Obama's secret advantage- people's inability to admit a mistake

How will you vote in 2012 compared to 2008?

  • I voted for Obama in 2008, and will vote for him again.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • I voted for Obama in 2008, but won't vote him this time.

    Votes: 2 4.7%
  • I didn't vote for him in 2008, and won't vote for him in 2012

    Votes: 31 72.1%
  • I didn't vote for him in 2008, but might vote for him in 2012

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I didn't vote in 2008 at all because I was too young, not a citizen, or hated all the choices.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
View the misery index and you will get your answer....

I voted Bush twice and I don't regret it...

Sure Bush signed a few bills I didn't agree with, the Patriot Act being the most notable....

That thing is being abused today to create a police state...

Bush cut taxes for the wealthy twice....2001 and 2003. He proceeded to double the national debt.

He elected to invade a sovereign nation which had done no harm to the United States of America and lost over 4000 of our young troopers. There were also more than 32,000 seriously wounded and all these families were impacted. Bush was the dumbest, most self centered prick I've ever seen. 'Course I'm only 77.

he cut taxes for everyone genius. ever heard of the 10% tax bracket for instance? your talking points are lame.

I remember the Reagan tax cuts. The ad showed the upper 1% being able to buy a new Mercedes with their savings and an average earner to buy the muffler for it. My wife and I came out about $12 a month better off. When taxes are cut the overwhelming cut goes to the upper crust because by default they pay the most taxes. Here's exactly what all the Reagan-Bushes bullschit caused:


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Nah, I work as CEO for the family businesses, but hang out here.

JoeB I believe is an Obama plant trying to influence the GOP nomination to anyone but Romney, because Romney, of them all, is only one electable.
I run the business, we are very successful, and trash like you wound't make it.

I was the computer operations manager in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the country for 25 years. There were from 22 to 41 telecommunications and computer personnel and I seemed to make it OK. I retired in 1993.
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I run the business, we are very successful, and trash like you wound't make it.

I was the computer operations manager in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the country for 25 years. There were from 22 to 41 telecommunications and computer personnel and I seemed to make it OK. I retired in 1993.

So you were a supervisor for a couple of dozen phone associates. You would not make it in a real operation as someone in charge. At all.
I run the business, we are very successful, and trash like you wound't make it.

I was the computer operations manager in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the country for 25 years. There were from 22 to 41 telecommunications and computer personnel and I seemed to make it OK. I retired in 1993.

So you were a supervisor for a couple of dozen phone associates. You would not make it in a real operation as someone in charge. At all.

In 1985 we installed Oak Ridge Tennessee's first supercomputer.......the Cray XMP 2-4:

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it wasn't a mistake given the alternative.

and you guys haven't provided anyone who is a good alternative.

so there ya go.
And what a shame that is. With available prospects like Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown, and the looming possibility that Obama has pissed off and disappointed enough of his former supporters to turn their backs on him, I believe the DNC should give us an alternative. And I've written to them about it.

I voted for Obama, mainly because the option was McCain. But Obama wasn't my first choice, because I could tell he is an artful bullshit artist and little more. My first and second choices were Kucinich and Gravel, respectively. This time around I intend to write someone in.

If a Republican gets in, maybe that's what it will take to wake people up. Maybe they need a little more pain to piss them off. But after giving the Bush Crime Family a pass, and after giving us a wooden indian like Eric Holder as A/G, and after signing the NDAA into law, I've had it with Obama.

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I was the computer operations manager in one of the largest mainframe computing centers in the country for 25 years. There were from 22 to 41 telecommunications and computer personnel and I seemed to make it OK. I retired in 1993.

So you were a supervisor for a couple of dozen phone associates. You would not make it in a real operation as someone in charge. At all.

In 1985 we installed Oak Ridge Tennessee's first supercomputer.......the Cray XMP 2-4:


So your company did, very good.
This is one of Oak Ridge National Laboratory's state of the art supercomputers today...one of the youngsters who trained with us is the manager in that center:

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JoeB can't stay away. He is my very own little stalker. He has a man crush on me!

1) This is my thread... so, yeah, I'm here.

2) Haven't really looked at your nonsense for two days.

Hey Mittens got a whopping 36% of the vote so far....
Hey, three of four voters don't want you nonsense, JoeB. Nobody who supports Romney, Huntsman, or Paul wants your far right wackiness.

Yeah, you read, cause you got a man crush on me. :lol:
I voted for him, but I only will not vote for him because of the NDAA lie.

I won't be participating at all in this upcoming election as a result.

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