Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

Nah, they love getting fisted by the invisible hand.
When the Savings and Loan looting occurred hundreds of Wall Street losers faced prosecution and jail time...From Wiki:

"The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (commonly dubbed the S&L crisis) was the failure of about 747 out of the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States.

"A savings and loan or 'thrift' is a financial institution that accepts savings deposits and makes mortgage, car and other personal loans to individual members—a cooperative venture known in the United Kingdom as a Building Society.

"'As of December 31, 1995, RTC estimated that the total cost for resolving the 747 failed institutions was $87.9 billion.' The remainder of the bailout was paid for by charges on savings and loan accounts[1]—which contributed to the large budget deficits of the early 1990s.

American taxpayers and their descendants are on the hook for $trillions in Wall Street's latest looting. So far not a single Wall Street rich bitch has even been charged with control accounting fraud, and elected Republicans AND Democrats will send their own children to Afghanistan (Mexico?) before they will touch property crimes committed by Wall Street.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe it's time to give Greens and Libertarians a try?

In fairness, if you are going after them, Fannie, Freddie, and HUD, all have allot to answer for too.
For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams that elite criminal activity generates.

Absolutely fill the prisons with elected Republicans AND Democrats AND their bureaucratic tools from Barney Frank and Phil Gramm to Franklin Raines and Chris Cox.

The social networking made possible by the internet makes it possible to FLUSH hundreds (all right, maybe dozens) of incumbents from the US Congress in a singe November news cycle.

That's a political leap of faith, but it would generate authentic Hope and Change.
Is the following a list of people you defend or admire?

"Jamie Dimon, Blankfien, Lewis and Pandit are the scum of the earth. They should all be on trial and thrown into prison with Madoff and the rest of the whoring banking thieves."

Would you agree with the prison part?

Actually, no. I want them to live long and prosper! I'll help anyone who hurts the Left, and those losers the left panders to. The Left is my enemy, and I am their enemy. YOu may rest assure I will use any and everything I lawfully can to damage the Left, and its followers. As to the culture war, yes, the hippie culture sadly has contaminated our popular culture. After the war you eventually start is over, we will have to do a thorough housecleaning on that. I'm good with whatever it takes.
Do you want large brokers and funds to prosper from high-frequency trading? If the communists were ripping you off by selling and buying a stock for the same price and still "earning" 0.5 cents per trade, would you object 24/7 365?

Worry more about the losers on the right who are being led around like a pig with a ring through its nose by psychopaths like Dimon, Lewis and Pandit.


Absolutely I want people to profit from high frequency trading. I know a lot of people who do just that. The only communists that want to rip me off, are the ones in the American left who go around with their hands out looking for more welfare and more handouts. Those are the ones I really despise. That is the difference between the right and the left and why the nation is that divided and just the reason why it needs to split apart. The left can feed off itself, and the rest of us can get rich.
Is the following a list of people you defend or admire?

"Jamie Dimon, Blankfien, Lewis and Pandit are the scum of the earth. They should all be on trial and thrown into prison with Madoff and the rest of the whoring banking thieves."

Would you agree with the prison part?

Actually, no. I want them to live long and prosper! I'll help anyone who hurts the Left, and those losers the left panders to. The Left is my enemy, and I am their enemy. YOu may rest assure I will use any and everything I lawfully can to damage the Left, and its followers. As to the culture war, yes, the hippie culture sadly has contaminated our popular culture. After the war you eventually start is over, we will have to do a thorough housecleaning on that. I'm good with whatever it takes.

I'm with you. That's why I wish the glorious revolution well and hope it starts soon. I'm good with every company that leaves the country. They always do well, much better than staying here. Not only will I do anything to damage the left, but I'll help anyone who wants to damage the left! I don't care who they are. The nation at this point is best served by splitting up and separating.

I don't see much good in that.
Tipsy...How many people do you know who have their servers located on the floor of the NYSE?

The HFT I'm talking about is played in microseconds by those with the money to position their servers physically at the exchange with the rest of us paying that .5 cent tax on transactions that originate in New Jersey, Texas, or California.

The HFT I'm talking about also spikes daily volatility which skews pricing.
How many people do you know who profit from that crime?

You're whining about communists while Wall Street plunders your pension fund.
That's rich.
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When the Savings and Loan looting occurred hundreds of Wall Street losers faced prosecution and jail time...From Wiki:

"The savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and 1990s (commonly dubbed the S&L crisis) was the failure of about 747 out of the 3,234 savings and loan associations in the United States.

