OCCUPY GEZI - Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!

Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!
After a series of peaceful demonstrations for preserving a recreational area in Istanbul city centre, which is planned to be demolished for the construction of a shopping mall, Turkish police attacked the protesters violently with tear gas and water cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protesters are hospitalized and access to the park is blocked without any legal basis. Turkish media, directly controlled by the government or have business and political ties with it, refuse to cover the incidents. Press agencies also blocked the information flow.
Please share this message for the world to become aware of the police state created by AKP of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which is often considered to be a model for other Middle Eastern countries. Turkish democracy expects your help. Thank you!

#occupygezi | Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!

Turkish PM Erdogan calls for end to protests as clashes flare | Reuters

Police crackdown triggers anti-government riots - CNN.com

I don't get it, all this fuss over contruction of a mall?

What do you expect us to do? Why should we care about a mall in Turkey?
The "normal" people are already at home with their families and preparing for tomorrow's business-day.
What remains are the anarchists. And order will be restored tonight as the area will be frequented by 3 million people.

Istiklal Avenue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At right bottom again the "Anarchy" sign

So that's what its really about, a bunch of Occupy shit-heads.

They had some Occupy Frankfurt shit this last weekend. Assholes spraypainted the wall of my apartment complex. Lovely bunch of people the pinkos are.
Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!
After a series of peaceful demonstrations for preserving a recreational area in Istanbul city centre, which is planned to be demolished for the construction of a shopping mall, Turkish police attacked the protesters violently with tear gas and water cannon, directly targeting their faces and bodies. Dozens of protesters are hospitalized and access to the park is blocked without any legal basis. Turkish media, directly controlled by the government or have business and political ties with it, refuse to cover the incidents. Press agencies also blocked the information flow.
Please share this message for the world to become aware of the police state created by AKP of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, which is often considered to be a model for other Middle Eastern countries. Turkish democracy expects your help. Thank you!

#occupygezi | Attention! Turkish democracy needs you!

Turkish PM Erdogan calls for end to protests as clashes flare | Reuters

Police crackdown triggers anti-government riots - CNN.com

I don't get it, all this fuss over contruction of a mall?

What do you expect us to do? Why should we care about a mall in Turkey?

I just expect you to read all the stuff I am bringing here.

Get the knowledge.

Juts know that Turkey has a fascist dictator oppressing its minorities, even if it is over a stupid shopping mall. That will be the biggest help.

If you say this is too much hassle for you, you can just tell me that, and I can just stop, and you can just listen to ekrem the nazi cock sucker propaganda.

just 1 topic popping up on your screen should not be too much of a hassle for you. Latest report says 2 people got killed more on the way.

So I don't know, it all depends if you care or not I guess.
They had some Occupy Frankfurt shit this last weekend. Assholes spraypainted the wall of my apartment complex. Lovely bunch of people the pinkos are.

Frankfurt police immediately intervened against 10.000 occupyers.
200 people injured, 45 arrested.
Streit um Polizeieinsatz gegen Blockupy-Demo in Frankfurt - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Frankfurt: Schwerverletzte bei Blockupy-Demonstration - Inland - FAZ

Panzers running over protesters too?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMpRtjXU-Xg]Turkish Protester Hit By Police Panzer in Ankara (Turkey) - YouTube[/ame]

But you love these images don't you...
This is the view of the civil world on this issue

State Dept Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki: Well, we are concerned about the number of people who were injured when police dispersed protesters in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. We believe that Turkey’s long-term stability, security, and prosperity is best guaranteed by upholding the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association, which is what it seems these individuals were doing. These freedoms are crucial to any healthy democracy. At this time, we have seen, of course, the reports of Amnesty. We’re still gathering our own information on the incident, so I don’t have any more conclusive detail for you at this time.

Amnesty report is here;

Turkey: Disgraceful use of excessive police force in Istanbul | Amnesty International
Latest report says 2 people got killed more on the way.

Like your bullshit "Agent Orange chemical attack"-story ?

