Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.

Buffet isn't actually funding them though while the Soros funded tides foundation is.

Thats why we said sorros and not buffet, unlike the left with the teaparties the right doesn't have to lie ;)

Got actual proof of people being PAID to be there?

And btw...

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What do you mean "even if"? You have some inside knowledge onthis?
You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.

Buffet isn't actually funding them though while the Soros funded tides foundation is.

Thats why we said sorros and not buffet, unlike the left with the teaparties the right doesn't have to lie ;)

Got actual proof of people being PAID to be there?

And btw...

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What do you mean "even if"? You have some inside knowledge onthis?

Tides Foundation Connected to Day of Rage Against Wall Street - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com <----tides foundation receives a ton of money from Sorros.
Buffet isn't actually funding them though while the Soros funded tides foundation is.

Thats why we said sorros and not buffet, unlike the left with the teaparties the right doesn't have to lie ;)

Got actual proof of people being PAID to be there?

And btw...

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What do you mean "even if"? You have some inside knowledge onthis?

Tides Foundation Connected to Day of Rage Against Wall Street - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com <----tides foundation receives a ton of money from Sorros.

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?
Got actual proof of people being PAID to be there?

And btw...

What do you mean "even if"? You have some inside knowledge onthis?

Tides Foundation Connected to Day of Rage Against Wall Street - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com <----tides foundation receives a ton of money from Sorros.

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
Nothing like a little economic "hydraulics".

Oh but he didn't give directly to them. He gave to THIS organization which then had the money to give to THIS organization who then gave the same amount to those fuckers....

See? He didn't give anything to them. You are expected and ordered to be too dumb to notice such things. This is a privilege only for the elites among us.
So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
Nothing like a little economic "hydraulics".

Oh but he didn't give directly to them. He gave to THIS organization which then had the money to give to THIS organization who then gave the same amount to those fuckers....

See? He didn't give anything to them. You are expected and ordered to be too dumb to notice such things. This is a privilege only for the elites among us.

LOL My mom made me play "connect the dots" a lot as a child, it paid off :lmao:

I was going to go to that site and do what you did. LOL

He leaves tracks like a centipede if you're willing to look.

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
From the link you posted. :lol:

Adbusters is a group that would like to put an end to our society's materialism, even to the point of getting rid of television, automobiles, corporations, and refrigerators. Their organization receives money from their bi-monthly, $7.95 magazine, a book, and even a line of tennis shoes. They also have received more than $170,000 from the Tides Foundation since 1996.
The Adjusters is the only group the article links the Tide Foundation to that has large involvement in Occupy Wall Street.

Do you want to compare what the Tea Party movement got from private donors?
Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
Nothing like a little economic "hydraulics".

Oh but he didn't give directly to them. He gave to THIS organization which then had the money to give to THIS organization who then gave the same amount to those fuckers....

See? He didn't give anything to them. You are expected and ordered to be too dumb to notice such things. This is a privilege only for the elites among us.

LOL My mom made me play "connect the dots" a lot as a child, it paid off :lmao:


Ignore the dots. They point nowhere.

Focus on how great our front-man's words sound.

They're delivered with just the right amount of emotion.

The words sound so edgumacated.

Who cares that it's all useless drivel.
Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
Nothing like a little economic "hydraulics".

Oh but he didn't give directly to them. He gave to THIS organization which then had the money to give to THIS organization who then gave the same amount to those fuckers....

See? He didn't give anything to them. You are expected and ordered to be too dumb to notice such things. This is a privilege only for the elites among us.

LOL My mom made me play "connect the dots" a lot as a child, it paid off :lmao:


You know what I think is funny? You guys will go after George all day long, but never say one word about the Koch brothers.
I understand the media is portraying this as counter to the Tea Party movement, but I was wondering isn't there really a cross-over of many of the same concerned citizens who were drawn to the Tea Party cause who are now also drawn to the Occupy Wall Street cause...???

The pieces are all there: ordinary citizens banding together for a cause; signs and protests announcing their grievances.

The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations started last month in New York and have since spread across the country, born out of anger toward the financial community’s success during a time of prolonged economic hardship.

The hundreds of activists who have flocked to the “Occupy Wall Street” rallies are encouraging supporters to march under the flag of a grassroots campaign aimed at political and corporate reform.

