CNN Sues.....

No, he just wouldn't release it. It's not his press conference. Its not his microphone. He got to make his statement instead of ask a question. His turn was over. At the point you are no longer recognized from the podium, you pass the mic, sit down and shut up. You don't pull away from the WH aide whose job it is to move the mic to the next person. Acosta was an ass looking to be part of the story. He should lose his job.
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.

Fuck Acosta.

Is that clear enough for you?
No, it’s not clear. It has nothing to do with the conversation. Sounds like you got no substance behind your argument so you are resorting to pure emotional outbursts. You hate Jim Acosta, we get it, but your feelings are irrelevant.

My substance is Acosta is a lying grandstanding POS and his credentials should have been removed long ago.

He gave an opening. It was taken.

Jim isn’t a journalist.
If the White House wanted to remove Acosta for grandstanding or interrupting then there is a process for that. You don’t lie and make up charges to get rid of somebody. And there’s also the fact that Jim was and is always called on by Trump and Sanders to ask questions. Did you ever think about why? They love the war, it’s feeds the low IQ puppets like yourself who need an enemy to hate. You are being played.

I notice you and JIM are on a 1st name basis-)

As far as your statement, then tell all these nice people why YOUR SENATORS fabricated a rape narrative to get rid of Justice K-)
The implication that senators fabricated a rape narrative is laughable. If there was any proof of that then they should go to jail. But there is none so stop lying.

Telling a lie as truth when you did not investigate it for yourself is called ENABLING!

Leftists always ENABLE! They ENABLE Illegals, enable Socialists, enable Marxists, and you enable racists.

You enable the forgivness of skinhead Nazis, by calling everyone Nazis.

Hell, according to you people, anyone wanting to ENFORCE the law is racist, or a Nazi. Of course, you lazy good for nothings, have no gonads to try and change the law because you are a bunch of chickenshits! Imagine that! Here in America, all you have to do is change the law to your liking. But what do you phonies do? Try and intimidate people into BREAKING the law for YOU, so as you can wipe your hands of it before the electorate.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS, and a bunch of phony-baloneys...…...and probably Peggy Sue's too......not to mention, a bunch of COWARDS-)
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

How about you answer my very easy yes or no question instead of ignoring it and pasting a bunch of crap that you’ve already posted. I’m not going to take the time to read anything you write if you are going to ignore my questions. Care to try again?


Sure thing...

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Some people see you as half empty, I see you as being half full of it.

You can keep repeating your incorrect talking points bit you will keep being wrong and looking like an ass. I just proved each of your points as incorrect. If you disagree with any of my points then address it but when you ignore my points and just copy and paste the same BS that I just debunked you just waste time and look stupid.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

This is too good. Your arguments are soooo dumb. Here since you are acting like a child I’ll use a child like argument to prove you wrong and rip apart each of your points.

1. Twice she tried to reach in for the mic and he recoiled. The third time she quickly reached in and he reacted by blocking her arm as he recoiled for a third time. He immediately said “pardon”. There was no aggression from Acosta, she made the move and instigated contact.

2. His hand was never on her. Look for yourself his wrist was touching her as her arm was reaching across his body.

3. This point is irrelevant to our argument about whether he assaulted her or not.

You’re done

I didn't 'make an argument'....

I provided proof that you are a lying low-life.


But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

At this point I’m just going to report each repetitive post you make. It’s breaking the rules of the forum
Ok, but he didn’t assault her, right? Just be honest

You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.
It’s the white houses mic and press conference and Acosta was out of line. But when she reaches across his body to grab the mic and he knocks her hand as he recoils it is absurd to call that assault. So now you be honest. Assault is laughable and wrong, right?
No, it’s not clear. It has nothing to do with the conversation. Sounds like you got no substance behind your argument so you are resorting to pure emotional outbursts. You hate Jim Acosta, we get it, but your feelings are irrelevant.

My substance is Acosta is a lying grandstanding POS and his credentials should have been removed long ago.

He gave an opening. It was taken.

Jim isn’t a journalist.
If the White House wanted to remove Acosta for grandstanding or interrupting then there is a process for that. You don’t lie and make up charges to get rid of somebody. And there’s also the fact that Jim was and is always called on by Trump and Sanders to ask questions. Did you ever think about why? They love the war, it’s feeds the low IQ puppets like yourself who need an enemy to hate. You are being played.

I notice you and JIM are on a 1st name basis-)

As far as your statement, then tell all these nice people why YOUR SENATORS fabricated a rape narrative to get rid of Justice K-)
The implication that senators fabricated a rape narrative is laughable. If there was any proof of that then they should go to jail. But there is none so stop lying.

Telling a lie as truth when you did not investigate it for yourself is called ENABLING!

Leftists always ENABLE! They ENABLE Illegals, enable Socialists, enable Marxists, and you enable racists.

You enable the forgivness of skinhead Nazis, by calling everyone Nazis.

