Obama's War Against Whistleblowers and Reporters


Radical Freedom
Aug 16, 2009
Journalist Glenn Greenwald exposes the hypocrisy of Democrats over government leaks

Greenwald said:

If you look at the last eight years, there has been a very concerted war on not just sources and whistleblowers, but also journalists, implemented by not Donald Trump but by the Obama administration. More sources prosecuted under the 1917 Espionage Act than in all previous administrations combined. Journalists such as James Rosen at Fox News and Jim Risen at The New York Times and those of us who worked on the Snowden reporting constantly threatened with prosecution or having our phone records subpoenaed and the like. And Democratic officeholders in D.C. were virtually unanimous in the idea that people who leak information that’s classified are villains, they’re traitors, they oughta go to prison.


Demo_rats come hither and defend your idol



And now your idol is also declaring war on whistleblowers and reporters. Will your guys go to defense always be "but obama did the same thing!?" The fact that Donald Trump has so much in common with Barack Obama, is a good reason why you should not be supporting him.

Or not. Keep defending him with 'but obama....' and it will get old very fast.
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A. Bush's fault

B. We have progressed since then.

C. What's a leak?

D. We are planning a riot for Thursday.
And now your idol is also declaring war on whistleblowers and reporters. Will your guys go to defense always be "but obama did the same thing!?" The fact that Donald Trump has so much in common with Barack Obama, is a good reason why you should not be supporting him.

Or not. Keep defending him with 'but obama....' and it will get old very fast.

Well let me bring you up to date.

Gen Flynn was a CIVILIAN on December 2016.

The whistle blower act is inapplicable.

The motherfuckers will be prosecuted because they broke the law - not because Obama would have done the same thing.

But , I didn't want you motherfuckers to take a holier than attitude.


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