Ocasio-Cortez: Debate Request Is Sexual Harassment!

Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
But she's a Hispanic Woman, so she can make any claim she wants against a conservative.

Yeah, that ain't today's political situation, thank God. Today, you're going to get reamed on the Internet for that shit.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
"Debate" and "interview" mean different things.

yes, they do. and legitimate candidates do both. She is extremely ignorant, makes idiotic proclamations, and comes off as a pathetic whining baby.

but that's the future of your party, Obama and Clinton killed the party of Truman and Kennedy and this is all you have left.
I haven't heard her--but I have a feeling that your opinion of her "proclamations" might be a bit colored by your disagreement with her basic premises. No?
She's young, she probably hasn't gotten her details worked out yet since she didn't expect to win the nomination, but you could be right. A lot of politicians don't have the details down, just the sound bytes. I seem to recall Trump was pretty famous for that during the campaign. Couldn't seem to get him to explain what in hell he was planning to actually DO except repeal and replace.....build that wall that Mexico will pay for.....stop all immigration of Muslims....make America safe again....
Bumper sticker campaigning isn't actually unheard of.

If you havent even heard her how can you make any claims on her intelligence?
This isn't really about her intelligence. You conservatives all think she's stupid, so that's a senseless argument. The question is about whether she should be "forced" to enter into a debate with Ben Shapiro. You all have decided she's chicken, so that debate is over, too. You smeared her. You won.

This is very much about her intelligence, because she has yet to make a public statement that isn't laughably easy to refute.

We have "all decided that she's chicken", because she responded like a chicken. We didn't "smear" her, so spare the victimhood identification. We commented on her behavior, same thing YOU do when YOU trot on here to criticize people YOU don't like (despite the fact that you often have no idea who they actually are). If she didn't want to give the impression she's a melodramatic coward, she should try not acting like one.
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yes, they do. and legitimate candidates do both. She is extremely ignorant, makes idiotic proclamations, and comes off as a pathetic whining baby.

but that's the future of your party, Obama and Clinton killed the party of Truman and Kennedy and this is all you have left.
I haven't heard her--but I have a feeling that your opinion of her "proclamations" might be a bit colored by your disagreement with her basic premises. No?
She's young, she probably hasn't gotten her details worked out yet since she didn't expect to win the nomination, but you could be right. A lot of politicians don't have the details down, just the sound bytes. I seem to recall Trump was pretty famous for that during the campaign. Couldn't seem to get him to explain what in hell he was planning to actually DO except repeal and replace.....build that wall that Mexico will pay for.....stop all immigration of Muslims....make America safe again....
Bumper sticker campaigning isn't actually unheard of.
oh come on OL, we already have a thread on her stupidity. she made the statement that unemployment is low because everyone has 2 jobs. this is your savior? you want this ignorance in our congress? really? you have no class then.
Since I don't live in the Bronx, it's not my decision. Really.
I don't want any stupid fk from any district dictating policy in our country. You're a strange one that doesn't believe in the country. shame and sad
The sky ain't falling and she's not going to be "dictating policy" in our country, anymore than the other 500 reps to Congress, anyway.

she has become your spokesperson. She is worshiped by the DNC as the next great leader. She, and you, are a joke.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
"Debate" and "interview" mean different things.

yes, they do. and legitimate candidates do both. She is extremely ignorant, makes idiotic proclamations, and comes off as a pathetic whining baby.

but that's the future of your party, Obama and Clinton killed the party of Truman and Kennedy and this is all you have left.
I haven't heard her--but I have a feeling that your opinion of her "proclamations" might be a bit colored by your disagreement with her basic premises. No?
She's young, she probably hasn't gotten her details worked out yet since she didn't expect to win the nomination, but you could be right. A lot of politicians don't have the details down, just the sound bytes. I seem to recall Trump was pretty famous for that during the campaign. Couldn't seem to get him to explain what in hell he was planning to actually DO except repeal and replace.....build that wall that Mexico will pay for.....stop all immigration of Muslims....make America safe again....
Bumper sticker campaigning isn't actually unheard of.

