OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE? Hillary Posts Instructions IN SPANISH For Illegal Aliens to Evade ICE

So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

You are missing something dude. You deport the parents. Lots of these have US American kids in school. Who will take care of them while parents while they are in jail being process?

Who will feed them? You and I ...... they all go to welfare.

I know exactly what you are going to say....... put these US kids in jail with their parents. Right on bro.

He said they can take their kids with them. They don't have to stay here. In fact Americans move to other countries all the time. They take their children with them and the kids grow up in a foreign country.

That’s what you want to do. But that is not the reality of what is going on.

Why would they take with them when there’s nothing for them to the other side?

Are you even paying attention? There are thousands of unaccompanied children that are already here sent by their parents. We are taking care of them right now.
And we aren't talking about doing the first thing to them except feed them, clothe them, educate them, medicate them..... they are in no fucking danger of being deported. Those who have already been ordered deported, but haven't gone are the ones ICE is looking for. Not your kids classmate.

You lost me there bro.

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So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

You are missing something dude. You deport the parents. Lots of these have US American kids in school. Who will take care of them while parents while they are in jail being process?

Who will feed them? You and I ...... they all go to welfare.

I know exactly what you are going to say....... put these US kids in jail with their parents. Right on bro.
Ummm. Read again. I clearly said to send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. No jail, just send them back to where they came from! If Juan is on the list to be forcibly deported, then send all his kids, his wife, his siblings and whoever else is in his household back as well. How hard is that to understand?

I don’t have a problem deporting criminals that has a court order to be deported. ICE has been doing that for a long time. There’s nothing new.

The difference if you read what Ray and the rest of your fellow snowflakes are dreaming........ They want a general deportations of all Hispanic people that are here.
So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

You are missing something dude. You deport the parents. Lots of these have US American kids in school. Who will take care of them while parents while they are in jail being process?

Who will feed them? You and I ...... they all go to welfare.

I know exactly what you are going to say....... put these US kids in jail with their parents. Right on bro.

He said they can take their kids with them. They don't have to stay here. In fact Americans move to other countries all the time. They take their children with them and the kids grow up in a foreign country.

That’s what you want to do. But that is not the reality of what is going on.

Why would they take with them when there’s nothing for them to the other side?

Are you even paying attention? There are thousands of unaccompanied children that are already here sent by their parents. We are taking care of them right now.

1. Yes we are, and that's why they should be returned to the country they came from. Do you think if some American sent their kid to Europe, they would take care of them? Hell no! They'd send them back to the US government to deal with.

2. Nothing on the other side? Your kids, your problem, not ours.

1. Well so far your fake messiah big lying mouth has not deported any of these unaccompanied children.

2. This will become a very big problem if you deport parents that are law abiding people that has jobs. This will be you and me will be responsible for these kids on welfare.

It's irrelevant if they have jobs. It's irrelevant if they are good people. It's irrelevant if they pay taxes. It's irrelevant if they are hard workers. THEY ARE ILLEGAL!

If we deport you, take your kids with you like any other responsible parents across this globe of ours.
And there are reports that say just the opposite, and not from such biased sources like PBS.

So there is only one way to really solve this debate, and that is get rid of every illegal immigrant and then see what happens to this country.

If we get rid of every illegal immigrants?

Who do you think will do the work Ray? Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good with out the help of these illegals?
Who pismoe or bear or basque?

Not only would the country do just as well, but it would be better.

Who would do the work? Americans. The same Americans that have always done the work. It's just that to attract American workers, they may need to increase wage offers. They may need to compete for employees with other industries.

Bullcrap Ray. I can’t even find enough workers right now. Unemployment is so low.

Try go and hire Americans that will do some of these cheap labor jobs. Where are they? I need warehouse workers published both locals and nationals here in California, Allentown and Atlanta....... Where are they Ray? It’s impossible for me to hire illegals.

Secondly there are millions remember millions of these illegals that are working. Where do you find millions of Americans willing to accept low paying jobs. Even if you increase the pay where do you find millions of workers?

If you are whitey or Americans and you don’t have a job right now .... must be retarded.

1. But we still have over 50 million Americans on food stamps for crying out loud. Social programs are more your enemy than getting rid of illegals.

2. If you want American workers, you keep increasing wage offers until you get interested applicants. That's how the middle-class survives and expands. But we can't do that now with all the foreigners (legal and illegal) in this country.

