Ocasio-Cortez: People Too Concerned With Being ‘Factually’ Accurate, Fact Checker Smacks Her

Post-fact America. It's all about emotion and tribes now.

If 70% top tax rate was good enough for JFK, it's good enough for me. After 35 to 50 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, it's time for some give away to the nonrich for a change. CEO pay is totally out of control with out of touch company policy the usual effect. High top tax rate for them is a grand idea and the only way to control CEO pay.and why are we the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, good vacations and infrastructure? Because we don't tax the rich enough! Without total BS character assassination propaganda the GOP would have no chance, super dupers.

If you're going to bring back the 70% rate, bring back all the loopholes Reagan closed too.
Hilarious GOP idiocy...

Why is that? Don't want the loopholes JFK had?
There have never been more loopholes for the rich than right now. For 50 years now we have had the GOP cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. We are now the last among modern rich countriesand have a flat tax system if you count all taxes, with the rich getting all the new wealth and screwing the hell out of everyone else. Great job. You have no idea what you're talking about, just parroting GOP garbage.

Name them dupe. Then, if your honest, list the ones Reagan closed.
She sounds like a 13 year old little girl from the Valley. Maybe 12. 13 may be too mature for her. Let the people that support her pay a 70% income tax.
Actually, only for those who make more than 10 million dollars a year, and only on money over and above the 10 million. Which isn't anyone on here, they are called the ridiculously bloated rich and CEOs, a GOP disgrace.

Which wouldn't get her anywhere near enough to fund what she wants.
Funny it works in every other modern country, dumbass. Your adoration and sympathy for the bloated brainwashing GOP rich is touching, brainwashed functional moron. We are number 24 in happiness. Pathetic.

Show us the numbers. Show us how you're going to get additional multiples of trillions every year by taxing income over 10 million at 70%. Show you understand numbers and I won't have to call you back math Barbie.

Then show how you're going to avoid the wealthy simply making all that income disappear.

I'll help you start. There are about a million households in the top 1%, and the average income for them is about a million. Now, if you taxed all their income at 100%, you'd get a trillion (and of course you could only do it once, after which it vanishes). So, is your math better than a certain Senator's? Can you get the multiple tons you'd need from taxiing income above 10 million at 70%?

If not, you're not really even functioning.
That's the 70% rate, dumbass. I expect they will want 60% on some 50% on some 40% on some...of course it will take time for us to catch up to the rest of the modern world, after 35 years of the GOP screwing us up for their giveaway to the rich...

You're not even functioning, dupe.
I have already stated that this woman is an idiot and dumber than a box of rocks, but let’s take her statement at face value. What she is saying one is that facts don’t matter, and two, that she is going to define what moral is. Her head has gotten so big she doesn’t even understand she has become a radical socialist terrorist. Her approach is one of a religion, she is right and anyone who disagrees needs to be eliminated. So not only is she dumb, a clear and present danger to good govt. in the House of Representatives, but a sneakily empathetic zealot of socialist tyranny. Why can’t the left admit to the shameful ignorance this woman is peddling.
To be fair and balanced though, republicans need to learn from Ocasio that in spite of industrial strength ignorance she is still the darling of the media. Watch the video of her seeing the lady sitting down, revealing that big rabbit tooth smile, sticking out her hand and hand and going straight to that woman just oozing empathy. This woman has an uncanny ability to make you think she feels your pain in spades. She is certainly not old and wrinkly. Republicans would do well to target attractive candidates with brains. Look at the woman who called trump an mfer. She has been beaten with an ugly stick and is easy to ostracize. Ocasio is like the princess in shreck, all you need is love. Looks matter whether the metoo movement wants it or not. I say again, republicans take note.
she's mimicking the gop.

Sanders and Obama at least had plans to pay for their HC ideas .... funny math possibly, but they did have numbers.
More garbage propaganda, let's have some actual examples.

Here ya go...dumbass.
stupid statements from Ocasio-Cortez - Bing video
she's mimicking the gop.

Sanders and Obama at least had plans to pay for their HC ideas .... funny math possibly, but they did have numbers.
More garbage propaganda, let's have some actual examples.

Here ya go...dumbass.
stupid statements from Ocasio-Cortez - Bing video
Whoopi Goldberg to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: “Before you start pooping on people and what they’ve done, you got to do something too.”

