Occupy Wall Street Website: “Stop Listing Demands” We Look Like Complete Imbeciles

Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.

Have you got a link to this site?
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.

AGREED---Now that the Unions have crashed the Wall Street Occupiers group--the LIST OF DEMANDS--is going to be bigger than a Pelosi/Reid/Obama 3000 page bill--:lol:

$Goat herder legislation.jpg

We don't know why we're here--nor do we know where we're going--but the UNION is here to LEAD us--even though THEY believe in Capitalism--and most of us don't--:lol:
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Most people are not interested in a list of demands from societial leeches...

These mindless buffoons are railing against financial institutions, instead of the body that makes the laws governing them. Ultimately, they will get arrested by the government. Know your enemy idiots.
Well when you make demands this dumb, it would make sense that they would be the type to follow people saying "let the organizers and law team speak"... so they don't want to represent you? Who are the organizers? Someone should go down there and ask the people who these people are they are following then.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.

Yeah. Was watching O'Reilly last night and according to him Moveon.org is one of the movers and shakers. Of course Soros the UAW, SEIU and the Teachers Unions are all backing these morons.

Must be a bitch when your power is sliding down the drain.

Do they really think backing this pack of unwashed morons is going to advance their cause??
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.

Yeah. Was watching O'Reilly last night and according to him Moveon.org is one of the movers and shakers. Of course Soros the UAW, SEIU and the Teachers Unions are all backing these morons.

Must be a bitch when your power is sliding down the drain.

Do they really think backing this pack of unwashed morons is going to advance their cause??

Put yourself in their place, Claudette. The alternative is Progressives running on their records in 2012.
You know, with this many missing village idiots, the rest of the nation should be pretty docile right now too. Kinda like when so many were locked up for about a year after the Seattle WTO riots. Wouldn't surprise me if over 25% of these fucktards were in Seattle for that too.

Protesting to most of them seems to be a social event. You know... break out your favorite chants... find that easy hairy armpitted red head in the khaki with the dreds to boink... Yeahhhhh... good times.

Hey...what else can you do with a liberal arts degree these days? Obama has the economy tanking so bad none of these "intellectuals" can get a job...at least protesting gets them out of their parent's basement for some fresh air...oh, and they get some free food!!!

If you want some serious laughs go to the Occupy Wall Street site and read the "minutes" of the meetings these idiots have to decide things. It's like Barney Fife, Floyd and Goober have left Mayberry...grown long hair and decided to protest against capitalism. A bigger bunch of idiots you'd be hard pressed to find on the planet.

Have you got a link to this site?

General Assembly Minutes 10/4 7PM | NYC General Assembly
Jesus. Talk about morons flying by the seat of their pants.

Mayby Soros should drop by and give em a few pointers on how to run their protest??
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For an appreciation of retro style, they should hose them down with patchouli oil. NYC is supposed to be a style leader, so it makes sense.
And these people think they have the right to control all of us?
Talk about the nation going down in flames. Jezzzzzzzzz
They were told that if they protested they could use the "vagabonds" to discribe themselves and it just sounded so cool between the bong hits
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Wonder when the rest of the New Yorkers are gonna get sick and tired of these Idiots??

I'm sure the NYPD is ready for them to leave.
"dude, it's getting cold, why are we here again?"

"its against my beliefs to buy stuff I need, can you buy me a sleeping bag, it's getting cold out here"

that's called great planning right there
Interesting. So now we have the web site backing up exactly what I was saying earlier: that those demands were the personal opinion of ONE person, posted in the forum, and were not "official demands of OWS" in any way, shape or form. That's been confirmed, but does one of you yahoos have the decency and intellectual integrity to say, "Well, all right, guess I was wrong about that"?

Ha! No, now that that's been confirmed, and the list of demands you were so outraged about shown for the bullshit it always was, you do a one-eighty and say this shows how the movement is telling people not to think for themselves.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Not exactly, First the demands put forward were from the protestors. If you had read one of them you would have seen they voted. In that tiny space those few were in.

Now as far as being scared, Yes the left does scare me. Weve seen what you have done to the war movement.

This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.

Can't speak for the rest, but this "movement" barely rises to the level of insipid and is only mildly annoying for the folks in the immediate area who continue to do what they do.


Bored to the point of involving myself in Tinmore and Stone's Palestine thread.
Wonder when the rest of the New Yorkers are gonna get sick and tired of these Idiots??

I'm sure the NYPD is ready for them to leave.

Heck, Claudette...the cops are pulling down major overtime hours because of this farce. They stand around shooting the breeze and then every now and then have to arrest some scrawny Poly Sci major? It's not exactly a tough shift.

The ones that are going to get tired of this sham are the people that have to foot the bill for all those cops...the NYC taxpayer.
Well it's beginning to gel. Unions are getting into the fray.

About fucking time.

And why do you think this is a good thing?

Thug mentality?

Non violent revolution it not thuggery.

Crashing the world economy and ruining milllions of families lives in the process is thuggery.


They did not tell these people to bring their guns did they?

They announced from the very begining that this was NON VIOLENT and acting in a violent way would eliminate you from the protest.

This is what Democracy looks like.
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This movement scares the crap out of you guys. It couldn't be more obvious. Your mental contortions in response to it are nothing short of pathetic.
Well, the movement does 'scare' me as much as a bowel movement would. Not that turds actually scare me, though. But the sentiment associated with them is spot on. :thup:
And why do you think this is a good thing?

Thug mentality?

Non violent revolution it not thuggery.

Crahing the world economy and ruining milllions of families lives in the process is thuggery.


They dud not tell these people to bring their guns did they?

They announced from the very begining that this was NON VIOLENT and acting in a violent way would eliminate you from the protest.

This is what Democracy looks like.

So your calling George Soros a thug now? :eusa_whistle:
I say let them protest for as long as they want to. On the most part, it is non violent (although there will always be a bad apple in every crowd).
Freedom of speech the right to protest are basic American liberties.

Unlike those that oppose the Tea Party, I will not speek negatively of these protesters. I admire their commitment and applaud their efforts.

However, I disagree with their sentiments.

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