If you havent even heard her how can you make any claims on her intelligence?
This isn't really about her intelligence. You conservatives all think she's stupid, so that's a senseless argument. The question is about whether she should be "forced" to enter into a debate with Ben Shapiro. You all have decided she's chicken, so that debate is over, too. You smeared her. You won.

with her public idiotic statements, she smeared herself, she doesn't need any help with that.
Who is Ben Shapiro?
Aren't debates usually between candidates? Is he running for something?
No, he just challenged her views.
He would probably eat her up. Especially considering she is extremely ignorant.
So that would be like Hillary agreeing to debate Hannity or something?
Yeah, that is a reasonable request. Done all the time.
I have to say, I think she's right on this one.

I have to say, you'd have "thought she was right on this one" if her response had been to recite "Mary Had A Little Lamb", because you just want to believe she's right.

GOP candidates are forced to submit to aggressive, hostile interviews from leftist "journalists" by the platoon, and absolutely no one ever thinks it's unreasonable. But somehow, the idea that darling little Alexandria, "the future of the Democratic Party", subject herself to answering questions from a media figure from the right is ridiculous.

So you're correct that it's not "done all the time" for Democrats to face media figures from the right. They NEVER do it . . . because they're all chickenshit poseurs who know they can't defend their positions when challenged.

Yeah, I'm crying because YOU'RE a partisan dimwit. Maybe tears from laughing so hard.
I’d like to see her debate he actual Republican candidate. Why aren’t we supporting him? Yeah he is a long shot but seriously the alternative is giving that idiot the seat

I suspect because he's a throwaway candidate, just there to say we ran someone. The GOP doesn't expect to ever win that particular seat, because the district is too deeply blue.

Well we could at least try. Why on earth are we conceding any district? We should be out persuading these people to get on board making our nation great instead of doing nothing and assuming they won’t ever change.

At least put up a good fight

Republicans really suck at making the case for their own positions. It's the damndest thing I've ever seen.

What pisses me off is not even making an attempt

I suppose I can understand it from the party's point of view. They only have so much money, and spending it in a district where the Democrats outnumber the Republicans by 6-1 isn't the smartest choice.

Frankly, though, if Professor Placemarker would get off his dead ass and even LOOK like he was actively running against this google-eyed fluffbrain, he'd probably have donations from all over the country.
Ocasio-Cortez dismisses Ben Shapiro's debate offer, compares to 'catcalling'

Democratic congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Thursday dismissed an offer from conservative commentator Ben Shapiro challenging her to a debate, saying she doesn’t “owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.”

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday night. “And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”

Shapiro fired back at Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter while defending his offer:

"Discussion and debate are not “bad intentions.” Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however."

My, my, my. That's the "future of the Democratic Party", is it?

I wonder if she whipped out her Woman Card and claimed it was "catcalling" when Stephen Colbert asked to interview her. That request was probably "unsolicited", too.

So much for her claims that Republicans are afraid of HER. Looks the other way 'round to me.
"Debate" and "interview" mean different things.

Not from what I've seen of any leftist you'd care to name who's interviewing a GOP candidate.

And in case you missed it, he offered her a choice. He specifically said a debate OR she could appear on one of his Sunday Special programs.

But OF COURSE you missed it, because until five minutes ago, you were so obliviously out of touch, you didn't even know who he was.
I was learning stuff and finding this conversation interesting until you came back.
See ya.

Just like AOC: "I was good at politics until someone came along and disagreed with me!"
The point is, this woman accomplished something pretty remarkable in a very peculiar voting district. And now she is being feted all over the country on interview shows where she is asked fatuous questions and allowed to ramble on without interruption or contradiction, on subjects where her content is nothing but vacuous blather. She shows herself as not particularly intelligent or well-informed, and certainly not worthy of being elevated to the informal position of, "The Future of the Democratic Party!"

Hence, Shapiro tries to embarrass her with a tongue-in-cheek offer of a campaign contribution in exchange for a "debate," knowing that she wouldn't accept such an invitation in a thousand years. She would be annihilated.

Shapiro - 1
Alexandria - 0

I don't think it was tongue-in-cheek. I think he very much expected her to run and hide like a scared little girl - as she, in fact, did - but I also think he's quite serious about being willing to have the debate/interview/whatever, if she ever puts on her big-girl panties and takes his challenge.

And yes, he'd take her positions apart like a cheap watch.

I agree. Most opponents want to debate. It gives them a chance to put forth their opinion on a subject and what they will do.

The fact that this idiot doesn't want to debate and then insults the other party speaks volumes.

Sure hope she never makes it.

He's not even her OPPONENT - Just a Squawk Talk Loon who wants to set a trap for 15 minutes of fame.
JESUS people :rolleyes:

She talks to LOTS of people who aren't her opponent about her policy positions . . . just not anyone who isn't going to fawn over her.

