Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

:lol: Ezra Klein.... you sure you want to use him as your source? You might want to check his links to Soros, Watermelon Man, et al, before you hold him up as an independent source.

I do not present anyone as an authority, because I am not an authoritarian thinker. To do so would be argumentum ad autoritandem, a logical fallacy. What you have presented in this post is argumentum ad hominem, another logical fallacy.

Everyone's statements must be evaluated for what they are saying and whether it is true or false, without regard for who they are or what their connections may be. Neither Ezra Klein nor anyone else should be believed without question -- or dismissed without consideration.

Do you have any criticism if what he said, as opposed to who he is? That is, do you have anything to say that is not a logical fallacy?

It's sweet of you to explain the Latin.... but there is no need. I know my Latin too. Unlike you, I feel no need to make myself look intelligent. I rely on the fact that I am intelligent without having try.

I have neither the time nor the inclination to read the 'wisdom' of a left wing 'thinker' on a demonstrably leftist 'spontaneous' movement. I have no interest.

What interests me is the bullshit about the nature of the protests, the comparison between these protests and the genuine Arab uprisings, the 'demands' that reach beyond our shores to making global demands, who's behind the protests and what is their agenda.
Pointing out the hypocrisy of some is boring to you? good to know

HYPOCRISY??? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

When the Tea Party protests bail out of Obama's owners over at Goldman Sachs, why they are RACIST and ONLY for the rich... Vilified by the party media of MSNBC, CNN and A-N-B-CBS as hate filled white people..

But when Moveon dopers are joined by Union goons and protest the same bail out - WHY THEY ARE WONDERFUL and the party media fawns about how brave they are to take a stand...

Fucking hypocrisy alright;

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

WILL the extreme left be able to successfully steal the ideas and momentum from the Tea Party? The Union goons and the party media are doing their best to make it that way.
This 'movement' seems to tolerate racists, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Danny Cline is Lotion Man - YouTube

Tolerates them as opposed to what, taking them out and shooting them? How exactly would you suggest that this individual not be "tolerated"?

It's just so damn good to see that the New Yawk Yankees tolerate racism and bigotry.. :cuckoo:

I expect Al Sharpton and Jessee Jackson to get in there and put a stop to this bullshit. Think they will?

Occupy Wall Street is spreading like wildfire. There are now supportive groups for the protests in over 250 communities in the United States and Canada.

Almost wherever you live, there is an Occupy Wall Street group near you. Many of these groups have already started their own local protests, while the others are planning upcoming events.

Daily Kos is joining with SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, to help grow this new movement of the 99%. We need to let the 1% know that we will no longer be silent in the face of the economic pain they continue to inflict on everyone else."

Yeah, SEIU and Kos are "Grass roots"

Uh huh

This 'movement' seems to tolerate racists, homophobes, and anti-semites.

Danny Cline is Lotion Man - YouTube

Tolerates them as opposed to what, taking them out and shooting them? How exactly would you suggest that this individual not be "tolerated"?
Hmmm. I've been to many protests, many. Every time anyone said anything off-color about a group of persons, the crowd immediately admonished them, shunned them, drowned them out, etc.

Are you really that helpless? What sort of activist are you?

So far, this guy has several vids on Youtube and not a single one of his brethern have done anything at all.
Pointing out the hypocrisy of some is boring to you? good to know

HYPOCRISY??? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

When the Tea Party protests bail out of Obama's owners over at Goldman Sachs, why they are RACIST and ONLY for the rich... Vilified by the party media of MSNBC, CNN and A-N-B-CBS as hate filled white people..

But when Moveon dopers are joined by Union goons and protest the same bail out - WHY THEY ARE WONDERFUL and the party media fawns about how brave they are to take a stand...

Fucking hypocrisy alright;

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

WILL the extreme left be able to successfully steal the ideas and momentum from the Tea Party? The Union goons and the party media are doing their best to make it that way.
You do realize the Bank Bailout bill was passed before Obama was even elected, right?

Occupy Wall Street is spreading like wildfire. There are now supportive groups for the protests in over 250 communities in the United States and Canada.

Almost wherever you live, there is an Occupy Wall Street group near you. Many of these groups have already started their own local protests, while the others are planning upcoming events.

Daily Kos is joining with SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, to help grow this new movement of the 99%. We need to let the 1% know that we will no longer be silent in the face of the economic pain they continue to inflict on everyone else."

Yeah, SEIU and Kos are "Grass roots"

Uh huh


Most of the organizing is on Facebook. :lol:

Occupy Wall Street is spreading like wildfire. There are now supportive groups for the protests in over 250 communities in the United States and Canada.

