OBOMINATION: China Poised To Pass U.S. As Leading Economic Power This Year...

Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

Yeah, Obama did it all by himself. Even without a compliant congress because the Republican House blocked virtually any and all Obama initiatives, Obama was able to do this alone. Yup, no past presidents, or past congresses, or any business leaders had a damn thing to do with any of it.

Do you know what one of the saddest things about all this is? Republicans have laid the groundwork for this for DECADES with their love of letting corporations do anything that will make them more profitable, even at the expense of the American workers who they loathe as their assault on unions proves. Now you guys want to point the finger at Obama? Who do you think you're going to convince of that? Your base?
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Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

Contrary to popular belief this DID NOT start with Barry - he has merely exasperated the problem. He doesn't believe in Capitalism and he doesn't support private enterprise. However, when employers began shipping factories and, more importantly, JOBS to China - and hell, even Japan before that, America stood by and did nothing.

Companies used pennies per hour labor to manufacture their products then ship the products back here and make huge profits. Where our GOVERNMENT (whether republican or democrat) went wrong was by not imposing HUGE tariffs on the returning products - to the point of making it "untenable" to remain overseas.

Americans believed the propaganda fed to us that " this will make products for the American consumer" which, of course, turned out to be hogwash.

China became a giant and America began it's decline, once again, to an "also ran" country. Congratulations.

I realize it didn't start with Obama, China is too big to not be a player once the idiots started seeing what they could be if they would see through the stupidity of communism. They have a work force that cannot be matched, and once more and more capitalism seeped in, they were going to grow substantially.
However, isn't it interesting that a lib like Obama just happened to be in charge when we lost something we've held for 140 years.
Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

Contrary to popular belief this DID NOT start with Barry - he has merely exasperated the problem. He doesn't believe in Capitalism and he doesn't support private enterprise. However, when employers began shipping factories and, more importantly, JOBS to China - and hell, even Japan before that, America stood by and did nothing.

Companies used pennies per hour labor to manufacture their products then ship the products back here and make huge profits. Where our GOVERNMENT (whether republican or democrat) went wrong was by not imposing HUGE tariffs on the returning products - to the point of making it "untenable" to remain overseas.

Americans believed the propaganda fed to us that " this will make products for the American consumer" which, of course, turned out to be hogwash.

China became a giant and America began it's decline, once again, to an "also ran" country. Congratulations.

I realize it didn't start with Obama, China is too big to not be a player once the idiots started seeing what they could be if they would see through the stupidity of communism. They have a work force that cannot be matched, and once more and more capitalism seeped in, they were going to grow substantially.
However, isn't it interesting that a lib like Obama just happened to be in charge when we lost something we've held for 140 years.

Well, in all honesty, it just happened when that idiot was in charge. look, America has dug itself into such a deep hole (nearly 18 Trillion foot hole) that no matter who the sitting president is - they really couldn't do much, at this point, to prevent it.

Frankly, I don't see any way out of this. Nearly half of our country is now (legally) the property of China. That is a fact. So to suddenly decide that we are going "Nationalistic" and pull our factories and our resources OUT of China would be disastrous. THEY OWN OUR ASSES. That's the reality of the situation.

It sucks to high heaven but that's the way "reality" usually works. :mad:
It is most ironic that the nation founded on free market capitalism, rule of law, and individual liberty...which became the greatest economic power the world had ever seen, is surpassed economically by a communist ruled nation.
It is most ironic that the nation founded on free market capitalism, rule of law, and individual liberty...which became the greatest economic power the world had ever seen, is surpassed economically by a communist ruled nation.

What's even MORE ironic is that the United States of America virtually BUILT what has become the China of today.

Now, if THAT doesn't make your head hurt, nothing will. :cuckoo:
Pfizer is closing up shop in the US and moving to England. They have had it with our taxes. The highest in the world. We may never recover from obama.
Funny, someone on the Right just posted that industry is moving to Texas for low taxes.
Employees Protest Bain, Romney As Their Jobs Are Outsourced To China

Sensata Technologies, an Attleboro, Massachusetts-based sensor manufacturer, is mostly owned by Bain Capital. As the company prepares to replace workers at an Illinois plant by offshoring jobs to China, soon-to-be laid off workers have been protesting both Bain Capital and the corporate values instilled by the company’s former CEO, Mitt Romney.

The truth is a bitch and, in this case, the truth is ....
The republicans are sacking American workers and sending their jobs to China.

And of course a democrat has never done the same, right? Idiot.