1. There are lazy people all over and I cannot answer to that.

2. Did Trump did that when he tried to hire for his Maralago golf club and vineyards? Hell NO. He hired foreign workers.

Keep increasing the wage? During the rebuilding of Katrina. Pay for carpenters and other jobs are paid very well. Where are the whites and blacks?
Currently Houston is recovering from hurricane Harvey. Construction jobs are so in demands that these illegals are has their own rates. If not for these illegals I don’t think Houston can recover this fast. So where are the American workers that are willing to do these jobs?

And if you currently have a jobs. Are you going to suddenly become a gardener, waiter, janitors or at slaughter house or picking strawberries? Ray.

Those are unskilled labor which are jobs younger people can take. If the pay is good, even middle-aged people may take the jobs. Americans will do any job if the compensation is right.
So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

For some reason most of or all of you don’t understand or just plain ignorant.

So let me explain it to all of you ..........
The main goal of these raids is to catch those 2,000 that are already have court orders to be deported.

Here is the problem ........ If it happened that an illegal is in the same vicinity that has nothing to do with the the court order... They will get arrested to be process. They still need to go to a legal process. You got that?
I am well aware of the intended targets of the upcoming raids. I have zero issues with deporting those particular people. I am also aware that any illegal around the targeted illegal will also be arrested. Why would they not be, since they are illegal, and this is ICE doing its job? What more is there to understand?

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Most of these illegals came here to have a better life. So if you start just willy willy arrest and deport people ............
1. Who will do their jobs?
2. Who will take care of their kids that are in school?
3. Who will feed them?

So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

You are missing something dude. You deport the parents. Lots of these have US American kids in school. Who will take care of them while parents while they are in jail being process?

Who will feed them? You and I ...... they all go to welfare.

I know exactly what you are going to say....... put these US kids in jail with their parents. Right on bro.

He said they can take their kids with them. They don't have to stay here. In fact Americans move to other countries all the time. They take their children with them and the kids grow up in a foreign country.

Reality doesn’t work that way Ray. True Americans move to other countries all the time just like my buddy moved to Philippines to retire. Only when there the other dude is greener or with future.

So are you telling me these illegals that left their country that are poor nothing for them to other side are willing to take their kids with them? Life doesn’t work that way for these illegals Ray.

This is like a suicide if they take their kids with them. When they know their American kids will rely on welfare.

Which is why we need to get rid of anchor babies in this country. Too bad the Democrats would never allow us to do that. But perhaps with enough conservative judges, we can change the anchor baby laws with no problems.
If conservatives didn't lie, they'd having nothing to say.

When Trump tells you how much the illegals consume in social services, does he tell you how much they contribute to GDP, and taxes? Haven't you ever wondered why the Republican Party has refused to even discuss immigration reform since Ronald Reagan was President? Why all of the deportation prior to Trump have taken place under Democratic Presidents, and Republicans stopped immigration enforcement?

Probably not, but I'm going to give you the answer anyway. Illegal immigrants contribute more to the US economy, than they cost the taxpayers.

4 myths about how immigrants affect the U.S. economy

Here's a little report on how Trump removed all talk of tax contributions by refugees from his own report because they showed that refugees contributed more to the economy than they cost the taxpayers.

Trump Administration Rejects Study Showing Positive Impact of Refugees

When the truth doesn't confirm his narrative, Trump just lies.

And there are reports that say just the opposite, and not from such biased sources like PBS.

So there is only one way to really solve this debate, and that is get rid of every illegal immigrant and then see what happens to this country.

If we get rid of every illegal immigrants?

Who do you think will do the work Ray? Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good with out the help of these illegals?
Who pismoe or bear or basque?

Not only would the country do just as well, but it would be better.

Who would do the work? Americans. The same Americans that have always done the work. It's just that to attract American workers, they may need to increase wage offers. They may need to compete for employees with other industries.
People also need to live within their means, and take work that may not exactly pay a fortune. Not everyone can bring in a bank president's salary...

Our supply and demand system in employment is the best provided you don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions or foreigners.

When economic activity is slow, employers can take advantage of the workers by offering less money. In very busy times like now, employers simply have to offer more.

It's all supply and demand. When the housing bubble was in place, we landlords suffered greatly. You couldn't find any quality tenants. You took what you could get for whatever price you could get. But we didn't bring in foreigners to solve the problem. Today, it's just the opposite. Now, good rentals are very hard to find, and the ones you can find are expensive. We landlords have never done better or had such a wide selection of tenants.

The so called theory is we need to bring in foreigners to satisfy the very reduced employee pool. Okay, but what happens when we don't need those people anymore? We can't ship them back. So they will take jobs for lower wages than Americans, and that would stop any improvements in the economy.

