Obviously Trump Has Handled the ChiCom Flu Perfectly

He lied to us for a long time, and then mocked Americans who were simply trying to protect themselves and their families.

He's lying to us RIGHT NOW, claiming that we've "turned the corner" many times, as infections are spiking again.

He has let his flock gather in massive groups, and maintained a loose environment in the White House, leading to several infections and more spreading.

This behavior is sociopathic, as is the enabling, unconditional adoration of his flock. Such is the behavior of a cult. This is what it looks like.
And yes, we have turned a corner. But feel free to live a terrified life hiding in your closet.
This what you're hanging your hat on in the 11th hour? LOL.
You do realize that by March 30th, the pandemic had already been here and spreading for almost two months?
Trump did nothing up until the afternoon of March 13th when he was sidelined by the adults.
Just think if we had a competent President how many of those 210K lives could have been saved? How our infection numbers could have been much lower.
Good thing he's on his way out! :)
You’re either ignorant or a lying sack of shit.
Trump implemented a travel ban from China and democrats called him xenophobic and racist for it while they encouraged Chinese New Year and Mardi gras attendance.
You’re either ignorant or a lying sack of shit.

On and lets not forget Pelousy telling every one the virus was nothing and to ignore it. The Dems thought it was a hoax but Trump sure didn't.

That's not what he implied to Bob Woodward. I mean, it's right there on tape. He downplayed it. And we all know he ignored. He was hoping it would go away.
Even a true believer could admit that. :)

Implied?? I'll just stand over here and LMAO.
He lied to us for a long time, and then mocked Americans who were simply trying to protect themselves and their families.
He's lying to us RIGHT NOW, claiming that we've "turned the corner" many times, as infections are spiking again.
He has let his flock gather in massive groups, and maintained a loose environment in the White House, leading to several infections and more spreading.
This behavior is sociopathic, as is the enabling, unconditional adoration of his flock. Such is the behavior of a cult. This is what it looks like.
Liar. Those are Trump protests, not rallies. So it’s OK.
He lied to us for a long time, and then mocked Americans who were simply trying to protect themselves and their families.
He's lying to us RIGHT NOW, claiming that we've "turned the corner" many times, as infections are spiking again.
He has let his flock gather in massive groups, and maintained a loose environment in the White House, leading to several infections and more spreading.
This behavior is sociopathic, as is the enabling, unconditional adoration of his flock. Such is the behavior of a cult. This is what it looks like.
Liar. Those are Trump protests, not rallies. So it’s OK.
Are you a science denier? Virus Transmission is irrelevant if you’re protesting.
You Leftards taught us that.
This what you're hanging your hat on in the 11th hour? LOL.
You do realize that by March 30th, the pandemic had already been here and spreading for almost two months?
Trump did nothing up until the afternoon of March 13th when he was sidelined by the adults.
Just think if we had a competent President how many of those 210K lives could have been saved? How our infection numbers could have been much lower.
Good thing he's on his way out! :)
You’re either ignorant or a lying sack of shit.
Trump implemented a travel ban from China and democrats called him xenophobic and racist for it while they encouraged Chinese New Year and Mardi gras attendance.
You’re either ignorant or a lying sack of shit.

On and lets not forget Pelousy telling every one the virus was nothing and to ignore it. The Dems thought it was a hoax but Trump sure didn't.

That's not what he implied to Bob Woodward. I mean, it's right there on tape. He downplayed it. And we all know he ignored. He was hoping it would go away.
Even a true believer could admit that. :)
And Woodward waited six months, why? For political opportunity.
Trump acted appropriately. You’re a lying hack.
Maybe we should put more sick 23 year olds in senior care homes?

Which wasn't done, but okay.

Maybe we should tell people to drink bleach and fish tank cleaner like Trump did.
Maybe we need to tell people it'll go away by Easter.
Maybe we need to mock mask wearing.
Maybe we need to organize super-spreader events... Sucks to be you, Herman Cain.
Maybe we should put more sick 23 year olds in senior care homes?

Which wasn't done, but okay.

