Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

and so it begins. And the tea party was the terrorist .. I think the OWS are the FLEA PARTY
If they would get violent against the Privately Owned Federal Reserve I'd support them. The Fed IS the root of all the banking and wall street abuses, which is what they're protesting.
Yea, cuz violence is gonna make them look like intelligent, rational human beings.

What OWS needs to get its collective head around.... y'all might call yourselves the "99%" but you ain't. We are. Ordinary, hard working Americans... not socialists.
Where is Truthdoesntmatter to claim this is a lie?

Every single day, more videos emerge from the Occupy movement showing people saying things that, if they had been said by a Tea Partier, would have been front-page news for weeks and discredited the movement forever. But since it’s the Occupy Wall Street movement, darlings of the media and Democratic politicians, they get a pass.

How true a statement.

The left made up shit and it was National News.
If they would get violent against the Privately Owned Federal Reserve I'd support them. The Fed IS the root of all the banking and wall street abuses, which is what they're protesting.

Um hello??? I think you need to tell them that. From what I've seen they don't know why they're doing what they're doing or they're all doing it for different reasons. Why don't you go help them out. Don't forget your tent, condoms and bull horn.

Let us know when you get back. :)
Realistically the left has to get violent. There's no place left to go. Protests where someone defecates on a police car hasn't gotten an anti Wall Street reaction. The real 99% is hoping this wears out so they can clean up and go back to work. That's ALL. Unless they get violent, all they can hope to accomplish is deeper sewage.
Well on a brighter note if they do decide to get violent then authorities will have no choice but to crush them to protect the real 99%. That would be some video worth watching.
For the sake of balance, I didn't hear thunderous applause to his remarks. In fact, from the sound, it appear that there were only a few people actually listening.
For the sake of balance, I didn't hear thunderous applause to his remarks. In fact, from the sound, it appear that there were only a few people actually listening.

I've said this all along, I seriously doubt that the majority of them know why they're even there. This whole "movement" thing is much ado about nothing. Hell, if they really understood what they are screeching about, they'd realize they're 225 miles northeast of where they really need to be.
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For the sake of balance, I didn't hear thunderous applause to his remarks. In fact, from the sound, it appear that there were only a few people actually listening.

I've said this all along, I seriously doubt that the majority of them know why they're even there. This whole "movement" thing is much ado about nothing. Hell, if they really understood what they are screeching about, they'd realize they're 225 miles northeast of where they really need to be.

If they were really concerned, they'd have been out protesting with the TEAs, but they were focusing their ire on the right people.
The teas carried guns and called for second amendment solutions to not winning elections

This is not a violent movement no matter how much you wish for violence
I wonder what % of the protesters think that the solution is to just print up another trillion and send every Mobster a check for $20,000 and the problem is solved. Do they all have parents explaining to them basic economics? Or are all their parents as boneheaded as Anthony Weiner who just wants to steal all the money from the rich.
Yea, cuz violence is gonna make them look like intelligent, rational human beings.

What OWS needs to get its collective head around.... y'all might call yourselves the "99%" but you ain't. We are. Ordinary, hard working Americans... not socialists.

The real base of the the OWS would be the harcore socialists and marxists wanting to overthrow capitalism. The rest for the most part would be the robotic (repeat after me) minions.
The teas carried guns and called for second amendment solutions to not winning elections

This is not a violent movement no matter how much you wish for violence

You missed the clip of a speaker calling for violence?


Carrying guns is a constitutional right.

Seems to me you have a real problem when it comes to rational thought. The OP provides a OWS speaker saying that 'violence will be necessary'. And yet you deny that.

Lack of logic... stupid girl.

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