Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Here's a clue dummies.. ADD THEM and restrict all FLIGHTS - connecting or otherwise from EBOLA-LAND.
Theory versus reality seems to be a problem for Obama. Protocol is very logical and step-by-step simple, people tend to complicate that whole process.

In theory, I can switch out a sink faucet without getting wet or messy. Shutoff the water and complete all the steps, then turn the water back on. I still change into old clothes first.
Theory versus reality seems to be a problem for Obama. Protocol is very logical and step-by-step simple, people tend to complicate that whole process.

In theory, I can switch out a sink faucet without getting wet or messy. Shutoff the water and complete all the steps, then turn the water back on. I still change into old clothes first.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.
Before who fucked up? The Dallas hospital? Or the CDC and the president?

Or will we never know? :cool-45:
Leave it to liberals to infect and place Americans in danger.. Entero Virus 68 that is killing American children and paralyzing others, leaving 6 yr olds on ventilators, their lives ruined.. and we know this disease came from these ILLEGALS that leftists screamed, stomped their feet, demanded to let in - ALL FOR POWER.. that's it.
Dr. Ben Carson this morning on Fox said, "It's only common sense that you would stop a deadly virus from entering this country and why anyone with even a small amount of common sense knows this to be true." He was incredulous at the sheer ignorance, incompetence, and pure politics from this Administration , outrageous!
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.
Before who fucked up? The Dallas hospital? Or the CDC and the president?

Or will we never know? :cool-45:
You can try to paint a picture of something that's not true.. Had this Administration PROTECTED Americans and placed Americans first, which is what your boy thug pledged an oath to do- we wouldn't be in this mess.. Because humans who have never dealt with this disease fucked up, you think you can use your little smarmy leftist propaganda statements and it's going to work.. AMERICANS are SICK TO DEATH of Obola's excuses and you Zombies as well.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Banning all flights from the Hot Zone is a no brainer, I have to agree with you there.
Leave it to liberals to infect and place Americans in danger.. Entero Virus 68 that is killing American children and paralyzing others, leaving 6 yr olds on ventilators, their lives ruined.. and we know this disease came from these ILLEGALS that leftists screamed, stomped their feet, demanded to let in - ALL FOR POWER.. that's it.
It's all part of our evil plot to PURPOSELY infect everyone with Ebola!
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Banning all flights from the Hot Zone is a no brainer, I have to agree with you there.

Of course it's a no brainer! When has this golf President ever lead this nation, except from behind?? HELL, he skips just about every security briefing he's had.. He doesn't even know what the FUCK is going on in this country nor does he give a damn.. we saw him laughing it up 5 minutes after discussing an American's head being chopped off.. He's a disgrace..
Where are all of this President's Apologists?? We now know OBOLA IGNORED warnings from the CDC upon coming in to office.. Didn't give a shit..
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