"A savings and loan or 'thrift' is a financial institution that accepts savings deposits and makes mortgage, car and other personal loans to individual members—a cooperative venture known in the United Kingdom as a Building Society.

"'As of December 31, 1995, RTC estimated that the total cost for resolving the 747 failed institutions was $87.9 billion.' The remainder of the bailout was paid for by charges on savings and loan accounts[1]—which contributed to the large budget deficits of the early 1990s.

American taxpayers and their descendants are on the hook for $trillions in Wall Street's latest looting. So far not a single Wall Street rich bitch has even been charged with control accounting fraud, and elected Republicans AND Democrats will send their own children to Afghanistan (Mexico?) before they will touch property crimes committed by Wall Street.

Savings and loan crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe it's time to give Greens and Libertarians a try?

In fairness, if you are going after them, Fannie, Freddie, and HUD, all have allot to answer for too.
For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams that elite criminal activity generates.

Absolutely fill the prisons with elected Republicans AND Democrats AND their bureaucratic tools from Barney Frank and Phil Gramm to Franklin Raines and Chris Cox.

The social networking made possible by the internet makes it possible to FLUSH hundreds (all right, maybe dozens) of incumbents from the US Congress in a singe November news cycle.

That's a political leap of faith, but it would generate authentic Hope and Change.

I have no complaint with a Righteous Conviction. Remember though, it was Hamilton Style Government that Drove Gig Government into Joint Venture with Big Money, both Monopolizing, giving Government Backed Favoritism and Special Privilege to the Oligarchy Class, and discriminated against Small Enterprise. Big Government, in search of more Power, encouraged Centralization and Nationalization. The Impartial Referee does not have money invested in the game, and should not be picking winners and losers. When the game is about fair game and the integrity of the field, it cannot be predetermining outcome and arbitrary rulings.
Why are welfare queens having more babies to be supported on the public dole? Why do college students get loans for worthless degrees because they want to smoke pot and drink through their years of school and then don't want to pay their debt? Why are pimps baby daddys to a dozen women and gather up those EBT cars every month. Who do shitters at OWS whine about more donations, especially condoms that they expect for free.

I'd rather Wall Street took it all.
Why are welfare queens having more babies to be supported on the public dole? Why do college students get loans for worthless degrees because they want to smoke pot and drink through their years of school and then don't want to pay their debt? Why are pimps baby daddys to a dozen women and gather up those EBT cars every month. Who do shitters at OWS whine about more donations, especially condoms that they expect for free.

I'd rather Wall Street took it all.

It is a time of discontent. Easy to pass and divert blame. Also Soul searching time.
Why are welfare queens having more babies to be supported on the public dole? Why do college students get loans for worthless degrees because they want to smoke pot and drink through their years of school and then don't want to pay their debt? Why are pimps baby daddys to a dozen women and gather up those EBT cars every month. Who do shitters at OWS whine about more donations, especially condoms that they expect for free.

I'd rather Wall Street took it all.

I can agree with much of what you say. I hate freeloaders whether they are illegal aliens, welfare queens, or hedge fund managers. I know it is propaganda, but it is poor propaganda to believe that we Dems do not respect the value of a dollar. All of us have budgets at home that need to be managed very carefully these days.


Proper care of hedge fund managers.​

I still do not understand what the problem is with some posters about OWS. We need to give it a chance. I would think you would embrace OWS considering the way the Teabaggers are fading from the political scene. They got in office because of one word, "Jobs," and they forgot it the minute they got to Washington, D. C. Time to move on, end your temper tantrums, and come to the 99% who have the real klout. 53% of Americans see the 99% as favorable. Only 27% see Teabaggers favorably, which translates to 73% do not see the Tea Party favorably. Frankly, I think the teabaggers blew it when they allowed the label "bigots" to stick. The Tea Party will be gone after 2012, they produced nothing, and their campaign contributions are the lowest among members of Congress.

There is nothing wrong with admitting that you had high hopes for the Tea Party. Even I did at first. Now it is ending. The 99% has a broader global base, all issues might not go the way of your or my politics on every issue, but the potential great. Besides where else is there to go? Both political parties are seen as a joke. If that were not so, there would be no 99%. Besides those against the 99% could well end up like Tories after the American Revolution - change fast or leave everything and run, 20% ran. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loyalist_%28American_Revolution%29
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Why are welfare queens having more babies to be supported on the public dole? Why do college students get loans for worthless degrees because they want to smoke pot and drink through their years of school and then don't want to pay their debt? Why are pimps baby daddys to a dozen women and gather up those EBT cars every month. Who do shitters at OWS whine about more donations, especially condoms that they expect for free.