Maybe we should tell people to drink bleach and fish tank cleaner like Trump did.
Maybe we need to tell people it'll go away by Easter.
Maybe we need to mock mask wearing.
Maybe we need to organize super-spreader events... Sucks to be you, Herman Cain.
You’re so demented you are required to lie all of the time.
You’re so demented you are required to lie all of the time.

It wasn't what you were claiming... you claimed they put 23 year olds into nursing homes... not that people were returned to assisted living facilities after hospitals released them.

Which was the policy nationwide at the time.
You’re so demented you are required to lie all of the time.

It wasn't what you were claiming... you claimed they put 23 year olds into nursing homes... not that people were returned to assisted living facilities after hospitals released them.

Which was the policy nationwide at the time.
NY put sick 23 year olds in senior care facilities, shitforbrains.
NY put sick 23 year olds in senior care facilities, shitforbrains.

No, they put mentally disabled 23 year olds in the assisted living facilities they already lived in.

It's why NY had a lower death rate in Assisted Living than the rest of the country.
Dr Birx, March 30:
Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'

Good thing we have a great President.

This what you're hanging your hat on in the 11th hour? LOL.
You do realize that by March 30th, the pandemic had already been here and spreading for almost two months?
Trump did nothing up until the afternoon of March 13th when he was sidelined by the adults.
Just think if we had a competent President how many of those 210K lives could have been saved? How our infection numbers could have been much lower.
Good thing he's on his way out! :)
And you really think that dementia Biden would have done better when he called the President xenophobic for limiting air travel? That Pelosi walking downtown begging others to come join her was helping?
That Democrats putting virus positive in with old folks helped?
you mean when Fauci claimed that Trump followed his recommendations on shutting down air travel?

Have to hand it to you fools. Ifalternate reality were a thing you idiots would be king

Yes. I do think Biden would have done better. As would have Clinton. As would have Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Do you know why? Because these people are all seasoned politicians who despite having their ideological differences, all share one thing in common. They know how government works, how it is supposed to work, and what the proper response to mobilizing the correct agencies into action would be. They would have surrounded themselves with competent individuals to aid and advise them. Compare that to the reality TV show host who backed into the Presidency, listens only to himself, and then surrounded himself with the worst of the worst who promptly set about dismantling the very agencies that could have assisted with the outbreak. See the difference? You other two points are recycled right wing talking points. They've been addressed adnauseum.

The only people living in an alternate reality are you right wing deniers, hoaxers, and enablers (of Trump).
I've never seen a class of people bend down and worship a politician who has done absolutely NOTHING.
Not to mention the FACTS that he (a) LIED to us about the severity of the virus, and (b) MOCKED Americans for just trying to protect themselves and their families, and (c) maintained and nurtured a culture of denial with his flock that no doubt spread infections at his rallies, including the White House itself.

I wonder how many deaths could be attributed to those actions. Maybe I don't want to know.

a) matter of opinion, not fact.

b) people who think a mask will protect them 100% of the time deserved to be mocked.

c) it's called trying to be optimistic in re-opening the country after the viruses mortality rate continues to go lower and lover.

All the original precautions were when we were worried of a 4% perceived mortality rate being 8% or worse if we got the math wrong in that direction. Now that the true number is pushing towards less than 1% and only really an issue in compromised population, it's idiocy to keep the same attitude towards the virus we had in March-May.

A perfect example of the viruses impact on younger populations is with all the sports positives we have been getting.

How many deaths or even serious cases have been reported?

Trump is old and overweight, and he survived it easily.

Nothing is ever 100% guaranteed. Take automobile safety. Even driving the safest car known to man will not guarantee you do not die in an accident. What it does is reduce the odds of death. It increases your odds of survival.

Masks and precautions reduce but do not eliminate the chance of getting the disease. This frees up medical beds and expertise to treat the most ill and increase their odds of survival. Instead of a shortage of respirators and beds causing more deaths.

Only God can offer guarantees. And no man is God.
Dr Birx, March 30:
Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'

Good thing we have a great President.

Yep. Seems clear.

