Ocasio-Cortez Threatens To Retaliate Against Trump Jr. Over Meme

Oh PP just reenforces the lefts mantra about socialism. Socialism works, it just hasn’t been implemented right. You can point to no socialist successes and I can point to a hundred million dead because of socialist regimes. Socialism is a non starter. Hey let’s point out the kinder gentler socialism in France, hows that working out for you?
How does destroying overseas markets that took years to develop encouraging agriculture? And then tell me the difference between cash assistance payments to farmers and welfare.
a very astute world politics guy observed------something which in sum and substance meant "the country that has the food --controls the situation" <<<sorta. There are many very
POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS and aggressive entitites that --GOT MONEY (that means that got oil) that are dependent on import for food that are pushing their weight around

Good job at not answering my questions.

I checked back----the ONLY question that you posed that I could find was "how does destroying markets .......overseas encourage agriculture"? Your question makes no sense. The agriculture of the USA does not depend on how many cars are made in Japan and shipped to the USA or how many toys
are exported to the USA from China. The USA does USE much of its own agricultural products-----and could use PROPORTIONATELY more. There is no real reason for the USA to import agricultural products from other countries

Obviously you do not have the mental capacity to understand the question. My point is that the US agriculture industry has devoted significant resources and much effort in developing markets overseas for their goods. In fact, Chuck Conners, president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives recently said,

“Our sole business plan for the future of American agriculture is expanding trade."

I mean from the looks of most Americans, well it just doesn't appear there is much potential to expand the amount of food Americans are consuming. If we want our agriculture to expand exporting seems about the only way. Put another way, every one billion dollars in agricultural exports supports eight thousand jobs. Last year China purchased 12 billion dollars worth of soybeans from the US supporting almost a hundred thousand jobs. Pork and beef producers have spent years developing the Chinese markets for their products exporting billions of dollars worth of products, and at high profit. Pork offals, which I am sure you have no idea as to what that is, are considered delicacies in China. Here they are mostly used to make pet food. Guess which industry provides the most profit? Why not do your part and make a mess of chitterlings for dinner once a week.

The reality is that Trump's trade tarriffs, and his payments to affected farmers, both fly in the face of traditional Republican principals. It is the heavy hand of government manipulating markets and picking winners and losers. Obviously, the real RINO's are Donald Trump and his supporters.

your post is idiotic-------I was born in the USA and English is just about the only language I speak, why would I not know the simple word OFFAL? -----its been around a long time. The
USA does not rely for its entire GNP on pork part export. While I sympathize with all people HARD HIT by policy changes-------sorry---try to adapt.

How does destroying overseas markets that took years to develop encouraging agriculture? And then tell me the difference between cash assistance payments to farmers and welfare.

a very astute world politics guy observed------something which in sum and substance meant "the country that has the food --controls the situation" <<<sorta. There are many very
POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS and aggressive entitites that --GOT MONEY (that means that got oil) that are dependent on import for food that are pushing their weight around

Good job at not answering my questions.

I checked back----the ONLY question that you posed that I could find was "how does destroying markets .......overseas encourage agriculture"? Your question makes no sense. The agriculture of the USA does not depend on how many cars are made in Japan and shipped to the USA or how many toys
are exported to the USA from China. The USA does USE much of its own agricultural products-----and could use PROPORTIONATELY more. There is no real reason for the USA to import agricultural products from other countries

Obviously you do not have the mental capacity to understand the question. My point is that the US agriculture industry has devoted significant resources and much effort in developing markets overseas for their goods. In fact, Chuck Conners, president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives recently said,

“Our sole business plan for the future of American agriculture is expanding trade."

I mean from the looks of most Americans, well it just doesn't appear there is much potential to expand the amount of food Americans are consuming. If we want our agriculture to expand exporting seems about the only way. Put another way, every one billion dollars in agricultural exports supports eight thousand jobs. Last year China purchased 12 billion dollars worth of soybeans from the US supporting almost a hundred thousand jobs. Pork and beef producers have spent years developing the Chinese markets for their products exporting billions of dollars worth of products, and at high profit. Pork offals, which I am sure you have no idea as to what that is, are considered delicacies in China. Here they are mostly used to make pet food. Guess which industry provides the most profit? Why not do your part and make a mess of chitterlings for dinner once a week.

The reality is that Trump's trade tarriffs, and his payments to affected farmers, both fly in the face of traditional Republican principals. It is the heavy hand of government manipulating markets and picking winners and losers. Obviously, the real RINO's are Donald Trump and his supporters.

your post is idiotic-------I was born in the USA and English is just about the only language I speak, why would I not know the simple word OFFAL? -----its been around a long time. The
USA does not rely for its entire GNP on pork part export. While I sympathize with all people HARD HIT by policy changes-------sorry---try to adapt.

