Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Your little stOOpid game of semantics when it deals with people's lives is nothing but complete HORSE SHIT.. NO ONE expects you ever to offer anything of substance , PISS OFF.
Are there any direct flights from West Africa to the U.S.? If not, what do we do? Shut down all international flights? Do you think the government's masters, Big Business, will allow that?

There are these documents called "passports" that officials in other nations use to verify who you are and where you've been...You may have heard of them?
Perhaps not...maybe you've never travelled internationally..or inter county in your case.

Gee, why don't we just leave it up to the 'private sector' who can travel into the US.

I mean, they always do everything better than the government can, right?

There are reasons nations have borders and enforce them. preventing the spread of disease is one of the reasons.

Oh so the private sector doesn't do everything better than the government.

Why are you trying to change the subject now?

You're 1 IQ point smarter today. You're welcome.
So that gives me an even hundred over you right?
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

What did he mishandle?
Ebola. It's all Obama's Fault. A great bumper sticker. Simple so the RW can understand it.

As usual, no one's going to listen to you.

You libs are so roooooooooooooasted, honey. Get used to it.

Even the dumbest lib out there knows Obama is a disaster after sitting back and watching his incompetence .....now they know his stupidity on Ebola could possibly hit them square in the ass.

But these FACTUAL threads would get boring if you dummies didn't give us something to push back on....so thanks for your contribution.

Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

What did he mishandle?

Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, one of my favorite morons who has to be told 100 times what 350 million Americans can see.


We're talking Ebola honey......you know......Ebola.
We now know from the NY Times yesterday that the slobbering IDIOT brigade known as leftists, LIED for years chanting an insane mantra of Bush lied, people died- AND THERE WERE WMDs all along. These bozos care nothing about the truth.. Now we have truth..

OBOLA LIED, PEOPLE DIED.. It is an absolute FACT. This JV president said EBOLA would not come to our shores- LIES, then he states we wouldn't see it spread..
No there weren't. That's CFR WAR propaganda. I'm with you on this ebola issue, but c'mon, can't you see through this WMD ruse? It's to get people on board to fund more war.

Here, Bush came clean and ADMITTING that there were no WMD. YOU DON'T BELIEVE WHEN YOU HEAR IT FROM HIS OWN LIPS? Then you are as bad as the partisans that ignore, "“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan,”

You know as well as I that the NYT can be trusted as far as you can throw an Ass, so why do you believe the spin they throw on lies? Don't believe that shit.

I've explained this in other threads for months now.

As usual, some lib source finally comes out and confirm what I've been saying whether it's SOFA, Iraq, ISIS, WMD, the economy....

Although those WMD were older.....ISIS has taken some of it to Syria and has been able to use it.

So #1 WMD was there......and #2 the thing Bush was worried about occurred.

Now back to Ebola, our boy king's handling of it has even gotten rabid supporters scared.

As for what Bush said........there are several reasons why. That will come clear in months as well.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

I got to go, but yea this is crazy here. His father is Kenyan - born in Hawaii or not, his allegiance is extremely questionable. I used to just think he was professorial and more of a researcher ...really not having a grasp on anything beyond theorizing and postulating..like a professor that bores you to death in history class - because he fails to make anything applicable to right now. But this is him either leading from behind and being a coward or his allegiance to his father a la his book: dreams for my father. I think people forget his father was AFRICAN. So his policies ultimately helped the middle east (soft policies) and Africa (african summit). I cant name one thing he did right for Americans, not one.

His base was:
Hispanics - future democrats
Gays - future democrats
White women that hate men (sorry ladies)

He fooled you blacks. Culturally, mightve passed but I heard on talk radio the black caucus felt they were shafted too.

His main claim to fame was getting a future base for democrats, and if it means doing absolutely nothing and letting everyone else take the fall (republicans), so be it..in his world
Ebola. It's all Obama's Fault. A great bumper sticker. Simple so the RW can understand it.

As usual, no one's going to listen to you.

You libs are so roooooooooooooasted, honey. Get used to it.

Even the dumbest lib out there knows Obama is a disaster after sitting back and watching his incompetence .....now they know his stupidity on Ebola could possibly hit them square in the ass.

But these FACTUAL threads would get boring if you dummies didn't give us something to push back on....so thanks for your contribution.

Lord what a shrill asshole you are. Ick.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

What did he mishandle?

Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, one of my favorite morons who has to be told 100 times what 350 million Americans can see.


We're talking Ebola honey......you know......Ebola.

What did he mishandle?
The advice was given to the incoming obama administration, but you believe because he wasn't president yet, that somehow let's him off the hook for ignoring the advice he was given from the CDC?

He got a withdrawal agreement for Iraq from the Bush administration too. He followed that to the letter.

Answer my question ... do you believe that the technicality of obama not being president in 2008 lets him off the hook for ignoring the advice the CDC gave to the incoming obama administration? A simple yes or no question.

First of all, prove that creating 18 instead of 10 of these centers would have made a difference.