I'd rather Wall Street took it all.

I can agree with much of what you say. I hate freeloaders whether they are illegal aliens, welfare queens, or hedge fund managers. I know it is propaganda, but it is poor propaganda to believe that we Dems do not respect the value of a dollar. All of us have budgets at home that need to be managed very carefully these days.

I still do not understand what the problem is with some posters about OWS. We need to give it a chance. I would think you would embrace OWS considering the way the Teabaggers are fading from the political scene. They got in office because of one word, "Jobs," and they forgot it the minute they got to Washington, D. C. Time to move on, end your temper tantrums, and come to the 99% who have the real klout. 53% of Americans see the 99% as favorable. Only 27% see Teabaggers favorably, which translates to 73% do not see the Tea Party favorably. Frankly, I think the teabaggers blew it when they allowed the label "bigots" to stick

You had my attention up to the mention of "TeaBaggers". You are playing both sides against the middle. Why do you need to Demonize the Tea Party? Grow up. Try being less toxic. :)

It's about Principle, in the end, not Polls, especially when driven by misinformation.
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In fairness, if you are going after them, Fannie, Freddie, and HUD, all have allot to answer for too.
For the last 500 years (at least) the only thing worse for any politician than getting caught doing business with organized crime is to lose control of the revenue streams that elite criminal activity generates.

Absolutely fill the prisons with elected Republicans AND Democrats AND their bureaucratic tools from Barney Frank and Phil Gramm to Franklin Raines and Chris Cox.

The social networking made possible by the internet makes it possible to FLUSH hundreds (all right, maybe dozens) of incumbents from the US Congress in a singe November news cycle.

That's a political leap of faith, but it would generate authentic Hope and Change.

I have no complaint with a Righteous Conviction. Remember though, it was Hamilton Style Government that Drove Gig Government into Joint Venture with Big Money, both Monopolizing, giving Government Backed Favoritism and Special Privilege to the Oligarchy Class, and discriminated against Small Enterprise. Big Government, in search of more Power, encouraged Centralization and Nationalization. The Impartial Referee does not have money invested in the game, and should not be picking winners and losers. When the game is about fair game and the integrity of the field, it cannot be predetermining outcome and arbitrary rulings.
There are some pretty convincing reasons to believe Hamilton would have been happy with an American Monarchy. Once the "founding generation" died off corporations began a power grab that shows no sign of abating. Corporations have a unitary design any monarch would recognize. We freed ourselves from George III, but the descendants of his East India Company are very much in today's game. And they never have enough.
Why are welfare queens having more babies to be supported on the public dole? Why do college students get loans for worthless degrees because they want to smoke pot and drink through their years of school and then don't want to pay their debt? Why are pimps baby daddys to a dozen women and gather up those EBT cars every month. Who do shitters at OWS whine about more donations, especially condoms that they expect for free.

I'd rather Wall Street took it all.

I can agree with much of what you say. I hate freeloaders whether they are illegal aliens, welfare queens, or hedge fund managers. I know it is propaganda, but it is poor propaganda to believe that we Dems do not respect the value of a dollar. All of us have budgets at home that need to be managed very carefully these days.

I still do not understand what the problem is with some posters about OWS. We need to give it a chance. I would think you would embrace OWS considering the way the Teabaggers are fading from the political scene. They got in office because of one word, "Jobs," and they forgot it the minute they got to Washington, D. C. Time to move on, end your temper tantrums, and come to the 99% who have the real klout. 53% of Americans see the 99% as favorable. Only 27% see Teabaggers favorably, which translates to 73% do not see the Tea Party favorably. Frankly, I think the teabaggers blew it when they allowed the label "bigots" to stick

You had my attention up to the mention of "TeaBaggers". You are playing both sides against the middle. Why do you need to Demonize the Tea Party? Grow up. Try being less toxic. :)

It's about Principle, in the end, not Polls, especially when driven by misinformation.

This is a sad subject to post on. When Dick Armey and a few other rightys decided to 'create' a grass roots movement to put a new face on the Republican Party, their PR team came up with "Teabaggers." If they had only looked in the encyclopedia they would have learned that "Teabagger" carries a negative sexual connotation. But, the cat was out of the bag, here is one of their own people selling "Teabagger" buttons.


