Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

I understand the media is portraying this as counter to the Tea Party movement, but I was wondering isn't there really a cross-over of many of the same concerned citizens who were drawn to the Tea Party cause who are now also drawn to the Occupy Wall Street cause...???

Highly doubtful. The tea party wants smaller government and less government interference and far less taxation.

The protesting parasitic class wants a massive government as major provider who has the ability to remove property from one person and give it to someone else.

They are exact opposites.
Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

I understand the media is portraying this as counter to the Tea Party movement, but I was wondering isn't there really a cross-over of many of the same concerned citizens who were drawn to the Tea Party cause who are now also drawn to the Occupy Wall Street cause...???

The pieces are all there: ordinary citizens banding together for a cause; signs and protests announcing their grievances.

The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations started last month in New York and have since spread across the country, born out of anger toward the financial community’s success during a time of prolonged economic hardship.

The hundreds of activists who have flocked to the “Occupy Wall Street” rallies are encouraging supporters to march under the flag of a grassroots campaign aimed at political and corporate reform.

Wall Street rallies could be left

The Wall Street protests are an example of large groups of misinformed people protesting a falsehood put forth by the left. The white house and their cabal have stirred the pot and this is what surfaced. Soon they will be committing terrorist acts. Breaking into banks and businesses, protesting CEOs at their homes, burning cars.

You watch. It's coming.
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This is Obama's end game for the USA.

He's tanked our credit, he's going to get the world to move away from the US Dollar as the world's currency and he'll blame "Wall Street".... and the Tea Party

It's going to get very, very ugly

I hate to break it to you but the US Dollar is ON THE RISE again. :thup:

U.S. Dollar Index: Ready to Rise Like a Phoenix? | Elliott Wave International

The title says "Ready to rise" which is simply a positive spin.

It's worthless commentary passed off as fact.
This is Obama's end game for the USA.

He's tanked our credit, he's going to get the world to move away from the US Dollar as the world's currency and he'll blame "Wall Street".... and the Tea Party

It's going to get very, very ugly

I hate to break it to you but the US Dollar is ON THE RISE again. :thup:

U.S. Dollar Index: Ready to Rise Like a Phoenix? | Elliott Wave International

The title says "Ready to rise" which is simply a positive spin.

It's worthless commentary passed off as fact.

No it's detailed technical analysis by proven methods, and it is already happening... You'll see by this time next year. Mark this thread.
As I said, I wasn't talking about minimum-wage workers. Therefore, your question was irrelevant and need not be answered.

So then, you know your claims to be false; you know full well that the purchasing power of the American consumer has risen dramatically at every economic strata, yet dishonestly claim the opposite to promote your socialist agenda.

Whether you, Shallow or Truthinessmatters, Marxists spew the same lies every time. Da rich getz richer and the da po getz po-er. Pressed with fact, you retreat. Over the last 30 years, the rich got richer and the poor got richer, with the middle getting a LOT richer.

In 1960, the average middle income family bought a home that was 1400 square feet, three bedrooms and one bath. By 1990 that had ballooned to 3200 square feet and three baths. In 1960, an average middle income family had one car. Now, most families have three or more cars. When I was young, eating steak was reserved for the rich - now food stamp recipients can afford to eat steak 5 nights a week. The truth is that the middle class lives a lifestyle that was reserved for the very rich 30 years ago.

You Marxists seek to sew envy, because you are driven purely by greed. You care not what you have, you only see that others have more. Envy rules the Marxist, they would gladly have less, just for the privilege of ensuring that no one had more than they. A Marxist with a hamburger will trade it for gruel, for the chance to take the lobster away for the rich man that he burns with jealousy toward, and feed him only gruel as well.

Leftist, socialism, Marxism - whatever mask you wish to put on, is ultimately driven by hatred, greed and envy. The leftist cannot be satisfied, no matter how much he has, should someone else have but one grain of rice more, the leftist will seethe with hatred and envy, as you and Shallow do here.
This is Obama's end game for the USA.

He's tanked our credit, he's going to get the world to move away from the US Dollar as the world's currency and he'll blame "Wall Street".... and the Tea Party

It's going to get very, very ugly

I hate to break it to you but the US Dollar is ON THE RISE again. :thup:

U.S. Dollar Index: Ready to Rise Like a Phoenix? | Elliott Wave International

I hate to break it to you but opinion is not fact.
In what state? City? Borough? Which Store? Discount? Electronics? What sort of TV? Color? Black and White? Solid State? Tubes?

Take your pick.

What sort of car? What make? What model? Foreign? Domestic? Diesel?

