Obama's white house deleted ICE docs. hrs. before Trump took over

Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.

I would definitely say that my business degree and 40+ years of working at the highest levels of banking and law, for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world, makes me somewhat qualified to comment on the qualifications of an economics student from Gdansk, with no practical experience in business or economics, and who hasn't managed to get himself published.

In the academic world, if you cannot convince your peers of the soundness of your theories and the validity of your research, by having them reviewed and published, your publications have no validity and are considered "Bullshit". The only publication of his ideas this so-called "economist" has is his own, self-published blog.

He hasn't even successfully defended his thesis and been given his PhD.

So no, I don't consider this article to have any merit whatsoever.

The world of academia is mostly liberal b.s. Certainly not worthy of being a reference to regarding economic matters.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
What crime was broken?

bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa You sorta remind me of George Gobel aka.............'it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight'
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
What crime was broken?

Destruction of government records and property, a class A federal felony.

Why do you ask?

Moonbeam is in his own world out there high in the ozarks making his moonshine. hehheh
Anybody heard dis one?

It was election time, so Barack Obama decided to go out to the local reservation to gather support from the Native Americans.

They were all assembled in the Council Hall to hear the speech.

Obama had worked up to his finale, and the crowd was getting more and more excited.

"I promise better education opportunities for Native Americans!"

The crowd went wild, shouting "Hoya! Hoya!"

Obama was a bit puzzled by the native word, but was encouraged by their enthusiasm.

"I promise gambling reforms to allow a Casino on the Reservation!"

"Hoya! Hoya!" cried the crowd, stomping their feet.

"I promise more social reforms and job opportunities for Native Americans!"

The crowd reached a frenzied pitch shouting "Hoya! Hoya! Hoya!"

After the speech, Obama was touring the Reservation, and saw a tremendous herd of cattle.

Wanting to show his interest, he asked the Chief if he could get closer to take a look at the cattle.

"Sure," the Chief said, "but be careful not to step in the hoya."
Your link is to a Google search page linking to page after page after page lauding Obama for saving the US economy.

Towards the bottom of the page are a few links suggesting that Trump's economy is tepid compared to Obama's, despite the double goosing of tax cuts and the largest deficit in history, Trump's economy is worse, by every single measure, to that of Barrack Obama.

Here again is the link i Posted.......................101 reasons Obama did not save the US economy – Political Economy

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.

I would definitely say that my business degree and 40+ years of working at the highest levels of banking and law, for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world, makes me somewhat qualified to comment on the qualifications of an economics student from Gdansk, with no practical experience in business or economics, and who hasn't managed to get himself published.

In the academic world, if you cannot convince your peers of the soundness of your theories and the validity of your research, by having them reviewed and published, your publications have no validity and are considered "Bullshit". The only publication of his ideas this so-called "economist" has is his own, self-published blog.

He hasn't even successfully defended his thesis and been given his PhD.

So no, I don't consider this article to have any merit whatsoever.

Ah, so you were a professional tax dodger, embezzler, and swindler, helping international criminals get away with stealing form the working class? No surprise, that is actually the demographic that runs the Democratic Party, 'globalist' thieves and labor racketeers. No doubt you are a good little suck up and admire your bosses no end.

And no Ph.D. yourself, so by your own stupid 'standards' you aren't qualified to say squat.
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

When are you going to address the content and not the source?


Yes....we say way too many of these posts complaining about the source.

Just disrupts and clogs up the board with irrelevancy. I reported him for being off topic.

If one has a complaint about a source..I mean a legitimate complaint...that is a different matter...but just to automatically condemn all sources that are of a conservative nature should not be allowed.
  • Overall, we rate the Conservative Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and propaganda and numerous failed fact checks.

Conservative Tribune - Media Bias/Fact Check

Legitimate complaint.
Its kind of like each time you use CNN and MSNBC(MSDNC) which lie endlessly.... Yet you still use them and claim they are valid...
Post incidents of CNN or MSNBC lying.
Just turn on your TV.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%

Conservative Tribune


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source.

Overall, we rate the Conservative Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and propaganda and numerous failed fact checks.


The Conservative Tribune is an extreme right news and opinion website that previously was found at conservativetribune.com. Currently, they are under the westernjournal.com/CT domain. The CT does not have an about page, however their Facebook page provides this description: “Conservative Tribune by WJ is a media / news company that was founded to counter-act the mainstream media and establishment elites’ open bias against traditional conservatism, capitalism, and the U.S. Constitution.

Funded by / Ownership

The Conservative Tribune is owned by Liftable Media and resides under the Western Journal umbrella. The CT is funded through online advertising.