Have they?
Tell you what, instead of smug shit and an insult, cite an example.
Thanks in advance. :)
It is most ironic that the nation founded on free market capitalism, rule of law, and individual liberty...which became the greatest economic power the world had ever seen, is surpassed economically by a communist ruled nation.

China is communist in name only.
BMW expect to sell more units in China than leave American showrooms by the end of this year.
Employees Protest Bain, Romney As Their Jobs Are Outsourced To China

The truth is a bitch and, in this case, the truth is ....
The republicans are sacking American workers and sending their jobs to China.

And of course a democrat has never done the same, right? Idiot.

Have they?
Tell you what, instead of smug shit and an insult, cite an example.
Thanks in advance. :)

Look it up yourself. Not my job to educate your dumb ass.
It is most ironic that the nation founded on free market capitalism, rule of law, and individual liberty...which became the greatest economic power the world had ever seen, is surpassed economically by a communist ruled nation.

China is communist in name only.
BMW expect to sell more units in China than leave American showrooms by the end of this year.

Yeah, right. Go over there and talk shit about their country. See how long you live.
Nice job Mr. President. Record poverty, record debt, credit downgrades, skyrocketing food & gas prices, and now this. Tell me again how the Dear Leader is saving the World.

The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies.

The US has been the global leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.

The figures, compiled by the International Comparison Program hosted by the World Bank, are the most authoritative estimates of what money can buy in different countries and are used by most public and private sector organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund. This is the first time they have been updated since 2005.

After extensive research on the prices of goods and services, the ICP concluded that money goes further in poorer countries than it previously thought, prompting it to increase the relative size of emerging market economies.

The estimates of the real cost of living, known as purchasing power parity or PPPs, are recognised as the best way to compare the size of economies rather than using volatile exchange rates, which rarely reflect the true cost of goods and services: on this measure the IMF put US GDP in 2012 at $16.2tn, and China’s at $8.2tn.

Read More:
China poised to pass US as world?s leading economic power this year - FT.com
With no respect due to Obabble...these numbers are bullshit. America rules.
In the Oval Office, Obama is looking at a list that's on his desk titled "How to Fuck up America" and is putting a checkmark next to "United States no longer world's largest economy".

Then, he sits back in his chair, hands folded on the back of his head, smiles and thinks about his next golf outing.
Nice job Mr. President. Record poverty, record debt, credit downgrades, skyrocketing food & gas prices, and now this. Tell me again how the Dear Leader is saving the World.

The US is on the brink of losing its status as the world’s largest economy, and is likely to slip behind China this year, sooner than widely anticipated, according to the world’s leading statistical agencies.

The US has been the global leader since overtaking the UK in 1872. Most economists previously thought China would pull ahead in 2019.

The figures, compiled by the International Comparison Program hosted by the World Bank, are the most authoritative estimates of what money can buy in different countries and are used by most public and private sector organisations, such as the International Monetary Fund. This is the first time they have been updated since 2005.

After extensive research on the prices of goods and services, the ICP concluded that money goes further in poorer countries than it previously thought, prompting it to increase the relative size of emerging market economies.

The estimates of the real cost of living, known as purchasing power parity or PPPs, are recognised as the best way to compare the size of economies rather than using volatile exchange rates, which rarely reflect the true cost of goods and services: on this measure the IMF put US GDP in 2012 at $16.2tn, and China’s at $8.2tn.

Read More:
China poised to pass US as world?s leading economic power this year - FT.com
every president since George Washington has moved this beloved country forward with prosperity never before seen. Obozo gets into office and we are becoming a 2nd rate ghetto in six years. I guess he succeeded in fundamentally transforming this country after all. Liberals must be truly proud of themselves.
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Christ this is sickening.
I've been dreading this for quite some time, but I did not realize it was going to be happening this year.

And people wonder why so many of us hate this bastard ?

I won't blame it entirely on this administration, but wouldn't you know a liberal would be in charge the same fucking year a whole new government entitlement gets started, and we lose the economic position in the world we've held since the 1870's.
Add to that, while this piece of crap was in charge, this country no longer has a way, other than the embarrassment of hitching a ride with the Russians, to put Astronauts in space.

Obama, you truly are an embarrassment and an utter failure as a leader.

His presidential library should be an outhouse.
ACTUALLY, what with China's troubles and NO MORE GD PHONY CRISES FROM THE GD A-HOLE PUBS, I don't think it'll happen till 2019....

You DO know they have 4 times as many people, right, and other countries have passed us PER CAPITA, because of moronic pander-to -the-idiot-rich Pub policies the last 30 years...

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