Once again, you failed to answer my question. But ironically, your comment about adapting clearly indicates your inability to understand the basic concept of both free markets and free trade. Maybe you can answer this question, why should soy bean farmers and pork producers "adapt" because car manufacturers and steel producers refuse to? Because that is exactly what this is all about. And why is it now ok for the government to pick winners and losers? In this instance steel producers are winners and farmers are losers. And once again, can you explain the difference between farmers getting assistance payments and single mothers receiving the same thing? Believe me, I won't be holding my breath while waiting for an answer.
AOC in Congress is like a really bad reality tv show - find the DUMBEST socialist millennial airhead and send them to Congress....
a very astute world politics guy observed------something which in sum and substance meant "the country that has the food --controls the situation" <<<sorta. There are many very
POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS and aggressive entitites that --GOT MONEY (that means that got oil) that are dependent on import for food that are pushing their weight around

Good job at not answering my questions.

I checked back----the ONLY question that you posed that I could find was "how does destroying markets .......overseas encourage agriculture"? Your question makes no sense. The agriculture of the USA does not depend on how many cars are made in Japan and shipped to the USA or how many toys
are exported to the USA from China. The USA does USE much of its own agricultural products-----and could use PROPORTIONATELY more. There is no real reason for the USA to import agricultural products from other countries

Obviously you do not have the mental capacity to understand the question. My point is that the US agriculture industry has devoted significant resources and much effort in developing markets overseas for their goods. In fact, Chuck Conners, president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives recently said,

“Our sole business plan for the future of American agriculture is expanding trade."

I mean from the looks of most Americans, well it just doesn't appear there is much potential to expand the amount of food Americans are consuming. If we want our agriculture to expand exporting seems about the only way. Put another way, every one billion dollars in agricultural exports supports eight thousand jobs. Last year China purchased 12 billion dollars worth of soybeans from the US supporting almost a hundred thousand jobs. Pork and beef producers have spent years developing the Chinese markets for their products exporting billions of dollars worth of products, and at high profit. Pork offals, which I am sure you have no idea as to what that is, are considered delicacies in China. Here they are mostly used to make pet food. Guess which industry provides the most profit? Why not do your part and make a mess of chitterlings for dinner once a week.

The reality is that Trump's trade tarriffs, and his payments to affected farmers, both fly in the face of traditional Republican principals. It is the heavy hand of government manipulating markets and picking winners and losers. Obviously, the real RINO's are Donald Trump and his supporters.

your post is idiotic-------I was born in the USA and English is just about the only language I speak, why would I not know the simple word OFFAL? -----its been around a long time. The
USA does not rely for its entire GNP on pork part export. While I sympathize with all people HARD HIT by policy changes-------sorry---try to adapt.

a very astute world politics guy observed------something which in sum and substance meant "the country that has the food --controls the situation" <<<sorta. There are many very
POLITICALLY AMBITIOUS and aggressive entitites that --GOT MONEY (that means that got oil) that are dependent on import for food that are pushing their weight around

Good job at not answering my questions.

I checked back----the ONLY question that you posed that I could find was "how does destroying markets .......overseas encourage agriculture"? Your question makes no sense. The agriculture of the USA does not depend on how many cars are made in Japan and shipped to the USA or how many toys
are exported to the USA from China. The USA does USE much of its own agricultural products-----and could use PROPORTIONATELY more. There is no real reason for the USA to import agricultural products from other countries

Obviously you do not have the mental capacity to understand the question. My point is that the US agriculture industry has devoted significant resources and much effort in developing markets overseas for their goods. In fact, Chuck Conners, president of the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives recently said,

“Our sole business plan for the future of American agriculture is expanding trade."

I mean from the looks of most Americans, well it just doesn't appear there is much potential to expand the amount of food Americans are consuming. If we want our agriculture to expand exporting seems about the only way. Put another way, every one billion dollars in agricultural exports supports eight thousand jobs. Last year China purchased 12 billion dollars worth of soybeans from the US supporting almost a hundred thousand jobs. Pork and beef producers have spent years developing the Chinese markets for their products exporting billions of dollars worth of products, and at high profit. Pork offals, which I am sure you have no idea as to what that is, are considered delicacies in China. Here they are mostly used to make pet food. Guess which industry provides the most profit? Why not do your part and make a mess of chitterlings for dinner once a week.

The reality is that Trump's trade tarriffs, and his payments to affected farmers, both fly in the face of traditional Republican principals. It is the heavy hand of government manipulating markets and picking winners and losers. Obviously, the real RINO's are Donald Trump and his supporters.

your post is idiotic-------I was born in the USA and English is just about the only language I speak, why would I not know the simple word OFFAL? -----its been around a long time. The
USA does not rely for its entire GNP on pork part export. While I sympathize with all people HARD HIT by policy changes-------sorry---try to adapt.

Once again, you failed to answer my question. But ironically, your comment about adapting clearly indicates your inability to understand the basic concept of both free markets and free trade. Maybe you can answer this question, why should soy bean farmers and pork producers "adapt" because car manufacturers and steel producers refuse to? Because that is exactly what this is all about. And why is it now ok for the government to pick winners and losers? In this instance steel producers are winners and farmers are losers. And once again, can you explain the difference between farmers getting assistance payments and single mothers receiving the same thing? Believe me, I won't be holding my breath while waiting for an answer.

answer to all you idiotic questions---
in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, .......... , promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,
"Did you know: In order to afford a carton of eggs in Venezuela, you’d have to work for 5 days and save 100% of those earnings to afford them

That’s assuming you have a job. Over 30% of the country doesn’t"

Socialism sucks!
The people that push socialism are greedy lazy jealous bums at heart.