Second of all, prove that the CDC only ever produced this 'advice' in late 2008.

Yes or no, stop dodging.

Your question was whether it 'let him off the hook'. Since no one has really proven there was any hook to be on,

that's not a yes or no question.

What is a yes or no question is:

Was this the first time the CDC ever issued a detection center recommendation to a president?

...we can be sure the Washington Times wouldn't include that information in their propaganda piece.

The hook is that as his administration was readying to enter the WH, obama ignored their advice. The fact that he wasn't "technically" president doesn't matter. He won!, remember? So your response "he wasn't president in 2008" means nothing.

The CDC advised 18 centers, 10 were created and ebola is now in the U.S.; clearly 10 wasn't enough. Can you prove that 18 centers wouldn't have made a difference? Well, we'll never know because obama ignored the CDC's advice. And the best you can come up with is "well, he wasn't president in 2008". :blahblah:

Your question is irrelevant as we're talking about obama.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

Thank you xxoo.. Missed you!
Ebola. It's all Obama's Fault. A great bumper sticker. Simple so the RW can understand it.

As usual, no one's going to listen to you.

You libs are so roooooooooooooasted, honey. Get used to it.

Even the dumbest lib out there knows Obama is a disaster after sitting back and watching his incompetence .....now they know his stupidity on Ebola could possibly hit them square in the ass.

But these FACTUAL threads would get boring if you dummies didn't give us something to push back on....so thanks for your contribution.

Lord what a shrill asshole you are. Ick.

Thank you, shit-for-brains.


I guess that's a deflection from what a disaster your party's been on Ebola.........along with everything else.

Buh bye in three weeks honey~
That idiot Friedan is testifying and being asked why he and President Obola won't support a travel ban when other nations do.. He claims they know who is coming in, if we stop flights, we won't even be able to check them for fever??? REALLY????
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

Thank you xxoo.. Missed you!

She's backkkkkk! How's it feel to be vindicated on so many things.

Now you tell them about Ebola (keeping this post relevant, LOL)

Notice how W post says 94% chance Rep take Senate? LOL
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

Thank you xxoo.. Missed you!

She's backkkkkk! How's it feel to be vindicated on so many things.

Now you tell them about Ebola (keeping this post relevant, LOL)

Notice how W post says 94% chance Rep take Senate? LOL

LOL Leftists aren't capable of comprehending anything without their messiah hand feeding them.. The truth is no longer relevant for a liberal.. They're about to lose their asses in this election cycle.. Americans DESPISE their policies and don't trust any of them and for good reason.. Not that American's trust most Republicans either but see liberals as a direct threat to their safety and security.. I've said it many times.. Liberals are the enemy within.
Liberals in this hearing AGAINST a travel ban INSTEAD THEY SUPPORT allowing EBOLA infected illegals , travelers in.. So now we have it on the record.. LIBERALS DO NOT WANT TO PROTECT AMERICANS..
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

Thank you xxoo.. Missed you!

She's backkkkkk! How's it feel to be vindicated on so many things.

Now you tell them about Ebola (keeping this post relevant, LOL)

Notice how W post says 94% chance Rep take Senate? LOL

LOL Leftists aren't capable of comprehending anything without their messiah hand feeding them.. The truth is no longer relevant for a liberal.. They're about to lose their asses in this election cycle.. Americans DESPISE their policies and don't trust any of them and for good reason.. Not that American's trust most Republicans either but see liberals as a direct threat to their safety and security.. I've said it many times.. Liberals are the enemy within.
Yeah. I suppose you "two" will be gone once again when your predictions don't come to pass.
Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times

Yes, I'm back.. Deal with it.

We have a White House who REFUSES to protect American citizens by banning all flights from the EBOLA infected regions around the world even while nation after nation and industries institute their own bans. This is a President who is either dumb as a box of rocks or purposely wants to harm Americans. NO ONE but lock step Zombies who are a waste of breath and anything of substance along with their IDIOT N CHIEF buy in to this dangerous russian roulette game of EBOLA death..

Yeah, LGS is back! You go girl! You can take dumb ass libs with both hands tied behind your back!!!!!


Back to topic.....for those few remaining idiots that still think Obama is a good leader.....his mishandling of Ebola has been the last straw.

Thank you xxoo.. Missed you!

She's backkkkkk! How's it feel to be vindicated on so many things.

Now you tell them about Ebola (keeping this post relevant, LOL)

Notice how W post says 94% chance Rep take Senate? LOL

LOL Leftists aren't capable of comprehending anything without their messiah hand feeding them.. The truth is no longer relevant for a liberal.. They're about to lose their asses in this election cycle.. Americans DESPISE their policies and don't trust any of them and for good reason.. Not that American's trust most Republicans either but see liberals as a direct threat to their safety and security.. I've said it many times.. Liberals are the enemy within.
Well then, since President Obama is the Messiah (which we keep hearing from RWrs), he'll just lay on hands and cure those with Ebola. Problem solved.
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