Analysis / Bias

The Conservative Tribune displays extreme right wing/conservative bias through the use a strongly loaded emotional wording such as this “Scalise Digs Up Obama Dirt, Uses It To Completely Destroy Trump’s Russia Critics.” The CT sources their information either through videos, tweets and occasionally factually mixed sources such as the Daily Wire. Story selection always favors the right while denigrating the left.

factual search reveals numerous failed fact checks.

These failed fact checks are a small sample of the dozen plus from IFCN Fact Checkers.

Overall, we rate the Conservative Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and propaganda and numerous failed fact checks. (7/18/2016) Updated (D. Van Zandt 7/26/2018)

Conservative Tribune - Media Bias/Fact Check

This is fake news.

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.

I would definitely say that my business degree and 40+ years of working at the highest levels of banking and law, for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world, makes me somewhat qualified to comment on the qualifications of an economics student from Gdansk, with no practical experience in business or economics, and who hasn't managed to get himself published.

In the academic world, if you cannot convince your peers of the soundness of your theories and the validity of your research, by having them reviewed and published, your publications have no validity and are considered "Bullshit". The only publication of his ideas this so-called "economist" has is his own, self-published blog.

He hasn't even successfully defended his thesis and been given his PhD.

So no, I don't consider this article to have any merit whatsoever.

The world of academia is mostly liberal b.s. Certainly not worthy of being a reference to regarding economic matters.

The writer of the article linked to is the a Polish economics student who cannot get published and is self-publishing. Hardly a reliable source.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office:
You claim a conspiracy theory, yet you provide no proof of anything. You're just a typical loud mouthed commie.


Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
Conservative Tribune.

When are you kids gonna post from real sources?

When are you going to address the content and not the source?


Yes....we say way too many of these posts complaining about the source.

Just disrupts and clogs up the board with irrelevancy. I reported him for being off topic.

If one has a complaint about a source..I mean a legitimate complaint...that is a different matter...but just to automatically condemn all sources that are of a conservative nature should not be allowed.
  • Overall, we rate the Conservative Tribune Questionable based on extreme right wing bias, promotion of conspiracies and propaganda and numerous failed fact checks.

Conservative Tribune - Media Bias/Fact Check

Legitimate complaint.
Globalism and I hate Trump Addiction is hard to break.

Have you considered a treatment center?

Well I found it this time. A blog written by an college teacher who doesn't even have a PhD in economics yet, but is merely a PhD Candidate at the University of Gdansk in Poland.

Yes. You picked a real winner. He's not even fucking PUBLISHED yet. Not a single article anywhere but his own blog.


And your 6 weeks of cosmetology school at the rehab center makes you an expert on who an expert is.

I would definitely say that my business degree and 40+ years of working at the highest levels of banking and law, for some of the largest and most respected firms in the world, makes me somewhat qualified to comment on the qualifications of an economics student from Gdansk, with no practical experience in business or economics, and who hasn't managed to get himself published.

In the academic world, if you cannot convince your peers of the soundness of your theories and the validity of your research, by having them reviewed and published, your publications have no validity and are considered "Bullshit". The only publication of his ideas this so-called "economist" has is his own, self-published blog.

He hasn't even successfully defended his thesis and been given his PhD.

So no, I don't consider this article to have any merit whatsoever.

Ah, so you were a professional tax dodger, embezzler, and swindler, helping international criminals get away with stealing form the working class? No surprise, that is actually the demographic that runs the Democratic Party, 'globalist' thieves and labor racketeers. No doubt you are a good little suck up and admire your bosses no end.

And no Ph.D. yourself, so by your own stupid 'standards' you aren't qualified to say squat.

It appears you're not only stupid, but obnoxious as well. You haven't made a single post of any substance. You lie constantly, and contribute nothing. Ignore for you, a$$hat.
Dragonlady: "He's not even fuckingbeen published yet." My my, what fascism that pre-dismisses another author. This Homo sapiens has been immersed in the schizoid delirium of business capitalism (and [italics]) in proximity to the non-law within law. Not all USMB readers can read the linkedin URL to decide anything for themselves.
Obama’s WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Remember the obama promise for transparency? hehheh

I wonder if obama will be arrested for this criminal act?

Obama's WH Deleted ICE Docs Hours Before Trump Took Office: Report

Volume 0%
What crime was broken?

Destruction of government records and property, a class A federal felony.

Why do you ask?

oooooooooooooooh puh-leeeeeeze .......

and ignoring government subpoenas isnt a crime..

Really? What was Rahm's sentence?

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