Occupy Wall Street: The Movement Grows

anti capitalism,, anti corporation,, anti is not reformi.. but dragon breath he don't know the difference..

what a fucking moron..
They're not a few, they're in the thousands;

No, they certainly are not. Even with Soros SUEI troops now on site, they are a few hundred.

they're not "drugged out morons,"

Yes, they certainly are.

they're not demanding free houses.

Yes, they certainly are, along with free tuition and free medical care.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee

The fact that you feel a need to mischaracterize them so blatantly is a sign that you are, indeed, afraid.

What I state are the facts.

Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee
You should be used to it from the good ole days back on another forum. You're still a problem child. The white cat may be gone, but the same brain keeps knocking you around like a badminton birdy.

Wow. Referencing the old country, using the term "problem child", and bragging about your internet cock size is like the triple crown of lameness.

You should be proud.

At least Citizens United fixed a major problem with campaign financing by allowing ALL corporations to support candidates fully, not just leftwing supporting unions.

All or none. That is my standard. Either everyone gets to play or nobody gets to play. the catch is, that money is still free speech and cannot be separated from money.

Of course, I will concede the right to ban corps from doing this if ALL soft and non personal monies are banned too. No unions, PACs, 927s, fund raising events bundling, group donations... nothing. Name, home address for everyone as individuals. You willing to accept those terms?

No. I don't think money is "free speech". If I aske a cop to let me off a ticket, it's speech. But if I ask him to let me off a ticket while handing him a 20, it's a bribe.

Funny that.
Here... Just in case you forgot who you were talking to.


Are you fucking serious? Go drink a beer man.

If I were to list the posters on here who actually could nail down a poster, you name would be so far removed from the list that it wouldn't even be funny.

Now, that's just my opinion, but since you seem to think you make some sort of insignificant impact on my life, it's relevant and should be introduced.
Can you imagine how many incredibly stupid names will be thought up for the kids that will no doubt be conceived at these "protest" parties? :razz:

You mean like "Moon Unit", "Dweezil" , "Peaceflower"?....oh, wait.....:lol:stupid hippies!
Nobody involved in OWS wants to "burn down" Wall Street (or they'd have done it by now -- plenty of opportunity).

Yeah, metaphor is within the domain of higher thought...

They want to rein in its excesses and make it obey reasonable laws and rules.

Excesses such as private property?

Again, the fact that you feel a need to blatantly lie about what the movement is about is a sign of fear.

No one has lied, sparky.

May as well stop there. You're drawing a picture of a conflict or competition between Jose and Moonchild, when the reality is that they're on the same side and the conflict is between them and the company they work for.

Does it hurt to be that stupid?

I mean, actual, physical pain?

Because our system is set up not to permit that.

Smoke another joint, sparky.
Your tinfoil is showing under your toupee.

You know what the difference is between American and Japanese corrupt politicians?

Japanese politicians STAY bought.

Please, return to the comfortable confines of the Conspiracy Cloakroom. The US may not be perfect, but it isn't this phantom government 'gnomes of zurich/tri-lateral commission' bullshit.

Here's a better solution but it demands both accountability and a smarter populace. Force all giving to be transparent for everyone to see. No soft or bundled cash. No group, union or business money. No PACs or committees to hide intent. Give all you want, your name and address will be taken down as an individual. If you don't want bought politicians, find the ones who haven't been given millions if not billions of dollars by special interest.

Yes. Insult me. I am the real problem here. And keep chiping your $20 to your candidate of choice. McCain-Fiengold was just over ruled on. We haven't even begun to see the end of the wormhole.

Why would the right wing so vigourously defend the right of corporations to "be people" and buy and sell politicans and how did ordinary people get duped into thinking it was a good idea?

At any rate, I thought the problem here was people were bitching without offering any ideas? I am not opposed ot your idea. It's a good start.

you appear to have a handle on what the problem is from their perspective, or 'problems' at large...(?)

if you were their spokesman, what would you say if asked to explain the platform?

I don't know. I was on the job until midnight last night and, needless to say, I am not on Wall Street today. Nor do I really pay attention to the particular groups that comprise these events.

However, I think a nice and rational start is to address the money in politics. Like I said, why did the right wing talking heads expend an absurd amount of time railing against McCain -Fiengold? Do you think they are really concerned with the constitutionality of the issue? Laughable.
Can you imagine how many incredibly stupid names will be thought up for the kids that will no doubt be conceived at these "protest" parties? :razz:

Nobody could be more stupid then the Tea Party Geriatrics who called themselves "teabaggers" before they knew it had sexual innuendo attached to it.
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The distinctions between far left, middle left and left are meaningless. What they all are is the parasitic left. They exist not because of their own earnings or worth, they exist because of what they are able to suck off someone else.

They will continue to exist until the host shakes them off. Which isn't far off now.
No, they certainly are not. Even with Soros SUEI troops now on site, they are a few hundred.

No, on the days of biggest participation they've been in the thousands. I remind you that 600-700 were arrested trying to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That's more than you are crediting the whole movement with having.

About them being "drugged out morons," please check out this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJgWdfZqDj0]Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube[/ame]

Does this man looked drugged out? No. Are his responses coherent, quick, and signs of high intelligence and being able to think on his feet? Yes.

You're also totally wrong about what's being asked for or demanded.

Again, the need to blatantly lie about it is a sign of fear.
Most people don't want to burn down the house where they have their own stuff.