Hell, according to you people, anyone wanting to ENFORCE the law is racist, or a Nazi. Of course, you lazy good for nothings, have no gonads to try and change the law because you are a bunch of chickenshits! Imagine that! Here in America, all you have to do is change the law to your liking. But what do you phonies do? Try and intimidate people into BREAKING the law for YOU, so as you can wipe your hands of it before the electorate.

YOU ARE FAKE NEWS, and a bunch of phony-baloneys...…...and probably Peggy Sue's too......not to mention, a bunch of COWARDS-)
Huh? What does that rant have to do with anything we are talking about
Under the rubric of 'knowing on which side your bread is buttered.....'

1. "CNN sues President Trump and White House for banning reporter Jim Acosta"
CNN sues President Trump and White House for banning reporter Jim Acosta related stories, sans lawsuits....

2. “But Trump's anti-press bluster aside, there's a clear blueprint to follow — courtesy of Barack Obama, who once claimed that he would be the most transparent president ever but proved to be no friend to press rights.

Under Obama, the Justice Department subpoenaed the telephone records of AP journalists as investigators pursued a leak.

…what happened under Obama set an ominous tone for reporters who were trying to do their jobs of informing the public.

So did the Obama administration's record-breaking use of an arcane century-old law — the Espionage Act — which it used nine times to pursue leakers.” Shocked by Trump aggression against reporters and sources? The blueprint was made by Obama

3. “Weeks before President Barack Obama was to leave office, [James] Risen wrote in the Times, “If Donald J. Trump decides as president to throw a whistle-blower in jail for trying to talk to a reporter, or gets the F.B.I. to spy on a journalist, he will have one man to thank for bequeathing him such expansive power: Barack Obama.”

The Obama administration's aggressiveness on this front mushroomed into a scandal in spring 2013, as revelations surfaced that the Justice Department had subpoenaed two months’ worth of phone records of Associated Press journalists, and that it had named James Rosen, then of Fox News, as a potential co-conspirator in a criminal leak as it pursued his reportorial records.

Which is to say that entangling the media in leak investigations isn’t a Trump-era outrage; there’s nothing here for Trump to “normalize.”
Opinion | Seizing journalists’ records: An outrage that Obama ‘normalized’ for Trump

4. “…many journalism groups say the record is clear. Over the past eight years, the administration has prosecuted nine cases involving whistle-blowers and leakers, compared with only three by all previous administrations combined. It has repeatedly used the Espionage Act, a relic of World War I-era red-baiting, not to prosecute spies but to go after government officials who talked to journalists.

Under Mr. Obama, the Justice Department and the F.B.I. have spied on reporters by monitoring their phone records, labeled one journalist an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal case for simply doing reporting and issued subpoenas to other reporters to try to force them to reveal their sources and testify in criminal cases.”
Opinion | If Donald Trump Targets Journalists, Thank Obama

5. “…about the media that undercut Obama’s credibility with the absurd claim that he — unlike Trump — didn’t “threaten the freedom of the press.” Baloney.” Before Trump, Obama was an 'enemy of press freedom'

Which reminds us that the only place on finds justice is the dictionary and the cemetery.
Great idea just tie it up in court for a few years, and keep him out. CNN will file him before it ever gets to court.
You've been told several times, and had it proven, with video evidence, that he did just that.

Clearly you are a lying low life.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.
It’s the white houses mic and press conference and Acosta was out of line. But when she reaches across his body to grab the mic and he knocks her hand as he recoils it is absurd to call that assault. So now you be honest. Assault is laughable and wrong, right?
He should have handed him the mic and not have a tug of war over it. God he is stupid.
You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.
It’s the white houses mic and press conference and Acosta was out of line. But when she reaches across his body to grab the mic and he knocks her hand as he recoils it is absurd to call that assault. So now you be honest. Assault is laughable and wrong, right?
He should have handed him the mic and not have a tug of war over it. God he is stupid.
True, he was being persistent and rude. Still doesn’t add up to assault, right?
True, he was being persistent and rude. Still doesn’t add up to assault, right?
Switch Acosta for Trump and the White House aide for Hillary and answer your own question.....
You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

How about you answer my very easy yes or no question instead of ignoring it and pasting a bunch of crap that you’ve already posted. I’m not going to take the time to read anything you write if you are going to ignore my questions. Care to try again?


Sure thing...

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Some people see you as half empty, I see you as being half full of it.

You can keep repeating your incorrect talking points bit you will keep being wrong and looking like an ass. I just proved each of your points as incorrect. If you disagree with any of my points then address it but when you ignore my points and just copy and paste the same BS that I just debunked you just waste time and look stupid.

One of your many mistakes, low-life......I am never wrong.
You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no

Amusing that the term 'simple' doesn't lodge in your throat, you being as mentally and morally 'simple' as you are.

But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

Now.....don't forget:
Save the barrel…and you can go back to being a rodeo clown.

This is too good. Your arguments are soooo dumb. Here since you are acting like a child I’ll use a child like argument to prove you wrong and rip apart each of your points.

