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Obama's response

You people are an embarrassment to human kind.

Way to use dead people to score cheap and worthless political points.
Like you did in the other thread. Heal thyself.
You're such a hack...in the other thread I pointed out that the other hacks were blaming Clinton. You're not as scummy as Avatarboy but you're a liar and a whiner.

btw, you accidentally pos repped me idiot. :lol:
No Obama should not go out there. His presence will only add to whats going on not to mention the protocols when a President travels anywhere.

I think he would probably enjoy the photop but it wouldn't be a good thing for those actually working the scene and gathering info. No. He definetly needs to stay away. He can learn all he needs to know by picking up a phone.
Obama's initial reaction to the incident was deplorable. A scripted light moment followed by secondary comments regarding the shooting. Good Lord this man is out of touch.

Even NBC is saying as much...


Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting

A bad week for Democrats compounded by an awful moment for Barack Obama.

...After news broke out of the shooting at the Fort Hood Army post in Texas, the nation watched in horror as the toll of dead and injured climbed. The White House was notified immediately and by late afternoon, word went out that the president would speak about the incident prior to a previously scheduled appearance. At about 5 p.m., cable stations went to the president. The situation called for not only his trademark eloquence, but also grace and perspective.

But instead of a somber chief executive offering reassuring words and expressions of sympathy and compassion, viewers saw a wildly disconnected and inappropriately light president making introductory remarks. At the event, a Tribal Nations Conference hosted by the Department of Interior's Bureau of Indian affairs, the president thanked various staffers and offered a "shout-out" to "Dr. Joe Medicine Crow -- that Congressional Medal of Honor winner." Three minutes in, the president spoke about the shooting, in measured and appropriate terms. Who is advising him?

Anyone at home aware of the major news story of the previous hours had to have been stunned. An incident like this requires a scrapping of the early light banter. The president should apologize for the tone of his remarks, explain what has happened, express sympathy for those slain and appeal for calm and patience until all the facts are in. That's the least that should occur.

Obama's Frightening Insensitivity Following Shooting | NBC Chicago
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Yes it was an incredibly weak response. He almost looked bewildered. This guy takes his orders from corrupt & lunatic race groups like CAIR anyway. His FBI has already concluded that this had nothing to do with Islamic Terrorism. Now how the H*ll could they have come to that conclusion so fast without even doing any investigating? Doesn't anyone else see this B.S.? It really doesn't matter though because in the end his response will just be the same ole same ole..."BOOOOOOOOOOSSHHH!!! AN FOXXXXXX NOOOOOOOOOOZZ!!!"
It is now becoming even more clear why this Administration is attempting to cover this one up. Latest reports indicate that his FBI may have known about this guy being a Radical Islamist but chose to end their inquiries anyway. It has also been reported today that this cretin may have even worked for this White House is an Obama transition advisory capacity. Lots of reasons for this White House to cover this one up. Wake up America! You're being lied to!
Yes i smell Photo-Op unfortunately. One thing we all know for sure is that the Government response is going to be to lie to us. The Talking Point orders have already been sent down. The Talking Points are going something like "This is definitely not Terrorism in an way and this guy was just a crazy lone gunman." The fact is that criminal groups like CAIR have given far too much money to this President for him to actually be honest about this tragedy. His Lackeys are already out there PC-ing this one up. They will lie and most of the sheep in this country will just shut up and buy it all.

You can bet if this guy looked like Timothy McVeigh,this White House would already be out there in front of hundreds of microphones screeching Terrorism. You would be hearing all their "Militia Boogeyman" B.S. until you wanted to throw up. So get used to hearing their PC Bull Chit about not speculating and it being just too early to comment. They are going to lie through their teeth on this one. Their lying has already begun. Just listen closely and it wont take you long to figure that out. It's all just very sad.

A day later, and now that we know a lot more, so much for your ignorant jumping to conclusions. Standard fare for you, however.
Yes more has come out and it looks even worse for this White House. The FBI has actually admitted to investigating Hasan for possible involvement in Radical Islamist propaganda and later dropping their investigation. Today they are of course back-tracking on that one. Why did they drop their investigation? That just seems so incomprehensible and outrageous. How sad.
While it may not be a terrorist attack, his religion didn't get in the way of killing US military personnel. His religion was a part of a concern about being a part of killing Islamic personnel. Yelling God is Great in Arabic sort of completes the picture for me.
It's been a whole four hours and Obama hasn't flown out to Fort Hood. I mean what the heck?! He should have run out the door and flew out there immediately. Why isnt he there already?!

I don't get rattled and riled easily these days. But this man named Obama is a disgusting excuse for Commander in Chief.

When he finally decides to speak on this to the nation, he went to the podium and instead of speaking right away and directly to those who serve at his pleasure and their families, he played politics. In fact, he laughed and made jokes.

This man needs kicked out of the White House on his ass!

The men and women of Ft. Hood and our service personal worldwide deserve better.

I differ with Obama on politics, though I felt he had some good ideas, but, I always respected him as a man. I no longer hold that respect for him.

He lost it today!


Lie much? WTF were YOU watching?

