Obama's white house deleted ICE docs. hrs. before Trump took over

Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.
Stupid post of the day.

Crepitus the retarded deviant disapproves of stating facts. Oh Noes.
Ah, #2 in the conservitard forum handbook. When someone points out you are posting garbage from a garbage site, attack them personally.

BTW, conservatives have posted no facts in this thread.

Oh noes.
New Report Exposes How Obama Sabotaged Trump Days Before ...
Same unsupported conspiracy theory the other guy posted. Did you think that was gonna change anything?
Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

And took bribes to keep them from being prosecuted for frauds and swindles. When the AG is one of your fellow criminals it's easy to do favors for your Wall Street buddies.

Hillary: "Obama Took More Money From Wall Street Than Any Candidate Who's Ever Run For President"

Hillary: "Obama Took More Money From Wall Street Than Any Candidate Who's Ever Run For President"!
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

What is a "real source?"

The openly lying Nazi fucks of CNN? After a week of blatant lying by the little Goebbels of the leftist advocacy groups waging a propaganda war on America, you're in NO position to attack "source."
How about C-SPAN, politico, or the BBC, since I know you don't use anything like CBS or AP.
Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy
Last edited:
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

What is a "real source?"

The openly lying Nazi fucks of CNN? After a week of blatant lying by the little Goebbels of the leftist advocacy groups waging a propaganda war on America, you're in NO position to attack "source."
How about C-SPAN, politico, or the BBC, since I know you don't use anything like CBS or AP.

Politico is as bad as CNN. C-Span is limited to congressional hearings. The BBC is a generally trustworthy source, as is Breitbart.

What do you think of ALL American media distorting the Stephanopolous interview and flat out lying? Shepard Smith was no different than Maxine Waters in his outrageous campaign of slander and disinformation. Pile of shit Joe Scarborough did his usual Heinreich Himmler schtick - but he is always a lying kunt. Are supposed to trust openly dishonest media that have a clear agenda and zero regard for facts?
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

What is a "real source?"

The openly lying Nazi fucks of CNN? After a week of blatant lying by the little Goebbels of the leftist advocacy groups waging a propaganda war on America, you're in NO position to attack "source."
How about C-SPAN, politico, or the BBC, since I know you don't use anything like CBS or AP.

Politico is as bad as CNN. C-Span is limited to congressional hearings. The BBC is a generally trustworthy source, as is Breitbart.

What do you think of ALL American media distorting the Stephanopolous interview and flat out lying? Shepard Smith was no different than Maxine Waters in his outrageous campaign of slander and disinformation. Pile of shit Joe Scarborough did his usual Heinreich Himmler schtick - but he is always a lying kunt. Are supposed to trust openly dishonest media that have a clear agenda and zero regard for facts?

Right on target.

The Mainstream Media Are Dead
I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy
Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

As I've said many times, these zits on the ass of the human race aren't here for any other reason than stupid spam for their 'Party' of deviants and traitors and scumbags. No need to pretend they get to demand 'sources' or anything else, since they're irrelevant to the election cycle now. Even their own 'Party' leadership is now desperately looking to disassociate themselves from their pond scum base, lest they alienate their billioniare buddies.
Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.

Thought there was something to be concerned about until I read it was speeches and statements.
Other than that, the story just didn't seem to add up.....

Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

LOL, he quadrupled what Bush was spending, that's ALL he did.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
What crime was broken?

Destruction of government records and property, a class A federal felony.

Why do you ask?

oooooooooooooooh puh-leeeeeeze .......

and ignoring government subpoenas isnt a crime..
The only way to stop this liberal nonsense of attempting to demonize all conservative sources is to report it as the disruption it is.

I have put up with this way tooooo long and I think most conservatives feel the same way.....if they really believe a story is false then let them post some evidence....just to come on here and waste board space with their disruptive behavior should not be tolerated.
Tramp is our influencer, we just want to be a winner like Tramp so we copy his own behavior and act as PRESIDENTIAL as he does.

If the democratic party wants to be a winner they must start by truly representing the American People...not muslims, not illegal mexicans, but actual hard working American Citizens

Do you actually belief the lies you spew? I mean seriously Mac. If you really believe that the Republican Party is doing ANYTHING for you at all, you're not paying attention. How'd that tax cut work out for you? How about them tariff's. Do you still have health care?

Are you better off financially now than you were two years ago?
This is the classic example. First, your questions.

That tax cut worked out great for Me.
The tariffs are working pretty well too, have you seen the latest economic news out of China?
I do still have healthcare. I've always had it, despite the Democrats attempt at destroying it.

Now, do I believe the Republican party is doing anything for Me? No. I don't expect them too either. I don't expect the federal government to do things for Me, for you, or for anyone else. That is NOT their role in our society. The same for the Democrats. Have they done anything for you? If you say yes, then you're part of the problem.

As for the OP. Who knows, I haven't looked into the current outrage so I won't comment.
Moral of this story....
Nothing Dems is EVER wrong or illegal.
EVERYTHING pubs do is wrong and illegal.
Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

LOL, he quadrupled what Bush was spending, that's ALL he did.

He didn't have a choice. Try taking an course called "Economics 101". It will explain to you why spending increases in a recession, and is cut during periods of growth. It's what every major economy in the world did in 2009.

And he did NOT quadruple Bush's spending. Bush kept all of the militiary expenditures for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars off the books of the federal budget, thereby lying to the American people about the real costs of these conflicts to the American economy.

How the US public was defrauded by the hidden cost of the Iraq war | Michael Boyle

It never ceases to amaze me watching you assholes immediately trying to re-write history to blame Democrats for Republican fiscal irresponsibility, and immediately claim credit when a Democrat digs the economy out of yet another Republican financial debacle.

Of course if Republicans told the truth about their economic record since Reagan, no one would ever vote for them.
No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.
Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.

I would definitely say that my business degree and 40+ years of working at the highest levels of banking and law, for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world, makes me somewhat qualified to comment on the qualifications of an economics student from Gdansk, with no practical experience in business or economics, and who hasn't managed to get himself published.

In the academic world, if you cannot convince your peers of the soundness of your theories and the validity of your research, by having them reviewed and published, your publications have no validity and are considered "Bullshit". The only publication of his ideas this so-called "economist" has is his own, self-published blog.

He hasn't even successfully defended his thesis and been given his PhD.

So no, I don't consider this article to have any merit whatsoever.
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