Almost wherever you live, there is an Occupy Wall Street group near you. Many of these groups have already started their own local protests, while the others are planning upcoming events.

Daily Kos is joining with SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, to help grow this new movement of the 99%. We need to let the 1% know that we will no longer be silent in the face of the economic pain they continue to inflict on everyone else."

Yeah, SEIU and Kos are "Grass roots"

Uh huh


well Frank have they told us yet what they intend to replace capitalism and corporations with? Who will pay for their gargantuan sugar tits?
Pointing out the hypocrisy of some is boring to you? good to know

HYPOCRISY??? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

When the Tea Party protests bail out of Obama's owners over at Goldman Sachs, why they are RACIST and ONLY for the rich... Vilified by the party media of MSNBC, CNN and A-N-B-CBS as hate filled white people..

But when Moveon dopers are joined by Union goons and protest the same bail out - WHY THEY ARE WONDERFUL and the party media fawns about how brave they are to take a stand...

Fucking hypocrisy alright;

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

WILL the extreme left be able to successfully steal the ideas and momentum from the Tea Party? The Union goons and the party media are doing their best to make it that way.
You do realize the Bank Bailout bill was passed before Obama was even elected, right?

so it is your dumbass position now to state that obie doodle didn't bail out any banks?
If you want to know where OWS is really coming from, read this article by Ezra Klein:

Who are the 99 percent? - The Washington Post

Ezra Klein said:
“I did everything I was supposed to and I have nothing to show for it.”

It’s not the arrests that convinced me that “Occupy Wall Street” was worth covering seriously. Nor was it their press strategy, which largely consisted of tweeting journalists to cover a small protest that couldn’t say what, exactly, it hoped to achieve. It was a Tumblr called, “We Are The 99 Percent,” and all it’s doing is posting grainy pictures of people holding handwritten signs telling their stories, one after the other.

“I am 20K in debt and am paying out of pocket for my current tuition while I start paying back loans with two part time jobs.”

These are not rants against the system. They’re not anarchist manifestos. They’re not calls for a revolution. They’re small stories of people who played by the rules, did what they were told, and now have nothing to show for it. Or, worse, they have tens of thousands in debt to show for it.

“I am a 28 year old female with debt that had to give up her apartment + pet because I have no money and I owe over $30,000.”

College debt shows up a lot in these stories, actually. It’s more insistently present than housing debt, or even unemployment. That might speak to the fact that the protests tilt towards the young. But it also speaks, I think, to the fact that college debt represents a special sort of betrayal. We told you that the way to get ahead in America was to get educated. You did it. And now you find yourself in the same place, but buried under debt. You were lied to.

“Married mother of 3. Lost my job in 2009. My family lost our health insurance, our savings, our home, and our good credit. After 16 months, I found a job -- with a 90 mile commute and a 25 percent pay cut. After gas, tolls, daycare, and the cost of health insurance, i was paying so my kids had access to health care.”

Let’s be clear. This isn’t really the 99 percent. If you’re in the 85th percentile, for instance, your household is making more than $100,000, and you’re probably doing okay. If you’re in the 95th percentile, your household is making more than $150,000. But then, these protests really aren’t about Wall Street, either. There’s not a lot of evidence that these people want a class war, or even particularly punitive measures on the rich. The only thing that’s clear from their missives is that they want the economy to start working for them, too.

“I am young. I am educated and hard working. I am not able to pay my bills. I am afraid of what the future holds.”

I don’t imagine that too many members of, say, the 97th percentile are writing in to this Web site. But imagine yourself as a young person who took out loans to go to college, got good grades, and has graduated into an economy that doesn’t seem to want you. You did everything you were told to do, and it didn’t work out. That hurts, of course, but it’s a bad economy, and everybody is suffering. At least, that’s what they say.

“i am a 19 year old student with 18 credit hours and 2 part time jobs. i am over 4000 dollars in debt but my paychecks are just enough to get me to school and back. next year my plan was to attend a 4 year college and get my bfa, but now i am afraid that without a co-signer i will have no shot at a loan and even if i can get a loan i am afraid that i will leave college with no future and a crippling debt.”

But you look around and the reality is not everyone is suffering. Wall Street caused this mess, and the government paid off their debts and helped them rake in record profits in recent years. The top 1 percent account for 24 percent of the nation’s income and 40 percent of its wealth. There are a lot of people who don’t seem to be doing everything they’re supposed to do, and it seems to be working out just fine for them.

“I went to graduate school believing that there might be some financial security afforded by a higher degree, and that with that security I could finally buy my mom her own house and take care of her. Instead, I have wasted six years of my life.”

