Ocasio-Cortez: Debate Request Is Sexual Harassment!

Who is Ben Shapiro?
Aren't debates usually between candidates? Is he running for something?
No, he just challenged her views.
He would probably eat her up. Especially considering she is extremely ignorant.
So that would be like Hillary agreeing to debate Hannity or something?
Yeah, that is a reasonable request. Done all the time.
I have to say, I think she's right on this one.
She is not running for president.
She is out campaigning for candidates and doing all kinds of interviews.
Methinks she is scared of being questioned. She KNOWS she is ignorant.
But maybe you are right. Maybe she believes she is above these non campaigning peons. I mean, my gawd, intellectual debate is for the birds anyways :D
Just name me one candidate who debated a conservative talk show host during the last election or any other time. Could have happened, I'm just not thinking of any. An interview is one thing. Chuck Wallace does those. A debate is something else.

You would think she would want to prove just how smart she is by debating a conservative.
Whats she afraid of?

The fact that she's NOT smart, and she knows it.
No, he just challenged her views.
He would probably eat her up. Especially considering she is extremely ignorant.
So that would be like Hillary agreeing to debate Hannity or something?
Yeah, that is a reasonable request. Done all the time.
I have to say, I think she's right on this one.
She is not running for president.
She is out campaigning for candidates and doing all kinds of interviews.
Methinks she is scared of being questioned. She KNOWS she is ignorant.
But maybe you are right. Maybe she believes she is above these non campaigning peons. I mean, my gawd, intellectual debate is for the birds anyways :D
Just name me one candidate who debated a conservative talk show host during the last election or any other time. Could have happened, I'm just not thinking of any. An interview is one thing. Chuck Wallace does those. A debate is something else.
People running for political office debate news casters all the darn time OL. Have you ever watched mainstream news before? lol
Ben is a lawyer and writer anyways. Not a news anchor
So how is he such a famous dude, according to the OP? I said conservative talk show host, not news anchor.

He was famous for his writing and for doing debates and speaking appearances at colleges long before he started his podcast.

Tell me again why we're supposed to treat your posts with gravity and respect when you keep casually mentioning that you don't know jack shit about either person involved? Oh, but you STILL got something that HAS to be said on the subject, dontcha?
So that would be like Hillary agreeing to debate Hannity or something?
Yeah, that is a reasonable request. Done all the time.
I have to say, I think she's right on this one.

He offered her $10K for either her campaign or charity....if she was serious about helping minorities she'd donate the money and debate him. But like all commies, she doesn't give a flip about anything but her own image.
Didn't someone recently offer a million to someone if they would do something.....
They didn't do it, though.
She's just a nominee for a district in the Bronx. Why does the entire conservative establishment have its hair on fire over her?

Why do you keep offering your input on a subject you yourself admit you know nothing about? Call me silly, but I think "I have no idea who either of these people are" is a red flag that you should shut up and listen, not jump right in, gums a-flapping.
She is not running for president.
She is out campaigning for candidates and doing all kinds of interviews.
Methinks she is scared of being questioned. She KNOWS she is ignorant.
But maybe you are right. Maybe she believes she is above these non campaigning peons. I mean, my gawd, intellectual debate is for the birds anyways :D
Just name me one candidate who debated a conservative talk show host during the last election or any other time. Could have happened, I'm just not thinking of any. An interview is one thing. Chuck Wallace does those. A debate is something else.
People running for political office debate news casters all the darn time OL. Have you ever watched mainstream news before? lol
Ben is a lawyer and writer anyways. Not a news anchor
So how is he such a famous dude, according to the OP? I said conservative talk show host, not news anchor.
he isnt a talk show host either. IDK google him lol

"I refuse to educate myself, but LISTEN TO MY OPINIONS!"