Since then the Tea Party has done everything they could to separate themselves from the word "Teabagger," but it is too late. Google will give you more under "Teabagger" than "Tea Party." I frequently throw the word "Teabagger" into my posts as a way to remind the Tea Party that they jumped without thinking, and this has been typical of their entire opperation. Also, whomever came up with those tea bag hats made a big mistake, the movement looked like joke. Are Tea Party politics a joke? If you want to be taken seriously, you must behave accordingly. Can you take this man's politics seriously, or does he look like he wants you to bring your income tax to his store?


Joe Kennedy said it, "In politics the facts are not as important as the perception."​

However, depending on your point of view, OWS has read the Tea Party play book. They know that the minute they take a stand on an issue, the media will start picking at their bones - so they do not commit - it is working. The 99% know that if they look too conservative or liberal, they will turn potential new members off - hence a strong middle class image - plenty of seniors, firefighters, construction workers etc.

Here is Bill Maher's now definitive statement on the Tea Party. The Tea Party should never have let this utube go unanswered, because now it has a lock on the left and some independents.


Dwight Eisenhower's daughter sat next to Maher as he did this classic Tea Party take-off.​

OWS is a broader movement, and there is room for you. This is becoming a global movement as the planet faces financial collapse. We Americans need to cut the crap and pull together ---------we need the talents of the right. But, as with the American Revolution 20% of the Tories left the United States after we won that revolution. All we are looking to get rid of today is less than 1%., or so I say. :eusa_pray: Truth is the only reason we had the American Revolution is because the wealthy wanted it. The same will be true today. OWS has allies in the 1% also. You can't argue with the source, it is Republican leaning ABC News division of Disney. 'Patriotic Millionaires' Petition Obama For Bush-Era Tax Cuts To Expire - ABC News Please keep an open mind.

I have watched the Tea Party deal with their Achilles heel "bigotry," while I feel sorry for them, they would not give the left a minutes piece if we had made a similar mistake with our name. So, "Teabagger" is here to stay. As for me personally, I rarely post on the Tea Party as it is passe. Perhaps this is because this practical Democrat agrees strongly with the Republicans on the illegal immigration issue. I believe the efforts in Arizona, Missouri, and Alabama have truly been courageous, while Democrats pander to Mexican American voters. Hell, Obama's policy is about the same as Bush's. Both promote amnesty. I am solidly in for deportation regardless of circumstances. This is a law enforcement, not racial, question.

The subject of this thread is, "Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows"​
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I can agree with much of what you say. I hate freeloaders whether they are illegal aliens, welfare queens, or hedge fund managers. I know it is propaganda, but it is poor propaganda to believe that we Dems do not respect the value of a dollar. All of us have budgets at home that need to be managed very carefully these days.

I still do not understand what the problem is with some posters about OWS. We need to give it a chance. I would think you would embrace OWS considering the way the Teabaggers are fading from the political scene. They got in office because of one word, "Jobs," and they forgot it the minute they got to Washington, D. C. Time to move on, end your temper tantrums, and come to the 99% who have the real klout. 53% of Americans see the 99% as favorable. Only 27% see Teabaggers favorably, which translates to 73% do not see the Tea Party favorably. Frankly, I think the teabaggers blew it when they allowed the label "bigots" to stick

You had my attention up to the mention of "TeaBaggers". You are playing both sides against the middle. Why do you need to Demonize the Tea Party? Grow up. Try being less toxic. :)

It's about Principle, in the end, not Polls, especially when driven by misinformation.

This is a sad subject to post on. When Dick Armey and a few other rightys decided to 'create' a grass roots movement to put a new face on the Republican Party, their PR team came up with "Teabaggers." If they had only looked in the encyclopedia they would have learned that "Teabagger" carries a negative sexual connotation. But, the cat was out of the bag, here is one of their own people selling "Teabagger" buttons.


Since then the Tea Party has done everything they could to separate themselves from the word "Teabagger," but it is too late. Google will give you more under "Teabagger" than "Tea Party." I frequently throw the word "Teabagger" into my posts as a way to remind the Tea Party that they jumped without thinking, and this has been typical of their entire opperation. Also, whomever came up with those tea bag hats made a big mistake, the movement looked like joke. Are Tea Party politics a joke? If you want to be taken seriously, you must behave accordingly. Can you take this man's politics seriously, or does he look like he wants you to bring your income tax to his store?


Joe Kennedy said it, "In politics the facts are not as important as the perception."​

However, depending on your point of view, OWS has read the Tea Party play book. They know that the minute they take a stand on an issue, the media will start picking at their bones - so they do not commit - it is working. The 99% know that if they look too conservative or liberal, they will turn potential new members off - hence a strong middle class image - plenty of seniors, firefighters, construction workers etc.