Perhaps that’s part of the reason that the movement doesn’t have clear demands. It’s easy to explain how to punish the rich. You can tax them, or regulate their activities. It’s a bit hard to say how to make the economy work better for average people. There’s an intuition out there that part of the reason it’s not working better is that the rich hold too much political power, and so there’s a clear desire to reduce that political power, but it’s not clear how far that actually gets you in terms of bringing wages up.

“I am a 27 year old with a bachelor degree. I ran out of my student loans while trying to find a job. I am ‘living’ with my mother again to get back on my feet. So far, the best I can do is a part time retail job paying $8 an hour. I am hearing impaired with cochlear implant. My cochlear implant warranty expired. I do not have the money to renew it. How can I work at my new minimum wage job when my implant is broken? I need it to HEAR.”

But this is why I’m taking Occupy Wall Street -- or, perhaps more specifically, the ‘We Are The 99 Percent’ movement -- seriously. There are a lot of people who are getting an unusually raw deal right now. There is a small group of people who are getting an unusually good deal right now. That doesn’t sound to me like a stable equilibrium.

The organizers of Occupy Wall Street are fighting to upend the system. But what gives their movement the potential for power and potency is the masses who just want the system to work the way they were promised it would work. It’s not that 99 percent of Americans are really struggling. It’s not that 99 percent of Americans want a revolution. It’s that 99 percent of Americans sense that the fundamental bargain of our economy -- work hard, play by the rules, get ahead -- has been broken, and they want to see it restored.

There is the real source of OWS: the widespread perception, based in solid truth, that the fundamental bargain of our economy is broken, and that working hard and playing by the rules are not sufficient to get ahead, and that the government works for the 1%, not the 99%. There is really no need to look for any other explanation.

Those of you who do seem to be making incredible leaps of logic in pointing to Obama or Van Jones or George Soros or whoever (you don't seem able to agree on the real power behind it all, which itself is indicative that you don't know what you're talking about) as the sinister mastermind behind all of these thousands of people emerging into the streets. For you, it seems enough that someone has voiced support for the movement, or contributed money to it, or expressed a desire that something like this happen, to conclude that here is the driving force. The complete irrationality of that thinking escapes you, because this is something you very much want to believe. The alternative -- that a grass-roots left-leaning movement of this size and persistence has actually arisen -- is simply too frightening.

The problem, Dragon...is that this Administration doesn't work for the 1% or the 99%. They are trying to pass or have passed legislation that is killing the economy and putting people out of work.

What is it that the OWS activists are calling for that you think will improve the economy? I'm not asking you for pie in the sky generalities here...I'm asking you for specifics. I don't think these protesters have a single idea that will solve any of our problems. Instead they're asking for handouts for themselves because they perceive that someone else made money while they didn't. Well I'm sorry but that doesn't fix the economy it simply makes things worse.

There is a reason why the organizers of OWS pulled those demands down off their website. They know EXACTLY how petty they look when instead of suggesting fixes to our problems, their activists demanded a Christmas list of entitlements for themselves.
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While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.

The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party movement to happen to it.
Whatever ideological stance you may have, the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.

For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial ‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-profits, or philanthropic foundations.

The efforts are subtle, but effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire, which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.
This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those who have power, and those who don’t.

When those who have power offer a hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely in the aim, it’s in the action.

The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus socialist.

The true struggle is that of people against the institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the corporation, the international financial institutions, the military, the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal system, the church, et. al.

The transfer of power from one institution to another does not solve the crisis of our ‘institutional society,’ whereby a few have come to dominate so much, to concentrate so much power at the expense of everyone else having so little. True liberation will result only from opposition to ‘the institution’ as an entity. Placating power from one institution to another renders resistance ineffective.

This article first appeared on Andrew Gavin Marshall’s blog.
And it is spot on. You people that are arguing over who is "behind" OWS, have been caught in the net of deception cast to advance the divide and conquer strategy. Get your heads out of your asses, and deal with the issues at hand and at the root of the OWS movement and protests.
Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ « Andrew Gavin Marshall

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8o3peQq79Q&feature=player_embedded]Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube[/ame]

Demonstrators and sympathizers oppose corporate greed and corrupt politics, the gangsterism of Wall Street, and the disproportionate effect the global economic downturn has had on the other 99 percent.

While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.

The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party movement to happen to it.
Whatever ideological stance you may have, the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.

For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial ‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-profits, or philanthropic foundations.

The efforts are subtle, but effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire, which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.
This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those who have power, and those who don’t.

When those who have power offer a hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely in the aim, it’s in the action.

The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus socialist.

The true struggle is that of people against the institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the corporation, the international financial institutions, the military, the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal system, the church, et. al.