JESUS, hypocrite.

And then you have Dotard J Drumpf who doesn't talk to anyone but Fox News, Sinclair Media and idiots like Alex Jones.

JESUS, hypocrite :D


Treating the Six Known Symptoms of ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ – Dr. Rich Swier

Look into it.
The definition of poverty in the US is not true poverty world wide. These "poor persons" have running water, access to food, indoor plumbing, healthcare and education and almost all have smartphones. Business owners sometimes work 80hr weeks. I know I do. Working hard is not a bad thing.
Keeping your house or your car is "making ends meet." Keeping the lights on. Paying for that car repair so you can continue to get to your two jobs.
I never said anything about poverty. I said "making ends meet."

Millions in the middle class struggle as well. College tuition is $50k/year per kid. Such is life. Doesn't make it bad. Giving stuff away for free via Gov't spend is not the answer. Unless you are a moron.
I don't know. I think investing in a better educated workforce might be worth it in the long run. Economists know that part of the slower growth the past several years was because young college grads are so burdened with debt that they can't afford to buy a home, start a family, be good serious consumers. Yet it has been drilled into all of them that a college education is necessary for a financially secure life.
So what's to be done? I know some people are looking to businesses to take up some of the burden, and that's fine for big businesses; that might help. Or figure out what is making the cost of higher education so goddamned expensive? I suspect it is something of a racket. I don't know for sure, though.

Show of hands, everyone who thinks Old Lady appears to be someone whose advice on how to educate people is worth a fart in a wind tunnel.

You'd have been far better off with OL as your teacher than your Mama at home skool with her GED. ;)

Coming from you, that's an incredibly effective endorsement . . . for homeschooling.
Keeping your house or your car is "making ends meet." Keeping the lights on. Paying for that car repair so you can continue to get to your two jobs.
I never said anything about poverty. I said "making ends meet."

Millions in the middle class struggle as well. College tuition is $50k/year per kid. Such is life. Doesn't make it bad. Giving stuff away for free via Gov't spend is not the answer. Unless you are a moron.
I don't know. I think investing in a better educated workforce might be worth it in the long run. Economists know that part of the slower growth the past several years was because young college grads are so burdened with debt that they can't afford to buy a home, start a family, be good serious consumers. Yet it has been drilled into all of them that a college education is necessary for a financially secure life.
So what's to be done? I know some people are looking to businesses to take up some of the burden, and that's fine for big businesses; that might help. Or figure out what is making the cost of higher education so goddamned expensive? I suspect it is something of a racket. I don't know for sure, though.

Show of hands, everyone who thinks Old Lady appears to be someone whose advice on how to educate people is worth a fart in a wind tunnel.

You'd have been far better off with OL as your teacher than your Mama at home skool with her GED. ;)

Coming from you, that's an incredibly effective endorsement . . . for homeschooling.

And YOU are an incredibly effective endorsement AGAINST ;)

Millions in the middle class struggle as well. College tuition is $50k/year per kid. Such is life. Doesn't make it bad. Giving stuff away for free via Gov't spend is not the answer. Unless you are a moron.
I don't know. I think investing in a better educated workforce might be worth it in the long run. Economists know that part of the slower growth the past several years was because young college grads are so burdened with debt that they can't afford to buy a home, start a family, be good serious consumers. Yet it has been drilled into all of them that a college education is necessary for a financially secure life.
So what's to be done? I know some people are looking to businesses to take up some of the burden, and that's fine for big businesses; that might help. Or figure out what is making the cost of higher education so goddamned expensive? I suspect it is something of a racket. I don't know for sure, though.

Show of hands, everyone who thinks Old Lady appears to be someone whose advice on how to educate people is worth a fart in a wind tunnel.

You'd have been far better off with OL as your teacher than your Mama at home skool with her GED. ;)

Coming from you, that's an incredibly effective endorsement . . . for homeschooling.

And YOU are an incredibly effective endorsement AGAINST ;)

Gosh, let me just pencil in some time to cry because one of the most pig-ignorant people I've ever encountered doesn't think I match his standards for education.

