Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants.

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

Occupy Wall Street--has already been infiltrated by the Teachers union--the SIEU--now you can imagine what the new LIST OF DEMANDS will be---:lol::lol::lol: That list will be bigger than any of Obama's bills---:lol:
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?

We could all get together and PRAY for rain.........that last for about a week..:lol:

They won't be out there in the snow.

On their web-site today--according to the minutes--they were discussing since it was getting cold--that they needed sleeping bags.

Buying sleeping bags--equals CAPITALISM
Eating or buying snacks at the store--equals CAPITALISM
Needing shoes and clothing to protest--equals CAPITALISM

Now I suppose they could cut down the trees in the park for shelter--eat worms in the park for protein--and kill the park animals for some type of shoes and clothing--but I doubt these protesters would do that.

They are so CONTRARY to their argument--it's almost laughable.
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We could all get together and PRAY for rain.........that last for about a week..:lol:

They won't be out there in the snow.

On their web-site today--according to the minutes--they were discussing since it was getting cold--that they needed sleeping bags.

Buying sleeping bags--equals CAPITALISM
Eating or buying snacks at the store--equals CAPITALISM
Needing shoes and clothing to protest--equals CAPITALISM

Now I suppose they could cut down the trees in the park for shelter--eat worms in the park for protein--and kill the park animals for some type of shoes and clothing--but I doubt these protesters would do that.
I'm sure the Cental Park Horse and buggy people have thier horses under armed guard.:lol:
OK, so.... being the curious type.... I went along to the Occupy Wall Street Website. It says...

So, if it's a leaderless resistance movement.... who the fuck is telling the rest of them to stop making hysterically moronic demands?
Well, if they want to use non-violence, they better uninvite the SEIU.

Occupy Wall Street--has already been infiltrated by the Teachers union--the SIEU--now you can imagine what the new LIST OF DEMANDS will be---:lol::lol::lol: That list will be bigger than any of Obama's bills---:lol:
It will be Wisconsin X10...just watch.
To those who are responding to my "prove it" above, it might help if I told you what would constitute proof.

Show that most of the people who are involved in OWS are receiving orders, directly or indirectly, from the people you say are running the show. Demonstrate that they are participating because they follow these leaders and their orders, directly or indirectly, and not because of their own individual and independent beliefs. It would help, and probably suffice, if you can show that most of the OWS participants are authoritarian types who tend to follow orders rather than acting spontaneously.

The involvement in the movement of certain individuals prominent in liberal politics, by itself, proves nothing.

Wherever you find one commie, you'll find the others in the vicinity, and this administration has drawn them to it, like a fresh turd draws flies!

That's because likeminded people attract one another. We associate people who are similiar to us.
We could all get together and PRAY for rain.........that last for about a week..:lol:

They won't be out there in the snow.

On their web-site today--according to the minutes--they were discussing since it was getting cold--that they needed sleeping bags.

Buying sleeping bags--equals CAPITALISM
Eating or buying snacks at the store--equals CAPITALISM
Needing shoes and clothing to protest--equals CAPITALISM

Now I suppose they could cut down the trees in the park for shelter--eat worms in the park for protein--and kill the park animals for some type of shoes and clothing--but I doubt these protesters would do that.

They are so CONTRARY to their argument--it's almost laughable.
They are killing thier own arguments. :lol:
YEP..I believe we will see violence soon. I hope the people who live there are prepared.
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?

Who cares? Let 'em die from hypothermia!
They won't be out there in the snow.

On their web-site today--according to the minutes--they were discussing since it was getting cold--that they needed sleeping bags.

Buying sleeping bags--equals CAPITALISM
Eating or buying snacks at the store--equals CAPITALISM
Needing shoes and clothing to protest--equals CAPITALISM

Now I suppose they could cut down the trees in the park for shelter--eat worms in the park for protein--and kill the park animals for some type of shoes and clothing--but I doubt these protesters would do that.

They are so CONTRARY to their argument--it's almost laughable.
They are killing thier own arguments. :lol:

No kidding--they just don't make SENSE.
For instance--I still have no idea what the Wall Street Occupiers are protesting?--:cuckoo:
The Man!


Resist we much!

Because the Tea Party, in addition to advocating an end to corporate money corrupting politics (on which the leftist insurgency agrees), also advocates cutting out necessary government services, even further deregulating business which would make our problems worse, and other right-wing approaches to economics which we DON'T agree with. Agreement on one issue is not sufficient for complete support.

Nonsense. cutting government "services" will only improve this nation.

Admit you really don't know what you write about. Admit you're a parrot.0

Admit this thread is a circle jerk of echo chamber players.

Sorry. I dont make it a point to lie. And Im not going to start simply so you can continue denying reality.
On their web-site today--according to the minutes--they were discussing since it was getting cold--that they needed sleeping bags.

Buying sleeping bags--equals CAPITALISM
Eating or buying snacks at the store--equals CAPITALISM
Needing shoes and clothing to protest--equals CAPITALISM

Now I suppose they could cut down the trees in the park for shelter--eat worms in the park for protein--and kill the park animals for some type of shoes and clothing--but I doubt these protesters would do that.

They are so CONTRARY to their argument--it's almost laughable.
They are killing thier own arguments. :lol:

No kidding--they just don't make SENSE.
Truth and Common sense...BAIN to the left. Whom will they blame for that deficiency in thier character?
When you have that many stupid idiots concentrated in an area, I think violence is a given.

They will look even MORE like the imbeciles they are when that happens.
Just wait as the temperature continues to drop in NYC? Have they prepared for thier stay? Whom will they blame for thier lack of preparedness? OwlGore and AGW?

Who cares? Let 'em die from hypothermia!
They will blame the owners of the building they are camped out in front of for thier short sightedness.
Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3Y9CARUwio]Anti-Semitism at Occupy Wall Street Protest [CLEAN VERSION] - YouTube[/ame]

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They are killing thier own arguments. :lol:

No kidding--they just don't make SENSE.
Truth and Common sense...BAIN to the left. Whom will they blame for that deficiency in thier character?

Well it certainly doesn't speak well of our education system--maybe that's why the Teachers union has decided to join this group--to do a little more EDUCATION on the basic's of what Capitalism really is--and how it benefits them?:lol::lol::lol:

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