Obama's World That Wasn't


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
"Oh the lecturing!'
Oh the lecturing! Eight fucking YEARS of Obama's lecturing all us 'commoners'.
Everyday of the Obama 'administrations' was like having to sit in a 'Landmark course'.
"if you'll just give us a nice fat cheque we'll prove to you a piece of shit you are. If you don't want us to think of you that way write us another cheque and we'll empty your fucking bank account t and give you a nice coffee mug.
Perfect description of Obama's 'Make America a Socialist Country' while you aren't looking.
The World As It Wasn't
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"Oh the lecturing!'
Oh the lecturing! Eight fucking YEARS of Obama's lecturing all us 'commoners'.
Everyday of the Obama 'administrations' was like having to sit in a 'Landmark course'.
"if you'll just give us a nice fat cheque we'll prove to you a piece of shit you are. If you don't want us to think of you that way write us another cheque and we'll empty your fucking bank account t and give you a nice coffee mug.
Perfect description of Obama's 'Make America a Socialist Country' while you aren't looking.
The World As It Wasn't

Because the government knows whats best for you. Obama loved to lecture everyone

What a punk ass loser he is

"Oh the lecturing!'
Oh the lecturing! Eight fucking YEARS of Obama's lecturing all us 'commoners'.
Everyday of the Obama 'administrations' was like having to sit in a 'Landmark course'.
"if you'll just give us a nice fat cheque we'll prove to you a piece of shit you are. If you don't want us to think of you that way write us another cheque and we'll empty your fucking bank account t and give you a nice coffee mug.
Perfect description of Obama's 'Make America a Socialist Country' while you aren't looking.
The World As It Wasn't
I remember the days when Obama tried to destroy Joe The Plumber because he said Obama was a Socialist.
Now they don't even hide it anymore.
I'm glad I don't have to listen to that asshole telling us how China and Europe got it right and America sucks in comparison.
Simply look at States and cities ruled for decades by Dems...............150 % of the people in Detroit hauled ass under Dem rule.........................

And Tent cities in California..............lead the nation in numbers on Welfare...............and homeless............

Proof positive that they are bunch of Idiots..............and the Champions of the little people there.....Rich as hell off using gov't for financial gain.................the same people who say they are for the little people....................Hypocrisy at it's finest.
Perfect description of Obama's 'Make America a Socialist Country' while you aren't looking...

Eh, I don't think socialism was on Obama's to do list

If it was you would have a single payer healthcare, taxes for the rich would be 90% again, the corrupt banking maffia would be in jail instead of getting $trillions in bailouts so they wouldn't miss their bonusses, OWS would indeed be occupying wall street instead of getting beat up by the police etc.... oh, and Hillary would be locked up too...

Simply look at States and cities ruled for decades by Dems...............150 % of the people in Detroit hauled ass under Dem rule.........................

And Tent cities in California..............lead the nation in numbers on Welfare...............and homeless............

Proof positive that they are bunch of Idiots..............and the Champions of the little people there.....Rich as hell off using gov't for financial gain.................the same people who say they are for the little people....................Hypocrisy at it's finest.

I'll sum up Dem run cities and states for you, I'm going to get mine screw you. This is the culture that infest all levels of government local, county, city, and state. So long as the public employees and politicians are getting theirs, screw the taxpayers, screw the private sector, screw businesses. Common sense suggests that you would stop short of vampire sucking businesses and taxpayers to death killing the goose that laid the golden egg, but they don't care. So long as they get theirs for as long as the party lasts they will drive it right into the ground.
If they are so great........why do they lead the Nation in tent cities and homelessness.....and more welfare recipients.............

Proof positive that their policies are the wrong way to go.........Look no further than Californians running from the state and others living in tents........and housing so high that you can't make enough money there to pay the bills........

Insanity to follow them.
If they are so great........why do they lead the Nation in tent cities and homelessness.....and more welfare recipients.............

Proof positive that their policies are the wrong way to go.........Look no further than Californians running from the state and others living in tents........and housing so high that you can't make enough money there to pay the bills........

Insanity to follow them.