How about the lowest priced model on the market?

What sort of Stereo? What make? What model? Foreign? Domestic?

Take your pick

In what state? Borough? Neighborhood?
In what state? Low Fat? Skim?
In what state? Regular? Unleaded?

Standard Disclaimer: Fascists have a way of using "Gotchas" to make a point - For obvious reasons. Especially racist ones.

It's not a "gotcha," dumbass - it's fact.

The fact is that people live a HELL of a lot better lifestyles than any time in the past. This peaked in 2006, but once dumbfuck Barack is gone, it will start to rise again.

The complaint of you Marxist morons boils down to "NO FAIR - they got more." You have it better than any group in history. Our poor live lives of luxury only dreamed of by Kings such as Henry the VIII - but some have it even better than you - so hatred and envy consume you.

Such is the left, spoiled children consumed in their own greed.
Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

I understand the media is portraying this as counter to the Tea Party movement, but I was wondering isn't there really a cross-over of many of the same concerned citizens who were drawn to the Tea Party cause who are now also drawn to the Occupy Wall Street cause...???

The pieces are all there: ordinary citizens banding together for a cause; signs and protests announcing their grievances.

The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations started last month in New York and have since spread across the country, born out of anger toward the financial community’s success during a time of prolonged economic hardship.

The hundreds of activists who have flocked to the “Occupy Wall Street” rallies are encouraging supporters to march under the flag of a grassroots campaign aimed at political and corporate reform.

Wall Street rallies could be left

The Wall Street protests are an example of large groups of misinformed people protesting a falsehood put forth by the left. The white house and their cabal have stirred the pot and this what surfaced. Soon they will be committing terrorist acts. Breaking into banks and businesses, protesting CEOs at their homes, burning cars.

You watch. It's coming.

No doubt it's sad the extremists on both ends of the political spectrum use these occasions to rouse the passionate concerns of the rabble while the respective powers-that-be try to co-opt the message in order to spread their propaganda.

Just as the Tea Party cause had to repudiate any violence, so too shall the Occupy cause, if they really want to resonate with rational American voters...
This is Obama's end game for the USA.

He's tanked our credit, he's going to get the world to move away from the US Dollar as the world's currency and he'll blame "Wall Street".... and the Tea Party

It's going to get very, very ugly

I hate to break it to you but the US Dollar is ON THE RISE again. :thup:

U.S. Dollar Index: Ready to Rise Like a Phoenix? | Elliott Wave International

I hate to break it to you but opinion is not fact.

No kidding! :lol:
The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga


When they want to turn all private business, private property, and all the banks over to the government let me know.

There is a type of socialism which is VERY popular with the hard left of this nation. It is the form that Barack the dumbfuck forged into his government health care. In this form of socialism, government controls the means of production by forming an alliance with corporations who act as front-end facilitators of government party. These corporation are backed by government troops, the way that under Obamacare, Kaiser and Blue Cross have the IRS as enforcers. This is the socialism promoted by today's left, government control of the means of production facilitated by a few, well connected corporations who are given license to loot - see AIG and Goldman Sachs as examples in action.

Today's leftist is yesterdays fascist....
I think most Democrats will be in for a very rude awakening on the true cost of the radical ideology that's taken over their Party. They keep talking and acting like they live in a foreign nation but they will be the ones to suffer when Obama pulls American down
Calling him a Marxist is just an easy way to describe him.

But in truth he practices Marxism when he chooses but he is actually many things.

Dragon, like most leftists, doesn't have the knowledge or political acumen to understand the concepts behind the slogans he chants. You and I recognize instantly that they are Marxist, but when Dragon demands they aren't, he's telling the truth as he knows it. Since he doesn't comprehend the political systems and simply chants slogans derived from websites and talking points, he thinks he's just being a good leftist.

Lenin called them "useful idiots."

The definition of a person who is a Marxist is someone who believes in the teachings of Marx and Engels or follows it, not someone who practices it or alines himself within it's ideology exclusively. You've been taught to argue that unless someone is a pure Marxist you can avoid the label, but the fact is just believing in some of the teachings of the inventors of Marxism is enough to classify you as a Marxist.

It's amazing the way you call me an idiot when you don't know this or can't even follow simple protocols in posting......i.e. putting your response above the post your quoting rather then after which confuses it's meaning. I guess you're just a rebel.

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.
No. he's just the poster child for "Useful Idiocy".
Maybe the parasitic left will take the bait obama threw out in his speech today and get more violent. It's like watching 1992 all over again when Tom Bradley gave his televised speech about supporting the opponents of the King verdict.

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