Ocasio-Cortez Complains About Not Getting Congressional Paycheck Yet: ‘How Do I Get An Apartment?’

Obamacare forced every other insurer out of the program, forcing some of the people who chose to use it to travel to another state to find a doctor. How is that working out? Then there are the $7,000.00 deductibles.

Wake up kid

I have been against ObamaCare from day one old man, for the reasons you mentioned as well as the hospital killing rules and regulations it added

Just because I do not worship Trump does not mean I support Obama.

Trump is the greatest President since Washington, or perhaps Lincoln


Star Wars is like nicotine, only morons watch.


I do enjoy it greatly, have been since I the first one came out while I was in High School.

They are even more enjoyable than watching you Trump sheep fight to see who can suck his dick the hardest on this forum.


She'll be getting her $170,000 plus salary in January

This just blows my mind. Why the fuck are we paying PUBLIC SERVANTS that kind of money? No one in DC should get that kind of money. No wonder we're fucking broke.

Wait...it blows your mind that people who control one of the largest budgets in the world, can take our country to war, and pass laws that affect all of us make $170,000 a year plus are expected to maintain two residences, but you don't blink at the guy running Nabisco that makes $17 million?
She'll be getting her $170,000 plus salary in January

This just blows my mind. Why the fuck are we paying PUBLIC SERVANTS that kind of money? No one in DC should get that kind of money. No wonder we're fucking broke.

Wait...it blows your mind that people who control one of the largest budgets in the world, can take our country to war, and pass laws that affect all of us make $170,000 a year plus are expected to maintain two residences, but you don't blink at the guy running Nabisco that makes $17 million?
Correct. The guy at Nabisco EARNED and WORKED his/her way to that position. If you work at Nabisco and have a problem with this go start your own cracker company
I was in the Army smartass.

So you both chose to serve your country. Very good.
You actually believe that a self proclaimed socialist is gong to uphold and defend the Constitution ?
You voted for Trump. You hate this country.
abolishing ICE, criminal justice reform, tuition-free college and universal healthcare.
yep--like the blacks = criminals GOOD, police/law and order BAD--she's so smart!!!
majoring in economics and international relations
So you deny that the police ever were out of line & never committed any crimes against black suspects?

Really? You are that fucking stupid??? Or don't you care if they did.
Happened constantly during the democratic parties Jim Crow days not that much these days. By the way more white people are shot by cops than black.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.
Bro, she is a college graduate. Graduated in the top echelon. Makes her a shit load smarter than a dumbass like you.
she has a PHD in African American Studies and Minority Oppression
and probably had the teachers cheat for her to pass, like the DemoRats did in Atlanta

She has the same degree as your fat asased moronic orange leader.
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of her mouth about the economy ?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.

The rocks are way smarter.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.
Bro, she is a college graduate. Graduated in the top echelon. Makes her a shit load smarter than a dumbass like you.
she has a PHD in African American Studies and Minority Oppression
and probably had the teachers cheat for her to pass, like the DemoRats did in Atlanta

She has the same degree as your fat asased moronic orange leader.
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of her mouth about the economy ?
We already have the concept of employment at will in our Republic. The infrastructure already exists. We should make better use of already existing infrastructure to lower our costs.
Bimbo? Wow you are just as ignorant as Trump. Fuck you.

Bro she's dumb as a box of rocks.
Bro, she is a college graduate. Graduated in the top echelon. Makes her a shit load smarter than a dumbass like you.
she has a PHD in African American Studies and Minority Oppression
and probably had the teachers cheat for her to pass, like the DemoRats did in Atlanta

She has the same degree as your fat asased moronic orange leader.
Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of her mouth about the economy ?

Dumb shit like this...

I believe in universal health care. I believe in whatever it takes to make people well and better.

or this

You’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.”

or this

But in a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about health care.

or this

“It’s an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated
Do tell, what is your point with this OP? Do you think that she does not have the right to run and serve because she is young and not well off ? Are you just getting on the Fox band wagon of moronic and insensitive jackasses? Do you prefer tat only those who represent the oligarchy serve in congress? DO TELL??!!
She had the right to run, because there is no active prohibition against schizzos running. The fact is that she has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare for everyone, and it exist only in her mind. The DC landlord doesn't give a shit about her delusions, he wants his rent, 2 months up front as usual.

So when she cries that she has no money saved from dishwashing, it's really kind of comical

Is it just as funny when the 62 year old laywer/GOP congressman whines about not having enough money to pay rent in DC?

Does he also have the 35 TRILLION dollars for free heaqlthcare for every piece of shit Mexican living under the bridge

Nobody has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare. it is just campaign talk, sort of like Mexico paying for the wall

I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent Problem

What a bimbo

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Slams Fox News For Laughing At Her DC Rent problem Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who this week became the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, called out Fox News for belittling her struggle to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C., during a Friday panel discussion on “America’s Newsroom.”

  • The Fox panelists snickered all the way through their chat on the topic, described in a chyron as: “Self-proclaimed socialist says she can’t afford DC rent.”

    Contributor Judy Miller actually laughed after host Bill Hemmer recalled that Ocasio-Cortez ― whose name no one pronounced correctly on the show ― was working in the service industry before she launched into her campaign to represent New York’s 14th District.