Uh huh. I can see why you would want to excuse Ocasio-Cortez. And you're Exhibit A of how she IS the new face of the left. You're just like her, except less funny.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
"Debate" and "interview" mean different things.

yes, they do. and legitimate candidates do both. She is extremely ignorant, makes idiotic proclamations, and comes off as a pathetic whining baby.

but that's the future of your party, Obama and Clinton killed the party of Truman and Kennedy and this is all you have left.
I haven't heard her--but I have a feeling that your opinion of her "proclamations" might be a bit colored by your disagreement with her basic premises. No?
She's young, she probably hasn't gotten her details worked out yet since she didn't expect to win the nomination, but you could be right. A lot of politicians don't have the details down, just the sound bytes. I seem to recall Trump was pretty famous for that during the campaign. Couldn't seem to get him to explain what in hell he was planning to actually DO except repeal and replace.....build that wall that Mexico will pay for.....stop all immigration of Muslims....make America safe again....
Bumper sticker campaigning isn't actually unheard of.
She supposedly has a degree in economics and stated that the reason the unemployment rate is low is because people work 2 jobs and 60 hr. work weeks. I don't care what side of the fence you sit on if you don't think that's a monumentally ignorant statement you got issues.

She's running for the House of Representatives, and she can't even name Nancy Pelosi's position.

Sorry, WHAT does she have to offer the country, again?
Why in God's name should she debate some loony RW radio squawk jock who would have nothing but bad intent and why would you compare it to going on Colbert's show? Stephen had no interest in "debating" her.

Hell, she has little reason to debate Anthony Pappas - the dude she's actually RUNNING against (in a district where Ds outnumber Rs 6-1) who hasn't received a single donation.

Pappas may as well go back to bed :)


Uh huh. I'm sure you're ALWAYS going on about how you don't think GOP candidates need to let themselves be interviewed by leftist hosts, too. Of course you are.

I'm comparing it to Colbert BECAUSE he had no interest in debating her, or even asking her hard questions . . . which is exactly why THAT "unsolicited request" didn't have her running to hide behind her lady parts.
No surprise here she will continue her media appearances on CNN and MSNBC where she will get lots of praise and no serious questions about her views or policy positions.

Yes, and when was the last time Trump went on CNN or MSNBC for an interview let alone a "debate"?
Early 2016 as I recall - Morning Joe.
Please get real

Oh, yeah, President Trump is ALWAYS running away from ever having to talk to the media. Man's practically a hermit. :eusa_hand:

YOU get real. She's a coward, and you're a lying hypocrite.
The point is, this woman accomplished something pretty remarkable in a very peculiar voting district. And now she is being feted all over the country on interview shows where she is asked fatuous questions and allowed to ramble on without interruption or contradiction, on subjects where her content is nothing but vacuous blather. She shows herself as not particularly intelligent or well-informed, and certainly not worthy of being elevated to the informal position of, "The Future of the Democratic Party!"

Hence, Shapiro tries to embarrass her with a tongue-in-cheek offer of a campaign contribution in exchange for a "debate," knowing that she wouldn't accept such an invitation in a thousand years. She would be annihilated.

Shapiro - 1
Alexandria - 0

I don't think it was tongue-in-cheek. I think he very much expected her to run and hide like a scared little girl - as she, in fact, did - but I also think he's quite serious about being willing to have the debate/interview/whatever, if she ever puts on her big-girl panties and takes his challenge.

And yes, he'd take her positions apart like a cheap watch.

I agree. Most opponents want to debate. It gives them a chance to put forth their opinion on a subject and what they will do.

The fact that this idiot doesn't want to debate and then insults the other party speaks volumes.

Sure hope she never makes it.

He's not even her OPPONENT - Just a Squawk Talk Loon who wants to set a trap for 15 minutes of fame.
JESUS people :rolleyes:

She talks to LOTS of people who aren't her opponent about her policy positions . . . just not anyone who isn't going to fawn over her.

JESUS, hypocrite.
No surprise here she will continue her media appearances on CNN and MSNBC where she will get lots of praise and no serious questions about her views or policy positions.

Yes, and when was the last time Trump went on CNN or MSNBC for an interview let alone a "debate"?
Early 2016 as I recall - Morning Joe.
Please get real
I thought trump did an interview on 60 Minutes right? so BOOM! you've been blowed up sir.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
so what; let women do it.
Who is Ben Shapiro?
Aren't debates usually between candidates? Is he running for something?

Ben Shapiro is one of the biggest names in conservative media, and hugely popular with millennials, her presumed base. Figures you'd be so far into your leftist bubble, you'd have no clue.

