make him try to earn it the rest of his Presidency. They failed at attempting to manipulate him into being another 'Nelson Mandela'.
of course he never should have gotten that prize. do you really think the panel who voted to give it to him really thought he deserved it so quickly after he was elected? silly you...

giving obama the nobel peace prize was always about slapping W. obama even said he was completly taken off guard when he heard about 'winning'. & of course he accepted because there's cash that comes with it & he promptly donated it to a charity he supports.
They got suckered in to his BS, just like snowflakes did.

If anything, Barry was given the award for POTENTIAL, hoping they could manipulate Obama with the ward, make him try to earn it the rest of his Presidency. They failed at attempting to manipulate him into being another 'Nelson Mandela'.

they wanted to give W. a big giant FU & your WMD, mission accomplished bullshit.

what better way to do it?
The jealousy, it burns.

Whether Obama deserved it or not and I'd argue he didn't. He also didn't campaign for it and his supporters aren't the ones bent out of shape with envy because their guy didn't win it and never will.

You’d argue he didn’t?? Lmao there’s no argument, he didn’t. And you have no clue as to what is on the the mind of Trump supporters. I for one have no interest in my president getting that meaningless recognition that is given to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like obam

How can anyone take you seriously when you call Obama a terrorist sympathizer? And yes, I can read the minds of Trump supporters, you guys can't help but show your colors. Of course you idiots are butt hurt about the Nobel Peace prize, it's the reason this thread exists. :113:

This thread exsits to show what a mockery it was that Hussein won the award. That is clear to anyone who has an IQ of above room temperature. I could see where it’s difficult for you to understand
I wonder what the odds are that the next president will win it too for not being the current asshole.
The jealousy, it burns.

Whether Obama deserved it or not and I'd argue he didn't. He also didn't campaign for it and his supporters aren't the ones bent out of shape with envy because their guy didn't win it and never will.

You’d argue he didn’t?? Lmao there’s no argument, he didn’t. And you have no clue as to what is on the the mind of Trump supporters. I for one have no interest in my president getting that meaningless recognition that is given to terrorists and terrorist sympathizers like obam

How can anyone take you seriously when you call Obama a terrorist sympathizer? And yes, I can read the minds of Trump supporters, you guys can't help but show your colors. Of course you idiots are butt hurt about the Nobel Peace prize, it's the reason this thread exists. :113:

This thread exsits to show what a mockery it was that Hussein won the award. That is clear to anyone who has an IQ of above room temperature. I could see where it’s difficult for you to understand

^^^ snowflake ^^^

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