Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

And you should start by learning what marxism is.
I've got news for you. I'm not falling for this Marxist crapola.

These people are parking their asses in the wrong place.

They need to park their asses in front of the White House...because that is were it started.

And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.
Ah! Either just got into a union or still in University?
Riiiiight. Care to look at their list of demand, an statements of "Capitalism doesn't work" again?

I go back to my question.

What is your goal for CHANGE?
How do you propose to meet your hoped goal!

Pure capitalism doesn't work. The Great Depression and 2008 and this year has proven it...
I didn't say anything about "pure" capitalism. That was proven to be an issue during the Gilded Age and lead to many positive reforms that should have stopped in the 1960's.

The Great Depression prove that government spending cannot get a nation's economy started again. The Great Resession we are currently in STILL but are lying to ourselves we're out of, is reconfirming that same historical fact.

To claim otherwise is delusional.

Deny-ers feel they can parse words to win this argument.

Pure capitalism does not exist in this country. Pure Marxism is a theory, but we're not talking about purity here. We're talking about a fucked up cluster-fuck of a Socio-Marxist system with Progressive and Liberal influences.

In other words....a fucken abortion of an economic policy.
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And you should start by learning what marxism is.

And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.
Ah! Either just got into a union or still in University?

4 years of college and 8 years in a union.

Both are past-tense.
You wouldn't know what Marxism was if it you in the face. If you think Obama is a Marxist, well it proves you are an idiot.
And you should start by learning what marxism is.
I've got news for you. I'm not falling for this Marxist crapola.

These people are parking their asses in the wrong place.

They need to park their asses in front of the White House...because that is were it started.

And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.
No, absolutely not. The positions of most of the protesters are moderate center-left. This is NOT a far-left movement at all, although a few of the participants probably warrant that label.

You know what I "love" about you guys, Dragon? You all espouse far left views but none of you will ever admit that you ARE on the far left...no, you all describe yourselves as "moderate center-left". Why are you so afraid to admit what you are? Admit it, Dragon...you're no more moderate center-left than the Occupy Wall Street activists are the 99%. When you say this isn't a far-left movement you're being as disingenuous as the people that are making the 99% claim.

That is because only in right-wing, neocon, whackjob land are they extreme left views. To lefties and middle of the road US citizens, and the rest of the western world, they are centrists - maybe slightly leaning to the left - ideals.

Oh my, how dare people ask that Wall St be brought into line and be accountable.

Excuse me, but didn't you say you're in New Zealand? I haven't seen anyone here telling you how to run that country, so what the hell are you doing here, telling us how to run ours?
You wouldn't know what Marxism was if it you in the face. If you think Obama is a Marxist, well it proves you are an idiot.
And you should start by learning what marxism is.

And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.

I know what communists are, Lulu; I spent a year in Vietnam hunting and killing them, and a lot more years being cussed at by the ones here at home for doing that. I have no problem with enemy identification.:blowup:
If they knew the race was going to be in Colorado then they should have trained on hills.

Let's stipulate that they did not know, just as few people recognized what was being done to the economy over the past thirty years.

In fact the people who succeed always assume there are going to be hills and will train for them anyway. Then guess what happens; the ones who are prepared for the harder race and take nothing for granted and don't feel entitled to an easy race win.

It will always be the case that those who are most capable and best prepared and have the best work habits will do the best, all else being equal. That doesn't answer the question, though. In the first race, 85% of the runners finished. In the second, only 10% did. Is that because the runners in the second race were more out of shape, or is it because the conditions of the race changed?

It's because the runners weren't prepared.
You wouldn't know what Marxism was if it you in the face. If you think Obama is a Marxist, well it proves you are an idiot.
And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.

I know what communists are, Lulu; I spent a year in Vietnam hunting and killing them, and a lot more years being cussed at by the ones here at home for doing that. I have no problem with enemy identification.:blowup:

Yes, but have you ever sat down and talked to them? Gotten to know them? Listened to their wants and desires?

Just because they hate you with a passion, hate this country with a passion, doesn't mean you have to be such a hater. Just because they're free to enjoy our freedoms, our gifts, the rights that our ancestors fought and died for, that millions of other Americans spilled their blood for, just because they wanna trash all of that and flush it, that's no reason to despise them, is it?
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You wouldn't know what Marxism was if it you in the face. If you think Obama is a Marxist, well it proves you are an idiot.
And you should start by learning what marxism is.

And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.

Calling him a Marxist is just an easy way to describe him.

But in truth he practices Marxism when he chooses but he is actually many things. The definition of a person who is a Marxist is someone who believes in the teachings of Marx and Engels or follows it, not someone who practices it or alines himself within it's ideology exclusively. You've been taught to argue that unless someone is a pure Marxist you can avoid the label, but the fact is just believing in some of the teachings of the inventors of Marxism is enough to classify you as a Marxist.

