Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

These people are misguided, foolish, stupid, ignorant, etc.

They hate capitalism but they whine about no jobs, too many bills, not enough money, etc.

I think they're idiots, not communists.

The people that organized this BS are the same communists, progressive, twisted assholes that helped ruin Europe.

Aren't you assuming that the parasitic class now protesting wants a job. The only reason they say they are protesting for jobs is because no one will pay attention to them at all. This is their way of saying "See, we want the same things you do." It's not true. They don't want a job, or any bills, and would be quite happy with no money as long as everything was free.
The greedy one percent that bankrupted the nation, morally and fiscally, is now facing its greatest fear: a public uprising against their accumulation of wealth and power, and with that, the best chance at change in the post-War era.

It started in New York City, as hundreds of activists literally occupied Wall Street, setting up a tent city in a nearby park and organizing daily protests. For two weeks, the movement squeaked by on minimal coverage. The national media ignored the protests, even as the protesters dug in and redoubled their efforts.

Source: Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows | Benzinga

Are they mad at Obama too for giving billions to these banks and wall street?

Just curious.

If these unions and soros funded, rich hollywood elite backed, protestors were protesting the govt who gave the billions to these banks without conditions that guaranteed the money would help PEOPLE and not banks then I would totally be on board with the protestors.

However, they aren't targeting the true cause of the problem, the govt's policies toward the banks, so I find this to be a disingenuous protest since it only concentrates on part of the problem that will not change without changes in the rules which must come from outside the banks.
and the Uber Rich hollywood elite.

You guys see all the astro-turf unions at the protests...getting paid to protest, yeah thats real grassroots right there :lol:

suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Where is my check or the local branches of the teaparty in boston's checks?

Hmmmmmm? Where are they?

Where are the PAID ORGANIZED PROTESTORS from the unions at the tea parties? where?

The koch thing is such B.S. and to repeat it is pretty, well, obvious in its dishonesty.

But lets say it was true....that doesn't change the fact that this wall street thing is being funded by rich elites and unions (who get tax money)
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No, absolutely not. The positions of most of the protesters are moderate center-left. This is NOT a far-left movement at all, although a few of the participants probably warrant that label.

You know what I "love" about you guys, Dragon? You all espouse far left views but none of you will ever admit that you ARE on the far left...no, you all describe yourselves as "moderate center-left". Why are you so afraid to admit what you are? Admit it, Dragon...you're no more moderate center-left than the Occupy Wall Street activists are the 99%. When you say this isn't a far-left movement you're being as disingenuous as the people that are making the 99% claim.

That is because only in right-wing, neocon, whackjob land are they extreme left views. To lefties and middle of the road US citizens, and the rest of the western world, they are centrists - maybe slightly leaning to the left - ideals.

Oh my, how dare people ask that Wall St be brought into line and be accountable.

Really, "Dr. Grump"? Then explain the OWS organizers frantic efforts to keep their people's views from being made public. The truth is...a $20 an hour minimum wage...a guaranteed "living wage"...and wiping out all debts...those goals are about as far left as you can get. What those "children" are asking for is laughable and simply proves that the activists down on Wall Street don't have a clue how to fix the economic situation we're in. They blame bankers for the nations problems but they don't demand reform to the banking system...they demand free stuff for themselves.
Deep Thoughts on "Occupy Wall Street" by Jack Handy:
"I hope if I ever get rich I'm not real mean to poor people, like I am now."
and the Uber Rich hollywood elite.

You guys see all the astro-turf unions at the protests...getting paid to protest, yeah thats real grassroots right there :lol:

suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?
and the Uber Rich hollywood elite.

You guys see all the astro-turf unions at the protests...getting paid to protest, yeah thats real grassroots right there :lol:

suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:


Why don't y'all get Soros to give him a call.... since he's the one funding your 'grass roots' OWS bullcrap.

The moral of this post: People who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.
You guys see all the astro-turf unions at the protests...getting paid to protest, yeah thats real grassroots right there :lol:

suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.
suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

This "protest" is being pushed by those people because they know liberals can't run on they've done since taking power in 2008. They desperately need to change the narrative to something other than an economy sliding back into a double dip recession, rampant unemployment and runaway deficits. This class warfare thing is all that Soros, the union bosses and the progressive left HAVE so they'll push it as hard as they possibly can.
suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.
Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.
suddenly that offends you?

i'd suggest telling that to the koch brothers. :thup:

Are the Koch brothers paying people to protest, Jillian? I wasn't aware that paid protesters were a part of the Tea Party make up. They are however a big part of the liberal protests that have been taking place over the past year. Why is that?

Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

I understand the media is portraying this as counter to the Tea Party movement, but I was wondering isn't there really a cross-over of many of the same concerned citizens who were drawn to the Tea Party cause who are now also drawn to the Occupy Wall Street cause...???

The pieces are all there: ordinary citizens banding together for a cause; signs and protests announcing their grievances.

The “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations started last month in New York and have since spread across the country, born out of anger toward the financial community’s success during a time of prolonged economic hardship.

The hundreds of activists who have flocked to the “Occupy Wall Street” rallies are encouraging supporters to march under the flag of a grassroots campaign aimed at political and corporate reform.

Wall Street rallies could be left
Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.

Warren's not a boogeyman...he's a liberal poster boy. People like you ignore the fact that Buffett makes obscene profits by manipulating the stock market and you do so because he supports Barack Obama. If he were a conservative doing the exact same think you'd be calling for him to be tarred, feathered and carried through the streets on a rail.
Thats my question too.

And even if the teapartiers were being paid that doesn't change the fact that these wall street protestors are being funded by rich elites such as hollywood people, george sorros, and now union bosses.

What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.

Buffet isn't actually funding them though while the Soros funded tides foundation is.

Thats why we said sorros and not buffet, unlike the left with the teaparties the right doesn't have to lie ;)
What interests me, more than 'who's funding' is who organized this 'spontaneous' movement. It was no more 'spontaneous' than Christmas. It was planned by the Tides Foundation, under the leadership of Watermelon Man Van Jones. How the hell they think they can keep pretending it was 'spontaneous' is beyond laughable.

It was planned... the Unions didn't suddenly decide to support it. They planned to bus their bodies in.

They are bought and paid for by Soros. All part of the 'October Offensive'. Laughable that they still try to deny it.

You Cons are behind the times. The new liberal billionaire boogeyman is Warren Buffett, not Soros.

Warren's not a boogeyman...he's a liberal poster boy. People like you ignore the fact that Buffett makes obscene profits by manipulating the stock market and you do so because he supports Barack Obama. If he were a conservative doing the exact same think you'd be calling for him to be tarred, feathered and carried through the streets on a rail.

So did Soros. He made his billions by collapsing the economies of whole countries, wiping out the jobs and pensions of millions of ordinary people in 5 countries.... for profit. And the left adore him.

This 'spontaneous' protest was planned and organized by Van Jones with the Tides Foundation. It is funded by wealthy liberals.... the same people who screamed like banshees about the TEA Parties. Hypocrites.

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