Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

In other words: "Stop thinking for yourself. We will tell you what your demands are, you dumb sheep"

Confusing this is. OWS posters are thinking for themselves and you called them dumb hippies who dont know what they are for, now you are claiming that OWS posters are waiting to be told what to think and are chastising them for crafting a message.

I think if you said "I hate their stupid faces" you would look less full of shit
Been posted

No, no one has proven that OWS is controlled by any one person or any group of people. What you presented earlier was worthless -- the source was garbage, and even if it had been true as to the facts presented (which it wasn't) it still would not have proven anything.
Again? POST my entire quote asswipe. You're showing how disingenuous you are and you aren't helping your case one bit, but nailing your own coffin.

grassroots my ass...

Again? POST my entire quote

No. But that brings up another thing. When I respond to someone, I will ALWAYS snip out any pointless insults and completely unnecessary rude and obnoxious comments. I don't see any point in replying to those, and ignoring them helps both my thought processes and my blood pressure.

If you want me to quote your entire post, what you need to do is ensure that all, or at least most, of your post isn't taken up with garbage like that.
Again? POST my entire quote

No. But that brings up another thing. When I respond to someone, I will ALWAYS snip out any pointless insults and completely unnecessary rude and obnoxious comments. I don't see any point in replying to those, and ignoring them helps both my thought processes and my blood pressure.

If you want me to quote your entire post, what you need to do is ensure that all, or at least most, of your post isn't taken up with garbage like that.

Actually, no. The rules on this board are that you don't alter other people's posts.... unless it is for length.... You do not set the rules on this board.

Again? POST my entire quote

No. But that brings up another thing. When I respond to someone, I will ALWAYS snip out any pointless insults and completely unnecessary rude and obnoxious comments. I don't see any point in replying to those, and ignoring them helps both my thought processes and my blood pressure.

If you want me to quote your entire post, what you need to do is ensure that all, or at least most, of your post isn't taken up with garbage like that.

Actually, no. The rules on this board are that you don't alter other people's posts.... unless it is for length.... You do not set the rules on this board.

I'd like to report the moron...but I am having fun smackin him around.
Actually, no. The rules on this board are that you don't alter other people's posts.... unless it is for length.... You do not set the rules on this board.

[Shrug.] Feel free to report me, then.

EDIT: I just read the rules. You lied again.
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FWIW, the 'establishment' didn't lie down and roll over for the hippies of the 60s, and it isn't going to lie down and roll over for these nut jobs. There are signs about the '1%' and the '99%'...well whoop ti doo! This country was built FOR the 1% by the 99%, and the 99% even send their sons to die for it. These nut jobs are a looooooooong way from western enlightenment! :cuckoo:

They apparently don't know the history of the 60s, and they are destined to repeat it.
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FWIW, the 'establishment' didn't lie down and roll over for the hippies of the 60s, and it isn't going to lie down and roll over for these nut jobs. There are signs about the '1%' and the '99%'...well whoop ti doo! This country was built FOR the 1% by the 99%, and the 99% even send their sons to die for it. These nut jobs are a looooooooong way from western enlightenment! :cuckoo:

They apparently don't know the history of the 60s, and they are destined to repeat it.
Indeed. The HippieFreak movement regurgitated by the very same hippie freaks that gave it birth and are in power now.
Their updated demands list....

Free drugs
Free food
Free soap
Free internet service
Free Mac products
Free STD drugs
Free buckets to crap in
Free sleeping bags
Free gas for the gas guzzzling beater cars
FWIW, the 'establishment' didn't lie down and roll over for the hippies of the 60s, and it isn't going to lie down and roll over for these nut jobs. There are signs about the '1%' and the '99%'...well whoop ti doo! This country was built FOR the 1% by the 99%, and the 99% even send their sons to die for it. These nut jobs are a looooooooong way from western enlightenment! :cuckoo:

They apparently don't know the history of the 60s, and they are destined to repeat it.
Indeed. The HippieFreak movement regurgitated by the very same hippie freaks that gave it birth and are in power now.

They figured out which side their bread was buttered on! These will too. That would be my estimation. This too shall pass.
A friend of mine has to walk by the "resistance". He said it stunk and there was trash everywhere.
I thought I saw Michael Moore going around giving $20 cheks every hour...I swear!
Actually, no. The rules on this board are that you don't alter other people's posts.... unless it is for length.... You do not set the rules on this board.

[Shrug.] Feel free to report me, then.

EDIT: I just read the rules. You lied again.

Altering posts is against the rules. No lie. Sad pathetic twit. I'm not surprised the Watermelon Man has you by the balls.
FWIW, the 'establishment' didn't lie down and roll over for the hippies of the 60s, and it isn't going to lie down and roll over for these nut jobs. There are signs about the '1%' and the '99%'...well whoop ti doo! This country was built FOR the 1% by the 99%, and the 99% even send their sons to die for it. These nut jobs are a looooooooong way from western enlightenment! :cuckoo:

They apparently don't know the history of the 60s, and they are destined to repeat it.
Indeed. The HippieFreak movement regurgitated by the very same hippie freaks that gave it birth and are in power now.

They figured out which side their bread was buttered on! These will too. That would be my estimation. This too shall pass.

Not before I get a chance to do to them what I should have done to their hippie progenitors, I hope! I want the chance to fight them, no rules, no quarter, and no mercy. If I can't get the ones who spat on me in the sixties, these sorry specimens will have to do!
In the early 90s the Grateful Dead rolled into my undergrad university for 2 nights of shows. Their following came too trashing the place and attacking the police that went after drug deals.

They are full of shit with the peace and save the environment bullshit.

A friend of mine has to walk by the "resistance". He said it stunk and there was trash everywhere.
Indeed. The HippieFreak movement regurgitated by the very same hippie freaks that gave it birth and are in power now.

They figured out which side their bread was buttered on! These will too. That would be my estimation. This too shall pass.

Not before I get a chance to do to them what I should have done to their hippie progenitors, I hope! I want the chance to fight them, no rules, no quarter, and no mercy. If I can't get the ones who spat on me in the sixties, these sorry specimens will have to do!

Get you a Harley, a tattoo, and a dew rag. Your time and money will be better spent!
A friend of mine has to walk by the "resistance". He said it stunk and there was trash everywhere.

Just like their hippie progenitors back in the sixties; some things never change! They smelled worse than the stinking Cong, and I'll bet these do too!
Actually, no. The rules on this board are that you don't alter other people's posts.... unless it is for length.... You do not set the rules on this board.

[Shrug.] Feel free to report me, then.

EDIT: I just read the rules. You lied again.

Altering posts is against the rules. No lie. Sad pathetic twit. I'm not surprised the Watermelon Man has you by the balls.
Ah leave him alone...he has a nose ring installation tomorrow...the collar he's wearing chaffes too much.

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