Wall Street rallies could be left

The Wall Street protests are an example of large groups of misinformed people protesting a falsehood put forth by the left. The white house and their cabal have stirred the pot and this what surfaced. Soon they will be committing terrorist acts. Breaking into banks and businesses, protesting CEOs at their homes, burning cars.

You watch. It's coming.

No doubt it's sad the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum use these occasions to rouse the passionate concerns of the rabble while the respective powers-that-be try to co-opt the message in order to spread their propaganda.

Just as the Tea Party cause had to repudiate any violence, so too shall the Occupy cause, if they really want to resonate with rational American voters...

The 'extremists' are at the center of OWS. There is an agenda at work here - and it is not the one that real Democrats support.

There was never any violence from the TEA Parties. There was media fueled bullshit and speculation about 'violence' but it never happened. Same with the racism bullcrap.
If you think most of those kids are down there because of George Soros, well you should be checked for stupidity.
The Wall Street protests are an example of large groups of misinformed people protesting a falsehood put forth by the left. The white house and their cabal have stirred the pot and this what surfaced. Soon they will be committing terrorist acts. Breaking into banks and businesses, protesting CEOs at their homes, burning cars.

You watch. It's coming.

No doubt it's sad the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum use these occasions to rouse the passionate concerns of the rabble while the respective powers-that-be try to co-opt the message in order to spread their propaganda.

Just as the Tea Party cause had to repudiate any violence, so too shall the Occupy cause, if they really want to resonate with rational American voters...

The 'extremists' are at the center of OWS. There is an agenda at work here - and it is not the one that real Democrats support.

There was never any violence from the TEA Parties. There was media fueled bullshit and speculation about 'violence' but it never happened. Same with the racism bullcrap.

You see a lot of violence from these protesters?

I do know they say all over their web page and Facebook page they want to stay non violent. The only violence I have seen is from the Police, but I could be wrong.
If you think most of those kids are down there because of George Soros, well you should be checked for stupidity.

They may not know that's why they're there.... but he's the guy behind it. Through his Watermelon Man, Van Jones.
If you think most of those kids are down there because of George Soros, well you should be checked for stupidity.

I didn't say they went there because of sorros, I said sorros money has helped get them there and allowed them to stay there.

Huge difference. Sorry that the protests are astro-turf, I know that bothers you.
If you think most of those kids are down there because of George Soros, well you should be checked for stupidity.

I didn't say they went there because of sorros, I said sorros money has helped get them there and allowed them to stay there.

Huge difference. Sorry that the protests are astro-turf, I know that bothers you.

What bothers me, is that you are acting so brainless on this issue? You are making a big deal about the Tide Foundation donating "more than 170,000" since 1996 to one group that is involved in this, but I bet you gave a pass to the millions probably billions pumped into the Tea Party movement.
The only reason why you and Fitz have a problem with this, is because you don't agree with them.

And before you say you have a smoking gun post some bigger numbers.
So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia
From the link you posted. :lol:

Adbusters is a group that would like to put an end to our society's materialism, even to the point of getting rid of television, automobiles, corporations, and refrigerators. Their organization receives money from their bi-monthly, $7.95 magazine, a book, and even a line of tennis shoes. They also have received more than $170,000 from the Tides Foundation since 1996.
The Adjusters is the only group the article links the Tide Foundation to that has large involvement in Occupy Wall Street.

Do you want to compare what the Tea Party movement got from private donors?

Go ahead...and list what country the donors are from.
I was going to go to that site and do what you did. LOL

He leaves tracks like a centipede if you're willing to look.
Here... Try THIS on for size?

Tides Foundation
Open Society Institute
Center for International Policy

These three are very tightly tied together and look who also shows up for the fun?

Tides Foundation large relationship map - Muckety
Did you have a problem with this?

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party - NYTimes.com

The other major sponsor of the Tea Party movement is Dick Armey’s FreedomWorks, which, like Americans for Prosperity, is promoting events in Washington this weekend. Under its original name, Citizens for a Sound Economy, FreedomWorks received $12 million of its own from Koch family foundations.

Sorros has less control over these kids, than the Koch brothers had over the Tea party movement. If you think differently, well you are an idiot.

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