How's the 12th of Piss Off? Does that work for you? I'll have my people call you.
I don't know. I think investing in a better educated workforce might be worth it in the long run. Economists know that part of the slower growth the past several years was because young college grads are so burdened with debt that they can't afford to buy a home, start a family, be good serious consumers. Yet it has been drilled into all of them that a college education is necessary for a financially secure life.
So what's to be done? I know some people are looking to businesses to take up some of the burden, and that's fine for big businesses; that might help. Or figure out what is making the cost of higher education so goddamned expensive? I suspect it is something of a racket. I don't know for sure, though.

Show of hands, everyone who thinks Old Lady appears to be someone whose advice on how to educate people is worth a fart in a wind tunnel.

You'd have been far better off with OL as your teacher than your Mama at home skool with her GED. ;)

Coming from you, that's an incredibly effective endorsement . . . for homeschooling.

And YOU are an incredibly effective endorsement AGAINST ;)

Gosh, let me just pencil in some time to cry because one of the most pig-ignorant people I've ever encountered doesn't think I match his standards for education.

How's the 12th of Piss Off? Does that work for you? I'll have my people call you.

Goofy Cecilie with another non-response?
Cool - Get a room with Claudette .. Can't tell you apart :cool:
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Meanwhile, back to the topic of why AOC not only doesn't want to talk to anyone who doesn't fawn over her, but is so terrified of the idea that she lashes out and plays the Walking Vagina Card:

“ICE is the only criminal investigative agency, the only enforcement agency in the United States, that has a bed quota. So ICE is required to fill 34,000 beds with detainees every single night and that number has only been increasing since 2009.”

“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.”

“Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn't even ask for! They're, like, we don't want another fighter jet! They're, like, don't give us another nuclear bomb, you know? They didn't even ask for it and we gave it to them."

"Americans have the sticker shock of health care as it is, and what we’re also not talking about is why aren’t we incorporating the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who died because they can’t afford access to health care? That is part of the cost of our system."

"I think I was primarily compelled on moral grounds, because I could only imagine if 60 people were shot and killed in Ferguson or if 60 people were shot and killed in the West Virginia teacher strikes. The idea that we're not supposed to talk about people dying when they are engaging in political expression just really moved me, and running for office, seeing like the silence around this issue, has been a little interesting to me."

"She is, she is the leader of, of– no no, she, I mean, um, um, Speaker, or rather Leader Pelosi, hopefully, um, you know, we’ll see, she’s uh, she’s the current leader of the party and I think the party absolutely does have its leadership in the House, we our leadership in the Senate as well."

"We write unlimited blank checks for war. We just wrote a $2 trillion check for that tax cut, the GOP tax cut. And nobody asked those folks how are they going to pay for it."

“Their heyday was in the ’90s when kids had like Furbies and you had like soccer moms with two vans and stuff. That’s not America anymore! A lot of these folk were in their political heyday in third-way ’90s politics. I think that like politically this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class does not exist anymore in America.”

Yeah, I can see why the thought of debating Ben gave her conniptions.
Show of hands, everyone who thinks Old Lady appears to be someone whose advice on how to educate people is worth a fart in a wind tunnel.

You'd have been far better off with OL as your teacher than your Mama at home skool with her GED. ;)

Coming from you, that's an incredibly effective endorsement . . . for homeschooling.

And YOU are an incredibly effective endorsement AGAINST ;)

Gosh, let me just pencil in some time to cry because one of the most pig-ignorant people I've ever encountered doesn't think I match his standards for education.

How's the 12th of Piss Off? Does that work for you? I'll have my people call you.

Goofy Cecilie with another non-response?
Cool - Get a room with Claudette .. Can't tell you apart :cool:

Are you still talking, dipshit? Fine, we acknowledged that you exist. Now take the win and stop yapping around our ankles.
Meanwhile, back to the topic of why AOC not only doesn't want to talk to anyone who doesn't fawn over her, but is so terrified of the idea that she lashes out and plays the Walking Vagina Card:

“ICE is the only criminal investigative agency, the only enforcement agency in the United States, that has a bed quota. So ICE is required to fill 34,000 beds with detainees every single night and that number has only been increasing since 2009.”

“Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.”

“Just last year we gave the military a $700 billion budget increase, which they didn't even ask for! They're, like, we don't want another fighter jet! They're, like, don't give us another nuclear bomb, you know? They didn't even ask for it and we gave it to them."

"Americans have the sticker shock of health care as it is, and what we’re also not talking about is why aren’t we incorporating the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who died because they can’t afford access to health care? That is part of the cost of our system."

