Obama's Speech Today Was SPOT ON!!

We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

I give kudos to Obama for rejecting in no uncertain terms the Ryan plan to end Medicare.

Why should TAXPAYERS PAY for anyone to GET anything in a FREE Society?

I do NOT VALUE SACRIFICE. I VALUE INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY. We cannot have liberty without valuing private property. If a robber steals from you is it not an evil act? If I were to send a group of thugs to steal from you is it just as evil? Supporting the government stealing from all that produce is just as evil.
Cut the social programs and the government subsidizing if you want to fix the budget. Purge the federal government of all forms of socialism. Raising taxes on the rich, middle class or poor will only increase the suffering of everyone in the country.
The evil socialist think we are on the way out of the recession. They are wrong. I bet the people living in 1930 thought the worst was over. The taxes if passed could and I believe they will trigger the next crash of wall street. This so called Great Recession is much bigger than the Great Depression. It all started in 1913, when they American people failed to stand with one voice and condemn the evil practice of taxing a single rich man and violating his private property rights.
Socialism is evil. All I have to do to prove this is to point to the USSR, Nazi Germany, China, Cuba and allsocialist countries. They have all murdered and imprisoned dissidents. They have all impoverish the common man. It's an evil ideology-- period. We should not accept a little evil just because someone thinks it is necessary. It is not necessary. Socialism is not compatible with individual liberty. Socialism destroys liberty.
Umm "those of us who are most vulnerable" Pay no Federal Taxes WOW ya that was spot on :clap2:

The top 1% of the job creators are already paying 38% in federal income taxes. 47% of citizens pay NOTHING, and if they are "entitled" to earned income, actually receive refunds of the "taxpayer's money." Real fair. When did raising taxes in a recession EVER stimulate the economy?

I can attest to this fact. Me and the wife had a very bad year last year. Most of My income was untaxed (paid as an independent contractor). I just had my taxes done, fully expecting to owe to both Federal and State. Thanks to my 2 kids and the EIC I was shocked to find out I am getting 5700 Dollars back from the FED and 600 from the State. Which is even more shocking to me considering we only paid in 1100 dollars in withholding. Which means the Government is giving us 4600 Dollars we never paid in.

No wonder were in debt. Yeah I know what some of you libs will say, I should send it back if I feel that way. Well screw that. I feel I can do more good for the economy spending that money myself, than the Government every could. So while I can see the unsustainable of a tax system like this. I will be keeping my refund :)
Sounds like EXACTLY the type of rationalization the Republicans do on a day-to-day basis. Except on a personal scale.

Why am I not surprised?
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

I give kudos to Obama for rejecting in no uncertain terms the Ryan plan to end Medicare.

There was no plan to end Medicare. You need to stop regurgitating communist talking points Comrade.
Yep...Obama really went to town on his ass.


When are YOU gonna get off WELFARE...BOY?

See the RWers go crazy.

Dance for me....DANCE!!!



For the record, that picyure is racist... But you knew that didn't you?

Obama's speech is worth it even if it just to watch the far right rabid lunatic fringers writhe...


Or see them show what a bunch of crybabies they are:

House Republicans recoiled Wednesday evening from President Obama's speech on America's budget woes. After spending most of the week pre-empting the address, and rejecting its expected calls for tax increases on wealthy Americans, Republicans endured a broad and severe critique of their vision for the country.

Their responses thus edged beyond substance into the realm of personal grievance. Indeed, they implied that the speech may have poisoned the well so much that working together where common ground exists might now be impossible.

"I missed lunch for this?" complained Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chair of the House GOP conference, at a Capitol press conference shortly after the address.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) attacked the partisan bent of the speech, then characterized it as "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."

GOP: Obama's Speech So Partisan We'll Never Reach Budget Agreement | TPMDC

Recoiled indeed...like the bunch of SNAKES that they are. Obama gave them a WHOPPING blow straight to the face today. And that peon Ryan got the brunt of it.


His speeches are always spot on but that spot is nothing but a spot of bullshit. All fluff and no substance. If America was obama's wife she would divorce for being impotent.
The MARXIST Obama in his speech...and the OP of this failure of a thread thinks that WE work for government and the wealth of this nation, and everything anyone makes belong to the Government for them to do as they wish and ON DEMAND they can take more...

*BOTH* need to get wise...before WE make them BOTH confront Reality...
Obama's speech is worth it even if it just to watch the far right rabid lunatic fringers writhe...


Still going to say that, when we vote you lefties out of power? 2012 is coming......
Yep, it sure is and I can't WAIT to see who will be the last man standing.


And it won't BE The Boiking Obama...The people are dog tired of his wrecking their lives for his sojourn into OJT.
What would one expect from a brainless Obamarrhoidal idjit like Rattle MarcATL but to have him have an orgasm every time his idol farts ????

The MONUMENTAL FRAUD, Pathological LIAR and Stone Cold MARXIST Obami Salaami proclaims his constant refrain & IDIOTIC SOLUTION in the time of imminent bankruptcy: "SPEND MORE & TAX MORE" .............In other words: "SPEND MORE & DESTROY THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION !!! "

If BRAINLESS utterances like this doesn't guarantee this Ex Community Organizer from the criminal enterprise ACORN, now President, a dramatic toss on his semi-black arse come 2012, nothing will.
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Obama's speech is worth it even if it just to watch the far right rabid lunatic fringers writhe...


Or see them show what a bunch of crybabies they are:

House Republicans recoiled Wednesday evening from President Obama's speech on America's budget woes. After spending most of the week pre-empting the address, and rejecting its expected calls for tax increases on wealthy Americans, Republicans endured a broad and severe critique of their vision for the country.

Their responses thus edged beyond substance into the realm of personal grievance. Indeed, they implied that the speech may have poisoned the well so much that working together where common ground exists might now be impossible.

"I missed lunch for this?" complained Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chair of the House GOP conference, at a Capitol press conference shortly after the address.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) attacked the partisan bent of the speech, then characterized it as "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."

GOP: Obama's Speech So Partisan We'll Never Reach Budget Agreement | TPMDC

Recoiled indeed...like the bunch of SNAKES that they are. Obama gave them a WHOPPING blow straight to the face today. And that peon Ryan got the brunt of it.



Obama did what you and millions like wanted to see, Obama weged that divide between the parties even further. Your optimisum over what you believe to be a "gottcha" moment is beyond words and very telling about the kind of person you are.

The fact that Obama asked for cuts on "everything" is also kind of funny because just hours before this speech you believed Obama represtent just th opposite of that, and defended that stance feverishly.

You're kind of a joke as a human being.

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