Obama's right Cheney is wrong...


Retired USN Nurse(Vietnam
Dec 31, 2009
Thursday, December 31, 2009

FORMER VICE president Richard B. Cheney on Wednesday joined a Republican chorus criticizing the Obama administration's decision to charge alleged bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in federal court. Mr. Cheney and others argue that Mr. Abdulmutallab, who is accused of trying to down Northwest Flight 253 over Detroit on Christmas, should have been held as an enemy combatant and pumped for information, rather than read his Miranda rights and provided a lawyer. They further argue that the decision to shuttle him to federal court shows that President Obama is in denial about the dangers of terrorism.
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Dick Cheney's loose lips

Criminal or combatant?

This last claim has no merit. Just as it would be a mistake to approach all terrorist acts as a law enforcement challenge, so would it be imprudent to dispense with strong and available law enforcement tools, and to deal with all such incidents as acts of war. Recall that the Bush administration prosecuted shoe bomber Richard Reid in federal court for attempting to down a transatlantic flight using the same type of explosives allegedly found on Mr. Abdulmutallab. No one then questioned the Bush-Cheney administration's judgment or its resolve -- and rightly so.

The prospects for Mr. Abdulmutallab's prosecution are good. Multiple eyewitnesses can testify to the incident on the plane, and physical evidence, including the failed explosive device, has been recovered. If the case goes to trial, there is probably little danger that secret sources or methods will be exposed.

Yet part of the critics' argument is worthy of discussion. Mr. Abdulmutallab could have been detained without charge and interrogated outside of the constraints of federal rules to give the administration an opportunity to gather information in hopes of thwarting a future attack. The Supreme Court has acknowledged this authority, and the Obama administration has gone so far as to argue that Congress, through the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force, gave the president the right to hold combatants indefinitely as long as a court of law rules that the initial detention was justified.

So why not bundle the Nigerian suspect to a secure location for intensive questioning by the CIA? First, because he already has been talking to authorities about his affiliation with al-Qaeda and the possibility of other attacks. Second, because he is no Khalid Sheik Mohammed -- he is not a seasoned al-Qaeda operator but a disturbed young man whom the group tried to use as cannon fodder.

Most important, the Bush administration's own experience has showed that holding suspects as enemy combatants creates more problems than it solves, because of the lack of due process and legal accountability. We have called for the creation of a national security court to govern presidential decisions to detain those who are too dangerous to release but against whom there is insufficient evidence to hold under federal criminal statutes. This authority could be valuable in interrogating those high up in a terrorist organization who are believed to possess significant operational information. It would be wasted on Mr. Abdulmutallab.
Waterboard his ass, get his cell contacts, then shoot the MF. Whats the problem? <stupid ambulance chasers, thats the problem. They just don't get the war thing>
If news reports are accurate, he accused gave up quite a bit of information without military interogation techniques. His target was not military. We have federal laws, and have for many years concerning this type of thing on an commercial flight. This is one case where the enemy combatant label doesn't fit as well as other ones. Pick your battles better Mr. Cheney. It would be nice if some of you gave Mr. Bush some credit for not doing this type of thing.
AmericansBrave58 - Are you an editorial writer for the Washington Post?
If news reports are accurate, he accused gave up quite a bit of information without military interogation techniques. His target was not military. We have federal laws, and have for many years concerning this type of thing on an commercial flight. This is one case where the enemy combatant label doesn't fit as well as other ones. Pick your battles better Mr. Cheney. It would be nice if some of you gave Mr. Bush some credit for not doing this type of thing.

Blowing up a commercial jet liner is an act of war. I support the Bush Doctrine that goes after state sponsors of terrorism as well as the perps.

The label that does in-fact fit the Islamic suicide bomber is "enemy combatant". His motives are purely terror against the US. There was no hostage taking nor ransom. The act was technically called "asymmetrical warfare".
Cheney has done more for AQ than any other person.

He might as well appear on public service announcements for Bin Laden.

Cheney is their biggest recruiter.
58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information - Rasmussen Reports™

58% Favor Waterboarding of Plane Terrorist To Get Information
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% oppose the use of such techniques, and another 12% are not sure.

Men and younger voters are more strongly supportive of the aggressive interrogation techniques than women and those who are older. Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party favor their use more than Democrats.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of all voters think the attempt by the Nigerian Muslim to blow up the airliner as it landed in Detroit should be investigated by military authorities as a terrorist act. Only 22% say it should be handled by civilian authorities as a criminal act, as is currently the case.
If news reports are accurate, he accused gave up quite a bit of information without military interogation techniques. His target was not military. We have federal laws, and have for many years concerning this type of thing on an commercial flight. This is one case where the enemy combatant label doesn't fit as well as other ones. Pick your battles better Mr. Cheney. It would be nice if some of you gave Mr. Bush some credit for not doing this type of thing.

This guy might have given up information--but Al Queda learns very quickly. The next one that is caught & is read his miranda rights--will not be talking. The next one will lawyer up immediately--& his lawyer will advise him not to say anything. We have gone back to pre 9/11 mentality.