Very funny.
Trump used foreign workers Ray. That makes him a totally HYPOCRITE.
if America is as racist, horrible, and bigoted as the left says it is, why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

why do MILLIONS of people flee their country to live here every day?

We give

Its sad I'm old enough to get that. :21:

Sad I'm old enough to remember it clearly

My wife and I were pasting stamps in those books the first few years we were married. (face palm). That and saving up Mallow Cup cards.
So, they need some federal agencies to "combat crime," but ICE, who would really help out with a lot of that crime they speak of, is not allowed? How does that make any sense?

Oh, and about that tearing families apart??? Send any and all family members BACK with the deportee. There, no families torn apart, and at least one illegal gone. Win-win, right?

For some reason most of or all of you don’t understand or just plain ignorant.

So let me explain it to all of you ..........
The main goal of these raids is to catch those 2,000 that are already have court orders to be deported.

Here is the problem ........ If it happened that an illegal is in the same vicinity that has nothing to do with the the court order... They will get arrested to be process. They still need to go to a legal process. You got that?

Okay......so what's your point?

Well ICE existed loooong time ago. ICE has conducted these raids long time ago way before your sleaze bag enter politics. There’s nothing new.
The only difference this time is how your dude conduct his policy and attitude. Divisive, vindictive, insulting & attacking.
Local authorities used to cooperate. This time your dude making enemies with his own people that he doesn’t like.

See my point?
So why would local authorities cooperate?
So why would people like me support your dude?

This Family Operation Is Nothing New,’ ICE Acting Director Says of Immigration Sweep in L.A. and Other Cities
Associated Press and Lauren Lyster

The head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement said efforts to deport families with orders to leave the country will continue after an upcoming national sweep that President Donald Trump said would start Sunday.

Matthew Albence, the agency's acting director, said targets were on an "accelerated docket" of immigration court cases for predominantly Central Americans who recently arrived at the U.S. border in unprecedented numbers. Similar operations occurred in 2016 under President Barack Obama and in 2017 under Trump.

This family operation is nothing new," Albence told The Associated Press. "It's part of our day-to-day operations. We're trying to surge some additional resources to deal with this glut of cases that came out of the accelerated docket, but after this operation is over, these cases are still going to be viable cases that we'll be out there investigating and pursuing."

So if it's nothing new, why are you and the other leftists complaining? You said it yourself, DumBama did the same thing.

If that's the case, then the only other reason for bitching is because it is Trump calling the shots.
And there are reports that say just the opposite, and not from such biased sources like PBS.

So there is only one way to really solve this debate, and that is get rid of every illegal immigrant and then see what happens to this country.

If we get rid of every illegal immigrants?

Who do you think will do the work Ray? Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good with out the help of these illegals?
Who pismoe or bear or basque?

Not only would the country do just as well, but it would be better.

Who would do the work? Americans. The same Americans that have always done the work. It's just that to attract American workers, they may need to increase wage offers. They may need to compete for employees with other industries.
People also need to live within their means, and take work that may not exactly pay a fortune. Not everyone can bring in a bank president's salary...

Our supply and demand system in employment is the best provided you don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions or foreigners.

When economic activity is slow, employers can take advantage of the workers by offering less money. In very busy times like now, employers simply have to offer more.

It's all supply and demand. When the housing bubble was in place, we landlords suffered greatly. You couldn't find any quality tenants. You took what you could get for whatever price you could get. But we didn't bring in foreigners to solve the problem. Today, it's just the opposite. Now, good rentals are very hard to find, and the ones you can find are expensive. We landlords have never done better or had such a wide selection of tenants.

The so called theory is we need to bring in foreigners to satisfy the very reduced employee pool. Okay, but what happens when we don't need those people anymore? We can't ship them back. So they will take jobs for lower wages than Americans, and that would stop any improvements in the economy.

Very funny.
Trump used foreign workers Ray. That makes him a totally HYPOCRITE.

Why do you weirdos want to pay millions of illegals shit wages and exploit them? Wait, because the left is evil?
Democrats have no voters if they aren’t flooding people that struggle

I hope Trump brings this up during the presidential debates. A lot of Americans don't really pay attention to the news, and these stories (of course) will not be properly amplified by the MSM. At the debates, tell Americans who these un-Americans are that would side against our protective agencies. Let the people know Democrats are for non-Americans and Republicans are for real Americans.

Oh I’m sure this will come up Ray.

Remember most or at high percentage Americans favored legal status of these illegals that are already here. That includes Republicans.

Oh, by those lying polls again?

