Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

No, about 95% of Americans have money in Wall Street.

That's an exaggeration, but let's say that most Americans do have a few dollars invested in stocks. That changes nothing, of course. Investment in the stock market is not a binary function, and either-or, it's a more-less.

You just want to make sure that those who build and produce things aren't represented.

On the contrary, the desire is to make sure that those who build and produce things -- the working class -- ARE represented fairly.

The problem here is that the ones you are calling "those who build and produce things" aren't. They're the ones who OWN things, which is not the same.
Listen up,little man, if you can't produce better than you have, and it's no big shame that you can't, given your obvious limitations, it might be best to let it go. Nobody will think any less of you than they already do, and most will forget all about it after a day or two, if that.
awww po' widdle Babsie getting her kyoot widdle nose outta joint becauwse teh big bad conservative isn't wetting her get away wif pumping pabwum?

awwwww pauvre pauvre petite bebe. Desole, ma petite chou. L'homme mauvais il voyager matinent... shhh sh sh sh sh.... Je chante pour vous...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpoudLoc8sY]Have You Forgotten? - YouTube[/ame]

I see I asked too much of you to come up with specifics and goals on how you're we're going to change and what the goal is.

pauvre pauvre petite bebe... Voila! Votre mama est la pour vous. shhh sh sh sh sh shhhhhhh....

holy fuck! not only are you beyond any rational thought, but you're pulling out 9/11 as...what? way to go, not. Not in ANY way, shape, or rational segue.

But you GO, girl. You're special.

In a really weird and inappropriate way, but special nevertheless.
I just picked a song you'd find most offensive Babsie.

And Voila, Pauvre Bebe... you freak out.

Dance monkey! Dance! Dodge that question. Ignore that logic! Dance Dance Revolution for me little monkey girl! Dance!

here, you can have one too.

Absolute true, but that is correlation to this astroturfed OWS bullshit. The tea party is actually grass roots, much like it was in the civil rights movement of the 1960's. The heat and pressure of society caused the conditions to spontaneously create the movement the same way you increase heat under a pot, soon it will boil. You can't predict where the first bubble will arise other than to say the bottom of the pan. But the OWS bullshit is as close to boiling as a stupid chef blowing bubbles in the pan with a straw and expecting pasta to cook.

Yes. When it is your cause it is "grass roots" and honest. When it is someone elses it is "astro-turf" and insidious.

You think all BUT 18% have money in Wall Street?

No, about 95% of Americans have money in Wall Street. Everyone with a 401K, a Union pension, a government pension or a defined benefits plan.

I'm sorry if I misconstrue your thought in any small way, but it wasn't presented in a very clear manner.

The top 1% is most represented (above all others) by our government tax code. They are also most likely to be Wall Street players.

You DO realize that the money you complain of has already been taxed, generally twice, before it is used for investments, don't you?

Kind of like the wales at the Casinos, except our society is not supposed to BE a casino, it is SUPPOSED to be a representative republic.

You just want to make sure that those who build and produce things aren't represented.

I would LOVE to see those who actually build and produce represented. it hasn't happened since two years before I graduated high school.
Absolute true, but that is correlation to this astroturfed OWS bullshit. The tea party is actually grass roots, much like it was in the civil rights movement of the 1960's. The heat and pressure of society caused the conditions to spontaneously create the movement the same way you increase heat under a pot, soon it will boil. You can't predict where the first bubble will arise other than to say the bottom of the pan. But the OWS bullshit is as close to boiling as a stupid chef blowing bubbles in the pan with a straw and expecting pasta to cook.

Yes. When it is your cause it is "grass roots" and honest. When it is someone elses it is "astro-turf" and insidious.



When you guys can actually answer the Logistics and end goals of "Hope and Change", it'll be a red letter day for the 'honesty in the leftists camp' file. Perhaps the ONLY red letter day.
Still hyperventilating, I see.

OWS has not presented any official list of demands.

Then why did you post a fraud?

There is a semi-official list of grievances.

A distinction without a difference.

That's what you linked to. A grievance is not a demand.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - I should get a free house because I want it and I should get it.

As I said, there were no demands.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - THEY are foreclosing on OUR houses. How the fuck are they YOUR houses? You didn't pay for them, you didn't build them, you don't pay the mortgage. They are YOUR (the Marxist dumbfucks) houses by merit that you want them and are squatting after breaching the contract to pay for them?

Those are YOUR words, not those of anyone involved with OWS.

How did my words get on a Marxist website? Why did you represent my words as those of the OWS?

I am not a Marxist,


probably no one alive today is a Bolshevik, and you are not going to find thousands and thousands of people in this country who believe in Marxism.

Thousands and thousands, huh? You have delusions of relevance. The hundreds of utter morons out there are indeed Marxists, or just along for the party.

If you think that the thousands of people involved in OWS are all Marxists, I'm not the one who's smoking something here.


Precisely my point. With the kind of massive support that OWS has,

Massive support?


You really are on drugs.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - these are a tiny group of fools. You claim 99%, when in fact you have .0000000000000099%

it's quite impossible for it to be a Marxist movement. There are a few Marxists in the U.S., to be sure, but only a few. This movement is MUCH larger than that.

