Obama's white house deleted ICE docs. hrs. before Trump took over

When are you going to address the content and not the source?


Yes....we say way too many of these posts complaining about the source.

Just disrupts and clogs up the board with irrelevancy. I reported him for being off topic.

If one has a complaint about a source..I mean a legitimate complaint...that is a different matter...but just to automatically condemn all sources that are of a conservative nature should not be allowed.
  • Overall, we rate the Conservative Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and propaganda and numerous failed fact checks.

Conservative Tribune - Media Bias/Fact Check

Legitimate complaint.

Fact Check has been proven to be biased against Republicans......thus you fail.

Who’s Checking the Fact Checkers

A conservative op/Ed loaded with maybes and could bes. Also it's about politifact, not Media Bias Fact Check. Also over 10 years old.


You refuse to face up to the truth.....Media Bias Fact Check: Incompetent or Dishonest? - Just Facts.
Lol, your right wing "fact checker" site doesn't like being called right wing by other fact checker sites and wrote an article about it.

Anymore lame ass liberals got sumptin to say before I get the hell outta here. hehheh

I didn't think so.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers. That was George W. Bush. And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?
Well it’s interesting how sad and pathetic their standard of journalism has become. If it doesn’t support the republican narrative, it is automatically “fake news”. That’s the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
Whats really pathetic is how dense the left really is if they truely believe we can't see through your tricks and deceptive practices. The simplest example; the right states a fact with credible sources to back it up then a tard immediately comes along and counters with a simple denial based on his own meaningless opinion. "OPINION" not facts LOL, we see through it immediately, cause you all use the same stale tactic. LOL
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.
Stupid post of the day.

Crepitus the retarded deviant disapproves of stating facts. Oh Noes.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?
Well it’s interesting how sad and pathetic their standard of journalism has become. If it doesn’t support the republican narrative, it is automatically “fake news”. That’s the level of stupidity we are dealing with here.
Damn near ever conservative thread started yesterday was from a garbage source just like this nonsense.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.
Stupid post of the day.

Crepitus the retarded deviant disapproves of stating facts. Oh Noes.
Ah, #2 in the conservitard forum handbook. When someone points out you are posting garbage from a garbage site, attack them personally.

BTW, conservatives have posted no facts in this thread.

Oh noes.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.
Stupid post of the day.

Crepitus the retarded deviant disapproves of stating facts. Oh Noes.
Ah, #2 in the conservitard forum handbook. When someone points out you are posting garbage from a garbage site, attack them personally.

BTW, conservatives have posted no facts in this thread.

Oh noes.
New Report Exposes How Obama Sabotaged Trump Days Before ...
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

What is a "real source?"

The openly lying Nazi fucks of CNN? After a week of blatant lying by the little Goebbels of the leftist advocacy groups waging a propaganda war on America, you're in NO position to attack "source."
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

With a Democrat majority in th House approving the money, and Obama's blessing before his inauguration and his enthusiastic oversight of it, making sure his cronies at Goldman got a huge chunk, and of course seeing to it nobody went to jail despite the massive frauds. Go eat some more magic mushrooms and recharge your butt plug or something, scumbag.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%

Yall mofos are hittin this shit hard. It must have struck a nerve to get tree make such a sloopy soc.....LOL.....losers.

democrats and the deep state are immune to laws.

But truth still damages you.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

And took bribes to keep them from being prosecuted for frauds and swindles. When the AG is one of your fellow criminals it's easy to do favors for your Wall Street buddies.
Obama wanted a police state, and ran one. His cult followers were happy to support him, especially in his main job of bailing out Wall Street bankers and keeping them and his Party members out of prison. They didn't expect to lose, and now they and their degenerate deviant base are hysterical. It will be surprising if Obama set foots back in this country, since he will be subject to subpoenas and arrest.

Obama didn't bail out Wall Street bankers.

Of course he did, but then you and your peers aren't known for credibility, much less honesty.

And there was nothing to prosecute them for. The Republicans made all of their scams legal in 1999, and Bill Clinton sign the law on his way out the door.

lol another fake news fable.

I love it when fools like YOU call me a liar.

What Did the Bank Bailout Bill Really Do?

BUSH signed the bill fuckwit.,

Barry quadrupled it.....

No he didn't. He enforced the bank bailout and recovered most of the money for the American people.

Obama's economic legacy: Big bailouts that worked

Obama saved the American economy, and really the world economy, and fools like you neither understand or appreciate it.

Utter nonsense sweetpea....like most Negroes obama could not even balance his checkbook.

Obama supporters say i“Obama saved us from an economic depression”. bwaaaaaaaaaaa

They usually say it with a simultaneous gaze to the heavens and a voice tone turned slightly higher. Obama supporters then get a serious look on their faces and in a deeper voice say, ‘Without his injection of 1.5 Trillion dollars in fiscal spending coupled with Bernacke’s monetary policy, the US would be in deep economic trouble’. Or they say in a cliché flip tone – ‘He helps the poor and middle class’. My reply is ‘because of the Obama bailouts and stimulus we are in trouble, big trouble’. Are people nuts? Obama nuked the economy.

101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

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