Ocasio-Cortez Calls Reagan A Racist, But Really Reveals Her Own Racism

That little girl is a clown, an entertainer. I used to think Maxine Waters held that title for the party but that title now belongs to Cortez.

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Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.
This is a lie.

She sure scares the bejesus out of these partisan hacks doesn't she. Umma need a SCUBA outfit to keep from drowning in all these butthurt tears.

The OP has a continuous obsession, even though he's three thousand miles away. Maybe he can't afford a shrink.
She certainly does help the Republicans

The left said something similar about Trump at first.

Really? I don’t recall that at all. I do recall you not foolishly taking him seriously, and that didn’t workout well for you guys. AOC and the other two idiots are clearly fracturing the democrats, and I love it.

Underestimating her is a bad idea, just as underestimating Trump was a bad idea. You right wingers are giving her insane amounts of name recognition just like the left did with Trump. It will bite you in the ass.

Bullshit. The more she talks, the wider my smile gets. She’s as dumb as a brick, and she’ll be purged from your party. There’s no other way. She will get a job on mSNBC after she’s primaried out though.

You're right. Go ahead and continue making her one of the most known names in politics. I'm sure it will turn out favorably for you. ;)

Oh that gig is already being served by the OP and his fellow butthurt travellers.

For FREE too. :rock:

I haven't seen this much red whine since I worked the vineyards in France.
Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.


Whelp --- "states rights" was a Southern code word for white supremacy. And Philadelphia Mississippi was the site of the triple murder of civil rights activists Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner.
The old Saul Alinsky "code word" accusation. Its been a while. Do you believe people will give up their guns? Do you believe police will go to people to get their guns? It may happen with no violence. But what then?

That'll be another nickel for Pogo's Law.

Quit trying to change the topic, Wimp.
So you do not believe in states rights. So you are a nationalist that leap frogs into a globalist while the nationalists you hate want a free United States. That nickel is a worthless clad coin that will bring very little in bad times.

Actually I've made no mention of what "I believe in", other than the nickel I earn every time some moron tries to take the topic off course.

No, I told a side story about what Reagan did in 1980. Not "me" --- Reagan. Lern two reed.
View attachment 249523


Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.

Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.
I heard it......and she said Reagan was behind the racism that she was speaking about.
What she said made very little sense, but it sounds good to somebody that holds a grudge against whites.
This is how Communists gain power.
As more idiots pay attention to her, the more they start repeating her illogical nonsense.
She's essentially a leftist beauty pageant contestant.

Actually she said Reagainism -- whatever that might mean --- and then cited and focused on that infamous "welfare queen" image, which was doubtlessly written by a speechwriter.

The commentary isn't about a person, it's about an attitude. A social value. It's kinda weird that for a little bartender girl continually lampooned by the butthurt on this forum as "stupid", she seem to be speaking way over y'all's heads.

Not to mention, as has become the norm it's a cherrypicked quote of 60 seconds or so completely out of its context, which is a bullshitious way to make ANY argument.
View attachment 249523


Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.

Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.

"Funner fact", you're a liar and an idiot.
"One perfect example, I think a perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans, is Reaganism in the '80s when he started talking about welfare queens," Ocaiso-Cortez said. "So you think about this image of welfare queens and what he was really trying to talk about was ... this like really resentful vision of essentially black women who were doing nothing that were 'sucks' on our country."

"And it's this whole tragedy of the commons type of thinking where it's like because these one, this one specific group of people, that you are already kind of subconsciously primed to resent, you give them a different reason that's not explicit racism but still rooted in a racist caricature," Ocasio-Cortez continued. "It gives people a logical reason, a 'logical' reason to say, 'oh yeah, no, toss out the whole social safety net.'"

", is Reaganism in the '80s when he started talking about welfare queens"

Thank you. That's why I referred to the Southern Strategy and the Mississippi speech about "states rights".

Thanks for the transcription.
View attachment 249523


Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.

Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.
I heard it......and she said Reagan was behind the racism that she was speaking about.
What she said made very little sense, but it sounds good to somebody that holds a grudge against whites.
This is how Communists gain power.
As more idiots pay attention to her, the more they start repeating her illogical nonsense.
She's essentially a leftist beauty pageant contestant.

Actually she said Reagainism -- whatever that might mean --- and then cited and focused on that infamous "welfare queen" image, which was doubtlessly written by a speechwriter.

The commentary isn't about a person, it's about an attitude. A social value. It's kinda weird that for a little bartender girl continually lampooned by the butthurt on this forum as "stupid", she seem to be speaking way over y'all's heads.

Not to mention, as has become the norm it's a cherrypicked quote of 60 seconds or so completely out of its context, which is a bullshitious way to make ANY argument.

Funny watching you Leftists spin for your socialist goddess every day.
View attachment 249523


Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.

Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.
I heard it......and she said Reagan was behind the racism that she was speaking about.
What she said made very little sense, but it sounds good to somebody that holds a grudge against whites.
This is how Communists gain power.
As more idiots pay attention to her, the more they start repeating her illogical nonsense.
She's essentially a leftist beauty pageant contestant.

Actually she said Reagainism -- whatever that might mean --- and then cited and focused on that infamous "welfare queen" image, which was doubtlessly written by a speechwriter.

The commentary isn't about a person, it's about an attitude. A social value. It's kinda weird that for a little bartender girl continually lampooned by the butthurt on this forum as "stupid", she seem to be speaking way over y'all's heads.

Not to mention, as has become the norm it's a cherrypicked quote of 60 seconds or so completely out of its context, which is a bullshitious way to make ANY argument.

Funny watching you Leftists spin for your socialist goddess every day.

Me, I'm laughing at your obsession, hack-boi. Three thousand miles away and you start some AOC-butthurt thread three times a week like clockwork.
View attachment 249523


Reagan never even hinted about race. Here’s his speech.

Ronald Reagan campaign speech, January 1976

But AOC thinks only black and brown skin people are welfare cheats.

Ah the three-thousand-mile obsession continues. As usual with no link.
Actually I found the talk, and she's not talking about Reagan at all.

Fun fact: Reagan kicked off his 1980 Presidential run with a speech in Philadelphia.

That would be Philadelphia Mississippi, not Pennsylvania. Talking about 'states rights'.
But again, AOC wasn't referring to Reagan anyway so this is just a tangent.
I heard it......and she said Reagan was behind the racism that she was speaking about.
What she said made very little sense, but it sounds good to somebody that holds a grudge against whites.
This is how Communists gain power.
As more idiots pay attention to her, the more they start repeating her illogical nonsense.
She's essentially a leftist beauty pageant contestant.

Actually she said Reagainism -- whatever that might mean --- and then cited and focused on that infamous "welfare queen" image, which was doubtlessly written by a speechwriter.

The commentary isn't about a person, it's about an attitude. A social value. It's kinda weird that for a little bartender girl continually lampooned by the butthurt on this forum as "stupid", she seem to be speaking way over y'all's heads.

Not to mention, as has become the norm it's a cherrypicked quote of 60 seconds or so completely out of its context, which is a bullshitious way to make ANY argument.

Funny watching you Leftists spin for your socialist goddess every day.

Me, I'm laughing at your obsession, hack-boi. Three thousand miles away and you start some AOC-butthurt thread three times a week like clockwork.

Simply commenting on the DAILY Leftard Media’s stories on her and you Leftards spinning her words to protect her is Grade A entertainment.
Reagan never actually used the words "welfare queen" but his surrogates did. It went without saying that those welfare queens were disproportionately Black


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