Obituaries from Calvary. Friday edition

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe

everyone-even enemies-unconditionally. Donations may be sent to anyone in need.Jesus of Nazareth,King of the Jews, Crucified for blasphemyNEXT edition on sale after sunrise SUNDAY
Okay, so if Jesus died in 33 AD, how could he have died before John the Baptist, who died in 35 AD?

Jesus never existed.
There are no precise dates for Christ's or John's death. Both dates are speculative.

So you think that the world's largest religion sprang forth, like gangbusters, on a whim? Christ said His words would never pass away, and it has remained so for thousands of years.
There were mass murders of Christians. They hung Christians on crosses as far as the eye could see for a hundred years trying to erase any mention of Jesus, the Christ. They fed believers and their children to wild animals. They hung them on spikes and set them on fire to light their gardens.
In light of the torture those people knew they would endure, the fact that they refused to deny Christ should tell you that those people knew something you do not. It was not that Jesus died. It was that He came back, and stayed for 40 days that convinced them that He indeed was the Son of God. And no amount of torture could change what they knew was true.
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There are no precise dates for Christ's or John's death. Both dates are speculative.

Actually, we can get a pretty good idea of when John Died, because it co-incided with Herod Antipas divorcing his wife and going to war with his father in law. This was in 35 AD. John was probably an actual historical figure, because he is attested to in other histories, such as Josephus.

So you think that the world's largest religion sprang forth, like gangbusters, on a whim? Christ said His words would never pass away, and it has remained so for thousands of years.

No, I don't think it did at all. I suspect that there were dozens of "Christianities" before Constantine made it the state religion, and ONLY then did you get a somewhat consistent narrative.

There were mass murders of Christians. They hung Christians on crosses as far as the eye could see for a hundred years trying to erase any mention of Jesus, the Christ. They fed believers and their children to wild animals. They hung them on spikes and set them on fire to light their gardens.

Actually, no, these were myths by later Christians. For instance, the part about Christians being blamed for the fire of Rome is entirely a myth inserted in the fifth century. It's not mentioned by Suetonious or Dio Cassius at all, and the section in Tacitus looks like it was just inserted later. A half-century later, Pliny the Younger asked Emperor Trajan what he should do with Christians, and Trajan was all like "Meh". Certainly not the way you'd treat a cult that set Rome on fire fifty years earlier.

In light of the torture those people knew they would endure, the fact that they refused to deny Christ should tell you that those people knew something you do not. It was not that Jesus died. It was that He came back, and stayed for 40 days that convinced them that He indeed was the Son of God. And no amount of torture could change what they knew was true.

But the only people who said that was true were Christians themselves. I mean, A Scientologist will absolutely claim the Evil Space Lord Zenu is real, too.
The dates you refer to are speculative.
Herrod b. sometime before 20 bc and died sometime after 39 ce
John b. unknown and died sometime between 26 ce and 36 ce
Jesus b. unknown. and died sometime between 30 and 36 ce

What is known is that Elizabeth was pregnant with John at the same time Mary was pregnant with Jesus.
Luke 1:41
When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
John died first.
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The dates you refer to are speculative.
Herrod b. sometime before 20 bc and died sometime after 39 ce

When Herod Antipas died isn't the point. It's when he divorced his wife and took his sister in law as his new wife that was the issue. That occurred after 33 AD, when Herod II died. His former Father in law, Aretas' IV of Nabatea, went to war with him and defeated him, requiring the Romans to bail him out. He was deposed by Caligula in 37 AD.

This means the death of John the Baptist had to have happened before 37 AD but after 34 AD, which means Jesus would have had to have died first.

John b. unknown and died sometime between 26 ce and 36 ce

No, it would have had to have been sometime after 34 AD, for reasons stated above. The issue between Antipas and John was that he took his dead brother's wife as a wife.

Jesus b. unknown. and died sometime between 30 and 36 ce

Again, here's the problem with that. We have two contradictory stories about WHEN Jesus was born. Matthew has him being born at the end of the reign of Herod the Great. (Died 4 BCE). Luke has him being born when Quirinius was governor of Syria (Called Cyreneus in the Gospel). This began in 6 AD. So you already have a 10 year gap. Now, if Jesus was 33 when he died, (30 years old and three years of ministry) he would have been crucified either in 29 AD (Too early for the whole John/Antipas/Herodias Soap Opera or in 39 AD (Too late, as by that time, Tiberius was dead, Pontius Pilate had been removed as Prefect for sheer fucking incompetence.

What is known is that Elizabeth was pregnant with John at the same time Mary was pregnant with Jesus.

Nope, that falls into the "Fairy Story Category".

Now, here's the thing. John the Baptist actually was a historical figure. He was actually attested to. There is a sect - the Mandaeans - who consider HIM to be the Messiah. When the Jesus myth was invented a couple centuries later, they felt the need to incorporate him into the story. I guess it worked, as we have 2 Billion Christians and only 70K Mandaeans left in the world.
It is the height of absurdity to say Jesus of Nazareth never existed.

There is no way a religion that has lasted 2000 years and now has two billion adherents could possibly be the product of twelve ordinary men's imaginations. These were fishermen, mostly. The cleverest was a tax collector perhaps. None of the original twelve apostles were great scholars who could have invented the story told in the Gospels, except maybe John.

To believe that an imaginary man could have such an enormous impact on human history is so incredibly ignorant is beyond belief. This is proof, if any proof was needed, that atheism as a philosophy is intellectually BANKRUPT.
It is the height of absurdity to say Jesus of Nazareth never existed.

There is no way a religion that has lasted 2000 years and now has two billion adherents could possibly be the product of twelve ordinary men's imaginations.

Why not? Zeus was worshiped for thousands of years by millions of people, and everyone agrees today he never existed and was imaginary.

These were fishermen, mostly. The cleverest was a tax collector perhaps. None of the original twelve apostles were great scholars who could have invented the story told in the Gospels, except maybe John.

Works on the assumption that the Apostles were anything other than LITERARY DEVICES. Any great fiction has great supporting characters. Where would Luke Skywalker be without Han Solo, Princess Leia, R2D2, etc? The problem I have with the Apostles is that they sit there story after story watching Jesus perform miracles, and yet they keep having doubts pretty much all the way up until he comes back from the Dead.

To believe that an imaginary man could have such an enormous impact on human history is so incredibly ignorant is beyond belief. This is proof, if any proof was needed, that atheism as a philosophy is intellectually BANKRUPT.

The two things aren't related at all. By your logic, then, the 6 Billion humans that don't believe in Jesus must believe in something that is EQUALLY true. How can Jesus be real, but Krishna, Allah, Amaterasu, Buddha, Dao, etc. all be fake. If your logic is that because belief in a being confirms their reality, then ALL Those sky pixies must be real.

So the Sun is in fact a Hot Japanese Goddess. Because 110 Million Shintos believe exactly that.


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