The transfer of power from one institution to another does not solve the crisis of our ‘institutional society,’ whereby a few have come to dominate so much, to concentrate so much power at the expense of everyone else having so little. True liberation will result only from opposition to ‘the institution’ as an entity. Placating power from one institution to another renders resistance ineffective.

This article first appeared on Andrew Gavin Marshall’s blog.
And it is spot on. You people that are arguing over who is "behind" OWS, have been caught in the net of deception cast to advance the divide and conquer strategy. Get your heads out of your asses, and deal with the issues at hand and at the root of the OWS movement and protests.
Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ « Andrew Gavin Marshall

Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

Demonstrators and sympathizers oppose corporate greed and corrupt politics, the gangsterism of Wall Street, and the disproportionate effect the global economic downturn has had on the other 99 percent.

So please tell us,, what do you plan to replace capitalism and corporations with?

While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

While I fully endorse the efforts and actions of the Occupy Wall Street protests, now emerging internationally, there are concerns which need to be addressed and kept in mind as the movement moves forward.

The process through which a potentially powerful movement may be co-opted and controlled is slight and subtle. If Occupy Wall Street hopes to strive for the 99%, it must not submit to the 1%, in any capacity.

The Occupy movement must prevent what happened to the Tea Party movement to happen to it.
Whatever ideological stance you may have, the Tea Party movement started as a grass roots movement, largely a result of anti-Federal Reserve protests. They were quickly co-opted with philanthropic money and political party endorsements.

For the Occupy Movement to build up and become a true force for change, it must avoid and reject the organizational and financial ‘contributions’ of institutions: be they political parties, non-profits, or philanthropic foundations.

The efforts are subtle, but effective: they seek to organize, professionalize, and institutionalize a movement, push forward the issues they desire, which render the movement useless for true liberation, as these are among the very institutions the movement should be geared against.
This is not simply about “Wall Street,” this is about POWER. Those who have power, and those who don’t.

When those who have power offer a hand in your struggle, their other hand holds a dagger. Remain grassroots, remain decentralized, remain outside and away from party politics, remain away from financial dependence. Freedom is not merely in the aim, it’s in the action.

The true struggle is not left versus right, democrat versus republican, liberal versus conservative, or libertarian versus socialist.

The true struggle is that of people against the institution: the State, the banks, the central banking system, the corporation, the international financial institutions, the military, the political parties, the mainstream media, philanthropic foundations, think tanks, university, education, psychiatry, the legal system, the church, et. al.

The transfer of power from one institution to another does not solve the crisis of our ‘institutional society,’ whereby a few have come to dominate so much, to concentrate so much power at the expense of everyone else having so little. True liberation will result only from opposition to ‘the institution’ as an entity. Placating power from one institution to another renders resistance ineffective.

This article first appeared on Andrew Gavin Marshall’s blog.
And it is spot on. You people that are arguing over who is "behind" OWS, have been caught in the net of deception cast to advance the divide and conquer strategy. Get your heads out of your asses, and deal with the issues at hand and at the root of the OWS movement and protests.
Against the Institution: A Warning for ‘Occupy Wall Street’ « Andrew Gavin Marshall

Keith Olbermann Reads The Statement Released By The Wall Street Protesters - 2011-10-05 - YouTube

Demonstrators and sympathizers oppose corporate greed and corrupt politics, the gangsterism of Wall Street, and the disproportionate effect the global economic downturn has had on the other 99 percent.

From the Occupy Wall Street facebook page.

Do not let the Democrats and Republicans steal the show.
Occupy Wall Street - Wall | Facebook
HYPOCRISY??? :eek::eek::eek::eek:

When the Tea Party protests bail out of Obama's owners over at Goldman Sachs, why they are RACIST and ONLY for the rich... Vilified by the party media of MSNBC, CNN and A-N-B-CBS as hate filled white people..

But when Moveon dopers are joined by Union goons and protest the same bail out - WHY THEY ARE WONDERFUL and the party media fawns about how brave they are to take a stand...

Fucking hypocrisy alright;

There is NO hypocrisy like demopocrisy.

WILL the extreme left be able to successfully steal the ideas and momentum from the Tea Party? The Union goons and the party media are doing their best to make it that way.
You do realize the Bank Bailout bill was passed before Obama was even elected, right?

so it is your dumbass position now to state that obie doodle didn't bail out any banks?

This page is not affiliated with any organization. It serves as one of several Facebook forums for operations on Wall Street. It was created in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protest and MOVEMENT in Liberty Plaza. We promote peaceful protesting and an ongoing occupation. Take back the podium for the people!

From the same Facebook page.

Forum List