You see if that were true, Trump would not be President today. He wouldn't have come close in the primaries. But when all the other Republican contenders were talking about Comprehensive Immigration Reform (comprehensive meaning give into the Democrats) Trump was the only one talking about sealing off the border; getting rid of the illegals already here; stopping new illegals from coming in.

The polls was conducted way before your dude enter the politics. If it’s wasn’t true Obama did not get elected twice.
Trump won by minority votes. Polls was 100% true it’s just people didn’t go out and vote especially blacks.

No, most polls had Trump beat by a long shot. Hillary barely went out and campaigned. When she did, she was drunk half the time. That's how confident she was thanks to the polls.

DumBama didn't win on policies. DumBama won because of his skin color, and people liked the guy. Or as Joe Biden would say, he was Clean..........
No matter what political ideology they follow, nobody in this country should be locked up for advising others to:
  • not answer the door
  • remaining silent when approached by authorities
  • not signing anything without talking to a lawyer

You are an idiot. If the police come to your door with a warrant and you don't answer then your door gets broken down and you might get hurt. What kind of dumbfuck are you anyway.

This just shows how ignorant Trump supporters are.
That is true if police has a warrant they can broke your door. ONLY and ONLY if the bad guy is totally a bad guy and a danger to society.
An ICE do not have an arrest warrant to every single illegals. How will they have when they don’t even know their names? They have names and warrants for the 2,000 that they are looking for. But not in general.
You go that dumb guy?
Democrats have no voters if they aren’t flooding people that struggle

I hope Trump brings this up during the presidential debates. A lot of Americans don't really pay attention to the news, and these stories (of course) will not be properly amplified by the MSM. At the debates, tell Americans who these un-Americans are that would side against our protective agencies. Let the people know Democrats are for non-Americans and Republicans are for real Americans.

Oh I’m sure this will come up Ray.

Remember most or at high percentage Americans favored legal status of these illegals that are already here. That includes Republicans.

Oh, by those lying polls again?

You see if that were true, Trump would not be President today. He wouldn't have come close in the primaries. But when all the other Republican contenders were talking about Comprehensive Immigration Reform (comprehensive meaning give into the Democrats) Trump was the only one talking about sealing off the border; getting rid of the illegals already here; stopping new illegals from coming in.

The polls was conducted way before your dude enter the politics. If it’s wasn’t true Obama did not get elected twice.
Trump won by minority votes. Polls was 100% true it’s just people didn’t go out and vote especially blacks.

No, most polls had Trump beat by a long shot. Hillary barely went out and campaigned. When she did, she was drunk half the time. That's how confident she was thanks to the polls.

DumBama didn't win on policies. DumBama won because of his skin color, and people liked the guy. Or as Joe Biden would say, he was Clean..........

They are still in shock that Trump whooped their ass, even in 3 of their own blue states. My God what a great night that was. :eusa_clap: Wait...WHAAT Hillary LOST :206::206::206:
If we get rid of every illegal immigrants?

Who do you think will do the work Ray? Do you honestly believe that the economy is this good with out the help of these illegals?
Who pismoe or bear or basque?

Not only would the country do just as well, but it would be better.

Who would do the work? Americans. The same Americans that have always done the work. It's just that to attract American workers, they may need to increase wage offers. They may need to compete for employees with other industries.
People also need to live within their means, and take work that may not exactly pay a fortune. Not everyone can bring in a bank president's salary...

Our supply and demand system in employment is the best provided you don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions or foreigners.

When economic activity is slow, employers can take advantage of the workers by offering less money. In very busy times like now, employers simply have to offer more.

It's all supply and demand. When the housing bubble was in place, we landlords suffered greatly. You couldn't find any quality tenants. You took what you could get for whatever price you could get. But we didn't bring in foreigners to solve the problem. Today, it's just the opposite. Now, good rentals are very hard to find, and the ones you can find are expensive. We landlords have never done better or had such a wide selection of tenants.

The so called theory is we need to bring in foreigners to satisfy the very reduced employee pool. Okay, but what happens when we don't need those people anymore? We can't ship them back. So they will take jobs for lower wages than Americans, and that would stop any improvements in the economy.

Very funny.
Trump used foreign workers Ray. That makes him a totally HYPOCRITE.

Why do you weirdos want to pay millions of illegals shit wages and exploit them? Wait, because the left is evil?

According to the left, all the people that hire illegals are Republicans. Hmmmmmm..........
Not only would the country do just as well, but it would be better.

Who would do the work? Americans. The same Americans that have always done the work. It's just that to attract American workers, they may need to increase wage offers. They may need to compete for employees with other industries.
People also need to live within their means, and take work that may not exactly pay a fortune. Not everyone can bring in a bank president's salary...