The "movement" is a farce. A Soros driven idiocy that will soon be nothing more than yet another SUIE Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee fest.
awww po' widdle Babsie getting her kyoot widdle nose outta joint becauwse teh big bad conservative isn't wetting her get away wif pumping pabwum?

awwwww pauvre pauvre petite bebe. Desole, ma petite chou. L'homme mauvais il voyager matinent... shhh sh sh sh sh.... Je chante pour vous...

Have You Forgotten? - YouTube

I see I asked too much of you to come up with specifics and goals on how you're we're going to change and what the goal is.

pauvre pauvre petite bebe... Voila! Votre mama est la pour vous. shhh sh sh sh sh shhhhhhh....

holy fuck! not only are you beyond any rational thought, but you're pulling out 9/11 as...what? way to go, not. Not in ANY way, shape, or rational segue.

But you GO, girl. You're special.

In a really weird and inappropriate way, but special nevertheless.
I just picked a song you'd find most offensive Babsie.

And Voila, Pauvre Bebe... you freak out.

Dance monkey! Dance! Dodge that question. Ignore that logic! Dance Dance Revolution for me little monkey girl! Dance!

here, you can have one too.


I work the night shift

Didn't want you to think I was ignoring you, as inconsequential as I find you to be, but it is time for bed.

Not for nothing though, you are the useful idiot in your own case. I do hope they treat you well.

If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams

May your chains rest lightly upon you | Turbosmith

sweet dreams
Still hyperventilating, I see.

OWS has not presented any official list of demands.

Then why did you post a fraud?

There is a semi-official list of grievances.

A distinction without a difference.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - I should get a free house because I want it and I should get it.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - THEY are foreclosing on OUR houses. How the fuck are they YOUR houses? You didn't pay for them, you didn't build them, you don't pay the mortgage. They are YOUR (the Marxist dumbfucks) houses by merit that you want them and are squatting after breaching the contract to pay for them?

How did my words get on a Marxist website? Why did you represent my words as those of the OWS?


Thousands and thousands, huh? You have delusions of relevance. The hundreds of utter morons out there are indeed Marxists, or just along for the party.


Precisely my point. With the kind of massive support that OWS has,

Massive support?


You really are on drugs.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee - these are a tiny group of fools. You claim 99%, when in fact you have .0000000000000099%

it's quite impossible for it to be a Marxist movement. There are a few Marxists in the U.S., to be sure, but only a few. This movement is MUCH larger than that.

The "movement" is a farce. A Soros driven idiocy that will soon be nothing more than yet another SUIE Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee fest.
If the ATU does a sympathy strike... I'll be walking across that strike line in a fucking heartbeat. And I can probably name 40 others who will too.

We don't have time for this bullshit pumped by progressopimps and their stable of useful idiot protest sluts screaming 'gimme gimme'.

That shit didn't work when you were 6, it's not gonna work when you are 36 either. Grow the fuck up and get a job you pachouli scented slobs and irrele-hippies.
holy fuck! not only are you beyond any rational thought, but you're pulling out 9/11 as...what? way to go, not. Not in ANY way, shape, or rational segue.

But you GO, girl. You're special.

In a really weird and inappropriate way, but special nevertheless.
I just picked a song you'd find most offensive Babsie.

And Voila, Pauvre Bebe... you freak out.

Dance monkey! Dance! Dodge that question. Ignore that logic! Dance Dance Revolution for me little monkey girl! Dance!

here, you can have one too.


I work the night shift

Didn't want you to think I was ignoring you, as inconsequential as I find you to be, but it is time for bed.

Not for nothing though, you are the useful idiot in your own case. I do hope they treat you well.

If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams

May your chains rest lightly upon you | Turbosmith

sweet dreams
Well, at least if I'm a useful idiot, it's against tyrants and fascists who wish to enslave you too. Individual freedom is a harsh mistress it seems. Too harsh for the left's sheeple, which explains their constant desire to be penned up and sheared.

OWS idiot who doesn't realize one can acquire knowledge somewhere other than a college.


Capitalism doesn't work and neither does this guy.
I see I asked too much of you to come up with specifics and goals on how you're we're going to change and what the goal is.

I have an idea.

How about we amend our Constitution so that "money" is no longer considered free political speech, so that candidates can't be bought and paid for by the corporate shills whose vast deep pockets make your piddling collections of $20 donations look like pennies laying on a laundary room floor so valueless that nobody even bothers to kneel over to pick them up anymore.

I say amend the constitution, because our high court has already been bought and paid for and that is the only legal means of reddress we have.

Until then, enjoy the oligarchy.

has something changed recently?

........"war is a racket", Smedley Butler 1935. *shrugs*
Maybe we learned it from Randolph Hearst in 1899 when told by his reporters there was no fighting in Cuba.

"You provide the pictures, I'll provide the war!"

In this instance I think it's more. "You provide the protest, I'll provide the crisis" in this e-dog and pony show.

OWS idiot who doesn't realize one can acquire knowledge somewhere other than a college.


Capitalism doesn't work and neither does this guy.
Two pictures of the ends of the spectrums that make up the OWS crowd.

The Know-Nothing
The Learned-Nothing

His sign should read instead of "Capitalism doesn't work", "*I* don't work"

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