Here is Bill Maher's now definitive statement on the Tea Party. The Tea Party should never have let this utube go unanswered, because now it has a lock on the left and some independents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if88PgI-vfU]Bill Maher BECOMES a Teabagger - 4/23/10 - YouTube[/ame]

Dwight Eisenhower's daughter sat next to Maher as he did this classic Tea Party take-off.​

OWS is a broader movement, and there is room for you. This is becoming a global movement as the planet faces financial collapse. We Americans need to cut the crap and pull together ---------we need the talents of the right. But, as with the American Revolution 20% of the Tories left the United States after we won that revolution. All we are looking to get rid of today is less than 1%., or so I say. :eusa_pray: Truth is the only reason we had the American Revolution is because the wealthy wanted it. The same will be true today. OWS has allies in the 1% also. You can't argue with the source, it is Republican leaning ABC News division of Disney. 'Patriotic Millionaires' Petition Obama For Bush-Era Tax Cuts To Expire - ABC News Please keep an open mind.

I have watched the Tea Party deal with their Achilles heel "bigotry," while I feel sorry for them, they would not give the left a minutes piece if we had made a similar mistake with our name. So, "Teabagger" is here to stay. As for me personally, I rarely post on the Tea Party as it is passe. Perhaps this is because this practical Democrat agrees strongly with the Republicans on the illegal immigration issue. I believe the efforts in Arizona, Missouri, and Alabama have truly been courageous, while Democrats pander to Mexican American voters. Hell, Obama's policy is about the same as Bush's. Both promote amnesty. I am solidly in for deportation regardless of circumstances. This is a law enforcement, not racial, question.

The subject of this thread is, "Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows"​

From my perspective you could not be more full of shit. Feel Free to stick with the TeaBagger Label if you feel the need, no matter how juvenile. Maybe you can fantasize on being on a Date with Anderson Cooper standing over you, but hey, that's your fantasy. The Main Stream People that did originally came up with the name were not aware of what the Gay Community had turned it into. I don't fault them for not knowing gutter slang. The Tea Party walked away from the term long ago. So who are you trying to play Jackass.

Life Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness is what this Republic was founded on. Your attack is not on the Rich, but on the Right of Private Property, and Due Process, so Fuck You, I know how sad it is, and I really bleed for you, Jerk Off.

Keep feeding the Angry Mob with your Bullshit and lies. When the eye's are open, it's you that will be within reach. There is no substitute for Unalienable Rights, the Free Will, and the Righteous anger that goes with it. You however are feeding Anarchy, with the hope that when it burns itself out, your Totalitarian Utopia will be there to nipple feed whoever is left. So my message to you, is Fuck Off.
You had my attention up to the mention of "TeaBaggers". You are playing both sides against the middle. Why do you need to Demonize the Tea Party? Grow up. Try being less toxic. :)

It's about Principle, in the end, not Polls, especially when driven by misinformation.

This is a sad subject to post on. When Dick Armey and a few other rightys decided to 'create' a grass roots movement to put a new face on the Republican Party, their PR team came up with "Teabaggers." If they had only looked in the encyclopedia they would have learned that "Teabagger" carries a negative sexual connotation. But, the cat was out of the bag, here is one of their own people selling "Teabagger" buttons.


Since then the Tea Party has done everything they could to separate themselves from the word "Teabagger," but it is too late. Google will give you more under "Teabagger" than "Tea Party." I frequently throw the word "Teabagger" into my posts as a way to remind the Tea Party that they jumped without thinking, and this has been typical of their entire opperation. Also, whomever came up with those tea bag hats made a big mistake, the movement looked like joke. Are Tea Party politics a joke? If you want to be taken seriously, you must behave accordingly. Can you take this man's politics seriously, or does he look like he wants you to bring your income tax to his store?


Joe Kennedy said it, "In politics the facts are not as important as the perception."​

However, depending on your point of view, OWS has read the Tea Party play book. They know that the minute they take a stand on an issue, the media will start picking at their bones - so they do not commit - it is working. The 99% know that if they look too conservative or liberal, they will turn potential new members off - hence a strong middle class image - plenty of seniors, firefighters, construction workers etc.