To be fair and balanced though, republicans need to learn from Ocasio that in spite of industrial strength ignorance she is still the darling of the media. Watch the video of her seeing the lady sitting down, revealing that big rabbit tooth smile, sticking out her hand and hand and going straight to that woman just oozing empathy. This woman has an uncanny ability to make you think she feels your pain in spades. She is certainly not old and wrinkly. Republicans would do well to target attractive candidates with brains. Look at the woman who called trump an mfer. She has been beaten with an ugly stick and is easy to ostracize. Ocasio is like the princess in shreck, all you need is love. Looks matter whether the metoo movement wants it or not. I say again, republicans take note.
Hitler had a lot of charisma too.
Post-fact America. It's all about emotion and tribes now.

If 70% top tax rate was good enough for JFK, it's good enough for me. After 35 to 50 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, it's time for some give away to the nonrich for a change. CEO pay is totally out of control with out of touch company policy the usual effect. High top tax rate for them is a grand idea and the only way to control CEO pay.and why are we the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, good vacations and infrastructure? Because we don't tax the rich enough! Without total BS character assassination propaganda the GOP would have no chance, super dupers.
"Keep up with the Joneses" isn't an argument, duppe.
Post-fact America. It's all about emotion and tribes now.

If 70% top tax rate was good enough for JFK, it's good enough for me. After 35 to 50 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, it's time for some give away to the nonrich for a change. CEO pay is totally out of control with out of touch company policy the usual effect. High top tax rate for them is a grand idea and the only way to control CEO pay.and why are we the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, good vacations and infrastructure? Because we don't tax the rich enough! Without total BS character assassination propaganda the GOP would have no chance, super dupers.
"Keep up with the Joneses" isn't an argument, duppe.
Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.
Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.
And they've thrown in 100% with idiotic foreign wars.....It's like the Bushies never left.
Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.

I think they believe that people actually want that as well as staying in foreign wars, ridiculing America, and continuing to cave on foreign trade deals like we've had for decades. Basically continuing to purposely screw ourselves.
Post-fact America. It's all about emotion and tribes now.

If 70% top tax rate was good enough for JFK, it's good enough for me. After 35 to 50 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, it's time for some give away to the nonrich for a change. CEO pay is totally out of control with out of touch company policy the usual effect. High top tax rate for them is a grand idea and the only way to control CEO pay.and why are we the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, good vacations and infrastructure? Because we don't tax the rich enough! Without total BS character assassination propaganda the GOP would have no chance, super dupers.
"Keep up with the Joneses" isn't an argument, duppe.
Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.
You are brainwashed beyond belief. No one is for open borders. Pass the Damned ID card. Democrats have tried before and it is the only solution the wall is stupid
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Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.
And they've thrown in 100% with idiotic foreign wars.....It's like the Bushies never left.
So Obama should have just let isis roll on? George W and the GOP started the stupidest Wars ever and wrecked the Middle East and and even the world economy. And most GOP voters don't know about it LOL...
And Trump sounds like a 5th grader from the local playground.
He tweets like a teenage girl with PMS.
But that didn't stop a lot of stupid people from voting for him.

Yeah, I'll take a successful, multi billionaire, CEO/businessman any day. You're right A LOT of people voted for hm. That's why he's thankfully PRESIDENT.

He's not a successful multi-billionaire.
He's a fraud and a con man who has filed bankruptcy six times and hasn't paid taxes in 20 years.
You'd be rich, too, if you cheated and lied like he does.
And a lot more people, 3 million, voted for Hillary.
He's the president because of the electoral college, not because of the people.
Those are the facts, but don't let them get in the way of your fucking delusion.

Post-fact America. It's all about emotion and tribes now.

If 70% top tax rate was good enough for JFK, it's good enough for me. After 35 to 50 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, it's time for some give away to the nonrich for a change. CEO pay is totally out of control with out of touch company policy the usual effect. High top tax rate for them is a grand idea and the only way to control CEO pay.and why are we the only modern country without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav cheap college and training, ID card to end illegal immigration, good vacations and infrastructure? Because we don't tax the rich enough! Without total BS character assassination propaganda the GOP would have no chance, super dupers.
"Keep up with the Joneses" isn't an argument, duppe.
Trump has Democrats screaming for open border and tripling taxes as the 2020 campaign starts.

The man is a political genius.
The Democrats are against raising taxes on anyone but the rich.

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