Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.
FWIW, the 'establishment' didn't lie down and roll over for the hippies of the 60s, and it isn't going to lie down and roll over for these nut jobs. There are signs about the '1%' and the '99%'...well whoop ti doo! This country was built FOR the 1% by the 99%, and the 99% even send their sons to die for it. These nut jobs are a looooooooong way from western enlightenment! :cuckoo:

They apparently don't know the history of the 60s, and they are destined to repeat it.
Indeed. The HippieFreak movement regurgitated by the very same hippie freaks that gave it birth and are in power now.

They figured out which side their bread was buttered on! These will too. That would be my estimation. This too shall pass.
They keep on? They won't have any bread or butter...just lots o' Gubmint cheese.
OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
I hope the NYPD are prepared.
OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
They figured out which side their bread was buttered on! These will too. That would be my estimation. This too shall pass.

Not before I get a chance to do to them what I should have done to their hippie progenitors, I hope! I want the chance to fight them, no rules, no quarter, and no mercy. If I can't get the ones who spat on me in the sixties, these sorry specimens will have to do!

Get you a Harley, a tattoo, and a dew rag. Your time and money will be better spent!

If you fought a war, and came home to have a bunch of dirty, filthy people spit on you, curse you, call you names, and wave the enemy's flag in your face, how would you feel about them, or anyone like them? Damn right, I hate their kind, and I make no apologies for that. They stole our honor, they stole the victory we won, and hate us to this day. I've been called the same names right here on this board, so they haven't changed, not one damn bit, except that now, they want to steal what we have earned from those of us who have been successful in spite of them and their ilk! So, by God, if they start something now, I want to return the "favors"! Damn right, I'm mean! I learned all about "compassion" from them!
If it was genuine.... why were these people not out supporting the TEA Partiers?

Because the Tea Party, in addition to advocating an end to corporate money corrupting politics (on which the leftist insurgency agrees), also advocates cutting out necessary government services, even further deregulating business which would make our problems worse, and other right-wing approaches to economics which we DON'T agree with. Agreement on one issue is not sufficient for complete support.

Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.

Admit you really don't know what you write about. Admit you're a parrot.0

Admit this thread is a circle jerk of echo chamber players.
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Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?
YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?

We could all get together and PRAY for rain.........that last for about a week..:lol:
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?

We could all get together and PRAY for rain.........that last for about a week..:lol:

They won't be out there in the snow.

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