This Loon is almost perfect for the Mexicrat Party....a desperate, delusional anchor baby in dyer need of free shit. If she was gender confused or a carpet munching butch she’d be a perfect fit.
She had the right to run, because there is no active prohibition against schizzos running. The fact is that she has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare for everyone, and it exist only in her mind. The DC landlord doesn't give a shit about her delusions, he wants his rent, 2 months up front as usual.

So when she cries that she has no money saved from dishwashing, it's really kind of comical

Is it just as funny when the 62 year old laywer/GOP congressman whines about not having enough money to pay rent in DC?

Does he also have the 35 TRILLION dollars for free heaqlthcare for every piece of shit Mexican living under the bridge

Nobody has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare. it is just campaign talk, sort of like Mexico paying for the wall

I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo
Is it just as funny when the 62 year old laywer/GOP congressman whines about not having enough money to pay rent in DC?

Does he also have the 35 TRILLION dollars for free heaqlthcare for every piece of shit Mexican living under the bridge

Nobody has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare. it is just campaign talk, sort of like Mexico paying for the wall

I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo

What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez apparently believes the “electoral system” is unfair because she can’t receive her congressional salary until she’s actually sworn in as a member of Congress.

On Thursday, the 29-year-old socialist spoke with The New York Times about her election victory on Tuesday.

But rather than discuss her ideas for Congress, Ocasio-Cortez complained about not being able to afford an apartment in Washington, D.C.

Given that she will not be sworn in as a member of Congress until January, the Democratic socialist complained about not receiving her congressional salary for another three months.

“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress, so how do I get an apartment?” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Those little things are very real.”

Ocasio-Cortez said she and her “partner” have been saving money since her days as a bartender in New York, but decried that it wasn’t enough to get her an apartment in D.C.

Read more at theamericanmirror.com

“I have three months without a salary before I’m a member of Congress, so how do I get an apartment?”

You use the same solution you had for paying for "Medicare for All". You just pay for it. Easy Peasy.!!!....And this THING has an ECONOMICS DEGREE from Harvard....don't send your kids to Harvard!!!
She can stay where she is at and commute to work.
Does he also have the 35 TRILLION dollars for free heaqlthcare for every piece of shit Mexican living under the bridge

Nobody has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare. it is just campaign talk, sort of like Mexico paying for the wall

I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo

What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?

The argument is strengthened because FOX, CNN and also MSNBC all seem to know that this chick is KOOKOO

Nobody has the 35 TRILLION dollars for free healthcare. it is just campaign talk, sort of like Mexico paying for the wall

I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo

What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?

The argument is strengthened because FOX, CNN and also MSNBC all seem to know that this chick is KOOKOO

You're quoting MSNBC now?
The world has gone topsy-turvy!
I agree, but you better explain that to Cortez who believes that this is easily doable.............

Even CNN is mocking her

Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo

What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?

The argument is strengthened because FOX, CNN and also MSNBC all seem to know that this chick is KOOKOO

You're quoting MSNBC now?
The world has gone topsy-turvy!

Not at all, as Americans we have to agree at some point. True it will not be often, but Cortez is a very enigmatic and enthusiastic speaker. Why? simple, because she believes what she says, everyone else no matter who they are can see that the numbers do not add up, but Cortez just blocks that out as any schizzo will do. I would say that she is dangerous, but in reality she considers herself to be a socialist like Sanders who was fuc.ked by the democratic party last election because we are all in agreement that socialism is wrong. In this we agree...…………..

So yes she is nuts, says FOX, MSNBC and CNN, and me too
Wait...so CNN isn't Fake News any more?
It's so hard to keep up.

The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo
What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?

The argument is strengthened because FOX, CNN and also MSNBC all seem to know that this chick is KOOKOO

You're quoting MSNBC now?
The world has gone topsy-turvy!

Not at all, as Americans we have to agree at some point. True it will not be often, but Cortez is a very enigmatic and enthusiastic speaker. Why? simple, because she believes what she says, everyone else no matter who they are can see that the numbers do not add up, but Cortez just blocks that out as any schizzo will do. I would say that she is dangerous, but in reality she considers herself to be a socialist like Sanders who was fuc.ked by the democratic party last election because we are all in agreement that socialism is wrong. In this we agree...…………..

So yes she is nuts, says FOX, MSNBC and CNN, and me too

"Socialism is wrong".
Even though every functioning demoracy in the world is Socialist to some degree.
The point is that even CNN knows that this bimbo is schizzo
What does it matter if you can't believe a thing they say?
How does quoting them strengthen your argument?

The argument is strengthened because FOX, CNN and also MSNBC all seem to know that this chick is KOOKOO

You're quoting MSNBC now?
The world has gone topsy-turvy!

Not at all, as Americans we have to agree at some point. True it will not be often, but Cortez is a very enigmatic and enthusiastic speaker. Why? simple, because she believes what she says, everyone else no matter who they are can see that the numbers do not add up, but Cortez just blocks that out as any schizzo will do. I would say that she is dangerous, but in reality she considers herself to be a socialist like Sanders who was fuc.ked by the democratic party last election because we are all in agreement that socialism is wrong. In this we agree...…………..

So yes she is nuts, says FOX, MSNBC and CNN, and me too

"Socialism is wrong".
Even though every functioning demoracy in the world is Socialist to some degree.

Venezuela is socialist.

You are an imbecile

Do feel free to move to one of these socialist countries that you brag of


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