Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.
The Occupados only 'grass roots' are the useful idiots down there looking to get laid.

"You're hot. What're you protesting?"
"Corruption on Wall street! Isn't changing the world hot?"
"Yeah baby. Tell me about it. So... you into free love too?"

Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?
Presented with facts and you just point to OTHER people's behavior and call people idiots.

If that is all you have is other people's behavior to detract from the obvious non-grassrootsness (new word) of these wall street protestors and insults then you really haven't countered the proof provided have you ;).

I'll give you your Koch brothers whatever because it doesn't matter. Why? Because it doesn't change a thing about what I said about these wall street protestors nor does calling people "idiots" ;)

What have your proven? That one group has gotten money from The Tide Foundation over the last 15 years.

The original group only has $40,000 in bank, and has just recently set it up so they can receive larger donations.
Occupy Wall Street Has $40K In The Bank And 'The Money Is Going To Start Rolling In Now'

Tides Foundation Connected to Day of Rage Against Wall Street - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

So that more than $170,000 since 1996 is paying all those people to be there?

Tides Foundation and Tides Center

^^^ your number is a bit off

Oh yeah carnegie...sorry here you need to follow the money around to find sorros ;)

Carnegie Corporation - Judgepedia


I am still waiting for proof that the $170,000 they have donated over the last 15 years went to this event.
Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?


SUEI and the AFL/CIO ain't "grass roots." Neither are the MoveOn.org funded dopers that were there the first couple days.

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

It was. It got co-opted once the Republicans figured out the popularity.
That this "movement" aka wall-street protests is not grass-roots but astroturf.

Thats what I claimed and backed up with facts.
The Occupados only 'grass roots' are the useful idiots down there looking to get laid.

"You're hot. What're you protesting?"
"Corruption on Wall street! Isn't changing the world hot?"
"Yeah baby. Tell me about it. So... you into free love too?"

Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

go after the message not the messanger :lol:

Unions getting bailouts supporting the events are not grassroots.
Organizing groups funded by billionairs like Sorros are not grassroots.

Parts of the teaparty are still grassroots just like when the teaparties started. Some others have been coopted by politicians and politically motivated people with money because they want to use the teaparties for their agenda. This wall-street thing was funded with rich elite liberal money from the start unlike the teaparties, thats the difference.
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Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?


SUEI and the AFL/CIO ain't "grass roots." Neither are the MoveOn.org funded dopers that were there the first couple days.

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

It was. It got co-opted once the Republicans figured out the popularity.

You consider the Tea Party movement grassroots, but not Adbusters or Occupy Wall Street?
Okay, got it. :lol:
The Occupados only 'grass roots' are the useful idiots down there looking to get laid.

"You're hot. What're you protesting?"
"Corruption on Wall street! Isn't changing the world hot?"
"Yeah baby. Tell me about it. So... you into free love too?"

Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

go after the message not the messanger :lol:

Unions getting bailouts supporting the events are not grassroots.
Organizing groups funded by billionairs like Sorros are not grassroots.
But organizing groups by the Koch brothers is? Well according Censored they are.

But that still doesn't prove what the Adbusters and Occupy Wall Street have organized is not grass roots.
I am still waiting for you to prove that $170,000 went to this event. :D
All that has proven in this thread, is some you are partisan, and only have a problem with this because you dont agree with their politics.
Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?


SUEI and the AFL/CIO ain't "grass roots." Neither are the MoveOn.org funded dopers that were there the first couple days.

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

It was. It got co-opted once the Republicans figured out the popularity.

You consider the Tea Party movement grassroots, but not Adbusters or Occupy Wall Street?
Okay, got it. :lol:

On the day you can connect the founding of the TEA Parties - and I mean the real founding of the movement - not your 'it's because of Obama' bullshit... then you can compare the two.

Because we can link this 'spontaneous' movement directly to:

Watermelon Man Van Jones
George Soros
The Tides Foundation

And that's just a few.

This 'spontaneous' protest is part of Watermelon Man's 'October Offensive'. It just happened to coincide very nicely with their conference.

Do your research. Start with the now defunct 'STORM' movement.

SUEI and the AFL/CIO ain't "grass roots." Neither are the MoveOn.org funded dopers that were there the first couple days.

It was. It got co-opted once the Republicans figured out the popularity.

You consider the Tea Party movement grassroots, but not Adbusters or Occupy Wall Street?
Okay, got it. :lol:

On the day you can connect the founding of the TEA Parties - and I mean the real founding of the movement - not your 'it's because of Obama' bullshit... then you can compare the two.

Because we can link this 'spontaneous' movement directly to:

Watermelon Man Van Jones
George Soros
The Tides Foundation

And that's just a few.

This 'spontaneous' protest is part of Watermelon Man's 'October Offensive'. It just happened to coincide very nicely with their conference.

Do your research. Start with the now defunct 'STORM' movement.

I did, I think you need to yours, and come up with more proof than $170,000.

All you have proven is George Sorros has given money to the Tide Foundation, which has given 170,000 to Adbusters over the last 15 years.
Still haven't seen proof Van Jones has had much to do with the initial planning or the SEIU.