It's amazing the way you call me an idiot when you don't know this or can't even follow simple protocols in posting......i.e. putting your response above the post your quoting rather then after which confuses it's meaning. I guess you're just a rebel.
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Its a drop dead cinche that millions and millions of Americans blame wall street for the state of the economy.

As well they should since WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS are largely responsible for this mess.

But as a sot to our chums who loath government?

WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS could ONLY screw things up this badly, with the help of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And believe me, those bastards got plenty of help from BOTH parties in the last 20 years.
Its a drop dead cinche that millions and millions of Americans blame wall street for the state of the economy.

As well they should since WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS are largely responsible for this mess.

But as a sot to our chums who loath government?

WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS could ONLY screw things up this badly, with the help of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And believe me, those bastards got plenty of help from BOTH parties in the last 20 years.

Most assuredly from Obama with all of that Stimulus money,,,,,,,that the GOP didn't vote for.

The protesters have no ideas that are any better then the people they're protesting.

That much is clear.

A prime example of your ideas and ours is the U.S. Postal Service.

All of the private companies are doing fine, but for some reason the USPS is going under.

You walk into UPS and you never have to wait. Walk into a post office and the lines are terrible.

Your ideas are failing miserably yet you have the nerve to criticize ours.
You know what I "love" about you guys, Dragon? You all espouse far left views but none of you will ever admit that you ARE on the far left...no, you all describe yourselves as "moderate center-left". Why are you so afraid to admit what you are? Admit it, Dragon...you're no more moderate center-left than the Occupy Wall Street activists are the 99%. When you say this isn't a far-left movement you're being as disingenuous as the people that are making the 99% claim.

That is because only in right-wing, neocon, whackjob land are they extreme left views. To lefties and middle of the road US citizens, and the rest of the western world, they are centrists - maybe slightly leaning to the left - ideals.

Oh my, how dare people ask that Wall St be brought into line and be accountable.

Excuse me, but didn't you say you're in New Zealand? I haven't seen anyone here telling you how to run that country, so what the hell are you doing here, telling us how to run ours?

The day the US butts out of everybody else's business is the day I butt out. Deal..:cool:
You wouldn't know what Marxism was if it you in the face. If you think Obama is a Marxist, well it proves you are an idiot.
And you should start by not being a snooty stuck up asswipe.

I know what Marxism is. I've been getting a dose of it for about 3 years now.

Marxism has a stigma surrounding it and it is well deserved....but it still doesn't change the fact that the prick in the White House practices it.....maybe not in it's purest form.....but he still does.

I know what communists are, Lulu; I spent a year in Vietnam hunting and killing them, and a lot more years being cussed at by the ones here at home for doing that. I have no problem with enemy identification.:p:

explains a lot...
This is Obama's end game for the USA.

He's tanked our credit, he's going to get the world to move away from the US Dollar as the world's currency and he'll blame "Wall Street".... and the Tea Party

It's going to get very, very ugly
Its a drop dead cinche that millions and millions of Americans blame wall street for the state of the economy.

As well they should since WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS are largely responsible for this mess.

But as a sot to our chums who loath government?

WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS could ONLY screw things up this badly, with the help of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And believe me, those bastards got plenty of help from BOTH parties in the last 20 years.

Most assuredly from Obama with all of that Stimulus money,,,,,,,that the GOP didn't vote for.

The protesters have no ideas that are any better then the people they're protesting.

That much is clear.

A prime example of your ideas and ours is the U.S. Postal Service.

All of the private companies are doing fine, but for some reason the USPS is going under.

You walk into UPS and you never have to wait. Walk into a post office and the lines are terrible.

Your ideas are failing miserably yet you have the nerve to criticize ours.

what exactly are your ideas?

I'm talking reasonable, can-actually-happen ideas. Not those in cuckoo land. Mind you, even one simple idea would be good. A neocon whackjob with an idea is rarer than a four leaf clover..
Its a drop dead cinche that millions and millions of Americans blame wall street for the state of the economy.

As well they should since WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS are largely responsible for this mess.

But as a sot to our chums who loath government?

WALL STREET COMMERCIAL BANSTERS could ONLY screw things up this badly, with the help of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

And believe me, those bastards got plenty of help from BOTH parties in the last 20 years.

A constant drip feed from the MSM, and from the current Administration, blaming Wall Street is bound to impact on how people think. They may 'blame' Wall Street.... but that doesn't mean they're right.

Wall Street is not 'largely' responsible. It is our government that is holds the majority of the responsibility for this clusterfuck. That is the truth of it. No matter how much you want it to be different, the Democrats and the Republicans dragged us here. And it is about time voters from both sides recognized that. You fucked up our country by voting for these corrupt bastards - year after year, despite the overwhelming evidence against both sides... you carried on with your stupid fucking partisan politics.

There are times when I think that each and every Democrat and each and every Republican should have their voting privilege removed until they can prove they can act like responsible Americans instead of fucking cannon fodder.

Disclamer: I have no doubt that some idiot is going to insist that I 'want' to stop Americans voting. I don't. Y'all just seriously piss off the independents with your stupid fucking ideologies.

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