Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Michael Savage:

According to Savage, Obama is not the only culprit in the mishandling of Ebola. Savage is not too impressed with Dr. Tom Frieden either: “You listen to that fraud at the CDC – the man should be arrested for lying to the public. Every day he changes his story: ‘You can’t get it on a bus, you can get it on a bus. It’s not airborne, it might be airborne.’ I mean are they kidding? This is a nation whose health is being destroyed by this administration.”

He's right.. these bozo's are complete IDIOTS.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.
Before who fucked up? The Dallas hospital? Or the CDC and the president?

Or will we never know? :cool-45:

The first trip to the hospital Duncan lied to them about having had contact with someone with ebola. They treated his fever and sent him away. They're to blame for not knowing he had ebola when he lied about having had contact??

CDC failed to get someone to TX ASAP to monitor/assist with protocol of removing the protective gear and is blaming the nurse for improper removal of protective gear as the possible source of her contamination. CDC failed to stop the second nurse from getting on the plane. She called them to tell them she had extensive contact w/Duncan and that she was running a low grade fever ... CDC told her "sure, get on the plane, no problem!"

obama and lying go together like peanut butter and jelly. obama and CDC are the fuck ups here, government is the fuck up here. Looking forward to single payer health care yet?
Michael Savage:

According to Savage, Obama is not the only culprit in the mishandling of Ebola. Savage is not too impressed with Dr. Tom Frieden either: “You listen to that fraud at the CDC – the man should be arrested for lying to the public. Every day he changes his story: ‘You can’t get it on a bus, you can get it on a bus. It’s not airborne, it might be airborne.’ I mean are they kidding? This is a nation whose health is being destroyed by this administration.”

He's right.. these bozo's are complete IDIOTS.

Obama is hardly the only one the CDC look like total dumb fucks and the airport security was just outrageous as well just letting these people on the ground from Liberia, asked them a few questions and let them on their way smh.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.
Of course the gop wants to politicize everything including ebola. What the president needs to do is focus on finding a way to treat ebola which is what he has been doing.

The GOP is only looking for ways to blame Blacks, Liberals, next it will be women and get them out of the country. Stick to what you know. It ain't looking out for America either. Go watch Fox, Newsmax, read WND, Breitbart and don't offer suggestions for the president. You're not good at it.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.

Read the current news Boo, they DID find WMDs. Thd CDC has admitted mistakes on an almost daily basis this week. Ask yourself this, if a major metropolitian area cannot handle Ebola, what are smaller hopitals going to do?

The current news is that they didn't find what the Bush Administration claimed had, or didn't you get that far?

I agree they fucked up. My daughter not only lives in Dallas but also lives in the same apartment complex as the second victim. Where is the Surgeon General anyway?
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.
Before who fucked up? The Dallas hospital? Or the CDC and the president?

Or will we never know? :cool-45:
You can try to paint a picture of something that's not true.. Had this Administration PROTECTED Americans and placed Americans first, which is what your boy thug pledged an oath to do- we wouldn't be in this mess.. Because humans who have never dealt with this disease fucked up, you think you can use your little smarmy leftist propaganda statements and it's going to work.. AMERICANS are SICK TO DEATH of Obola's excuses and you Zombies as well.

Whoa whoa whoa. I'm on your side here. Cool off chica. I really don't have a clue who is to blame here. Let's not derail the thread about WMD's. Focus on the ebola.

I just stated, I don't know if the hospital screwed up, or the administration screwed up.

Frankly, I'm with you, I don't think anyone from West Africa should have been let in the Country. Don't believe me? Read through this thread. I already bested any and all administration and CDC supporters that think the current policy is no problem. And that was like, weeks ago.

Ebola Confirmed In Texas Page 8 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.

Read the current news Boo, they DID find WMDs. Thd CDC has admitted mistakes on an almost daily basis this week. Ask yourself this, if a major metropolitian area cannot handle Ebola, what are smaller hopitals going to do?

The current news is that they didn't find what the Bush Administration claimed had, or didn't you get that far?

I agree they fucked up. My daughter not only lives in Dallas but also lives in the same apartment complex as the second victim. Where is the Surgeon General anyway?

Said a little prayer and thinking good thoughts for your daughter's health Boo.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.

The advice was given to the incoming obama administration, but you believe because he wasn't president yet, that somehow let's him off the hook for ignoring the advice he was given from the CDC?
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.

The advice was given to the incoming obama administration, but you believe because he wasn't president yet, that somehow let's him off the hook for ignoring the advice he was given from the CDC?

He got a withdrawal agreement for Iraq from the Bush administration too. He followed that to the letter.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Obama wasn't president in 2008.

Try reading the article next time.

"The Centers for Disease Control told the incoming Obama administration in 2008 that it should establish 18 regional disease detection centers around the world to adequately safeguard the U.S. from emerging health threats like Ebola, according to an agency memo.

But six years later, as the government struggles to contain the fallout from a deadly Ebola outbreak at home and abroad, the CDC still has only 10 centers — and none of them operates in the western Africa region hardest hit by the deadly virus."

Like I said, Obama wasn't president in 2008.

The advice was given to the incoming obama administration, but you believe because he wasn't president yet, that somehow let's him off the hook for ignoring the advice he was given from the CDC?

He got a withdrawal agreement for Iraq from the Bush administration too. He followed that to the letter.

Answer my question ... do you believe that the technicality of obama not being president in 2008 lets him off the hook for ignoring the advice the CDC gave to the incoming obama administration? A simple yes or no question.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..

Actually the NYT article backs up the contention that the Bush administration intentionally mislead us into the Iraq invasion and disastrous occupation. Nothing that administration claimed about newly manufactured Chemical or Biological weapons were ever found. Only the remnants of Weapons Iraq had because of the Raygun administration But don't let things like facts destroy that ax you have to grid as I'm sure that Dallas hospital consulted both the CDC and the president before they fucked up.

Like I said I don't really care about Bush and the WMD issue.. whatever, it's an example.. The point is YOUR SUPPORTED ADMINISTRATION IGNORED THE CDC's warning on EBOLA and refuse to stop flights from any EBOLA infested country..

It was a dishonest example. Do you have a quote where the President actually said it would not ever come to the US? All I can find is:

While stressing that Ebola is not yet a threat to the United States, Obama said that "it's still going to be months before this problem is controllable in Africa. But it shouldn't reach our shores."

Africa has made some progress in fighting the disease, Obama said, but often lacks a sufficient public health infrastructure.

"So now what we have is what should be a containable problem breaking loose because people aren't being quarantined properly," Obama said. "People aren't being trained properly. ... There aren't enough public health workers."

Without efforts at containment now, Obama said, the disease could spread "not just through Africa, but other parts of the world (and) there's the prospect then that the virus mutates. It becomes more easily transmittable. And then it could be a serious danger to the United States."

Obama U.S. to help Africa contain Ebola
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