And now we have another group, Occupy Wall Street that just set up a bank account, prove who is behind them.
Great. Perhaps you could answer the question I keep asking of the protest supporters. What would be the economic impact of the 11 demands. If that's too hard.... just answer this one... what would be the economic impact of a $20 ph min wage?

A blissful Utopia where there is no crime, the air is clean, cars run on our waste products, dogs live in peace with cats, schools are filled with students, no kid gets picked last on the kickball field, drugs are free and plentiful, no famines, no evil corporations, no millionaires or billionaires and of course no Jews (the left ain't have them)! :eusa_whistle:

It would be just as Lenin predicted it would be for the USSR! Wait, what country are we talking about again?
If you compare the two, both started out pretty much the same way, but I guess I can do the partisan thing and list all the groups they used in the beginning to get their message out there.

Like I said, do you guys know the definition of a grassroots movement?
you know, if there is a 'whomever'..........whomever IS behind it , better call in an order for some color....diversity whatever, they lookin' awfully pale to me.

Jesse Hijackson or Al Sharkskin can fill that order quickly, they have protesters standing by on speed dial.............pre-made signs etc...chants.

It may be to late though, I am sure the media is all ovah dat...:rolleyes:
Do either one of you even know the definition of grassroots?

And do you consider the Tea Party movement to be grassroots?

go after the message not the messanger :lol:

Unions getting bailouts supporting the events are not grassroots.
Organizing groups funded by billionairs like Sorros are not grassroots.

Parts of the teaparty are still grassroots just like when the teaparties started. Some others have been coopted by politicians and politically motivated people with money because they want to use the teaparties for their agenda. This wall-street thing was funded with rich elite liberal money from the start unlike the teaparties, thats the difference.
But organizing groups by the Koch brothers is? Well according Censored they are.

But that still doesn't prove what the Adbusters and Occupy Wall Street have organized is not grass roots.
I am still waiting for you to prove that $170,000 went to this event. :D

Since i've been kind enough to provide links for my claims would you mind linking this Koch brothers business for me. I'll be honest I've never heard much about them other than when people want to give the tea party a hard time and I haven't put in an effort to look into them.

And the money went to groups that helped organize the event...without the rich liberal elite fat-cat's money those groups would not have had the ability to organize this protest.
You consider the Tea Party movement grassroots, but not Adbusters or Occupy Wall Street?
Okay, got it. :lol:

On the day you can connect the founding of the TEA Parties - and I mean the real founding of the movement - not your 'it's because of Obama' bullshit... then you can compare the two.

Because we can link this 'spontaneous' movement directly to:

Watermelon Man Van Jones
George Soros
The Tides Foundation

And that's just a few.

This 'spontaneous' protest is part of Watermelon Man's 'October Offensive'. It just happened to coincide very nicely with their conference.

Do your research. Start with the now defunct 'STORM' movement.

I did, I think you need to yours, and come up with more proof than $170,000.

All you have proven is George Sorros has given money to the Tide Foundation, which has given 170,000 to Adbusters over the last 15 years.
Still haven't seen proof Van Jones has had much to do with the initial planning or the SEIU.

And now we have another group, Occupy Wall Street that just set up a bank account, prove who is behind them.

Oh, Luissa. It is about more than tracing the money. It is about who is behind the whole ridiculous 'movement'. Now, you might find it fine and dandy to have these people running this country.... but some of us - a lot of us - do not. They don't want a Constitutional Republic. They want to destroy that and replace it... not with a huge bloodbath revolution - but with a step by step toppling of our system. These people are not Democrats, they are socialists. And they want a socialist republic to replace our Constitutional Republic.

Read the damned list of demands. Where does that crap come from? It's ridiculous.... and I don't mean the $20 bucks an hour shit... I mean the real list. Read it and tell me that's logical.
Why do they have $40K in the bank when people are starving in Korea?

Why don't they redistribute their wealth?
If you compare the two, both started out pretty much the same way, but I guess I can do the partisan thing and list all the groups they used in the beginning to get their message out there.

Like I said, do you guys know the definition of a grassroots movement?

They did not start the same way at all.

We never got any money to set up our tax day protests, later called the tea party, in april of 2009. Nor did we have any well funded groups to help us that first day. Money did not come into the tea party movement until well after the random protests all sprung up that april.

This wall street thing was organized from the beginning by groups, as evidenced in the links i already gave you, who receive money from billionaires and millionaires.

Thats the difference.
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If you compare the two, both started out pretty much the same way, but I guess I can do the partisan thing and list all the groups they used in the beginning to get their message out there.

Like I said, do you guys know the definition of a grassroots movement?

Van Jones started the Tea Party in response to Bush & Juan McCain Immigration push? Yeah? ;)
You consider the Tea Party movement grassroots,

I consider you illiterate, given that I clearly wrote that it WAS grassroots prior to being co-opted.

but not Adbusters or Occupy Wall Street?

OWS openly state they are spun out of MoveOn. They're little Soros monkeys.

Okay, got it. :lol:

I suppose you think dishonest is clever, as most leftists do?

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