California just slammed the poor and middle class with another $52 BILLION tax increase. Voters are livid and mounting a repeal initiative. Hell 52% of independents oppose the tax increase. Oregon just passed a "privilege tax" not kidding that's what they named it. Oregon does not have a sales tax, those greedy bastards have been trying to pass a sales tax for decades and voters keep voting it down. So they created a privilege tax, want to buy a newer vehicle bam privilege tax gets slapped on it.

These liberal states are so corrupt nothing short of a Detroit like bankruptcy will stop them.
If they are so great........why do they lead the Nation in tent cities and homelessness.....and more welfare recipients.............

Proof positive that their policies are the wrong way to go.........Look no further than Californians running from the state and others living in tents........and housing so high that you can't make enough money there to pay the bills........

Insanity to follow them.

California just slammed the poor and middle class with another $52 BILLION tax increase. Voters are livid and mounting a repeal initiative. Hell 52% of independents oppose the tax increase. Oregon just passed a "privilege tax" not kidding that's what they named it. Oregon does not have a sales tax, those greedy bastards have been trying to pass a sales tax for decades and voters keep voting it down. So they created a privilege tax, want to buy a newer vehicle bam privilege tax gets slapped on it.

These liberal states are so corrupt nothing short of a Detroit like bankruptcy will stop them.
They leave a path of destruction behind them................and expect us to agree with them...............as we see the shit holes they rule....................creating what Socialism always creates............2 classes of people.......rich and the poor.............No middle ground...................

Same thing they bitch about...............but don't look to what's happening where they represent the people.........
If they are so great........why do they lead the Nation in tent cities and homelessness.....and more welfare recipients.............

Proof positive that their policies are the wrong way to go.........Look no further than Californians running from the state and others living in tents........and housing so high that you can't make enough money there to pay the bills........

Insanity to follow them.

California just slammed the poor and middle class with another $52 BILLION tax increase. Voters are livid and mounting a repeal initiative. Hell 52% of independents oppose the tax increase. Oregon just passed a "privilege tax" not kidding that's what they named it. Oregon does not have a sales tax, those greedy bastards have been trying to pass a sales tax for decades and voters keep voting it down. So they created a privilege tax, want to buy a newer vehicle bam privilege tax gets slapped on it.

These liberal states are so corrupt nothing short of a Detroit like bankruptcy will stop them.
They leave a path of destruction behind them................and expect us to agree with them...............as we see the shit holes they rule....................creating what Socialism always creates............2 classes of people.......rich and the poor.............No middle ground...................

Same thing they bitch about...............but don't look to what's happening where they represent the people.........

You can't reason with a leftist. When we point out their failures and what a huge giant mess they made their excuse is taxes were not high enough that's why liberalism failed. If we would just let them control all the wealth it would be a liberal utopia.

"WE are the one's we've been waiting for."
"this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal"
"“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”"

The man is a malignant narcissist.
Liberals folks....

"We want higher taaaaaxes!!!!! But we will take our taaaaax breeeeaks!"

"Lowest Unemployment is meaningless!"




I hated, hated, hated, hated how Obama's speeches always had that constant scolding, guilt-tripping, nagging quality like everything was beneath him and he was the truly morally enlightened one. He always sounded visibly disappointed in America, which made him so uninspiring. And any statement he made, he'd go out of his way to word it in the most arrogant, elitist manner he could. Remember his mantra, "That's not who we are." Remember his "bitter clingers" comment? He could have simply said "People in rural America feel frustrated the government has ignored them," and left it at that. But noooo, he had to look down his nose read a bunch of racism into it.
You can tell a lot about someone by certain subtle, regular speech mannerisms. Ever notice that Obunghole always referred to blacks as "African-Americans" in a warm tone of voice yet he'd refer to whites as "white folk" in a sniffing, dismissive tone of voice? His biographical writings are an exercise in racial paranoia that read in the general vein of: no matter how friendly and smiling whites were, I knew they were always secretly hiding something from me and looking down on me. Generally shit like that.
Yesterday the 'Indy car' series raced on a downtown Detroit road course. The 'road' was so fucking rough the pace car crashed as it was leading the race cars to start the fucking race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The spare pace car had to be used.
It was HILLARIOUS to watch!!!!!!!!!!!!
The race was delayed over an hour.
The course that was set out for the race was chosen b/c it was the smoothest part of downtown Detroit.

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