Our supply and demand system in employment is the best provided you don't throw monkey wrenches into the works like unions or foreigners.

When economic activity is slow, employers can take advantage of the workers by offering less money. In very busy times like now, employers simply have to offer more.

It's all supply and demand. When the housing bubble was in place, we landlords suffered greatly. You couldn't find any quality tenants. You took what you could get for whatever price you could get. But we didn't bring in foreigners to solve the problem. Today, it's just the opposite. Now, good rentals are very hard to find, and the ones you can find are expensive. We landlords have never done better or had such a wide selection of tenants.

The so called theory is we need to bring in foreigners to satisfy the very reduced employee pool. Okay, but what happens when we don't need those people anymore? We can't ship them back. So they will take jobs for lower wages than Americans, and that would stop any improvements in the economy.

Very funny.
Trump used foreign workers Ray. That makes him a totally HYPOCRITE.

Why do you weirdos want to pay millions of illegals shit wages and exploit them? Wait, because the left is evil?

According to the left, all the people that hire illegals are Republicans. Hmmmmmm..........

Even more confusing then. The left want enable Republicans to exploit illegals and pay them shit wages?
You are missing something dude. You deport the parents. Lots of these have US American kids in school. Who will take care of them while parents while they are in jail being process?

Who will feed them? You and I ...... they all go to welfare.

I know exactly what you are going to say....... put these US kids in jail with their parents. Right on bro.

He said they can take their kids with them. They don't have to stay here. In fact Americans move to other countries all the time. They take their children with them and the kids grow up in a foreign country.

That’s what you want to do. But that is not the reality of what is going on.

Why would they take with them when there’s nothing for them to the other side?

Are you even paying attention? There are thousands of unaccompanied children that are already here sent by their parents. We are taking care of them right now.

1. Yes we are, and that's why they should be returned to the country they came from. Do you think if some American sent their kid to Europe, they would take care of them? Hell no! They'd send them back to the US government to deal with.

2. Nothing on the other side? Your kids, your problem, not ours.

1. Well so far your fake messiah big lying mouth has not deported any of these unaccompanied children.

2. This will become a very big problem if you deport parents that are law abiding people that has jobs. This will be you and me will be responsible for these kids on welfare.

It's irrelevant if they have jobs. It's irrelevant if they are good people. It's irrelevant if they pay taxes. It's irrelevant if they are hard workers. THEY ARE ILLEGAL!

If we deport you, take your kids with you like any other responsible parents across this globe of ours.

Again you can wish, pray and kneel however you want ........ how to handle this problem Ray. Life doesn’t work way.

Why would these people take their American kids with them when they know you are going to take care of them? It will be like a suicide. It’s like jumping to the ocean without a life jacket and get drowned.
Why would any parents do that? That is so fucking dumb and stupid. Don’t you think Ray?

You are so tough and smart I’m sure that is what you are going to do. Right Ray.
He said they can take their kids with them. They don't have to stay here. In fact Americans move to other countries all the time. They take their children with them and the kids grow up in a foreign country.

That’s what you want to do. But that is not the reality of what is going on.

Why would they take with them when there’s nothing for them to the other side?

Are you even paying attention? There are thousands of unaccompanied children that are already here sent by their parents. We are taking care of them right now.

1. Yes we are, and that's why they should be returned to the country they came from. Do you think if some American sent their kid to Europe, they would take care of them? Hell no! They'd send them back to the US government to deal with.

2. Nothing on the other side? Your kids, your problem, not ours.

1. Well so far your fake messiah big lying mouth has not deported any of these unaccompanied children.

2. This will become a very big problem if you deport parents that are law abiding people that has jobs. This will be you and me will be responsible for these kids on welfare.

It's irrelevant if they have jobs. It's irrelevant if they are good people. It's irrelevant if they pay taxes. It's irrelevant if they are hard workers. THEY ARE ILLEGAL!

If we deport you, take your kids with you like any other responsible parents across this globe of ours.

Again you can wish, pray and kneel however you want ........ how to handle this problem Ray. Life doesn’t work way.

Why would these people take their American kids with them when they know you are going to take care of them? It will be like a suicide. It’s like jumping to the ocean without a life jacket and get drowned.
Why would any parents do that? That is so fucking dumb and stupid. Don’t you think Ray?

You are so tough and smart I’m sure that is what you are going to do. Right Ray.
This can't keep going. Hard liners are going to run for office that we all are going to take notice of. And they will get votes. If any of you typing on these forums are shills for other governments, having an authoritarian America is bad news for you as well as us.

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