This terrorist is just one of 3 that have made attempts to slaughter innocent Americans--since Eric Holder outlawed waterboarding & other "harsh" measures to obtain information.

One was successful--the major at the army base that killed 13 & wounded dozens--all the while intelligence knew he was on radical extremist web-sites. Then the person in Denver--who was planning & making a large bomb that was working with others in New York. Now the Christmas day attempt. Someone who broke through all security--& walked on an American airline headed to the main-land--& actually denonated the device. Fortunately for hundreds on that plane--the explosive device did not work properly.

It took Obama 72 hours to address the Christmas day attempt & when he did he stated it was an "isolated" incident. Obviously--attacks on this country & attempts to kill innocent Americans are not isolated at all--in fact, these attempts have increased.

Terrorists do not "respect" nice guys. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance. Right now--it is apparent that the least path of resistance is this administration & it's policies--:cuckoo::cuckoo:
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If news reports are accurate, he accused gave up quite a bit of information without military interogation techniques. His target was not military. We have federal laws, and have for many years concerning this type of thing on an commercial flight. This is one case where the enemy combatant label doesn't fit as well as other ones. Pick your battles better Mr. Cheney. It would be nice if some of you gave Mr. Bush some credit for not doing this type of thing.

This guy might have given up information--but Al Queda learns very quickly. The next one that is caught & is read his miranda rights--will not be talking. The next one will lawyer up immediately--& his lawyer will advise him not to say anything. We have gone back to pre 9/11 mentality.

This terrorist is just one of 3 that have made attempts to slaughter innocent Americans--since Eric Holder outlawed waterboarding & other "harsh" measures to obtain information.

One was successful--the major at the army base that killed 13 & wounded dozens--all the while intelligence knew he was on radical extremist web-sites. Then the person in Denver--who was planning & making a large bomb that was working with others in New York. Now the Christmas day attempt. Someone who broke through all security--& walked on an American airline headed to the main-land--& actually denonated the device. Fortunately for hundreds on that plane--the explosive device did not work properly.

It took Obama 72 hours to address the Christmas day attempt & when he did he stated it was an "isolated" incident. Obviously--attacks on this country & attempts to kill innocent Americans are not isolated at all--in fact, these attempts have increased.

Terrorists do not "respect" nice guys. In fact, a terrorist will always seek the least path of resistance. Right now--it is apparent that the least path of resistance is this administration & it's policies--:cuckoo::cuckoo:


The Wages of Weakness

On Point
The Wages of Weakness

by Austin Bay
December 29, 2009
Christmas Day 2009 witnessed another attempted terrorist attack on U.S. territory. Al-Qaida and its affiliates intend to spill American blood on American soil -- lots of it.

For the clear-thinking, there is no question Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab is a terrorist with connections. Yemen's government confirmed The Christmas Terrorist lived in Yemen from August to early December 2009. "Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula" (based in Yemen) claimed credit for operation.

Yet two days after the incident, the Obama administration's queen of incompetence, Janet Napolitano, said she had no evidence of a wider terrorist plot involving Abdulmutallab. Napolitano also stuck to the "terrorism is crime" narrative. Abdulmutallab committed an act of war, a strategic terror bombing of Detroit, but the ideologues running the Obama administration just can't acknowledge that. The Obama administration recently sent six Yemeni terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to Yemen. Why? Well, according to the terror apologists, George W. Bush treated these poor men like war criminals, which violated their rights ...

I think Maj. Nidal Hasan's hideous massacre at Fort Hood, Texas, was treason committed with the calculated use of terror tactics, which means al-Qaida has hit the U.S. since 9-11 and done so on Obama's watch. Time will tell, however, whether Hasan's al-Qaida imam Anwar Awlaki (who fled to Yemen) inspired him with Islamist nostrums and manipulative lies (my bet), or Hasan is a misunderstood psychotic alienated religious-minority victim the American System somehow failed to save and/or apprehend (the Obama administration's current spin, but that could change tomorrow, next week or, if necessary, by the next election)....
Obama has almost single handedly destroyed islamic extremist mythology.

The result has been the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, the Pakistani government attacking the Taliban's bases, and the near destruction of the government in Iran.

But the moronic right doesn't get it. There are one billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat islamic extremism.
Obama has almost single handedly destroyed islamic extremist mythology.

The result has been the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, the Pakistani government attacking the Taliban's bases, and the near destruction of the government in Iran.

But the moronic right doesn't get it. There are one billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat islamic extremism.

No Chris, you fail to see the light on the train.
Obama has almost single handedly destroyed islamic extremist mythology.

The result has been the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, the Pakistani government attacking the Taliban's bases, and the near destruction of the government in Iran.

But the moronic right doesn't get it. There are one billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat islamic extremism.

No Chris, you fail to see the light on the train.
chris has been blinded by the gestapo hardware on his uniform. I wouldn't put much credence in his sanity let alone actually reply to one of his posts.
Obama has almost single handedly destroyed islamic extremist mythology.

The result has been the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, the Pakistani government attacking the Taliban's bases, and the near destruction of the government in Iran.

But the moronic right doesn't get it. There are one billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat islamic extremism.

No Chris, you fail to see the light on the train.