"The White House coronavirus response coordinator said Monday that she is "very worried about every city in the United States" and projects 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths as a best case scenario. "

Thanks to President Trump, we are living the best case scenario.
This what you're hanging your hat on in the 11th hour? LOL.
You do realize that by March 30th, the pandemic had already been here and spreading for almost two months?
Trump did nothing up until the afternoon of March 13th when he was sidelined by the adults.
Just think if we had a competent President how many of those 210K lives could have been saved? How our infection numbers could have been much lower.
Good thing he's on his way out! :)
And you really think that dementia Biden would have done better when he called the President xenophobic for limiting air travel? That Pelosi walking downtown begging others to come join her was helping?
That Democrats putting virus positive in with old folks helped?
you mean when Fauci claimed that Trump followed his recommendations on shutting down air travel?

Have to hand it to you fools. Ifalternate reality were a thing you idiots would be king

Yes. I do think Biden would have done better. As would have Clinton. As would have Rubio, Cruz, and Bush. Do you know why? Because these people are all seasoned politicians who despite having their ideological differences, all share one thing in common. They know how government works, how it is supposed to work, and what the proper response to mobilizing the correct agencies into action would be. They would have surrounded themselves with competent individuals to aid and advise them. Compare that to the reality TV show host who backed into the Presidency, listens only to himself, and then surrounded himself with the worst of the worst who promptly set about dismantling the very agencies that could have assisted with the outbreak. See the difference? You other two points are recycled right wing talking points. They've been addressed adnauseum.

The only people living in an alternate reality are you right wing deniers, hoaxers, and enablers (of Trump).
I've never seen a class of people bend down and worship a politician who has done absolutely NOTHING.
Not to mention the FACTS that he (a) LIED to us about the severity of the virus, and (b) MOCKED Americans for just trying to protect themselves and their families, and (c) maintained and nurtured a culture of denial with his flock that no doubt spread infections at his rallies, including the White House itself.

I wonder how many deaths could be attributed to those actions. Maybe I don't want to know.

a) matter of opinion, not fact.

b) people who think a mask will protect them 100% of the time deserved to be mocked.

c) it's called trying to be optimistic in re-opening the country after the viruses mortality rate continues to go lower and lover.

All the original precautions were when we were worried of a 4% perceived mortality rate being 8% or worse if we got the math wrong in that direction. Now that the true number is pushing towards less than 1% and only really an issue in compromised population, it's idiocy to keep the same attitude towards the virus we had in March-May.

A perfect example of the viruses impact on younger populations is with all the sports positives we have been getting.

How many deaths or even serious cases have been reported?

Trump is old and overweight, and he survived it easily.
What was opinion and not fact?

Him lying about the severity of the virus. Even as of now with it trending down in mortality people like you think it's still what we were fearing in March-May.

Lying implies a telling something else when you know the hard absolute Truth.

The truth is this may have the same mortality as a bad flu by the time we have all the numbers in, we just don't know.
He admitted to Woodward, twice, that he knowingly downplayed the severity and danger of the virus as it was bearing down on the country.

Clearly you and I have different standards for honesty.

Downplaying is not lying.

And what would you have him do? up-play the severity and have people cowering in their homes?
Can you think of any options besides downplaying it and up-playing it?

How about just straightforward honesty?

Kind of like how they first said masks were not needed because they were worried about shortages with med staff, then said everyone has to wear one?

Like the first 2 months were all about flattening the curve, which was flattened, but local progressive governments still think ruining economies is the only way to fight this?

Like saying we can't go to church, but lefty protests with 10x the people are A-OK?

Like gyms are all closed! (except for government ones, but we are keeping that quiet)

It's amazing how you expect perfect honesty from Trump while ignoring all the other obscuring going on.
I prefer to hold people accountable for their own actions and honesty.

Changing the subject to others, is just changing the subject to others.

Trump probably honestly believes overreacting to the virus is more of a threat to our country than underreacting at this point. The downward trend in mortality is probably one factor in his favor, as well as his own survival and the obvious low impact cases in the sports world among a population we expect low impacts in.

Again you not believing the same thing doesn't make it lying.

Now the mask thing is far closer to actual lying, but it was lying with a purpose, i.e. trying to prevent a run on masks when production wasn't even high enough to cover 1st responders and medical staff.
As I said, we have different standards.

marty made a number of serious and well supported points, and you just blew him off.

You're refusing to engage because you know that you are in the wrong and you CAN'T admit it.

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