1. Twice she tried to reach in for the mic and he recoiled. The third time she quickly reached in and he reacted by blocking her arm as he recoiled for a third time. He immediately said “pardon”. There was no aggression from Acosta, she made the move and instigated contact.

2. His hand was never on her. Look for yourself his wrist was touching her as her arm was reaching across his body.

3. This point is irrelevant to our argument about whether he assaulted her or not.

You’re done

I didn't 'make an argument'....

I provided proof that you are a lying low-life.


But....what the heck.....let's smash another custard pie in your ugly kisser:

1. Here's Acosta using a karate-like chop on the young lady's elbow:

2. Then he claims he never touched her.

"CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern"
CNN's Acosta denies 'placing his hands on' White House intern

3. Then CNN says it's about silencing what the assaulter says....

"CNN and Acosta attempt to portray the suspension as a reaction to the "content" of Acosta's reporting:

But on November 7, 2018, Defendants revoked Acosta’s White House credentials because, in the President’s own words, Acosta failed to “treat the White House with respect” at a White House press briefing. This severe and unprecedented punishment is the culmination of years of hostility by President Trump against CNN and Acosta based on the contents of their reporting—an unabashed attempt to censor the press and exclude reporters from the White House
who challenge and dispute the President’s point of view.

That plainly is a false accusation. Acosta has been a showman and loudmouth for years at these press briefings. He only lost his pass when he got physical with an intern and refused to relinquish the microphone."
CNN sues Trump over suspension of Jim Acosta's press pass after he got physical with White House intern (Update: Hearing 11/14/18 3:30 p.m.)

At this point I’m just going to report each repetitive post you make. It’s breaking the rules of the forum

You’re delusional. She reached into his body to grab the mic and he reacted how anybody would react if somebody were to violate your personal space by knocking her arm away. Not even close to an assault you snowflake.

You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.
It’s the white houses mic and press conference and Acosta was out of line. But when she reaches across his body to grab the mic and he knocks her hand as he recoils it is absurd to call that assault. So now you be honest. Assault is laughable and wrong, right?
He should have handed him the mic and not have a tug of war over it. God he is stupid.

Point of order, Danny.....God didn't make him stupid.....his god, Marx, did.
You can keep tap-dancing, but everyone knows you're lying.
Let’s make this really simple... did she reach in across his body and try to grab the mic? Yes or no
Yes, let's make this really simple. Who does the mic belong to? Who controls the mic? Whose press conference is it? Whose job is it to control the mic and move it along to the next person called? Who is responsible for behaving properly and relinquishing the mic when tier turn is up? Answer those simple questions and you'll see who is at fault and doesn't have a legal leg to stand on. Hint, the young lady doing her job is in the right and Acosta is in the wrong. He lost his privilege. He has no right.
It’s the white houses mic and press conference and Acosta was out of line. But when she reaches across his body to grab the mic and he knocks her hand as he recoils it is absurd to call that assault. So now you be honest. Assault is laughable and wrong, right?
He should have handed him the mic and not have a tug of war over it. God he is stupid.
True, he was being persistent and rude. Still doesn’t add up to assault, right?

An assault is the act of inflicting physical harm or unwanted physical contact upon a person or, in some specific legal definitions, a threat or attempt to commit such an action.[1] It is both a crime and a tort and, therefore, may result in either criminal and/or civil liability. Generally, the common law definition is the same in criminal and tort law. Assault - Wikipedia
Last edited:
Here's the premise for the suit:

CNN sues President Trump and top White House aides for barring Jim Acosta - CNN
The code of federal regulations states that "in granting or denying a request for a security clearance made in response to an application for a White House press pass, officials of the Secret Service will be guided solely by the principle of whether the applicant presents a potential source of physical danger to the President and/or the family of the President so serious as to justify his or her exclusion from White House press privileges."

There are other guidelines as well. Abrams said the case law specifies that before a press pass is denied, "you have to have notice, you have to have a chance to respond, and you have to have a written opinion by the White House as to what it's doing and why, so the courts can examine it."

Verbally sparring with the POTUS doesn't exactly fall into these guidelines.

Trump is going to lose this.

Acosta isn’t press. He is the opposition. Trump kicked your ass again didn’t he?And the “we got him now” bluster starts again :).
And your blind loyalty to the huge media conglomerates is showing.
Court adjourns without yet granting Jim Acosta and CNN the emergency injunction they requested

Posted by William A. Jacobson Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at 5:44pm
Judge adjourns to Thursday at 3 p.m. at which point he will render his decision on the request for a Temporary Restraining Order restoring Jim Acosta’s White House “hard pass”


Court adjourns without yet granting Jim Acosta and CNN the emergency injunction they requested
“Trump will lose this”

Lol. You got him now!!!!

But wait...what’s this? You already had him via a lawsuit I thought?

Hardly 4 years. He will be in violation of the emolument clause on day one and a lawsuit will be filed against him for same on day one. He won't last two years and I am being generous here

Don’t you ever get tired of losing? Or have you sort of gotten numb to it?

“Two years” :)

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