Obama's Upcoming Final State of the Union Address


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
I wonder how many times he'll mention himself.
A show of hands of those looking forward to this dipshit telling us what we "should" be like in his pathetic fucking dream?
Dear God - why doesn't this clown man-up and resign. Nixon did, for the good of the country - and this fucker has done more damage to this country globally - tenfold, then Nixon could ever imagine possible.
I wonder how many times he'll mention himself.
A show of hands of those looking forward to this dipshit telling us what we "should" be like in his pathetic fucking dream?
Dear God - why doesn't this clown man-up and resign. Nixon did, for the good of the country - and this fucker has done more damage to this country globally - tenfold, then Nixon could ever imagine possible.

The Republicans will pay a long bill for giving Obama free reign for 8 years just because they're afraid of America burning to the ground for standing up to the Affirmative Action fail of a President

I wonder how many times he'll mention himself.
A show of hands of those looking forward to this dipshit telling us what we "should" be like in his pathetic fucking dream?
Dear God - why doesn't this clown man-up and resign. Nixon did, for the good of the country - and this fucker has done more damage to this country globally - tenfold, then Nixon could ever imagine possible.

The Republicans will pay a long bill for giving Obama free reign for 8 years just because they're afraid of America burning to the ground for standing up to the Affirmative Action fail of a President


I am sure it has nothing to do with the GOP being huge pussies.
I'll be watching paint dry like I have for the last seven years whenever that ugly person is on t.v talking about I I I I iiiiiiiiiii mememememememememememem
And the same idiots - who lined up to vote for this assclown - TWICE - many of them, are preparing themselves to vote for yet another POS, the wanna-be felon, the one married to the child molester and former impeached, disbarred, disgraced, lying under oath, adultering Bill Clinton. You can't make shit like this up. Seriously.
I wonder how many times he'll mention himself.
A show of hands of those looking forward to this dipshit telling us what we "should" be like in his pathetic fucking dream?
Dear God - why doesn't this clown man-up and resign. Nixon did, for the good of the country - and this fucker has done more damage to this country globally - tenfold, then Nixon could ever imagine possible.

The Republicans will pay a long bill for giving Obama free reign for 8 years just because they're afraid of America burning to the ground for standing up to the Affirmative Action fail of a President


I am sure it has nothing to do with the GOP being huge pussies.
Isn't that what he just said?
And the same idiots - who lined up to vote for this assclown - TWICE - many of them, are preparing themselves to vote for yet another POS, the wanna-be felon, the one married to the child molester and former impeached, disbarred, disgraced, lying under oath, adultering Bill Clinton. You can't make shit like this up. Seriously.
Wahhhhhh, wah.................................wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I wonder if he'll come out an apologize to us all for being such a frequent liar.


I love that clip of Joe Wilson shouting "YOU LIE" back in 2009.
Obama said - "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."

Well - fast forward to 2016 and they in fact do.

Obama fucking lied
- Just like Joe Wilson shouted.
Case fucking closed on that one...
I love that clip of Joe Wilson shouting "YOU LIE" back in 2009.
Obama said - "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."

Well - fast forward to 2016 and they in fact do.

Obama fucking lied
- Just like Joe Wilson shouted.
Case fucking closed on that one...

Joe knew what he was talking about. Obama is a disgrace and should have never had the privilege of sitting in the Oval Office. Well, that's if he wanted to which we all know he doesn't

I love that clip of Joe Wilson shouting "YOU LIE" back in 2009.
Obama said - "There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too, is false – the reforms I'm proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally."

Well - fast forward to 2016 and they in fact do.

Obama fucking lied
- Just like Joe Wilson shouted.
Case fucking closed on that one...

And he turned out to be right. the man won LIE of the year in order to stick a new government entitlement on ours and our Children's backs. yet here they sit slobbering over the liar. they're a minority. the majority of the people DISapproves of the liar
I wonder how many times he'll mention himself.
A show of hands of those looking forward to this dipshit telling us what we "should" be like in his pathetic fucking dream?
Dear God - why doesn't this clown man-up and resign. Nixon did, for the good of the country - and this fucker has done more damage to this country globally - tenfold, then Nixon could ever imagine possible.

The Republicans will pay a long bill for giving Obama free reign for 8 years just because they're afraid of America burning to the ground for standing up to the Affirmative Action fail of a President


I am sure it has nothing to do with the GOP being huge pussies.
I donthink they are pussies, they just share a lot of beliefs.
No difference between the corporate dems and the GOP. That's why they are going to get their ass kicked. Those fuckers deserve it. Let the Republican party eat itself.
I'll be watching a thousand pieces of paper being thrown into the air in jubilous celebration by the REPs in attendance. The country's misery is soon coming to an end. There will never be another Affirmative Action President if the US lasts another thousand years.
If the DNC hands Hillary the nomination in spite of Sander's beating her the Sanderistas will say "fuck it!" and refuse to vote for Hillary.
If Hillary jumps before the FBI pushes her for 'health reasons' watch for Biden to run to the rescue.
(There are currently 150 FBI agents working on uncovering enough facts against Hillary to bring multiple charges. If Lynch refuses to go forward with the charges there will be open revolt in the FBI and Lynch herself could be charged with obstructing justice. All it will take is the voters to become aware that Hillary is facing criminal charges and the Clinton's party is over. The DNC knows this.)
It won't help though. Again if the DNC hands the nomination to Biden the Sanderistas will say "fuck it!" and stay home.
If by some miracle Sanders is handed the nomination by the DNC the DEMs will lose the election to Trump.
Apart from the shiny cheeked starry eyed young 'dopers' who have just left the Liberal Indoctrination Centers and are brainwashed to belive Socialism is the perfect solution to Americ's problems there is no way the American voter is going to stand for another four years of a President attempting to turn the US into a gaint verson of Socialist Greece.
I'm calling the election for Trump. Cruz as VP.

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