Ocascio-Cortez: Climate Change Is Driving Migrant Crisis

Well, we ARE further North. Wait till all that snow gets here today, I'll show you climate change. ROFLMAO. :2up:

I hope they brought their warm coats.
Of course, what a brilliant deduction.

There is climate change in Mexico, but there is no climate change in the US. That is why they are all coming here.The Democrat thought leader has spoken.

Ocasio-Cortez claims climate change is driving migrant crisis

It caused the potatoes to grow no more ...

Climate change is also driving dinasours to leave Canada for the 57 states
Mexico is a quasi-socialist Country. They have some free markets but everything worth a shit is owned and operated by the ruling class -- Which are all socialists

For all but 6 or 8 of the last 100 years, Mexico has been ruled by socialists.

The ruling president and his political party are socialist.

The ONLY reason that shithole south of us hasn't gone full-blown socialist is because they know we'd kick the shit out of them. Look into the Cristero War. Or not. Few will. Too lazy and too stupid....

The Cristero War: the Story Behind the Cover Up - ZENIT - English

This is what happens when people are 'educated' by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

They get even more stupid by the day
its climate change that is causing me to fart out very small aliens from my butt
i wonder if its climate change that is keeping our oldest/dumbest democrats alive

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