Here is Bill Maher's now definitive statement on the Tea Party. The Tea Party should never have let this utube go unanswered, because now it has a lock on the left and some independents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if88PgI-vfU]Bill Maher BECOMES a Teabagger - 4/23/10 - YouTube[/ame]

Dwight Eisenhower's daughter sat next to Maher as he did this classic Tea Party take-off.​

OWS is a broader movement, and there is room for you. This is becoming a global movement as the planet faces financial collapse. We Americans need to cut the crap and pull together ---------we need the talents of the right. But, as with the American Revolution 20% of the Tories left the United States after we won that revolution. All we are looking to get rid of today is less than 1%., or so I say. :eusa_pray: Truth is the only reason we had the American Revolution is because the wealthy wanted it. The same will be true today. OWS has allies in the 1% also. You can't argue with the source, it is Republican leaning ABC News division of Disney. 'Patriotic Millionaires' Petition Obama For Bush-Era Tax Cuts To Expire - ABC News Please keep an open mind.

I have watched the Tea Party deal with their Achilles heel "bigotry," while I feel sorry for them, they would not give the left a minutes piece if we had made a similar mistake with our name. So, "Teabagger" is here to stay. As for me personally, I rarely post on the Tea Party as it is passe. Perhaps this is because this practical Democrat agrees strongly with the Republicans on the illegal immigration issue. I believe the efforts in Arizona, Missouri, and Alabama have truly been courageous, while Democrats pander to Mexican American voters. Hell, Obama's policy is about the same as Bush's. Both promote amnesty. I am solidly in for deportation regardless of circumstances. This is a law enforcement, not racial, question.

The subject of this thread is, "Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows"​

From my perspective you could not be more full of shit. Feel Free to stick with the TeaBagger Label if you feel the need, no matter how juvenile. Maybe you can fantasize on being on a Date with Anderson Cooper standing over you, but hey, that's your fantasy. The Main Stream People that did originally came up with the name were not aware of what the Gay Community had turned it into. I don't fault them for not knowing gutter slang. The Tea Party walked away from the term long ago. So who are you trying to play Jackass.

Life Liberty, Property, and the Pursuit of Happiness is what this Republic was founded on. Your attack is not on the Rich, but on the Right of Private Property, and Due Process, so Fuck You, I know how sad it is, and I really bleed for you, Jerk Off.

Keep feeding the Angry Mob with your Bullshit and lies. When the eye's are open, it's you that will be within reach. There is no substitute for Unalienable Rights, the Free Will, and the Righteous anger that goes with it. You however are feeding Anarchy, with the hope that when it burns itself out, your Totalitarian Utopia will be there to nipple feed whoever is left. So my message to you, is Fuck Off.

In other words, Teabaggers were inept from the start in naming themselves 'Teabaggers,' so we should give those disorganized bigots a break?

You get one break out of me for the Tea Party on deporting illegal immigrants, but don't push your luck. Teabagging is the easiest win on the board. Let's not do it.

The subject of this thread is, "Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows"​
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I can agree with much of what you say. I hate freeloaders whether they are illegal aliens, welfare queens, or hedge fund managers. I know it is propaganda, but it is poor propaganda to believe that we Dems do not respect the value of a dollar. All of us have budgets at home that need to be managed very carefully these days.

I still do not understand what the problem is with some posters about OWS. We need to give it a chance. I would think you would embrace OWS considering the way the Teabaggers are fading from the political scene. They got in office because of one word, "Jobs," and they forgot it the minute they got to Washington, D. C. Time to move on, end your temper tantrums, and come to the 99% who have the real klout. 53% of Americans see the 99% as favorable. Only 27% see Teabaggers favorably, which translates to 73% do not see the Tea Party favorably. Frankly, I think the teabaggers blew it when they allowed the label "bigots" to stick

You had my attention up to the mention of "TeaBaggers". You are playing both sides against the middle. Why do you need to Demonize the Tea Party? Grow up. Try being less toxic. :)

It's about Principle, in the end, not Polls, especially when driven by misinformation.

This is a sad subject to post on. When Dick Armey and a few other rightys decided to 'create' a grass roots movement to put a new face on the Republican Party, their PR team came up with "Teabaggers." If they had only looked in the encyclopedia they would have learned that "Teabagger" carries a negative sexual connotation. But, the cat was out of the bag, here is one of their own people selling "Teabagger" buttons.


Since then the Tea Party has done everything they could to separate themselves from the word "Teabagger," but it is too late. Google will give you more under "Teabagger" than "Tea Party." I frequently throw the word "Teabagger" into my posts as a way to remind the Tea Party that they jumped without thinking, and this has been typical of their entire opperation. Also, whomever came up with those tea bag hats made a big mistake, the movement looked like joke. Are Tea Party politics a joke? If you want to be taken seriously, you must behave accordingly. Can you take this man's politics seriously, or does he look like he wants you to bring your income tax to his store?