Agent Orange in Istanbul

Police using agent orange, a tear gas banned by UN due to its high health risks, indiscriminately in the heart of Istanbul, a high density commercial and residential area.

This iReport is not available - CNN iReport

This iReport is not available

This iReport claims that police in Istanbul have been using Agent Orange against protestors.
CNN reporters there have seen no indication this is the case.
This iReport is not available - CNN iReport

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Latest report says 2 people got killed more on the way.

Like your bullshit "Agent Orange chemical attack"-story ?

Agent Orange in Istanbul

Police using agent orange, a tear gas banned by UN due to its high health risks, indiscriminately in the heart of Istanbul, a high density commercial and residential area.

This iReport is not available - CNN iReport

This iReport is not available

This iReport claims that police in Istanbul have been using Agent Orange against protestors.
CNN reporters there have seen no indication this is the case.
This iReport is not available - CNN iReport


Read it here;

Turkey: Disgraceful use of excessive police force in Istanbul | Amnesty International

This is the report State Dept Spokesperson Jen Psaki is referring to.

Urgent steps must be taken by the Turkish authorities to prevent further deaths and injuries and allow protesters access to their fundamental rights, as well as ensuring the security of all members of the public, Amnesty International said following reports of more than 1,000 injuries and at least two deaths of protesters in Istanbul.
So that's what its really about, a bunch of Occupy shit-heads.

Leftists, communists who are loosing at the ballot-box over and over again.
Fringe groups who can't get enough votes to enter parliament.
After the Marxists bombed the US embassy in February the government cracked down on this millieu with the police.
Lots of arrests and they weren't allowed to protest on 1st May.

Now they're burning things down in the name of Anarchy, and the idiot thread-starter is selling it here as "Turkish democracy needs you".
So that's what its really about, a bunch of Occupy shit-heads.

Leftists, communists who are loosing at the ballot-box over and over again.
Fringe groups who can't get enough votes to enter parliament.
After the Marxists bombed the US embassy in February the government cracked down on this millieu with the police.
Lots of arrests and they weren't allowed to protest on 1st May.

Now they're burning things down in the name of Anarchy, and the idiot thread-starter is selling it here as "Turkish democracy needs you".

State Dept Spokesperson Jennifer Psaki: Well, we are concerned about the number of people who were injured when police dispersed protesters in Istanbul’s Gezi Park. We believe that Turkey’s long-term stability, security, and prosperity is best guaranteed by upholding the fundamental freedoms of expression, assembly, and association, which is what it seems these individuals were doing. These freedoms are crucial to any healthy democracy. At this time, we have seen, of course, the reports of Amnesty. We’re still gathering our own information on the incident, so I don’t have any more conclusive detail for you at this time.

Americans don't think so...
So that's what its really about, a bunch of Occupy shit-heads.

Leftists, communists who are loosing at the ballot-box over and over again.
Fringe groups who can't get enough votes to enter parliament.
After the Marxists bombed the US embassy in February the government cracked down on this millieu with the police.
Lots of arrests and they weren't allowed to protest on 1st May.

Now they're burning things down in the name of Anarchy, and the idiot thread-starter is selling it here as "Turkish democracy needs you".

You take their fundamental freedoms off of Americans, and you see how they burn you alive...
Raycip Erdogan has been a disaster for Türkiye.

99.98 % of Turks want economic prosperity and not Anarchy.
That's why they stay at home.
0.02 % of Turkey would be 15.000 people, the people on the street don't number that.

I think, that Turks can decide for themselves what is good for them and what is not good.
They already decided 3 times that Erdogan is good for them at the ballot-box.
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Raycip Erdogan has been a disaster for Türkiye.

99.98 % of Turks want economic prosperity and not Anarchy.
That's why they stay at home.
0.02 % of Turkey would be 15.000 people, the people on the street don't number that.

I think, that Turks can decide for themselves what is good for them and what is not good.
They already decided 3 times that Erdogan is good for them at the ballot-box.

Don't worry, they are protesting your sorry asses at home too...

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