"I think I was primarily compelled on moral grounds, because I could only imagine if 60 people were shot and killed in Ferguson or if 60 people were shot and killed in the West Virginia teacher strikes. The idea that we're not supposed to talk about people dying when they are engaging in political expression just really moved me, and running for office, seeing like the silence around this issue, has been a little interesting to me."

"She is, she is the leader of, of– no no, she, I mean, um, um, Speaker, or rather Leader Pelosi, hopefully, um, you know, we’ll see, she’s uh, she’s the current leader of the party and I think the party absolutely does have its leadership in the House, we our leadership in the Senate as well."

"We write unlimited blank checks for war. We just wrote a $2 trillion check for that tax cut, the GOP tax cut. And nobody asked those folks how are they going to pay for it."

“Their heyday was in the ’90s when kids had like Furbies and you had like soccer moms with two vans and stuff. That’s not America anymore! A lot of these folk were in their political heyday in third-way ’90s politics. I think that like politically this upper-middle class is probably more moderate, but that upper-middle class does not exist anymore in America.”

Yeah, I can see why the thought of debating Ben gave her conniptions.
The point is, this woman accomplished something pretty remarkable in a very peculiar voting district. And now she is being feted all over the country on interview shows where she is asked fatuous questions and allowed to ramble on without interruption or contradiction, on subjects where her content is nothing but vacuous blather. She shows herself as not particularly intelligent or well-informed, and certainly not worthy of being elevated to the informal position of, "The Future of the Democratic Party!"

Hence, Shapiro tries to embarrass her with a tongue-in-cheek offer of a campaign contribution in exchange for a "debate," knowing that she wouldn't accept such an invitation in a thousand years. She would be annihilated.

Shapiro - 1
Alexandria - 0

I don't think it was tongue-in-cheek. I think he very much expected her to run and hide like a scared little girl - as she, in fact, did - but I also think he's quite serious about being willing to have the debate/interview/whatever, if she ever puts on her big-girl panties and takes his challenge.

And yes, he'd take her positions apart like a cheap watch.

I agree. Most opponents want to debate. It gives them a chance to put forth their opinion on a subject and what they will do.

The fact that this idiot doesn't want to debate and then insults the other party speaks volumes.

Sure hope she never makes it.

She has it made already unless someone steps up and opposes her

Anthony Pappas is - nominally - opposing her. Of course, there's no evidence he's actually started campaigning.

Then we force him to
The point is, this woman accomplished something pretty remarkable in a very peculiar voting district. And now she is being feted all over the country on interview shows where she is asked fatuous questions and allowed to ramble on without interruption or contradiction, on subjects where her content is nothing but vacuous blather. She shows herself as not particularly intelligent or well-informed, and certainly not worthy of being elevated to the informal position of, "The Future of the Democratic Party!"

Hence, Shapiro tries to embarrass her with a tongue-in-cheek offer of a campaign contribution in exchange for a "debate," knowing that she wouldn't accept such an invitation in a thousand years. She would be annihilated.

Shapiro - 1
Alexandria - 0

I don't think it was tongue-in-cheek. I think he very much expected her to run and hide like a scared little girl - as she, in fact, did - but I also think he's quite serious about being willing to have the debate/interview/whatever, if she ever puts on her big-girl panties and takes his challenge.

And yes, he'd take her positions apart like a cheap watch.

I agree. Most opponents want to debate. It gives them a chance to put forth their opinion on a subject and what they will do.

The fact that this idiot doesn't want to debate and then insults the other party speaks volumes.

Sure hope she never makes it.

She has it made already unless someone steps up and opposes her

Anthony Pappas is - nominally - opposing her. Of course, there's no evidence he's actually started campaigning.

Then we force him to

How do you force someone to campaign for office when they don't want to?
I don't think it was tongue-in-cheek. I think he very much expected her to run and hide like a scared little girl - as she, in fact, did - but I also think he's quite serious about being willing to have the debate/interview/whatever, if she ever puts on her big-girl panties and takes his challenge.

And yes, he'd take her positions apart like a cheap watch.

I agree. Most opponents want to debate. It gives them a chance to put forth their opinion on a subject and what they will do.

The fact that this idiot doesn't want to debate and then insults the other party speaks volumes.

Sure hope she never makes it.

She has it made already unless someone steps up and opposes her

Anthony Pappas is - nominally - opposing her. Of course, there's no evidence he's actually started campaigning.

Then we force him to

How do you force someone to campaign for office when they don't want to?

Not sure yet

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