Joe Kennedy said it, "In politics the facts are not as important as the perception."​

However, depending on your point of view, OWS has read the Tea Party play book. They know that the minute they take a stand on an issue, the media will start picking at their bones - so they do not commit - it is working. The 99% know that if they look too conservative or liberal, they will turn potential new members off - hence a strong middle class image - plenty of seniors, firefighters, construction workers etc.

Here is Bill Maher's now definitive statement on the Tea Party. The Tea Party should never have let this utube go unanswered, because now it has a lock on the left and some independents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if88PgI-vfU]Bill Maher BECOMES a Teabagger - 4/23/10 - YouTube[/ame]

Dwight Eisenhower's daughter sat next to Maher as he did this classic Tea Party take-off.​

OWS is a broader movement, and there is room for you. This is becoming a global movement as the planet faces financial collapse. We Americans need to cut the crap and pull together ---------we need the talents of the right. But, as with the American Revolution 20% of the Tories left the United States after we won that revolution. All we are looking to get rid of today is less than 1%., or so I say. :eusa_pray: Truth is the only reason we had the American Revolution is because the wealthy wanted it. The same will be true today. OWS has allies in the 1% also. You can't argue with the source, it is Republican leaning ABC News division of Disney. 'Patriotic Millionaires' Petition Obama For Bush-Era Tax Cuts To Expire - ABC News Please keep an open mind.

I have watched the Tea Party deal with their Achilles heel "bigotry," while I feel sorry for them, they would not give the left a minutes piece if we had made a similar mistake with our name. So, "Teabagger" is here to stay. As for me personally, I rarely post on the Tea Party as it is passe. Perhaps this is because this practical Democrat agrees strongly with the Republicans on the illegal immigration issue. I believe the efforts in Arizona, Missouri, and Alabama have truly been courageous, while Democrats pander to Mexican American voters. Hell, Obama's policy is about the same as Bush's. Both promote amnesty. I am solidly in for deportation regardless of circumstances. This is a law enforcement, not racial, question.

The subject of this thread is, "Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows"​

Ah, there it is, in the open; the REAL agenda; Global Socialism, One World Government. I wondered how long it would take for another reference; I caught the first one, and that confirms what you are, and what you really want. Yeah, I'll bet you keep your references to THAT oblique!

Here's what it boils down to: of course, you won't state all your objectives openly; you want to lure plenty of the frightened sheep into the fold with you, to facilitate your little revolution, and you'll use as much deceit and deflection to do that as you need to; after all, what you want from most Americans is just for them to stay out of the way, on the idea that you might be able to win a revolt with only the radical 20% or so really committed to the cause-as long as the others stay neutral. Straight out of Saul Alinsky's "Rules For Radicals"! What you forget is that the hard core right is approximately as numerous as you, and WILL fight you at every turn. I'd say the odds of you losing are pretty good.
Actually, no. I want them to live long and prosper! I'll help anyone who hurts the Left, and those losers the left panders to. The Left is my enemy, and I am their enemy. YOu may rest assure I will use any and everything I lawfully can to damage the Left, and its followers. As to the culture war, yes, the hippie culture sadly has contaminated our popular culture. After the war you eventually start is over, we will have to do a thorough housecleaning on that. I'm good with whatever it takes.

I'm with you. That's why I wish the glorious revolution well and hope it starts soon. I'm good with every company that leaves the country. They always do well, much better than staying here. Not only will I do anything to damage the left, but I'll help anyone who wants to damage the left! I don't care who they are. The nation at this point is best served by splitting up and separating.

I don't see much good in that.

I don't see why not. I'm not happy about it, but the reality is, that compromise between the right and the left is most likely impossible, at least in the long term, and some sort of separation is therefore almost inevitable. There's less and less common ground to be had, with every passing day, if indeed there is any at all. I'd rather we split up peacefully, if we still can, rather than do so after a potentially very ugly and bloody civil conflict. I see nothing to be gained by waiting for that to occur.

Put simply, this is not the same society that got through the Great Depression; it is far less resilient, and has far more serious stress cracks running through it. We have a variety of interests, social, religious, ethnic, economic and political, which simply cannot be reconciled, and it might be better in the long run to frankly acknowledge that, and go our separate ways, rather than attempt one stopgap solution after another until the whole thing explodes.