Nobody involved in OWS wants to "burn down" Wall Street (or they'd have done it by now -- plenty of opportunity). They want to rein in its excesses and make it obey reasonable laws and rules.

Again, the fact that you feel a need to blatantly lie about what the movement is about is a sign of fear.

Jose and Moonchild both get jobs as punch operators

May as well stop there. You're drawing a picture of a conflict or competition between Jose and Moonchild, when the reality is that they're on the same side and the conflict is between them and the company they work for.

Then why don't the ones who produce, just do it without the owners?

Because our system is set up not to permit that.

This CANNOT be emphasized more.

It is extremely difficult in many cases to start a business. Some of that is good..some of that not so much.
No, they certainly are not. Even with Soros SUEI troops now on site, they are a few hundred.

No, on the days of biggest participation they've been in the thousands. I remind you that 600-700 were arrested trying to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That's more than you are crediting the whole movement with having.

About them being "drugged out morons," please check out this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJgWdfZqDj0]Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube[/ame]

Does this man looked drugged out? No. Are his responses coherent, quick, and signs of high intelligence and being able to think on his feet? Yes.

You're also totally wrong about what's being asked for or demanded.

Again, the need to blatantly lie about it is a sign of fear.

One of the greatest interviews never to be shown on FOX.

It's great that people are carrying their own cameras!
Not only have Unions been joining, but now a couple of politicians. Kinda small potatoes at the moment, but it's still significant.

At the same time, GOP candidates are starting to weigh in on the protests, too. They'd likely keep mum about it if this weren't becoming a big deal.
No, they certainly are not. Even with Soros SUEI troops now on site, they are a few hundred.

No, on the days of biggest participation they've been in the thousands. I remind you that 600-700 were arrested trying to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That's more than you are crediting the whole movement with having.

About them being "drugged out morons," please check out this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJgWdfZqDj0]Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube[/ame]

Does this man looked drugged out? No. Are his responses coherent, quick, and signs of high intelligence and being able to think on his feet? Yes.

You're also totally wrong about what's being asked for or demanded.

Again, the need to blatantly lie about it is a sign of fear.

My, God....


Excellent interview that will never see the light of day on Fox, CNN, or any of the other corporate media interests.

OWS idiot who doesn't realize one can acquire knowledge somewhere other than a college.


Capitalism doesn't work and neither does this guy.

Neither did any of the tea party crowd when they were holding their "wholesome and virtuous grass roots protests".

In fact, everyone should get back to work. Ignore the man behind the curtain. Work your menial jobs to secure a spot in the rapidly diminishing middle class so at 18 years you can get laid off with jack and shit as your job is outsourced.

Don't dare question the Princes of Capitalism about what's going on. They have nothing to do with it.

listen to you whining like a little bitch.

These idiots need to learn to stop blaming everyone else for their pathetic lives.

No one owes these fuck ups anything I certainly don't and they;ll get no sympathy from me.
No, they certainly are not. Even with Soros SUEI troops now on site, they are a few hundred.

No, on the days of biggest participation they've been in the thousands. I remind you that 600-700 were arrested trying to cross the Brooklyn Bridge. That's more than you are crediting the whole movement with having.

About them being "drugged out morons," please check out this video:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJgWdfZqDj0]Occupy Fox! #OccupyWallStreet talks to Fox News and CRUSHES THEM #GlobalRevolution - YouTube[/ame]

Does this man looked drugged out? No. Are his responses coherent, quick, and signs of high intelligence and being able to think on his feet? Yes.

You're also totally wrong about what's being asked for or demanded.

Again, the need to blatantly lie about it is a sign of fear.

My, God....


Excellent interview that will never see the light of day on Fox, CNN, or any of the other corporate media interests.

It just so happens it DIDN'T see the light of day on Faux.
Skull Pilot, let me give you a hypothetical.

Let's say you're a marathon runner. One year, you run your race along with 99 other people, and 85 of them make it to the finish. The other 15 poop out along the way.

The next year, 100 people also run the race, but this time it's held in Colorado on a road that goes up a mountainside, so that it's uphill the whole 26-plus miles. Also, all of the runners have to wear boots that have lead weights sewn into them. This time, only ten people make it to the end, and you're not one of them.

Do you think it would be appropriate for someone to say to you, "stop blaming everyone else for your pathetic life"?

Why or why not?
Everything should be free! In fact, why bother going to college at all? Is it a place to meet guys and get laid? If everything is free, college is a way to pass the time.
Skull Pilot, let me give you a hypothetical.

Let's say you're a marathon runner. One year, you run your race along with 99 other people, and 85 of them make it to the finish. The other 15 poop out along the way.

The next year, 100 people also run the race, but this time it's held in Colorado on a road that goes up a mountainside, so that it's uphill the whole 26-plus miles. Also, all of the runners have to wear boots that have lead weights sewn into them. This time, only ten people make it to the end, and you're not one of them.

Do you think it would be appropriate for someone to say to you, "stop blaming everyone else for your pathetic life"?

Why or why not?

Let me give you one. Suppose you were running that race, believing you were heading the right way.... but, for your own good, and without your knowledge, someone decided that you should run the your own race - and add a few miles for some other guy cuz he can't run quite as far as you.

Honesty. It's important. Stop pretending this is a grassroots protest. It isn't. Acknowledge your puppetmaster - the Watermelon Man... don't be ashamed of it.

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