The political leaders espousing Socialism know that it's the fastest way to make an absolute fortune without doing a stitch of work. They just have to convince enough stupid people that you will actually be better off by surrendering your freedom and stuff to a Socialist leader.
Yes, that's why the left keeps dumbing down the education system and is so anti private education and home schooling.
"Did you know: In order to afford a carton of eggs in Venezuela, you’d have to work for 5 days and save 100% of those earnings to afford them

That’s assuming you have a job. Over 30% of the country doesn’t"

Socialism sucks!
The people that push socialism are greedy lazy jealous bums at heart.

The political leaders espousing Socialism know that it's the fastest way to make an absolute fortune without doing a stitch of work. They just have to convince enough stupid people that you will actually be better off by surrendering your freedom and stuff to a Socialist leader.
Yes, that's why the left keeps dumbing down the education system and is so anti private education and home schooling.

I did not know----is "DA LEFT" anti homeschooling? Somehow homeschooling seems kind left of the hippy
variety to me
poor innocent girl did cross a red line------is there anything
about the TRUMP Jr tweets that crossed a line?
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .
Don't I remember from the Judge Roy Moore days that she can't be investigated until she is sworn in?
I think maybe considering how new she is, perhaps a word to the wise would be a better approach, this time, and a lot less waste of taxpayer time and money?
The Congress has things to do! Immigration reform, a budget to approve! Where's that infrastructure bill? And you want to waste time doing a formal investigation into a tweet? What about the threats and insults the President tweets every goddamned day?
These dumb assholes need to get over this investigation kick and get to work.
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .
Don't I remember from the Judge Roy Moore days that she can't be investigated until she is sworn in?
I think maybe considering how new she is, perhaps a word to the wise would be a better approach, this time, and a lot less waste of taxpayer time and money?
The Congress has things to do! Immigration reform, a budget to approve! Where's that infrastructure bill? And you want to waste time doing a formal investigation into a tweet? What about the threats and insults the President tweets every goddamned day?
These dumb assholes need to get over this investigation kick and get to work.

a little tiny public censure----like a warning-----a very tiny
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .

A Democrat threatening to use legal action against someone who disagrees with them? No way.............
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .
Don't I remember from the Judge Roy Moore days that she can't be investigated until she is sworn in?
I think maybe considering how new she is, perhaps a word to the wise would be a better approach, this time, and a lot less waste of taxpayer time and money?
The Congress has things to do! Immigration reform, a budget to approve! Where's that infrastructure bill? And you want to waste time doing a formal investigation into a tweet? What about the threats and insults the President tweets every goddamned day?
These dumb assholes need to get over this investigation kick and get to work.

I agree with you here, there is no need for a full blown investigation, but she needs to b censured. I'd fine her $50K to be paid out in installments and donate the money to charity, hell let Don Jr match the donation. Along with a stiff warning that members of Congress can't go around threatening people they disagree with with legal action.
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .

A Democrat threatening to use legal action against someone who disagrees with them? No way.............
She was just doing the social media dance, and she can hold her own. I liked it. But she needs to remember her soon-to-be new position. No more kidding around about stuff like that.
Maybe someone should invite her to join USMB and she can let loose here, huh?
She is great, i love her comedy, censure her and move on, let her keep tweeting and speaking.
Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Ocasio-Cortez After She Threatens Donald Trump Jr.

Commenters online are calling for an ethics investigation into Democratic Socialist Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she threatened Donald Trump Jr. for posting a meme making fun of her.

Hahhhaa this dumb bitch will be made to step down keep on this twit she needs to go .
Don't I remember from the Judge Roy Moore days that she can't be investigated until she is sworn in?
I think maybe considering how new she is, perhaps a word to the wise would be a better approach, this time, and a lot less waste of taxpayer time and money?
The Congress has things to do! Immigration reform, a budget to approve! Where's that infrastructure bill? And you want to waste time doing a formal investigation into a tweet? What about the threats and insults the President tweets every goddamned day?
These dumb assholes need to get over this investigation kick and get to work.

I agree with you here, there is no need for a full blown investigation, but she needs to b censured. I'd fine her $50K to be paid out in installments and donate the money to charity, hell let Don Jr match the donation. Along with a stiff warning that members of Congress can't go around threatening people they disagree with with legal action.

why fine Jr? what little law did he violate in his tweets? As to the 5 K can she use funds donated to her campaign?
The poor girl is HOMELESS due to poverty
Nothing is going to happen.
Nothing is going to happen.

Correct nothing will happen. Now can you imagine how some of the posters in this thread who "she didn't do nuffin wrong" would react if Trump tweeted out something similar?

And that tells all of us all we need to know about Democrats.

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