Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
From the link you posted. :lol:

Adbusters is a group that would like to put an end to our society's materialism, even to the point of getting rid of television, automobiles, corporations, and refrigerators. Their organization receives money from their bi-monthly, $7.95 magazine, a book, and even a line of tennis shoes. They also have received more than $170,000 from the Tides Foundation since 1996.
The Adjusters is the only group the article links the Tide Foundation to that has large involvement in Occupy Wall Street.

Do you want to compare what the Tea Party movement got from private donors?

Go ahead...and list what country the donors are from.
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)
It's sounds like the Obama mantra.

They are against successful people because they exist.
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)

What have your proven? That one group has gotten money from The Tide Foundation over the last 15 years.

The original group only has $40,000 in bank, and has just recently set it up so they can receive larger donations.
Occupy Wall Street Has $40K In The Bank And 'The Money Is Going To Start Rolling In Now'

The youth behind the original movement are organized into factions or committees, including legal, medical, and finance, and they are pulling away from association with the union protest movement now. The people behind the original movement recognize that their strength is in their youth, and we found little evidence to confirm reports that they're not organized.
They now have $40,000 in the bank, in an account at Amalgamated Bank.

Read more: Occupy Wall Street Has $40K In The Bank And 'The Money Is Going To Start Rolling In Now'
That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.
I also notice you didn't bring up the $4.6 million JP Morgan donated to the NYPD.
That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.

You proved the Adbusters received money from the Tide foundation, Occupy Wall Street is a completely different group. ;)
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I guess you guys missed the part from my link where it stated the organization that just opened up a bank account called Occupy Wall Street wants to distance itself from the Unions.
Go look at their Facebook page, all PP proved is the Adbusters got money from the Tide Foundation, not Occupy Wall Street.
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That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.

You proved the Adjusters received money from the Tide foundation, Occupy Wall Street is a completely different group. ;)

Sure it is ;)

So by your logic, I can say that Fox donating money to the Republican Governors is the same to donating it to The Tea Party movement.
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)

Apparently, we are supposed to believe that Watermelon Man's announcement about an 'October Offensive' and his conference (funded and attended by the Tides Foundation) just happened to coincide with this 'spontaneous' outburst of 'outrage' against Wall St.

$20 bucks an hour.... I wouldn't pay stupid people $20 a week. Cannon fodder in a war for America... that's what these dupes are.
I guess you guys missed the part from my link where it stated the organization that just opened up a bank account called Occupy Wall Street wants to distance itself from the Unions.
Go look at their Facebook page, all PP proved is the Adjusters got money from the Tide Foundation, not Occupy Wall Street.

Uh huh.

Sure they did.

They never even heard of Obama or SEIU!

That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.
The Occupados only 'grass roots' are the useful idiots down there looking to get laid.

"You're hot. What're you protesting?"
"Corruption on Wall street! Isn't changing the world hot?"
"Yeah baby. Tell me about it. So... you into free love too?"
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)

Apparently, we are supposed to believe that Watermelon Man's announcement about an 'October Offensive' and his conference (funded and attended by the Tides Foundation) just happened to coincide with this 'spontaneous' outburst of 'outrage' against Wall St.

$20 bucks an hour.... I wouldn't pay stupid people $20 a week. Cannon fodder in a war for America... that's what these dupes are.

Well, er, um, it's coincidence that Watermelon Man called for the offensives and the OWS had the exact same thought at the exact same time!
I also notice you didn't bring up the $4.6 million JP Morgan donated to the NYPD.

because that doesn't relate to the wall street protests receiving funding from uber rich politically left leaning individuals and organizations.

I try not to point to bad behavior in an effort to justify other bad behavior ;)
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)

What have your proven? That one group has gotten money from The Tide Foundation over the last 15 years.

The original group only has $40,000 in bank, and has just recently set it up so they can receive larger donations.
Occupy Wall Street Has $40K In The Bank And 'The Money Is Going To Start Rolling In Now'

The youth behind the original movement are organized into factions or committees, including legal, medical, and finance, and they are pulling away from association with the union protest movement now. The people behind the original movement recognize that their strength is in their youth, and we found little evidence to confirm reports that they're not organized.
They now have $40,000 in the bank, in an account at Amalgamated Bank.

Read more: Occupy Wall Street Has $40K In The Bank And 'The Money Is Going To Start Rolling In Now'

Tides Foundation Connected to Day of Rage Against Wall Street - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia

I also want proof any of that $170,000 went to this movement. All it says is they have gotten that much since 1996.

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