Obama's Speech Today Was SPOT ON!!

Yep, it sure is and I can't WAIT to see who will be the last man standing.

Ironic that you should be the one use the image of what appears to be a '30s mobster. :lol:

Chicago! Bang Bang!! :lol:

Recoiled indeed...like the bunch of SNAKES that they are. Obama gave them a WHOPPING blow straight to the face today. And that peon Ryan got the brunt of it.



Obama did what you and millions like wanted to see, Obama weged that divide between the parties even further. Your optimisum over what you believe to be a "gottcha" moment is beyond words and very telling about the kind of person you are.

The fact that Obama asked for cuts on "everything" is also kind of funny because just hours before this speech you believed Obama represtent just th opposite of that, and defended that stance feverishly.

You're kind of a joke as a human being.

And more than likely a TAKER in Society.
Obama gave Tax Cuts to Billionaires, bailed out Wall St, gave trillions to european Banks and now states we need to raise taxes on Billionaires to pay for his tax cuts on Billionaires

Democrats are educated
Obama's speech is worth it even if it just to watch the far right rabid lunatic fringers writhe...


Or see them show what a bunch of crybabies they are:

House Republicans recoiled Wednesday evening from President Obama's speech on America's budget woes. After spending most of the week pre-empting the address, and rejecting its expected calls for tax increases on wealthy Americans, Republicans endured a broad and severe critique of their vision for the country.

Their responses thus edged beyond substance into the realm of personal grievance. Indeed, they implied that the speech may have poisoned the well so much that working together where common ground exists might now be impossible.

"I missed lunch for this?" complained Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chair of the House GOP conference, at a Capitol press conference shortly after the address.

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) attacked the partisan bent of the speech, then characterized it as "a political broadside from our campaigner in chief."

GOP: Obama's Speech So Partisan We'll Never Reach Budget Agreement | TPMDC

Recoiled indeed...like the bunch of SNAKES that they are. Obama gave them a WHOPPING blow straight to the face today. And that peon Ryan got the brunt of it.



I thought Democrats were united against the use of violence and violent talk?

Recoiled indeed...like the bunch of SNAKES that they are. Obama gave them a WHOPPING blow straight to the face today. And that peon Ryan got the brunt of it.



I thought Democrats were united against the use of violence and violent talk?
They only against the "right" using violence and violent talk.
They don't hold them selves to the same standard.
Obama gave Tax Cuts to Billionaires, bailed out Wall St, gave trillions to european Banks and now states we need to raise taxes on Billionaires to pay for his tax cuts on Billionaires

Democrats are educated


Again, for Obama it's all about telling people what they "think" they want to hear. It was popular at the time for Obama to say "The last thing I want to do is Bail out (fill in the blank)" and then of course do "the last thing he would want to do." Today it's about taxing the very people he gave BILLIONS to because again, it's popular. Now the most amazing thing is that even with a MASSIVE tax hike it won't even cover .01% of the growing deficit... But that's not popular to say yet.
Actually he wants to cut spending buy $4 Trillion in 12 years, that's nice, but the deficit is $1.5 Trillion per year... that still leaves us with roughly $25 trillion debt 12 years from now under the Obama plan...

That dog don't hunt.
Actually he wants to cut spending buy $4 Trillion in 12 years, that's nice, but the deficit is $1.5 Trillion per year... that still leaves us with roughly $25 trillion debt 12 years from now under the Obama plan...

That dog don't hunt.

It's even more dishonest if one looks at some details that are completely unrealistic:

- His budget assumes that the Bush Tax Cuts expire for everyone, including the middle class, in 2012. In reality, to extend the cuts for those who are not EVUL RICH making more than $200K or $250K will add $3T to the 10 year out look.

- His budget excludes the Medicare Doc Fix, and assumes doctor reimbursement will be decreased by 20%. Again, this won't happen.

- His budget excludes the AMT fix which Congress always approves.

The Ryan Plan doesn't make these bogus assumptions, and cuts over $6T from the Obama budget.
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We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Obama - and leeches like you - keep your filthy fucking hands out of my pockets.

Suck on that Gomer...
Actually he wants to cut spending buy $4 Trillion in 12 years, that's nice, but the deficit is $1.5 Trillion per year... that still leaves us with roughly $25 trillion debt 12 years from now under the Obama plan...

That dog don't hunt.
Back-loading the real cuts for the out years, no doubt....All well after a good share of them will be out of office.

How these little weasels can trot this crap out as a serious proposal is beyond comprehension.
Obama gave Tax Cuts to Billionaires, bailed out Wall St, gave trillions to european Banks and now states we need to raise taxes on Billionaires to pay for his tax cuts on Billionaires

Democrats are educated
From the NY Slimes, no less....

Big foreign banks also received large sums from the rescue, including Société Générale of France and Deutsche Bank of Germany, which each received nearly $12 billion; Barclays of Britain ($8.5 billion); and UBS of Switzerland ($5 billion).

A.I.G. Lists Banks It Paid With U.S. Bailout Funds - NYTimes.com
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I have a "spot on" my carpet too. The cat had a hairball.

Obama's a dolt and has got this country circling the bowl awaiting the final flush.
We're NOT going to tax those of us who are most vulnerable and are going to ask those of us who have PROFITED the most from the system to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

It's all about SHARED SACRIFICE.

Remember that Republicans?

Kudos Obama...way to win back your support.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

:lol: Good one!!!

So those that Pay in nothing yet bankrupt the system fall into what category Marc??? How about over compensated Government workers, you know the "Protected Class"??? Where do they fit in???

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