Obola White House IGNORED warnings from the CDC

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Another interesting tidbit.. Because of OBOLAS EPA, we can no longer incinerate EBOLA waste.. it must be trucked to some landfill, allowing it to remain and spread germs all over the place..

Just look at the ABSOLUTE CLUSTERFUCK liberals are.
So, President Obola and Democrats in Congress REFUSE to stop infected EBOLA travelers from entering the country and we're not allowed to incinerate all of the waste left by ebola patients.. WTG LIBERALS.. You've officially entered the realm of the CRAZY.
Let's take a poll.. How many think we should force LIBERIODAL EBOLA liberals to care for these travelers who come here with EBOLA?
Hell, they should also be forced to take in the EBOLA waste from any EBOLA patient, after all- they DEMAND to let them in..
Ebola. It's all Obama's Fault. A great bumper sticker. Simple so the RW can understand it.

As usual, no one's going to listen to you.

You libs are so roooooooooooooasted, honey. Get used to it.

Even the dumbest lib out there knows Obama is a disaster after sitting back and watching his incompetence .....now they know his stupidity on Ebola could possibly hit them square in the ass.

But these FACTUAL threads would get boring if you dummies didn't give us something to push back on....so thanks for your contribution.

Lord what a shrill asshole you are. Ick.

If the pants fit wear them Sarah.
Also in this hearing, the DUMBOcrats pushed for open borders in the entire nation stating that way they know where everyone is coming from. ROFLMAO

Oh the tangled webs we weave.. You bozo's need a lobotomy.. you're truly walking , talking deathbots.. Liberal DEATHBOTS.
Friedman just testified 50 healthcare workers now may have been exposed .. The liberal deathbots own this completely.
Friedan just busted lying about his own recommendations and saying skin can be exposed.. they just showed a picture where his recommendations in Africa shows NO SKIN CAN BE EXPOSED..
So, President Obola and Democrats in Congress REFUSE to stop infected EBOLA travelers from entering the country and we're not allowed to incinerate all of the waste left by ebola patients.. WTG LIBERALS.. You've officially entered the realm of the CRAZY.

What waste are they not allowed to incinerate?

Ebola Medical Waste Management Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever CDC
NONE OF IT LIBERAL.. They just testified that the EPA under you global warming nuts have now made it illegal to incinerate that waste which makes it VERY VERY VERY dangerous.. you fucking idiots are a plague on this nation.
Ebola. It's all Obama's Fault. A great bumper sticker. Simple so the RW can understand it.

As usual, no one's going to listen to you.

You libs are so roooooooooooooasted, honey. Get used to it.

Even the dumbest lib out there knows Obama is a disaster after sitting back and watching his incompetence .....now they know his stupidity on Ebola could possibly hit them square in the ass.

But these FACTUAL threads would get boring if you dummies didn't give us something to push back on....so thanks for your contribution.

Lord what a shrill asshole you are. Ick.

If the pants fit wear them Sarah.
If you think I am shrill and gross like that sock, you know nothing about me so just move along.
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