Look around, and see if you can honestly tell me, or yourself, that you see any real leadership that can pull things back together. We don't have that kind of leadership anymore, for the same reason we don't have real statesmen anymore; this society no longer wants leaders or statesmen, and so it cuts any potential ones off at the knees before they can develop. Now, with a real crisis upon us, we are paying the price for that. I don't believe we are AT a tipping point; I believe we PASSED that tipping point quite a while back. There is no longer anyone or anything to rally around, and so, the only real question becomes not if, but when, and how.
""Supplies and Support Pour into Occupy Wall Street from Every Corner of the US

"Liberty Square, NY — Today we want to spotlight the tens of thousands of people from across the United States and around the world who are supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement by contributing blankets, clothing, food, money, and other needed supplies. The support has truly been overwhelming.

"Over one month ago, hundreds, and then thousands, gathered in Liberty Square to protest unprecedented consolidation of wealth and power, plummeting household income, skyrocketing school debt, and a broken political system.

"In the weeks since, hundreds of thousands have rallied and occupied in cities and towns around the world. And people from every corner of the United States have sent donations of tarps, home baked pies, hand-knit mittens, and pizzas — with personal notes of solidarity and support."

America Supports #OWS | OccupyWallSt.org
I'm with you. That's why I wish the glorious revolution well and hope it starts soon. I'm good with every company that leaves the country. They always do well, much better than staying here. Not only will I do anything to damage the left, but I'll help anyone who wants to damage the left! I don't care who they are. The nation at this point is best served by splitting up and separating.

I don't see much good in that.

I don't see why not. I'm not happy about it, but the reality is, that compromise between the right and the left is most likely impossible, at least in the long term, and some sort of separation is therefore almost inevitable. There's less and less common ground to be had, with every passing day, if indeed there is any at all. I'd rather we split up peacefully, if we still can, rather than do so after a potentially very ugly and bloody civil conflict. I see nothing to be gained by waiting for that to occur.

Put simply, this is not the same society that got through the Great Depression; it is far less resilient, and has far more serious stress cracks running through it. We have a variety of interests, social, religious, ethnic, economic and political, which simply cannot be reconciled, and it might be better in the long run to frankly acknowledge that, and go our separate ways, rather than attempt one stopgap solution after another until the whole thing explodes.

Look around, and see if you can honestly tell me, or yourself, that you see any real leadership that can pull things back together. We don't have that kind of leadership anymore, for the same reason we don't have real statesmen anymore; this society no longer wants leaders or statesmen, and so it cuts any potential ones off at the knees before they can develop. Now, with a real crisis upon us, we are paying the price for that. I don't believe we are AT a tipping point; I believe we PASSED that tipping point quite a while back. There is no longer anyone or anything to rally around, and so, the only real question becomes not if, but when, and how.

There is more interest in breaking the country up than one might think. Several states have secession movements. Not all of them are conservative ones either. Vermont is unhappy that the country is not left enough for instance. They are unhappy with the pace of creation of the liberal utopia.

The time has passed when there could be any leader to unite the nation. The ideaological underpinnings have just gone beyond anyone's ability. The left's idea is that of course we can be united, as long as everyone agrees with them. They fully and completely believe that they are in the majority and nothing short of an ice water dose of reality is going to change that. Even that won't help. What is going to happen to the left when next election the senate democrats and the president are voted out of office? The left, is so convinced that the people are on their side, they won't be able to stand it. They will challenge every election lost as fraudulent. The left both loves and hates democracy.

Like yourself, I would like to see an amicable divorce, by negotiation and agreement rather than a violent breakup. The only other future is to fall into the chaos of a brutal civil war with some foreign power stepping in to restore order and administer the nation's assets.
You guys are insane. :cuckoo: The US of A is not breaking up and there will be no bloody revolution.
When I recall the angry zietgeist in the nation during the time of the antiwar movement, AND the civil rights movements, and I compare that to what we're facing right now, I seriously doubt that a bloody revolution is in the making.

As much as some Americans now hate the "dirty smelly hippies" of the OWS movement, the absolutely disgust many Americans felt for the Yuppies, Hippies and anti-war protestors of the late 1960s was even worse than today.

Still we managed to roll with that and come back out of it, eventually.

And when this economic finally settles down and people get used to the idea that they are never again going to be in a real middle class and they give up all their delusions about winning the American Dream?

This national Scamocracy we call our American Republic will continue unabated.
You guys are insane. :cuckoo: The US of A is not breaking up and there will be no bloody revolution.

Whether the US of A is breaking up is not the subject. It should break up. It would be wise to do so in a planned and reasoned manner.

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