What train?

Support for Islamic extremism among Muslims is at an all time low because of Obama.

And he didn't have to spend $700 billion dollars and sacrifice 4,000 young American lives to accomplish this.

Obama is smart. He knows how the world works.

You don't.
Obama has almost single handedly destroyed islamic extremist mythology.

The result has been the defeat of Hezbollah in the Lebanese elections, the Pakistani government attacking the Taliban's bases, and the near destruction of the government in Iran.

But the moronic right doesn't get it. There are one billion muslims in the world. Only the muslims can defeat islamic extremism.

No Chris, you fail to see the light on the train.

What train?

Support for Islamic extremism among Muslims is at an all time low because of Obama.

And he didn't have to spend $700 billion dollars and sacrifice 4,000 young American lives to accomplish this.

Obama is smart. He knows how the world works.

You don't.

No, you don't. Everything from the number of attempts, one of which (Ft. Hood), illustrates the growing problem. It's looking a lot like 1999.
No Chris, you fail to see the light on the train.

What train?

Support for Islamic extremism among Muslims is at an all time low because of Obama.

And he didn't have to spend $700 billion dollars and sacrifice 4,000 young American lives to accomplish this.

Obama is smart. He knows how the world works.

You don't.

No, you don't. Everything from the number of attempts, one of which (Ft. Hood), illustrates the growing problem. It's looking a lot like 1999.

No, support for the Taliban in Pakistan has fallen from 40% in 2005 to 4% today.

You need to do more reading.
What train?

Support for Islamic extremism among Muslims is at an all time low because of Obama.

And he didn't have to spend $700 billion dollars and sacrifice 4,000 young American lives to accomplish this.

Obama is smart. He knows how the world works.

You don't.

No, you don't. Everything from the number of attempts, one of which (Ft. Hood), illustrates the growing problem. It's looking a lot like 1999.

No, support for the Taliban in Pakistan has fallen from 40% in 2005 to 4% today.

You need to do more reading.
YOU need to do more analyzing. It's not Obama that caused those changes, but the growing presence and violence of the Taliban.
No, you don't. Everything from the number of attempts, one of which (Ft. Hood), illustrates the growing problem. It's looking a lot like 1999.

No, support for the Taliban in Pakistan has fallen from 40% in 2005 to 4% today.

You need to do more reading.
YOU need to do more analyzing. It's not Obama that caused those changes, but the growing presence and violence of the Taliban.

No, Obama's speech in Cairo had a huge impact in the Muslim world. Before his speech Hezbollah was leading in the polls in the Lebanese election. A week after his speech, they lost.

Likewise in Iran, Obama destroyed the mullahs image of the evil America. Now it is the mullahs who are in trouble with the people.

Obama is doing a great job with foreign policy.
No, support for the Taliban in Pakistan has fallen from 40% in 2005 to 4% today.

You need to do more reading.
YOU need to do more analyzing. It's not Obama that caused those changes, but the growing presence and violence of the Taliban.

No, Obama's speech in Cairo had a huge impact in the Muslim world. Before his speech Hezbollah was leading in the polls in the Lebanese election. A week after his speech, they lost.

Likewise in Iran, Obama destroyed the mullahs image of the evil America. Now it is the mullahs who are in trouble with the people.

Obama is doing a great job with foreign policy.

Syria is a puppet of Iran, as is Hezbollah.

The Media Line

Syria’s new lease on life in Lebanon has its leaders ingratiating themselves with Assad.

When Syrian President Bashar Assad said last week that it would be “normal” for him to visit Lebanon, he wasn’t just fishing for an invitation.

Assad was expressing what analysts have been calling a return of Syrian influence and presence in Lebanon. Following the December 20 visit to Damascus by Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, there have been increasing reports of intensive contacts between Assad’s and al-Hariri’s senior advisors.

Al-Hariri has had little inclination to meet with Assad, the man widely presumed to have ordered the assassination of his father, former Lebanese premier Rafiq al-Hariri in 2005. But his visit was a loathsome price Hariri was forced to pay Assad for allowing the formation of the Lebanese Government.

“Syria is returning its influence in Lebanon,” said Prof. Eyal Zisser, the director of the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies at Tel Aviv University. “Assad is returning to his role as kingmaker in Beirut.”


Hezbollah out of Lebanon? You're delusional:

Wrangling continues over Hezbollah weapons - UPI.com

Wrangling continues over Hezbollah weapons
Published: Dec. 31, 2009 at 4:20 PM

BEIRUT, Lebanon, Dec. 31 (UPI) -- Lebanese political leaders continued their debate over Hezbollah's right to maintain an armed resistance to deter an Israeli threat.

Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri wrangled over drafting a national policy guideline following months of deliberations over forming his new government.

Hezbollah secured two Cabinet positions in the Hariri government and later was awarded the right by Lebanese lawmakers to maintain an armed resistance so long as the threat from Israel persists....
Annie, are your making up strawmen?

Hezbollah is not "out of Lebanon." But their influence decreased after Obama's speech.

Obama has done more to defeat extemism than any other American because he is smart. He knows we are in a political war, that can only be won by the muslims themselves.

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