President Obama Addresses Ft. Hood Tragedy - ABC News

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

He was already speaking at a previously scheduled Tribal Nations Conference meeting of Native American leaders, so if YOU saw him yucking it up beforehand, I'm quite sure it had NOTHING to do with this tragedy.
How could the FBI decide within minutes after the attack that it was definitely not Terrorism? They haven't even investigated this case for one minute yet they have already concluded that it was definitely not Terrorism?

I'm not sure I saw the link where the FBI definitively concluded that it was not terrorism.

I'd be curious to read this.

It's interesting to read these postings the day after and how some of these jerks just made it up as they went along. I'm finally becoming immune to their bullshit. The most glaring example is that the FBI doesn't sit around waiting for a president's orders to proceed with ANY investigation such as this. D'oh...
Next they'll probably claim the guy was a Christian and was a member of a "Militia." You know how much the Hopey Changey loons just love their imaginary "Militia Boogeymen." God you just have to laugh to keep from crying. His FBI declares it's definitely not Terrorism and they haven't even investigated the case at all. Anyone else see something wrong with this picture? It can't be just me?

Not once did I hear any member of the FBI say anything at all, let alone that it was "definitely not an act of terrorism." The news channels all had their terror experts speculating on the motive, and that's it. Are you for fucking real? Keep it up, idiot. You're digging your own grave with your hilariously incredulous accusations. Even those in your own camp find your rants hard to believe.
I seriously have to laugh at the amazing hypocrites on the left here.

For over 8 years, Libs have been using those who died on 9/11 and in the Katrina disaster to attack President Bush for "not responding fast enough." Now they pretend to object so self righteously to their own ridiculously stupid argument.

So tell me, how does it feel to look like a total idiot? How does it feel to see yourself in the mirror and realize what utterly repugnant people you are. How does it feel to see your mirror image for what it is?

You feel disgusted and outraged right? Welcome to the club. How do you think you've looked for most of the last decade?

What's amazing is the fact that you probably still don't see it. You probably think you were totally justified to use the dead to critisize the President. You still probably have no problem using them to attack Bush. You probably thought I was actually critisizing Obama instead of pointing out the obvious stupidity of your own position.

I hope you've enjoyed your reflection. You've worked hard to make it that ugly.

I have to remind you that people didn't start attacking Bush before the dust had settled after 911 nor when the winds died down in New Orleans. BIG difference, pal.

But hey, you finally got to say what you really wanted to from the outset, right? You were so hoping this would become political. Happy now?
So this is how you spring your "trap?" On the very first page it was deciphered that your post was sarcasm.

I know that usually the expression goes "I hate to break it to ya" but in this case ...

I LOVE to break it to ya that it's been your buddies on the right in this very thread that have shown exactly how repugnant they can be. This goes double for you who instead of worrying about the lives of people who are dead or dying you instead make a thread like this in an effort to (poorly) score cheap politcal points.


What's funny is your absolutely right. It was freaking obvious I was being sarcastic. I specifically made it that way,

And yet the left here is too stupid to realize it. They still walked into the trapped and showed exactly how hypocritical they are.

It might hurt to look in the mirror. But sometimes its necessary if you are ever going to fix the problem.

What political points am i scoring here? none. I dont benefit from this at all. But the truth has to be shown. Even if you don't like what you see. The truth is you are just seeing your own reflection. And you should worry much less about me and much more about yourself.

I didn't. Your motive was clear. Anything to bash Obama, as you lie in wait for someone to bring up an analogy to Bush. You're not as clever as you think you are.
They have already covered this one up and have closed the book on it. How can his FBI come up with all these conclusions without even investigating this incident at all? They have claimed this tragedy is everything but Islamic Terrorism at this point. The whole thing has already been swept under the rug. He was a just poor stressed out man who was being picked on so much that he just had to lash out and slaughter his fellow soldiers. He's actually the victim in this whole thing and it was definitely not Terrorism in any way. Case Closed. What a sad sad scam.

Hey, I heard Glenn Beck is looking for another shill. You and Avatar should apply.
Probably one of them "Militia Boogeymen" you hear the Hopey Changey loons screeching about all the time. All those evil "Militia Boogeymen" yet no one has ever seen one. Hmm? Yea it wouldn't surprise me if Hopey Changey's lackeys start spinning that this guy was actually just another one of those crazed "Militia" dudes. Yikes!
It's been a whole four hours and Obama hasn't flown out to Fort Hood. I mean what the heck?! He should have run out the door and flew out there immediately. Why isnt he there already?!

What's he going to do other than make the situation harder for law enforcement to handle?

If he were any kind of President, President Obama would already KNOW what to do.

He should go out there personally, conduct the investigation himself, make any arrests (as warranted) of any surviving perpetrators (if any are still alive) and then personally handle the prosecution of any such surviving and arrested assailant.


Yeah--we know that Bush would have done that and even stopped the shootings before hand. Apprehended the villian before he got a chance to execute his plan, and not seek any "control the message" photo ops like ol Barrack "HUSSEIN" Obama would!

/more sarcasm
"da booooooooosshhh deeeeeeed eeeeeeeeet!!!!!"

I think we're dealing with another 12-year old here, or a basement dwelling 40-year old going on nine.

Obvious conclusion. We thought the same thing when liberals and Democrats said it. Still do frankly. Thanks for making the case.

Religion kept him from killing Muslims, but not a problem with US military personnel? God is Great just before you let lose with a gun on unarmed people? What part of terrorist is giving you a problem?

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