Way to make excuses for her cowardice.
put them in writing and let her respond in writing.
I’d like to see her debate he actual Republican candidate. Why aren’t we supporting him? Yeah he is a long shot but seriously the alternative is giving that idiot the seat

There is probably no Republican running

No, there is. Some placeholder whose job is to say, "Look, the GOP is running!" and to be available in case she, God forbid, gets hit by a bus or something before the election.
Trump never said that he wanted to ban all muslims, only that we need to properly vet them before letting them in, and the ones from countries where there are no valid records should be vetted the strongest, that makes sense to anyone who can think logically..

Bullshit ^ :wink:

"until our representatives can tell us what the hell is going on"....... so bullshit back.
So that would be like Hillary agreeing to debate Hannity or something?
Yeah, that is a reasonable request. Done all the time.
I have to say, I think she's right on this one.
She is not running for president.
She is out campaigning for candidates and doing all kinds of interviews.
Methinks she is scared of being questioned. She KNOWS she is ignorant.
But maybe you are right. Maybe she believes she is above these non campaigning peons. I mean, my gawd, intellectual debate is for the birds anyways :D
Just name me one candidate who debated a conservative talk show host during the last election or any other time. Could have happened, I'm just not thinking of any. An interview is one thing. Chuck Wallace does those. A debate is something else.
People running for political office debate news casters all the darn time OL. Have you ever watched mainstream news before? lol
Ben is a lawyer and writer anyways. Not a news anchor
So how is he such a famous dude, according to the OP? I said conservative talk show host, not news anchor.

He’s a pundit.

Okay, for all the leftists out there who didn't know there are actually conservative media figures other than Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, here's some illumination:

Benjamin Aaron Shapiro is an American conservative political commentator, writer and lawyer. He has written seven books, the first being 2004's Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth, which he started writing when he was 17 years old.

Also at age 17, he became the youngest nationally syndicated columnist in the country. Shapiro writes a column for Creators Syndicate, serves as editor-in-chief for The Daily Wire, which he founded, and hosts The Ben Shapiro Show, a daily political podcast and radio show. He is the co-founder and former editor-in-chief of the media watchdog group and website TruthRevolt. He was editor-at-large of Breitbart News between 2012 and 2016.

Shapiro frequently speaks at a number of college campuses across the country, often to present his conservative viewpoint on more controversial subjects. He spoke at 37 campuses between early 2016 and late 2017.

There, now you know. You're welcome.
I’d like to see her debate he actual Republican candidate. Why aren’t we supporting him? Yeah he is a long shot but seriously the alternative is giving that idiot the seat

There is probably no Republican running

No, there is. Some placeholder whose job is to say, "Look, the GOP is running!" and to be available in case she, God forbid, gets hit by a bus or something before the election.
right wingers are just a bunch of whiners. come up with a better solution at lower cost, and run a red head.

Right Wingers!!!
It's kind of a weird response but why would a democrat candidate owe a debate to Ben Shapiro?

No one said she owes a debate to Ben Shapiro. As someone who is running for the US House of Representatives, though, she owes the American people a debate with someone.

And completely aside from whether or not she feels obligated to present her positions to someone who might actually argue with them (I can see why she doesn't want to talk to anyone who isn't going to kiss her ass), her response is a whole 'nother issue. Did she just say, "You're not my opponent, so why would I debate you?" No. She accused him of sexual harassment.

If she didn't look like a poltroon for refusing to talk to him, she sure as shit did with her choice of words.
She's just a nominee for a district in the Bronx. Why does the entire conservative establishment have its hair on fire over her?

Maybe because socialism/communism is accountable for almost 100,000.000 deaths in the world since 1917, yet that's not what's being taught in our government schools. She has no idea how any of her ideas will work, can be paid for, or what they'll replace. And yet the slimeball media has made her a rock star and a role model for young, and not so young, mush heads. The only saving grace is that now the democrat party has exposed itself for what it's always been....socialists.
Yet many of her policies have been enacted in very successful countries over the past century and no one has been murdered. Pure capitalism and pure socialism don't exist. A sensible pinch of this and pinch of that often makes a winning combination.

If your idea of "winning combination" is "Oh, shit, we're tanking our economy! Quick, back to the capitalism!"

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