OBOMINATION: China Poised To Pass U.S. As Leading Economic Power This Year...

I want you to refer because you take away these fish in FISH FOOD TIMES in the past.

No. 91 The sashimi usutukuri of a orange-spotted spinefoot (July, 2011 issue)

No. 31 The sashimi usutukuri of a parrot fish (July, 2006 issue)。

However, unlike these 2 fish class, it is thrown away even if the brassy chub is in the net by mistake.

We are called it by a common name "Unkotare and Babatare;as mean the fish which works as a lot of shit" in the Kinki district and am made a fool thoroughly why it is destined to be gone back up in the sea even if fished with much effort, and this is because there is never the business value in the fish market.

It is thought that this is because the brassy chub releases a lot of shit at the moment when it was caught whether this is because it disturbs an enemy like for a shock or a cuttlefish sumi when it caught it when I suppose the reason why such a poor common name is attached to the brassy chub.
China embraced free market capitalism even as the US was rushing headlong into communism. Putin tried to warn obama but black knows best.

It's interesting to know that China is now a completely free market economy and the US is a communist one. :cuckoo: Sometimes I wonder why I even bother reading any of this stupid shit.
Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

First of all, China is nowhere close to taking over as the number one economy for quite some time, but they will eventually, just based on their size. They already have as many people in their middle class as we have people, so there isn't much we can do to stop it from happening, nor should we really worry about it. Keep in mind that their middle class earns significantly less than what ours earns, so they have a long way to go.
Does anyone remember why we rebuilt Europe after WWII? (aside from keeping the Soviets from taking over the whole damn thing).
I have to give him some credit though. Wall Street is thriving. And that's ironic and surprising, considering he's a Communist wingnut who supposedly hates Wall Street. But i'm pretty sure him and his Bot followers will try to take credit for it anyway. They're desperate for anything to boast about these days. I always laugh when i see Anti-Business Obamabots boasting about increasing Wall Street profits. They really think people are stupid. Anti-Business Communist jerks don't get to boast about increased Wall Street profits. They can't have it both ways.
I have to give him some credit though. Wall Street is thriving. And that's ironic and surprising, considering he's a Communist wingnut who supposedly hates Wall Street. But i'm pretty sure him and his Bot followers will try to take credit for it anyway. They're desperate for anything to boast about these days. I always laugh when i see Anti-Business Obamabots boasting about increasing Wall Street profits. They really think people are stupid. Anti-Business Communist jerks don't get to boast about increased Wall Street profits. They can't have it both ways.

Indeed. Wall street and Obama are an oxymoron. Wall street is flourishing in spite of Barry because they deal (increasingly) with world markets as opposed to simply working with US markets.

When you have a country growing at a 0.01 percent yearly - Wall street isn't going to get overly excited - they will be patient (they know that Obama will be gone soon) - invest in overseas markets and wait for the next election cycle to "hopefully" get a president that believes in capitalism.
Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

Contrary to popular belief this DID NOT start with Barry - he has merely exasperated the problem. He doesn't believe in Capitalism and he doesn't support private enterprise. However, when employers began shipping factories and, more importantly, JOBS to China - and hell, even Japan before that, America stood by and did nothing.

Companies used pennies per hour labor to manufacture their products then ship the products back here and make huge profits. Where our GOVERNMENT (whether republican or democrat) went wrong was by not imposing HUGE tariffs on the returning products - to the point of making it "untenable" to remain overseas.

Americans believed the propaganda fed to us that " this will make products for the American consumer cheaper" which, of course, turned out to be hogwash. When was the last. time you paid LESS for anything that was manufactured in Red China?

China became a giant and America began it's decline, once again, to an "also ran" country. Congratulations.

Well, you got the rub of the Free Trade Agreements right. They always pass with bipartisan support too.
Contrary to popular belief this DID NOT start with Barry - he has merely exasperated the problem. He doesn't believe in Capitalism and he doesn't support private enterprise. However, when employers began shipping factories and, more importantly, JOBS to China - and hell, even Japan before that, America stood by and did nothing.

Companies used pennies per hour labor to manufacture their products then ship the products back here and make huge profits. Where our GOVERNMENT (whether republican or democrat) went wrong was by not imposing HUGE tariffs on the returning products - to the point of making it "untenable" to remain overseas.

Americans believed the propaganda fed to us that " this will make products for the American consumer" which, of course, turned out to be hogwash.

China became a giant and America began it's decline, once again, to an "also ran" country. Congratulations.

I realize it didn't start with Obama, China is too big to not be a player once the idiots started seeing what they could be if they would see through the stupidity of communism. They have a work force that cannot be matched, and once more and more capitalism seeped in, they were going to grow substantially.
However, isn't it interesting that a lib like Obama just happened to be in charge when we lost something we've held for 140 years.

Well, in all honesty, it just happened when that idiot was in charge. look, America has dug itself into such a deep hole (nearly 18 Trillion foot hole) that no matter who the sitting president is - they really couldn't do much, at this point, to prevent it.

Frankly, I don't see any way out of this. Nearly half of our country is now (legally) the property of China. That is a fact. So to suddenly decide that we are going "Nationalistic" and pull our factories and our resources OUT of China would be disastrous. THEY OWN OUR ASSES. That's the reality of the situation.

It sucks to high heaven but that's the way "reality" usually works. :mad:

In reality, China owns about 1.1 trillion of our debt. Japan is second with nearly as much.
China has five times our population. They need a bigger economy
Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

His presidential library should be an outhouse.

And placed next door to a garbage dump.
China has five times our population. They need a bigger economy

Once they have that economy after investing in education, science, r&d and common effin sense. They're going to be a world power that blows America and Europe the fuck away!:eusa_boohoo:

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